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UID741926主题阅读权限100帖子精华3积分3576金钱3064 荣誉137 人气1 在线时间183 小时评议0
帖子精华3积分3576金钱3064 荣誉137 人气1 评议0
(HC) - Requires Heightened Clearance Upgrade
(MC) - Requires Maximum Clearance Upgrade
- Amphibious
- Non-Amphibious
- Power Requirement
Amplified Bark - Instant Ability.
Riot Shield - Toggled Ability switches between two modes.
Unpack - Targeted Ability must select a location or target before using.
Attack Dog - $200 -
- A ferocious trained German Shepherd doggy which kills any infantry in one bite. It's a deadly bite at that! It is rather weak though, so you have to watch what you're running into. Dogs detect and bite spies.
Amplified Bark - The dog lets out a bark which stuns all enemy infantry around it for a few seconds, letting it clean them all up without fearing of being shot. Use this when fighting other dogs to make sure you win.
Peace Keeper - $200 - A shotgun equipped infantry. He does tremendous damage to close up units, but not much to farther away units. He doesn't attack air, but he can get close to infantry before he starts to shoot without much problem.
Riot Shield - 360 degrees of protective shield is put on the Peace Keeper, allowing him to approach enemies to deadly range without being afraid of dying.
Javelin Soldier - $400 - This one is a strong anti-vehicle or air soldier. They can fire for tremendous damage on any surface or air target. Their only problem is that they aren’t effective against infantry.
Laser Guided Mode - Somewhat like Laser Lock from Generals, this makes the soldier wait a bit before firing. In return, it fires a barrage of rockets very quickly. It makes these guys very good for taking out buildings, vehicles or whatever. Unlike Generals this was a targetted ability, they automatically fire in this mode until you switch them back out of it.
Engineer - $500 -
- The good old standby has returned! This unarmed infantry can heal friendly buildings to full health instantly or capture enemy or neutral structures. When he hops in the water he drives a Jetski, which unfortunately isn't very fast.
First Aid Kit - In this mode, the Engineer will act as a medic, healing nearby infantry. He can't capture buildings like this, but it's cool they brought the medic back.
Spy - $1000 -
- (Heightened Clearance) - Another unarmed infantry, but certainly not without great use. Target him on one of your infantry or an enemy to make it look exactly like one of them. Once disguised, send him into the enemy building for a temporary bonus. Send him into the Power Plant to shut down their power temporarily. Send him into the Construction Yard to see all their units and see what the enemy sees. I assume if you send him into a Superweapon, it'll reset the timer.
Bribe - 1000 - All the enemy units in the small radius around the spy are bribed and become permanently under the control of the spy's player. Good to borrow enemy tanks.
Tanya - $2000 -
- (Maximum Clearance) - Now in 100% blonde, Tanya is back. She still has the dual Colt-45s which decimate enemy infantry at a somewhat close range. She can also take out enemy vehicles by C4ing them. And buildings? They are dead as soon as she touches them. Her only weakness is long range base defenses and air units. She is completely capable of taking an undefended base out by herself in a matter of seconds.
Time Belt - Time is reversed for Tanya, bringing her position and health back to where it was a few seconds ago. Hindsight is 20/20, so this is a rather useful power.
Prospector - $1400 -
- This vehicle doubles as the resource collector for the Allies and also the unit which can transform into an Outpost for extra build space. It is undefended and lightly armored, so try to keep it safe.
Unpack - The Prospector deploys at the targeted location into an Outpost.
-Heightened Clearance - $1000 - All structures around the Outpost are upgraded to the next tier and can build advanced units and buildings.
-Max Clearance - $1500 - All structures around the Outpost can build the highest tech level of units and buildings.
Riptide ACV - $900 -
- This transport can carry five infantry or a few lighter vehicles. It is a hovercraft, but unlike the RA2 transports it can defend itself. It has two torpedo tubes for use in water which decimate early Naval units. On land it has a light machine gun which protects it from infantry. It can't attack the air.
Evacuate - All transported units immediately exit the vehicle.
