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??闻都世界城一期写字楼8#(总高25层,5梯10户,1个单元)在售,五证现房,整层面积1500平米,可分割面积98-202平米,均价约7200元/平米。项目地址:玉泉区锡林南路与南二环交汇处西南角。米兰国际是用什么网站:steam无主之地慈善包NS新中文游戏公布。视觉中国 资料图米兰国际是用什么网站:steam无主之地慈善包NS新中文游戏公布&;??新浪乐居讯(编辑 安海燕)乐居带您观楼市价格,知呼和浩特房价走势!新浪乐居今日整理共5个项目,为您呈现呼和浩特楼市今日价格动态信息以及优 惠播报,让想买房的您快速掌握呼和浩特房价的一线信息。希望我们的价格播报会给您带来购房方便。米兰国际是用什么网站:steam无主之地慈善包NS新中文游戏公布摘要| 居住风格的缤纷迥异,生活梦想的高度统一,繁华深处独享一泓不被打扰的柔波,这是都市人遥不可及的“奢侈”,却是恒大绿洲业主触手可及的“特权”。??呼和浩特新浪乐居讯& 金秋九月,是秋风送爽的季节!也正是买房的好时候!9月17日下午一点,呼和浩特新浪乐居每月一次的大型看房团再度发车,礼惠全城。本次看房活动带领网友走进呼和浩特五大品质项目热盘,免费看房,更有精美礼品相赠。据不完全统计,本次看房团近百人参与,意向客户达95%。看房网友热情高涨,当日的看房项目也可谓是精挑细选,一切以购房者为中心。9.17新浪乐居看房团合影??中午十二点开始,百余位看房团网友陆续到达新华广场集结,下午一点,看房团准时出发,金九购房置业之旅正式开启,一路上网友们在车上各抒己见,笑笑聊聊。乐居还免费为看房团的网友们准备了竹炭包玩偶礼品,由居然之家独家提供,居然之家携手新浪乐居,钜惠青城百姓。 ??本次金九购房置业之旅,包括呼和浩特五大品质楼盘:城发绿园-呼和浩特恒大绿洲-小城大爱-呼和浩特富力城-泽信青城,据了解,每到一处都有网友留在项目进行详细咨询,意向均比较强烈。??看房团第一站来到了城发绿园,到了售楼处现场,看房团的朋友们就受到了工作人员的热情接待,置业顾问为大家从区位、配套、价格、户型等方面进行了全方位的详细讲解,现场看房团的客户纷纷表示感受到看房团合作项目的贴心服务,尤其是有位看房团网友,表示对城发绿园的地段,户型等非常满意,选择了留下来和置业顾问进行更详细的咨询。在项目选择方面,主要做住宅的项目得到了本次参与看房团的购房者的青睐。这说明,在呼和浩特,更多的市民购房的主要目的是自住而非投 资。从这一表现中也可以看出,住宅项目仍旧是购房者选择的主力产品。网友与置业顾问了解项目内容以及项目相关讲解??楼盘名称:慧谷蓝庭??慧谷兰庭位于成吉思汗大街与阿拉善路交汇处西300米,是呼市中低价位楼盘中环境、园林、宜居程度非常优越的代表。容积率仅为2.0,项目从南到北楼层由低到高,无论是高层、小高层,还是最早上市的多层电梯洋房,都能保证极其优越的采光。目前五期意向登记中,户型面积89到180平米,享抢购三万元团购优 惠。米兰国际是用什么网站:steam无主之地慈善包NS新中文游戏公布??很多人都认为买房子就应该买大房子,这样就省了换房的麻烦,其实,房子并不是越大越好,因为房子的好坏在于“精”,而不在于“大”。业内人士认为,选择一所理想的房子是要布局合理、分工明确以及各方面符合需求。对于经济实力比较拮据的年轻人来讲,两居室或小住宅本可以满足需求,但非要买下一套三居室的大户型,如此一来,物力、财力等方面均会浪费,甚至后续的生活质量也会受到相应影响。 ??不少人买房的时候都十分关心绿化率,只要看见小区里有着满眼的花草树木就觉得很满意,但其实绿化并不仅仅指的是树木,还包括绿化硬质铺装,围墙、大门、活动设施,各种指示标牌、水景、雕塑等,而且绿化面积也并不是越多越好。??如果小区的绿化环境很好,那就说明花费在它上面的费用就绝必不会少,而这些费用在日后都是需要业主自己来承担的,所以从节约的角度看的话,对于普通工薪族来说,买房真的不用买绿化面积大的。??低楼层的房子安全性和隐私性都比较差,而且视野也不好,因此大部分人都觉得越高的楼层才越应该购买,其实并非如此。??