
《镖王传奇》电视剧全集 - 高清免费在线观看 - 瓜田网
导演:三丑 主演:齐召 尤大庆 贺玉瑶 刘梓娇 常信忠 刘东健 张辛荣
张辛荣在新戏《镖王传奇》中饰演过山风, 30岁左右,是土匪山寨的大当家, 在到县城抢一丈红做压寨夫人时,得知她被“江南镖王”齐昭纳妾,半夜攻打镖局,后被齐昭打败被抓, 10年后出来改头换面做了一丈红家里的保镖, 目的是谋夺一丈红家的家产,强迫一丈红为妻。
-- 镖王传奇镖王传奇剧情介绍浏览 748主演: 暂无文章来源:集数:50集在线观看:发布日期: 00:00:01这是一篇关于镖王传奇剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清镖王传奇请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看剧名:镖王传奇制作机构:东阳长城影视传媒有限公司许可证号: 甲第183号题材:近代革命集数:50拍摄日期:2015.2制作周期:10个月电视剧《镖王传奇》剧情介绍大刀世家传人齐昭曾是宣统皇帝御前侍卫。民国初年,齐昭为报杀父仇离京返乡,重振镖局,开设武馆,在军阀混战的乱世捍卫和推广中国武术,先后打败东洋武士和西洋拳师的挑战,被尊称为“江南镖王”。可他万万没想到造化弄人,他最信任的两个师弟中,一个是日本黑龙会成员,想尽办法拉他下水当汉奸,而另一个却是有夺妻之恨的救命恩人。更让齐昭没想到的是,他心爱的女子竟是杀父仇人的掌上明珠。在风波险恶的江湖中,他的命运起伏跌宕、危机重重。齐昭恪守“仁义礼智信”的祖训,凭借高超武功一次次化解危机,坚守道义。后齐昭在地下党的积极引导下秘密入党,并组建抗日游击队。当齐昭苦苦寻觅二十年的真相终于水落石出之际,七七事变爆发,日寇入侵中国,而他的杀父仇人却作为国军军官奔赴抗日前线。齐昭为了国恨放弃家仇,参加共产党游击队,和杀父仇人并肩抗日,浴血奋战。镖王传奇相关剧情镖王传奇英文剧情Broadsword family descendant JiZhao was xuantong emperor queen bodyguard. Republic, JiZhao revenge father to leave home and revive yuen, and then went to open, the warlords gone with defending and promoting the Chinese martial arts, has defeated ninja and the challenge of western boxer, is regarded as jiangnan dart king. But he never expected iwait, his most trusted two teacher younger brother, one is the black dragon will be members, try their best to pull him in the water when the traitors, and the other is a hate of the man took his wife. More let JiZhao thought, his beloved woman was killed father an enemys eye. In the storm sinister rivers lake, his ups and downs, the fate of the crisis. JiZhao scrupulously abide by righteousness and propriety wisdom letter ZuXun, with superb martial arts and defuse the crisis, stick to the moral. After JiZhao under communist actively guide secret to join the party, and sets up the anti-japanese guerrilla. When JiZhao for twenty years to finally get to the bottom of the truth, the July 7th incident broke out, the Japanese aggressors invaded China, and he killed father an enemy but as a military officer to the anti-japanese front. JiZhao hate to give up the family business, for countries to participate in the communist guerrillas, and shoulder the anti-japanese killed father an enemy, fought. 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情


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