Multigunner IFV - $600 - The IFV is back, but not better than ever. It is equipped with a missile launcher that attacks the air only on its own. It doesn't attack the ground. However, when you place a single infantry unit inside of it, it fires their weapon instead.
Attack Dog - Amplified speakers on top of the IFV make the dog's bark stun infantry in a large radius. It does no damage though.
Peace Keeper - Shotgun IFV get it close to enemy infantry and they all die.
Javalin Soldier - Rocket IFV only attacks land targets, but not air. I thought this was rather unintuitive.
Engineer - Repairs vehicles in the field and removes Terror Drones.
Spy - Not quite sure.
Tanya - Not sure either.
In short, every infantry that you put in it has a different effect, so your Empire or Soviet ally can help you with some unique combinations.
Evacuate - The soldier in the IFV exits.
Guardian Tank - $900 - (Heightened Clearance) - The Allied main battle tank can take and dish out plenty of damage. It's good against vehicles and structures but not so good against infantry.
Target Painter - This ability stops the main gun from firing and instead uses a laser designator to help other units target the painted one. Other friendly units do more damage to the painted unit.
Athena Cannon - $1400 - (Heightened Clearance) - This is a lightly armored long range artillery unit. It calls down a beam from the sky (maybe a satellite?) to do plenty of damage to the target. It takes a bit of time to recharge, but it makes up for it damage wise.
Aegis Shield - The Athena Cannon and units in close proximity to it are temporarily invulnerable for a short period of time. They can't move or attack while this is happening.
Mobile Construction Vehicle - $5000 -
- (Heightened Clearance) - The MCV can deploy into a Construction Yard. It has no defenses or weapons.
Unpack - Deploys the MCV at the targeted area.
Mirage Tank - $1400 - (Maximum Clearance) - A sneaky tank. While still and not firing, the tank appears to be a tree or car or something else harmless. It is visible when moving, and for a fraction of a second when firing. It makes ambushes rather fun.
Gap Generator - Instead of being able to use its gun, a cloaking field in a moderate distance around the Mirage Tank hides friendly units. It can do this while moving as well.
Dolphin - $500 - The Dolphin fires a sonic beam which does damage to all units in the sea. The dolphin is the only sea unit that can backwards move, and it does look pretty funny, standing on its tail while swimming backwards.
High Jump - The Dolphin leaps into the air to jump away from danger or just to look pretty. It can jump over torpedoes or avoid the Tesla Surge of the Stingray by doing this.
Hydrofoil - $900 - A high speed boat, the Hydrofoil is a very good anti-air vehicle. It can take down most any air unit with ease and then retreat from battle as quickly as it needs to.
Weapon Jammer - Instead of firing on the air units, any unit targeted by this will stop firing. It requires that the Hydrofoil be in a somewhat close proximity, but it's useful to stop the Dreadnaughts from disturbing your base while your other units get into position.
Assault Destroyer - $1800 -
- (Heightened Clearance) - Any surface unit is pretty much dead. This has many cannons and deals plenty of damage to other boats or vehicles. It is equipped with treads so it can crawl out of the water to finish off the enemy base.
Black Hole Armor - The unit draws fire from all nearby enemies and the defense of the Destroyer is significantly raised. It can't fire while in this mode.
Aircraft Carrier - $2500 - (Maximum Clearance) - The Allies strongest anti-surface vehicle. It doesn't have any weapons itself, but launches five planes which track the target and decimate it. They return, rearm and then hit the target again. Keep the Carrier moving, and you'll be able to take out Dreadnaughts or other units that dumbfire long range missiles with no problem.
Blackout Missile - The Carrier fires a missile which releases an EMP blast in the targeted area. This shuts down all mechanical units and structures for a somewhat short duration.
Vindicator - $1200 - A bomber aircraft somewhat like the Harrier, this can dish out plenty of damage to ground targets. It has two bombs, and four of these planes can take out a War Factory at the current balance levels. It does damage vehicles, but it's better against infantry or buildings.
Return to Base - The aircraft goes back to its landing spot.