首先,高楼层的房子比低楼层的房子要贵,因此从经济角度看,低楼层的房子更实惠。其次,如果楼间距大,低楼层的房子一样可以拥有良好的视野,而且更适合家里有小孩和老人的家庭。后,楼层高的房子可能会比低楼层更容易受噪音污染,一般来说,9楼到17楼是声污染较严重的楼层。??手头经济不宽裕的人总想着要是能贷到更多的钱该多好,但其实房贷并不是越多越好,虽然从银行贷到不少钱可以让你解一时之急,但是贷款越多就说明你要偿还的利息也就越多。??此外,银行出于对风险的考虑,根据借款人收入等因素规定了高贷款额度,所以即使你想申请更多的贷款,银行也不一定会给你批。另外,贷款的月还款额好不能超过月收入的30%,否则可能会出现无法及时还款的情况,这就会影响到你的信用状况。因此,合理的衡量、利用自己的收入,恰到好处的购置一套适合自己的住宅会为生活增添更多的幸福。??其他在售房源:公寓户型面积65-68平米,均价约7600元/平米。另北区期房即将面世,房源包括高层住宅、洋房和商业,车位比例1:1.2,15万/位。??金泰中心写字楼租金2.5元/月/平米,单层面积2000平方米,售价14000元/平方米。项目地址:呼和浩特市如意开发区如意广场南侧。&??楼盘名称:中海峰墅三期??楼盘动态:目前现房五证齐全,双拼别墅、联排别墅、独栋别墅在售,面积270平米左右,总价700万-3000万/套,单价元/平米。具体优惠咨询售楼处。??推荐理由:项目依湾而建,北望大青山,南瞰小黑河景观带,可谓是依山傍水,具备上风上水的绝佳条件。从3000米小黑河绿化带开始营造出被绿植围合的生态感并与银河北街的滨河绿化带公园相衬,形成生态栖居标准。项目种植大量的全灌木和草坪绿植,使您无论出行还是回家,即时享受一步一景的生态生活。米兰国际是用什么网站:steam无主之地慈善包NS新中文游戏公布重要提示:本页面内容,旨在为满足广大用户的信息需求而采集提供,并非广告服务性信息。页面所载内容不代表本网站之观点或意见,仅供用户参考和借鉴,最终以开发商实际公示为准。商品房预售须取得《商品房预售许可证》,用户在购房时需慎重查验开发商的证件信息。本页面所提到房屋面积如无特别标示,均指建筑面积。??整个行程下来,看房团的网友们兴致高涨,在看房车上,网友们热烈交流看房经验,并探讨不同楼盘的优劣势;再加上售楼处置业顾问的精心讲解,不少网友对项目有了更深入的了解,对选房、购房也有了更明确的意向。还有不少网友对新浪乐居的本项活动表示强烈支持,纷纷询问乐居下次看房团的时间。??然后看房团带领网友们分别来到了呼和浩特恒大绿洲、小城大爱、呼和浩特富力城三个品质热盘。在这几个项目中,在了解了基本信息后,网友们还参观部分楼盘的样板间。简约温馨的装修风格,格局紧凑,宽敞明亮,也颇受大家的喜欢。在参观样板间过后,大家亲身感受了房子的户型,装修材料。更确定了大家对楼盘的直观印象。乐居网友马先生现场还参与了呼和浩特恒大绿洲的定存活动。网友参观样板间意向网友交定存金(作者系中国人民大学党委书记、教授 原题为《米兰国际是用什么网站》)
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Title: Oxygen Not Included
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 18 May, 2017
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Since 2012, Klei has used Early Access as a tool to gather feedback and build our games in collaboration with our community, producing games like Don’t Starve, Don’t Starve Together and Invisible Inc.. We’ve found this process works for us, and we hope you find it works for you, too.
