
Android users without access to Google Play can .
Steam now requires the highest level of account security for instant trades and Market sales
Use a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to secure your account and avoid item holds
To trade away or sell items instantly you’ll need: a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled on your account for at least 7 days. Otherwise, to give you time to discover and stop items from leaving your account if your account is compromised, items will be held by Steam for up to 15 days.
Trade and Market Confirmations
Now you can confirm trades and market sales through the Steam Mobile App. Ensure items never leave your account without your approval.
Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator
Get the best level of Steam account protection with the Steam Mobile App. Use the app to enable your phone as a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to verify your identity. The authenticator generates a code that you need to enter every time that you log on to your Steam account. The code changes every 30 seconds, can be used only once, and is unguessable.
Chat with friends
Keep up with friends while on the go. Chat with friends from anywhere.
Shop the catalog
Browse the Steam catalog of Windows, Mac, and Linux titles from your phone. Never miss a sale again.
Remotely download
Remotely download and install your purchases straight to your PC at home.
Steam Guard
Enable your phone as a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator for the best level of Steam account security.
You can still
for additional security. This will help you recover your account or reset your password in the future.
What happens if I lose my phone? What happens if I get a new phone? .
VAT included in all prices where applicable.学习Steam?Google Play商店推出Early Access服务
日 来源:游迅网 编辑:御坂酱
&&&&【游迅网独家专稿,转载请注明出处】& &在最近举办的谷歌开发者大会上,谷歌宣布Google Play商店即将推出&抢先体验(Early Access)&服务,而且其运作方式和Steam非常像!看来以后安卓平台的用户们也有机会间接地参与到app的制作之中了,想想就让人激动。一起来看看详细内容吧。
& &近日,在一年一度的谷歌I/O开发者大会中,谷歌透露Google Play商店即将推出&抢先体验&服务,而随着Google Play商店&抢先体验&的推出,安卓平台的用户们也能够在选购各类应用(尤其是游戏)的过程中作出更加明智的判断了。目前,这一服务还处于测试阶段,并未正式上线。官方还称谷歌商店&抢先体验&服务与Steam商店的&抢先体验&服务的运作方式非常相似。
& &Steam平台的&抢先体验&服务最初是在2013年3月份被正式推出的,也是当下最为成熟的&抢先体验&服务平台。开发者在游戏的制作过程中可与Valve 发行小组进行联络,就自己的计划和兴趣与之进行交流。随后,发行小组将在所有前来报备的游戏中选出一些品质优良的作品放入&抢先体验&区域。玩家可以通过查看 Steam 上的&抢先体验游戏列表&寻找自己感兴趣的游戏进行购买和游玩。玩家还可以参与到该游戏的制作中,向开发者提供反馈、参与相关讨论、发布截图和攻略。而&抢先体验游戏列表&中游戏的正式发行时间则由开发者来决定。
& &&抢先体验&可以说是一个改变了游戏产业运作方式的概念。通过&抢先体验&,玩家可以提前游玩一款还处于制作过程中的游戏,并且给予开发者反馈。这一概念的出现使得游戏制作人能够在游戏正式发售之前充分听取玩家的意见,从而更好地对游戏进行完善、提升其质量,而不必非得等到资金到位之后才能把作品展现在公众面前。
& &对于&抢先体验&服务,Badland工作室的开发人员Sean Pollman曾评价说:&许多开发者在制作游戏的过程中都希望和玩家及游戏有所互动。&抢先体验&将使我们有机会在继续游戏开发的同时收到玩家的重要反馈以及Steam社区玩家群体的支持、给予我们新的灵感。&
& &此外,与知名众筹平台Kickstarter相类似,&抢先体验&功能的价值还在于让玩家在充分对一款游戏进行了解和体验之后再决定是否购买,保障了信息的对称性。总之,这是一个使得开发者与玩家&双赢&的举措。可惜的是,在本周之前,安卓平台的用户这一服务一直无缘享受到这一服务。
& &除上述所述之外,谷歌还透露了关于这一新服务的相关细节。在Google Play商店的&抢先体验&服务上线之后,谷歌商店的编辑们会将处于&抢先体验&阶段的APP们集中放在一个区域内,并且将人气最高、品质最好的几款标记出来方便顾客查找。
& &另外,谷歌也正计划着将类似于知名消费点评网站Zagat的推荐机制引入Google Play商店。这一机制会根据顾客的情绪、活动、所属类别以及所处时间段进行相应的推荐。关于这一推荐机制如何应用到APP上,他们是这样回答的:谷歌会在根据用户的下载情况对用户的相关情况产生判断之后,使用某种算法自动为用户选择合适他们的产品。也正因如此,在Google Play商店上架app的开发者们也就无需去大肆宣传自己的产品了,&除非它真的特别特别棒&。
& &在成堆的app涌入Google Play商店的当下,谷歌对APP商店功能的就显得尤为重要了。这一尝试最后到底能取得怎样的结果呢?就让我们一起拭目以待吧。
男子买活体葫芦娃被骗笑出声,这帮人好逗! 世界政府、天龙人,谁才是世界第一邪恶组织?
2016年市场占有率暴跌一半,曾经的大佬为何沦落至此? 中国游戏制作者获得认可,精品佳作也越来越多。
CopyRight&2004年-年 < 游迅网 All Rights Reserved
Android users without access to Google Play can .
Steam now requires the highest level of account security for instant trades and Market sales
Use a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to secure your account and avoid item holds
To trade away or sell items instantly you’ll need: a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled on your account for at least 7 days. Otherwise, to give you time to discover and stop items from leaving your account if your account is compromised, items will be held by Steam for up to 15 days.
Trade and Market Confirmations
Now you can confirm trades and market sales through the Steam Mobile App. Ensure items never leave your account without your approval.
Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator
Get the best level of Steam account protection with the Steam Mobile App. Use the app to enable your phone as a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to verify your identity. The authenticator generates a code that you need to enter every time that you log on to your Steam account. The code changes every 30 seconds, can be used only once, and is unguessable.
Chat with friends
Keep up with friends while on the go. Chat with friends from anywhere.
Shop the catalog
Browse the Steam catalog of Windows, Mac, and Linux titles from your phone. Never miss a sale again.
Remotely download
Remotely download and install your purchases straight to your PC at home.
Steam Guard
Enable your phone as a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator for the best level of Steam account security.
You can still
for additional security. This will help you recover your account or reset your password in the future.
What happens if I lose my phone? What happens if I get a new phone? .
VAT included in all prices where applicable.


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