xbox game pass的xboxgamepass中文游戏戏有哪些

微软推出免费游戏?Xbox Game Pass服务?
下面小编给大家分享下最近的软件资讯:微软在游戏服务方面一直都是很积极的,现在微软在原有的XboxLIVE之外,又推出了一个新的包月服务XboxGamePass。想了解的网友们,跟着小编一起来看看吧!据悉,订阅了XboxGamePass的玩家可以免费畅玩超过100款XboxOne和向下兼容的Xbox360游戏,这些游戏中不乏《光环5》这样的大作。XboxGamePass月费为9.99美元。目前,微软已经与2K,505Games、万代南梦宫、卡普空、Codemasters、DeepSilver、FocusHome、SEGA华纳和MicrosoftStudios等发行商达成了合作。今后还会有游戏陆续加入XboxGamePass阵容。XboxGamePass的模式很像之前EA推出了会员,不过EA会员仅仅是EA旗下的品牌游戏,而XboxGamePass则有更多的发行商加入进来。通过XboxGamePass,XboxOne玩家可以下载完整的游戏,而不是像索尼PSNow那样使用流服务,因此无需担心连接或流媒体问题。上面就是小编和大家讲的Xbox Game Pass服务推出免费游戏的内容!想了解更多资讯,请多多关注未来软件园,里面还有更多精彩资讯等着你!XboxGamePass4月免费游戏有哪些 四月新增游戏阵容公布-闽南网
XboxGamePass4月免费游戏有哪些 四月新增游戏阵容公布
  XboxGamePass4月免费游戏有哪些?相信小伙伴们一定很好奇,四月将有八款游戏加入Xbox Game Pass的游戏库,下面小编为大家带来了2018年4月游戏库内容一览,感兴趣的小伙伴赶紧跟着小编一起来看看吧。
  【Xbox游戏通行证,四月新增游戏阵容公布!】四月又将有八款游戏加入Xbox Game Pass的游戏库,你可以:
  1. 在《城市:天际线》中,建造属于自己的城市。
  2. 追随《猎人:野性的呼唤》,培养耐心,成为老猎人。
  3. 踏上《王国:新大陆》,勇敢前行,战斗到最后。
  4. 卷入《晚班》的犯罪现场,面临180多种抉择,证明自己的清白。
  5. 成为《传送门骑士》,在像素世界里开启冒险之旅。
  6. 进入《机器人世界:无限》,拼装出各种独特的机器人,并最终驾驶载具和其他玩家决斗。
  7. 在《神圣堡垒》中,控制三名勇士,通过独特的技能配合,对抗Ashen帝国。
  8. 踏上《卡车跑酷》,挑战速度的极限。
  Xbox Game Pass会员制服务在去年6月1日上线,每月价格为9.99美元或79港币,订阅后可享受超百款Xbox One和Xbox 360数字版游戏无限制游玩,同时如果游玩过后觉得不错玩家也可以8折优惠价格购买游戏作品,而购买相关DLC或季票等附加内容还可享受9折优惠。
  在今年1月底,微软确认Microsoft Studios推出的Xbox One独占游戏都将在他们全球首发当天加入Xbox Game Pass,即购买了Game Pass服务今后在《盗贼之海》《除暴战警3》和《腐烂国度2》以及包括《光环》《极限竞速》《战争机器》等新作发售当天就可以畅玩。
  另外,购买了Game Pass的玩家还可以在PC上游玩XPA游戏,也就是说只要Game Pass中存在XPA游戏,那么这款游戏也支持在PC上游玩。
原标题:XboxGamePass4月免费游戏有哪些 2018年4月游戏库内容一览
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> Xbox Game Pass阵营将迎来八款新游戏
Xbox Game Pass阵营将迎来八款新游戏
& & & &最新消息 欧洲冠军杯正在如火如荼地进行着,同时俄罗斯世界杯也将在夏季拉开帷幕,如今微软为广大球迷玩家带来了一个好消息,那就是科乐美的《PES 2018》将会加入5月份的Xbox Game Pass,只要你是XGP会员就可以免费游玩。同时预计EA也将在不久之后将《FIFA 18》加入EA会员中,也就是说Xbox One用户可以免费享受到两款足球大作。
微软Xbox在昨天晚上公布了即将加入Xbox Game Pass的八款游戏,包括《腐烂国度2》、《PES2018》、《国土防线:革命》、《脱逃者》、《胡闹厨房》、《激光联盟》、《索尼克与纳鲁克斯》、《不机械城:扩展版》。
其中《腐烂国度2》在5月22日正式发布之后就可以加入Xbox Game Pass阵营,届时XGP会员用户可以立即游玩到这款游戏。此外《PES 2018》也将加入到XGP阵营,这对于喜爱足球的玩家来说无疑是天大的好消息。
目前微软正在对Xbox Game Pass进行折扣促销,一个月的XGP会员仅10港币。Xbox Game Pass | Start Your Free Trial | Xbox
After your free trial, Xbox Game Pass continues at just $9.99/month. Cancel anytime.