Apollo Fighter - $1000 - This VTOL aircraft uses its dual machine guns to take out aircraft. It has no defense against ground, but it makes up for it in the fact that nothing will touch it in the air.
Return to Base - The aircraft goes back to its landing spot.
Cryo Copter - $1600 - (Heightened Clearance) - This is a support helicopter. Don't belittle it just because it has no weapons. It can freeze enemy units AND structures! Not instantly, but it will keep firing until the unit turns to a solid block of ice. If left along, the unit will unfreeze, but one touch of most weapons will shatter the block of ice. The more helicopters you have, the faster it freezes.
Shrink Beam - Targeted unit becomes smaller, faster, do less damage and have less health. They also talk in a high pitched voice. And, they can be run over by enemy units. However, they do return to normal size after a bit. You can shrink either an enemy's units (or your own) for loads of fun!
Century Bomber - $2000 - (Maximum Clearance) - Finally the unit we dreamed of! Not only does it carry many bombs to carpet bomb with, but it can carry up to five infantry which it can parachute down! A popular tactic at the summit was to freeze enemy units with the special power and then carpet bomb them so they all die.
Paradrop - All infantry jump out of the airplane. With parachutes.
(All are buildable on water except for Walls)
Wall - $100 - The price is 100 for each segment of the wall you place or fills in the gap. Good against engineers!
Multigunner Turret - $800 - 25 - Good against infantry and air units, you can place an infantry inside the turret for extra damage!
Spectrum Tower - $1200 - 75 - (Tech Center, Barracks) - The prism technology is back. Someone else discovered it, and now calls it Spectrum technology, but it generally does the same thing. Taking out all enemy surface units with ease. Towers in close proximity to each other will link up, causing even more damage to result to the unit. The only noticeable difference is that you can build these on water and that the beam is multi colored instead of just white.
Chronosphere - $3000 - 75 - (Airfield, Heightened Clearance) - Every few minutes, you can transport some units from one side of the map to wherever you want! It allows you to move units without travelling the distance in between the points. Endless possibilities, just like in RA2. Place some sea units on the land or vice versa for some pretty explosions. Or just Chronoshift a bunch of Destroyers into the back of the enemy base.
Proton Collider - $5000 - 75 - (Tech Center, Maximum Clearance) - This is the Allied superweapon. Sorry, I have no idea what it does. Probably damage?
Advanced Aeronautics - Planes have increased health, 50% more ammo, reload more quickly, and even see farther.
Surgical Strike - Bomber hits an area, somewhat like an Orca Strike, except this can actually blow stuff up!
Time Bomb - You place this on the map anywhere you can see, and it starts counting down from 20 seconds. When it reaches zero, yep, it explodes. Now the Allies are using chrono technology for something fun and entertaining! Note, this bomb can be chronoshifted around after it's been placed, so be careful, it may end back up in your base!
Deluxe Time Bomb - More explosiveness
Supreme Time Bomb - Most blowing-up-ness.
Surveillance Sweep - Pick two points on the map to create a line. Then a satellite sweeps along that line on the whole map to reveal the fog of war.
Cryoshot - A blast from the sky freezes units in the targetted area.
Cryoblast - More radius and more freeze power makes it freeze larger objects.
Cryogeddon - Even bigger radius and more power is the best it gets.
Free Trade - All cash collected from the ore is increased by 25%
High Technology - Enhances special abilities of Dogs, Guardian Tanks, Cryo Copters, and Carriers. Not sure how it affects them all, but that's what it said.
Chrono Swap - Two units switch places. Could be enemy units, allied units or whatever you please. Might be a good way to get your Riptide in the back of the enemy base and be rid of one of their harvesters. This works even with infantry, so you can get a Tanya into the enemy base too.
Chrono Rift - Makes everything in the targeted area disappear and reappear later. When disappeared, obviously they can't move or attack or be damaged.
Chrono Chasm - A larger radius and longer gone time.
Chrono Fissure - Largest Radius and the longest disappear time.
Assembly, Notes: JohnWE
Learning HTML: Crazykenny
Background: Puzzabug
Icons: TheDR
All information subject to change. This is current as of June pre-Alpha version
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