Our current project, Oxygen Not Included, has already majorly benefited from the feedback provided by players during its Alpha period. By releasing this game in Early Access, we hope to continue to grow our community and get more people involved in its development.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We still have a lot more in store for Oxygen Not Included, and plan to continue growing and updating the game well into 2018.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The plan for the full version of Oxygen Not Included is to create even more content to allow players to manipulate, automate, and harness the world their Duplicants live in. Duplicants will also become more robust as their needs and abilities evolve over time. To complement this, there will be new biomes to discover, new creatures to interact with, world events to deal with, and more.
We will also be exploring the lore of the game, slowly uncovering the history of the world and why the duplicants are trapped on a giant rock hurtling through space.
Mod support is also very important to us, so we expect to have full workshop support by launch or shortly thereafter.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Oxygen Not Included currently contains all the core systems that will be evolved and iterated upon during Early Access such as thermodynamics, density, plumbing, stress and hunger. The game has already been played by over 150,000 players in its current state, many of whom report hundreds of hours played. We’re amazed by the breadth and depth of creations that players have made and we’re looking forward to building upon that.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The base price may be increased upon release from Early Access.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We're continually talking to our community about our design process and keeping them informed of our decisions and improvements with regular updates. Please join the discussion on our forums at /forum/118-oxygen-not-included/&
Buy Oxygen Not Included
Recent updates
2 November
Hello friends!We've been hard at work refining the game, trying to make the next logical move, and after 4 weeks and several minor soldering burns, we've got something! Presenting: The Automation Upgrade. With the inevitable discovery of refined metals, the Duplicants have set their sights on upgraded base automation, and even have begun trying to build their own supercomputer using nothing but logic gates.If you're interested, you can help us test this new content for the next two weeks before the update goes live. As always, we appreciate your feedback!What does this preview contain so far?The following content is available in the Automation Upgrade preview:New Automation OverlayAutomation wiring and inputs on existing buildingsAutomate liquid, gas, and temperature sensors which replace the power switchesAutomated manual, time-of-day, and floor sensorsAutomated Power ShutoffsAutomated Liquid and Gas ShutoffsAND, OR, XOR, NOT and BUFFER GatesMini Liquid and Gas PumpsDuplicant CheckpointsRock GranulatorMetal RefineryPure metal Electrical WiresMetal TilesThermo-Shift PlateFire PoleNew Ruins setpiecesCheck the
for the most up-to-date changes!Check out the post on the official forums for more details: How do I play the open testing build?Just switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:In Steam, click on Library & Games.Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included.Right-click and select Properties.Go to the BETAS tab.In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is &automation_upgrade_preview&This branch does not require a password.In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press &Verify Integrity Of Game Cache.&Your game will be updated to the the previous branch.Launch and play Oxygen Not IncludedThat's it! We hope you'll enjoy this preview of what's to come, and thank-you for your help testing out the new Upgrade!
Plumbing further into the depths of the asteroid, our Duplicants have made a fortuitous discovery - oil! Will the colony flourish into an energy-rich paradise? Or devolve into a mire of sweltering heat and suffocating fumes?Welcome to Oxygen Not Included - Oil Upgrade!So What's New?HydrocarbonsOxygen Not Included has received a whole new collection of Hydrocarbon resources, along with research and buildings to manipulate them to your benefit. Among these new Hydrocarbons are Crude Oil and Petroleum, which you can use to manufacture versatile plastics for advanced technologies and luxury commodities.Key FeaturesOil Biome: Journey down into the asteroid's depths to obtain the valuable Crude Oil that awaits in this new biome. You may even make some new creature friends along the way.Oil Wells and Geysers: Seek out Oil Geysers and tap them with Oil Wells to extract their precious fuel. You may need to sacrifice some fresh water in the process, however.Petroleum Generator: Use the new Oil Refinery to produce Petroleum and fuel your new high-powered Petroleum Generator.Plastics: The Polymer Press will allow you to start manufacturing your own plastics, unlocking a new tier of advanced and germ-resistant materials. Try not to Naphtha byproducts are no use to anybody.SuitsSuits are heavy-duty hazard gear designed to keep your Duplicants breathing in any environment. With these new additions, you control when and where Duplicants must wear protective suits as they go about their work and keep your base running.Key FeaturesAtmo Suits: Crafted at the new Exosuit Station, Atmo Suits increase digging speed and shield Duplicants from unlivable temperatures, gases, and conditions. They