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Steam开通中国价格区 多数游戏价格只需美区一半
&&&&&& Steam现在是流行世界的游戏购买方式,中国区的游戏买家也不在少数。为了能吸引更多中国玩家购买,日前steam推出了中国价格区,玩家可以直接用人民币来结算购买,比之前以美元为价格单位划算很多。
&&  什么是的价格区域?简单来说,就是Steam根据全球各个国家消费水平的不同,在该地区的定价标准也不同。在以前,中国玩家购买游戏是以美元定价的,游戏价格高不说,还要时常受到汇率变化的影响。
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  The dollar's slump worsened in the third quarter as economies chugged back to life and investors moved their cash into riskier investments in search of higher returns.
  The greenback may tumble further in coming weeks as investors bet that other countries will raise interest rates before the Federal Reserve, boosting returns on those currencies. But the dollar's weakness could come to a halt if it drops too low: Eventually, policy makers in Asia and Europe may start complaining that a weak dollar hurts their ability to export goods to the U.S., which could help the buck, while bearish investors may move to lock in profits by unwinding negative bets.
  投资管理公司Baring Asset Management驻伦敦固定收益和外汇负责人王尔德说,有可能还会出现一些痛苦,不过美元的跌势已经基本到头了。
  'There's potential for a little more pain, but the dollar's weakness has pretty much run its course,' says Alan Wilde, head of fixed income and currency at Baring Asset Management in London.
  In the quarter, the dollar lost 4.1% of its value against the euro and dropped 6.8% against the Japanese yen, dipping to 89.77 yen on Monday, its lowest level since late January. The dollar's losing streak, which began when stocks started rallying in March, has picked up steam in recent months. Currencies of big commodity-producing nations soared against the dollar, with Australia's currency rising 9.5% partly on optimism about China, a big buyer of its natural resources.
  While the dollar was weak, the British pound was even weaker. It lost 2.9% against the dollar and 6.9% against the euro. That decline came after the pound gained 15% against the greenback in the second quarter.
  Investors see the U.K. economy as particularly vulnerable to the aftereffects of the global financial crisis and few expect British short-term rates to rise anytime soon. Moreover, the Bank of England has warned against assuming a sustainable economic recovery is assured, further battering the pound.
  Currency markets were mostly calm during July and August, though the dollar briefly surprised investors by rising on a batch of better-than-expected U.S. economic data. For months, the dollar tended to fall after good U.S. economic news, since this pushes investors away from havens like the dollar into riskier investments. But pledges by global policy makers in recent weeks to keep stimulating the economy to ensure recovery have convinced investors that the U.S. won't soon raise rates.
  Simon Derrick, a currency analyst at Bank of New York Mellon in London, said the euro could hit the mid-$1.50s from its current level of $1.4634. He said the U.S. government's efforts to pump money into the economy have made dollars unusually cheap to borrow, and at a time when U.S. assets offer paltry returns. As a result, traders are borrowing dollars and using the proceeds to buy higher-yielding investments in other currencies, called carry trades, which tend to depress the borrowed currency. 'It's almost a flight out of the dollar,' said Mr. Derrick.
  Investors like Warren Buffett worry that the U.S.'s ballooning debts and unconventional policies could undermine faith in the dollar by sparking inflation that eats away investors' returns on assets with fixed payments like Treasurys. Mr. Buffett's investment firm, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., has made large bets against the dollar in recent years.
  The dollar's slide also is prompting questions about how long the world's largest central banks will continue to consider it the best currency for their reserve holdings. Some critics, especially in China and Russia, have called for an alternative to the dollar or for switching to a system of multiple currencies.
  But the dollar's weakness could end up helping break its own fall before year's end, investors and analysts say.
  If the euro and yen keep strengthening, European and Asian exports would become harder to sell in the international marketplace. Earlier this year, several Asian central banks were believed to have bought U.S. dollars in the open market to keep their exports competitive. Germany, Europe's biggest economy, remains highly dependent on exports for growth, while French policy makers have raised such concerns in the past.
  Another factor: Traders have placed an unusually high volume of bearish bets against the U.S. dollar in recent weeks and may want to lock in profits by reversing those trades, analysts say. There also is a risk that earlier-than-expected U.S. interest-rate increases -- or a major crisis in emerging countries -- could end up pushing investors back into the dollar in the months ahead.
  对冲基金BlueGold Capital Management LLC董事总经理詹在谈到美元走软时说,现在可能已经接近尾声了。我敦促大家保持谨慎。
  'We're probably in the eighth inning of this process,' says Stephen Jen, managing director at BlueGold Capital Management LLC, referring to the dollar's weakness. 'I urge caution.'


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