
-- 危机迷雾第30集大结局危机迷雾第30集大结局剧情介绍浏览 60发布日期: 00:00:02文章来源:在线观看:关键字:危机迷雾第30集大结局剧情介绍这是一篇关于危机迷雾第30集大结局剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清危机迷雾第30集大结局请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看危机迷雾第30集剧情介绍陶兰杀死陆宝昌后,告诉排会的弟兄们,是陆宝昌私自倒卖枪支,嫁祸给了洪九,他的死是罪有应得。沈放认为蒲大茂去上海同意参与协商团 对日特是致命一击,担心蒲大茂去上海的路上会出什么事,周一帆告诉沈放,危险是肯定的,但是他们到南京的目的不就是排除危险吗。阿茂从电话告诉沈放,陆宝昌被洪九和陶兰杀了,沈放情绪很激动。蒲大茂听闻此事也很愤怒,打算明天就前往上海。元杰晚上按照计划刺杀蒲大茂,却未能成功,持枪将陈白羽杀死后,跳窗逃跑了...洪九对陆宝昌的死有些介怀,陶兰却告诉洪九一定要顾大局,不然就会满盘皆输,陆宝昌在排会的地位很高,洪九担心排会的的人报复。元杰向陶兰汇报了刺杀蒲大茂的行动失败,并向告诉了陶兰了蒲大茂的行踪,陶兰告诉元杰到达上海后,将实行第二计划,绝不允许出差错。洪瑾儿召集了排会的兄弟,给兄弟们分发了枪支,要将陶兰和洪九一网打尽,保家保国。洪九担心沈放会回来妨碍他,陶兰告诉洪九,她有计划,到时候西安事变和谈无望,日本会趁虚而入,那个时候洪九就会有很大权利,洪九心有向往,但她觉得不除掉沈放,心里不踏实,陶兰告诉他只要按自己计划行动,她就会安排人配合他的,洪九答应了。&危机迷雾相关剧情危机迷雾第30集大结局英文剧情The crisis of the thirtieth set introduced & p& Tao LAN kills Lu Baochang, will tell the platoon brothers, Lu Baochang is secretly reselling firearms, referred to the Hong nine, his death is deserved. & /p& & p& Shen Pu Da Mao put that to Shanghai agreed to participate in the negotiation team was a deadly blow to Japan, on the road to Shanghai Pu Da Mao worry about what will happen, Zhou Yifan told, danger is yes, but they went to Nanjing to do is remove the danger. & /p& & p& a phone from the phone to tell Shen put, Lu Baochang was flood nine and Tao killed, Shen put mood is very excited. Pu Damao heard the matter is also very angry, intends to go to Shanghai tomorrow. & /p& & p& Yuan Jie night in accordance with the plan to assassinate Pu Da Mao was not successful, gun to kill Chen Baiyu after jumping through the window to escape... & /p& & p& nine to flood the death of Lu Baochang some mind, Tao LAN told Hong 91 to the overall situation, otherwise it will lose. Lu Baochang is very high in the row will position the row will flood nine worried about retaliation. & /p& & p& Yuan Jie to report the failure of the assassination of Tao Lan Pu Da Mao action, and to tell the whereabouts of the Tao Lan Pu Da Mao, Tao LAN told Yuan Jie after arriving in Shanghai, will implement the second plan, must not be allowed to make mistakes. & /p& & p& Hong Jin son called row will be brothers, brothers to distribute guns, to Hong Tao LAN and nine friends, Bao Jia bao. & /p& & p& nine Hong Shen put back to prevent him worried, Tao LAN Hong told nine, she had a plan, then the Xi'an incident talks hopeless, Japan will swoop in that time, there will be a lot of Hong nine rights, Hong nine heart is yearning, but she didn't get rid of Shen, do not mind steadfast, Tao LAN told him as long as their action plan, she will arrange for someone with his promise, Hong nine. & /p& & p& & /p& 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情电视剧剧情大全


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