Get Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, and Crackdown 3 with Xbox Game Pass the day they’re released.**
Get Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, and Crackdown 3 with Xbox Game Pass the day they’re released.**
Get Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, and Crackdown 3 with Xbox Game Pass the day they’re released.**
for an Xbox Game Pass subscription
Browse the Xbox Game Pass catalog
or on your Xbox dashboard
Install your choice of games
Play as much as you want, whenever you want
Love a game currently in the existing catalog and want to own it? You can buy it and save up to 20%, plus get 10% off any Xbox One game add-on***
Play a huge library of Xbox One and Xbox 360 backward compatible games on your Xbox One console.
With new games added every month, Xbox Game Pass is your ticket to endless play.
What is Xbox Game Pass?
For one low monthly price, enjoy unlimited access to over one hundred great Xbox One and Xbox 360 titles. With so many games to discover and download, your Xbox experience will never be the same.
Is Xbox Game Pass available in my market?
Xbox Game Pass is currently available in the following markets. More to come soon!
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, United Arab Emirates, United States.
How do I get Xbox Game Pass?
You can purchase the Xbox Game Pass on your Xbox One Console,, or in the Microsoft Store.
How do I manage or cancel my Xbox Game Pass?
for info on how to manage or cancel your Xbox Game Pass
How do I find games?
Visit Xbox Game Pass or the Recently Added channel within the Xbox Game Pass Lounge to check out the latest catalog and learn more about Xbox Game Pass. Each month, Xbox will update Xbox Game Pass and share via social channels new titles being added to Xbox Game Pass. Games will be added and removed from the catalog over time.
How do I manage my games?
You can easily manage your Xbox Game Pass downloaded games library through My Games & Apps on your Xbox One console. You can also visit Xbox Game Pass on console, Xbox Game Pass online, or Xbox App to select and download new titles.
Will new Microsoft Studios titles be removed from the Xbox Game Pass catalog?
New Microsoft Studios titles are added to Xbox Game Pass with the intention of them being a regular part of the ongoing catalog for Xbox Game Pass members.
How do Xbox One game and add-on discounts work?
Xbox Game Pass members can save up to 20% on Xbox One games purchased from the existing catalog, as well as 10% off any Xbox One game add-ons. Discounts are based on the Microsoft Store price and are tiered based on the game’s global launch date. Between 31 and 90 days from a game’s launch date, members receive a 10% discount off the Microsoft Store price. After 90 days from a game’s launch date, members receive a 20% discount. For game add-ons, Xbox Game Pass members receive a 10% discount from the day the add on is released.
Can I use Xbox Game Pass on my Windows 10 PC?
Xbox Game Pass is an Xbox One, Xbox Play Anywhere, and Xbox 360 backwards compatibility game subscription for Xbox One. Xbox Game Pass currently features a select number of Xbox Play Anywhere games that is continually increasing. The latest list of Xbox Play Anywhere titles can be viewed at
Why do games not stream?
Based on fan feedback, streaming/connectivity issues were identified as a major pain point for game subscription services. Xbox Game Pass lets members download and play offline for up to 30 days, in full fidelity.
Where can I play games in the Xbox Game Pass catalog?
You can play Xbox One and Xbox 360 backward compatible titles in the Xbox Game Pass catalog on your Xbox One console. Xbox Game Pass currently features a select number of Xbox Play Anywhere games that is continually increasing. The latest list of Xbox Play Anywhere titles can be viewed at
How do I know what I get with my Xbox Game Pass membership?
Your Xbox Game Pass membership offers an array of benefits, including unlimited access to a catalog of over 100 great Xbox One and Xbox 360 games, as well as exclusive discounts and offers. Check Xbox Game Pass on console, or Xbox Game Pass online any time for information on subscription benefits.
Does Home Console work with Xbox Game Pass?
Standard Xbox home sharing policies apply to Xbox Game Pass, just as they do to Xbox Live Gold.
Can I play multiplayer games within the Xbox Game Pass catalog?
Members will need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to access multiplayer features and functionality in Xbox Game Pass games (Gold membership sold separately).
How long do I have access to games within the Xbox Game Pass catalog?
Xbox Game Pass members enjoy unlimited access to over 100 great games within Xbox Game Pass catalog, until either the subscription is canceled/expires, or a game leaves the Game Pass catalog.
Do I have to have Xbox Live Gold?
Members need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to access multiplayer features and functionality in Xbox Game Pass games (Gold membership sold separately).
If I download a game, can I access it after it leaves the catalog?