may slow your Dupes down a bit, but being slow is better than being dead.Checkpoints and Docks: Use new Suit Checkpoints to mark off areas where Duplicants must wear Atmo Suits and prevent them from entering dangerous places unprotected. Once done they've finished their business, you can store and refill your exosuits back at the Suit Docks located next to your Checkpoint. New Overlay: Enter the Exosuit Overlay to view docks and the checkpoints marking where Duplicants must change into suits.And MoreRooms: When areas you've built fulfill certain requirements, they will now be recognized as designated rooms. For example, an area with a toilet, sink, and a door will now be recognized by Duplicants as a &Bathroom&. Completing rooms will grant bonuses to the buildings within them and make Duplicants more efficient.New Overlay: Enter the Rooms Overlay to view all current completed rooms in your base and the bonuses being granted by them.New Creatures and Buildings:Sink: Tired of filling and emptying Wash Basins all the day long? Well now you can build your own plumbable Sinks, complete with clean and dirty water pipes!Plastic Ladders and Tiles: Use your brand new plastics to improve the infrastructure in your colony. Plastic ladders and tiles are faster to run on, and their natural antiseptic properties will even keep germ spread at bay!Slicksters: These slippery little scoundrels can help you recycle your colony's excessive carbon dioxide production into sweet, sweet fuel. Plus they're cute!Comfy Beds: The meaning of the word &discomfort& is sure to fade from collective consciousness once you build your Dupes these fancy beds.Heavi-Watt Joint Plate: Run Heavi-Watt Wire through walls with this industrial joint plate.Apothecary Unretired: The Apothecary has been reintegrated and can now be used to create general medicines for sick Duplicants, or tasty Vitamin Chews to boost individual immune systems.Research Tree Changes: Existing techs have been separated out into more chunks so you have more choices about how to tackle your tech problems, and costs have been rebalanced to fit.Improved Daily Report Breakdowns: Reports now display more varied and accurate information about your colony's activities throughout the day, for example - how many embarrassing bathroom accidents your Duplicants had that cycle.Disease Mass Limits: New disease mass limits mean germs can no longer reproduce ad infinitum, which is nothing to sneeze at.Tons of bug fixes, rebalances, QOL additions and more![BETA] Simplified Chinese Translation: We've added a new BETA translation in Simplified Chinese. Additionally, community translations are still available and we are working to provide more translations for many other languages as well.A big thank-you to those of you who joined in on the Oil Upgrade Open Testing - your reports, feedback and contributions mean a lot to us and we really appreciate you lending us your time to test the game.Enjoy your time with the Oil Upgrade, and we'll see you in space!HOTFIX 236191Idle dupes returning their suit should now put their suit in the locker instead of dropping it on the ground if the locker they are returning it is closer to them than the arrow it is attached to.Fixed a bug where you could no longer dump the contents of Storage Lockers onto the ground.Duplicants should no longer sometimes ignore Storage Locker settings.Duplicants should no longer deliver food to a Refrigerator if that Refrigerator is not set to accept that food.Airflow tiles should now be properly detected as a room wall.Fixed a bug where rooms were not being properly detected.Newly discovered resource categories will no longer be automatically delivered to storage boxes where the storage box does not have the all button checked.Fixed a crash that could occur when dupes are working at a fabricator.Fixed a crash that could occur during room detection.Fixed a crash that could occur when going to the bathroom.Fixed a bug where circuits were no longer overloading.Animal Relocator selection box should now match the size of the art.Fixed a crash that could occur if a translation had bad format specifiers for the Duplicant personalities.HOTFIX 236264Fixed a crash that could occur when using Animal TrapsFixed a crash that could occur when destroying electrical buildingsFixed a crash that could occur when inspecting the atmosphere section of a plantHOTFIX 236679Research screen scroll bar should no longer be missingDuplicants should no longer get Food Poisoning/Slime Lung when using the Impervious Immune System settingStress vomiting Duplicants infected with Hypothermia should no longer vomit Hypothermia germsWearing a suit should prevent your Duplicants from getting the &Unclean& effect when stepping in liquids meaning they should no longer want a shower while using a SuitUpdated Simplified Chinese localization
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About This Game
In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony's survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they're not simply surviving, but thriving... Just make sure you don't forget to breathe.Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.Temperature control is a const too cold and you'll freeze, too hot and you'll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony's heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)Processor: Dual Core 2 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)DirectX: Version 11Storage: 2 GB available space
Minimum:OS: OSX 10.9Processor: Dual Core 2 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)Storage: 2 GB available space
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