Once a title leaves the Xbox Game Pass catalog, you will need to insert a disc, purchase a digital copy from the Microsoft Store, or obtain another form of entitlement (like a trial) to continue playing. Remember, Xbox will notify users prior to a game leaving the Xbox Game Pass catalog. And, as a member, you can purchase any Xbox One game in the Xbox Game Pass catalog for up to 20% off (or the best available discounted price) to continue playing a game once it leaves the catalog. Xbox Game Pass discounts are not combinable with other offers and are not discount offers exclude titles within 30 discounts based on Microsoft Store price.
If I download a game, will it be deleted if it leaves Xbox Game Pass or my subscription cancels/expires?
Your space is your space. Games will not be deleted from your hard drive until you want them gone, even if they have rolled out of the Xbox Game Pass catalog.
Are games with all ratings included?
The Xbox Game Pass catalog is very diverse, containing titles suitable for all ages.
How often are new games added to the Xbox Game Pass catalog?
New games are added to the Xbox Game Pass catalog on the 1st of every month.
Do family settings apply to Xbox Game Pass?
Yes, parental controls will apply to Xbox Game Pass.
How long does it take to download a game?
Download times are not faster or slower for Xbox Game Pass titles. The time to download a game depends on each title's installation size, as well as the user's bandwidth connection.
Do I buy DLC separately?
Yes. Members can purchase DLC at 10% off the retail price (or the best available discounted price) for Xbox One games while the game is within the Xbox Game Pass catalog. Xbox Game Pass discounts are not combinable with other offers and are not discount offers exclude titles within 30 discounts based on Microsoft Store price.
The game is installed. Why won't it play?
If a game was installed with Xbox Game Pass but will no longer play, make sure your Xbox Game Pass membership is active and the game is still in the current catalog.
Can we request games?
We’re always interested in hearing your thoughts on all things Xbox, so we can work to bring you the games and experiences you want most. Keep the feedback coming by visiting
The game I played was in the list but it's now gone.
Titles may exit the Xbox Game Pass catalog after a period. Xbox Game Pass members can purchase Xbox One titles for up to 20% off (and DLC for 10% off) before the title leaves the active Xbox Game Pass catalog. Xbox Game Pass discounts are not combinable with other offers and are not discount offers exclude titles within 30 discounts based on Microsoft Store price.
Can I see content in the catalog that I can't download?
Xbox Game Pass offers members unlimited access to all games offered in the current catalog.
If a game leaves the Xbox Game Pass catalog, does the DLC get removed or do I get to keep it?
Your space is your space. Games and DLC will not be deleted from your hard drive until you want them gone, even if they have rolled out of the Xbox Game Pass catalog.
If you purchase DLC for a game within the Xbox Game Pass catalog that later leaves the catalog, your rights to the DLC will be unaffected. To continue playing the DLC, users can purchase the game from the Microsoft Store, insert a disc, or find another valid entitlement to the game. Achievements, game saves, user data, and progress all save to the Cloud, so you can pick up right where you left off.
What are the Xbox Game Pass Subscription Details?
Xbox Game Pass is an Xbox One, Xbox Play Anywhere, and Xbox 360 backwards compatibility game subscription for Xbox O an active subscription is required to play games. Titles and number of games included may vary over time and by country, and may not be available in all countries. Subscription continues to be charged monthly at then-current price ( plus applicable taxes) unless cancelled. C see
DLC sold separately. Notice before purchase of DLC: If you purchase DLC for a game that is later removed from Game Pass, or your Game Pass subscription is terminated, you will need to purchase the game separately to continue using the DLC.
Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required for some games and online multiplayer on Xbox One. Download charges may apply as set by your ISP.
Some titles may only be available for download by account holders 18 years and older. Game Pass discounts are not combinable with other offers and are not discount offers exclude titles within 30 discounts based on Microsoft Store price. Requirements, features, online services, or subscription subject to change and/or retirement. Subject to the Microsoft Services Agreement
The next generation of live game streaming
Play together with Xbox&Live&Gold
**Sea of Thieves also requires Xbox Live G sold separately.
***Discount offers exclude titles within 30 discounts based on Microsoft Store price.
Xbox Game Pass is an Xbox One, Xbox Play Anywhere, and Xbox 360 backward compatibility game subscription for Xbox O an active subscription is required to play games. Titles and number of games included may vary over time and by country, and may not be available in all countries. Subscription continues to be charged monthly at then-current price ( plus applicable taxes) unless cancelled. C see . DLC sold separately. Notice before purchase of DLC: If you purchase DLC for a game that is later removed from Game Pass, or your Game Pass subscription is terminated, you will need to purchase the game separately to continue using the DLC.
Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required for some games and online multiplayer on Xbox One. Download charges may apply as set by your ISP.
Some titles may only be available for download by account holders 18 years and older. Game Pass discounts are not combinable with other offers and are not discount offers exclude titles within 30 discounts based on Microsoft Store price. Requirements, features, online services, or subscription subject to change and/or retirement. Subject to the Microsoft Services Agreement ().
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