
当前位置:&&&武装突袭3V1.68 汉化版
武装突袭3V1.68 汉化版最豪华顶级版武装突袭
游戏简介《V1.68》是经典类游戏《武装突袭3》的最新版本,在该版本中,玩家将体验全新的战役内容,并进行更加的武装对抗。《武装突袭3V1.68》包含了该作品的全部DLC内容,玩家可自定义制服,武器装配,队友装备,让玩家在刺激的中拥有自己的个性化,喜欢的玩家赶紧体验一下吧。游戏玩法军事训练:通过虚拟军械库熟悉自身的游戏角色、装备以及武器。人物状况:家身上携带的武器重量,健康状况等等产生影响。自定义角色:游戏还可自定义制服,武器装配,队友装备。操控载具:除了单兵作战外还可以操控大批空中载具,地面载具和舰船。角色设定本·克里下士美国欧洲陆军 | ID 7 | 第4新型装甲车陆军过渡战斗旅|1 BTN | RSTA中队 | 宙斯盾特别工作组于2015年在波特兰出生。18岁应征入伍,在华盛顿州刘易斯堡空降兵部队训练。于2034年被派往欧洲。得到步兵优异训练记录后,晋升为下士,并转移到第一营的侦察排以专家身份工作。在爱琴海的部署是他的第一次战斗任务。斯科特·米勒上校(英军中captain指上校)SHAPE | 安全部队指挥官 | 作战技术研究集团,英国国籍。日出生于英格兰北部,基林沃思。已婚(凯特格雷格,39岁),有1女儿,(苏珊,7岁)。2010年进入皇家海军陆战队服役,在阿富汗执勤之旅后,接受了特种兵训练。在2016年完成他的学业和教官的课程后于2021年,加入特别舟艇中队,成为其中一名部队指挥官。参加过北约在太平洋战区,中东和土耳其的秘密联合行动。从一场严重的伤害中恢复后,直到起草新成立的作战技术研究集团之后他才被调出现役,而作战技术研究集团则是由北约成立的专责对敌对势力先进武器技术进行情报收集工作的小组。2032年米勒上校接管了作战技术研究集团安全部队A组。里克记军士美国欧洲陆军 | ID 7 | 第三重装甲部队 | 骑兵中队 | 剃刀特别行动部队。出生于2008年,来自从塔尔萨布罗肯阿罗郊区。18岁开始服役,经过军队课程和教育后进入第三重装甲部队。在2030年加入第7骑兵中队成为一名炮手。参加了2031年的土耳其冲突;战斗中得到晋升,作战受伤后,在格拉芬沃尔为7中队担任装甲炮手教练。随后要求转为作战单位。被分配到地中海J下辖的剃刀特别行动队。杰夫·拉金中尉美国欧洲陆军 | ID 7 | 第4新型装甲车陆军过渡战斗旅 |第三空军BTN支援队 | 剃刀特别行动队。2014年出生于西雅图华盛顿州;在一个成功家族企业的背景下从小到大一直接触直升机。丰富的第一手经验与敏锐的理解能力,让他知道该如何操作和维护复杂和昂贵的机器。由于天生就接触技术工作并且有过直升机的经历,大学就辍学了,轻松通过ROTC飞行员课程后接受了M-900和CH-49的飞行训练。由于没有通过武装直升机的训练被分派到欧洲机中队。在第3 BCT负责直升机运输工作。小编简评《武装突袭3V1.68》是一款非常有深度的军事游戏,为玩家展现了一个庞大的开放世界,其中有大量真实度极高的武器装备和复杂的玩法,但这复杂就是一把双刃剑,一方面鞥让玩家体验到绝无仅有的战争,但却让玩家需要很长时间才能掌握游戏节奏。
8.8分 8.5分 8.4分 9.0分 9.9分 9.4分 9.9分 8.2分 8.9分 6.7分
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TA的每日心情奋斗3&天前签到天数: 876 天[LV.10]以坛为家III
本帖最后由 =SAGA=Kest 于
09:44 编辑
64位需要在命令行加入 -win32 或 -win64执行客户端版本,也就是说32位依然存在。
新的摄像机系统载具TANK,APC,MRAP和船都有GPS了,除了橡皮艇' ^; s: G* ]1 A( M1 [2 N& @' X3 I+ @
MOD执行被大量优化?!!!) m8 `, l1 q&&z( D
5 ^% }7 w&&N% S& ~
FROM: High Command8 O9 s- U; u7 L) W2 V6 {&&r; I6 a
TO: Arma 3 Users( f7 _$ g, A4 w3 m
UNIT: Main Branch/ o( ?9 A&&e. E
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.68 (64-bit Executables, Ambient Occlusion Overhaul, Maintenance)8 B0 `8 V3 o4 a0 N. N$ c" O) H! O# r0 {! o
SIZE: ~10.4 GB / ~1.3 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
9 S% C! u% p( ?- w( l) Z
Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.6 }; A2 [) a' u# j0 |% \
Consider defragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.% \2 E, Q# T5 j3 U&&k8 S1 S
Updating a deeply moddable game and its platform is not without risks. We use various methods to communicate upcoming changes to our awesome modding community, such as via the Dev Hub. We also co-operate directly on troubleshooting, and we offer an opportunity to test updates via our Release Candidate tests. Modders, server administrators and other members of the community do their best to prepare for updates and to address issues post-release as quickly as possible. Please be mindful of some interruptions (especially in the first hours / days after a release) while we all work to improve the game together.
A Legacy Build Steam branch is available for advanced users. It contains the previous significant main branch version (1.66). It can be used to compare specific changes between major releases. The access code for this branch is: Arma3Legacy166
This update does not apply to the experimental Linux and Mac port betas at time of writing. We hope to be updating those as soon as possible.&&`- k6 B/ U. a% c! ]6 i9 U
You can find the servers in the Steam library (switch the filter to &Tools&) - &Arma 3 Server& (based on your OS, it will download the Windows or Linux version).; A' K& Y* i+ j! u7 ^4 x
Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility. The app ID is to be 233780.
NVIDIA GameWorks(TM) Technology provided under license from NVIDIA Corporation. Copyright (C)
NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA(R) and PhysX(R) are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation and are used under license.' f* b1 ~&&h! @6 K: J7 N# R, O+ g
In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., Arma 3 F.A.Q., BattlEye F.A.Q., or Launcher troubleshooting guide.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.& U/ h2 D3 s( E
CHANGELOG9 ^/ _8 X( {+ x+ |&&M
Added: New Ambient Occlusion settings in Video Options
Added: Sounds for vehicles colliding with water (cars driving through water and planes falling into water)+ i- g: t/ f1 T3 K
Added: Sound for Turn In / Out actions for armored vehicles
Added: Titles of Advanced Hints are now structured text and can be multi-line
Added: The scene behind the Debriefing screen is now blurred&&w* S' q+ A$ ]# M0 M. W
Added: A new Fuel hit point for tracked armored vehicles (so they can lose fuel)
Added A new Hull hit point for wheeled vehicles (so they can be destroyed on a single critical hit)1 o) M: w&&T$ ~&&x9 p, i: v
Added: When multiple Main Menu spotlight options are available, they are cycled automatically. Users can browse them manually using arrows.1 ~9 O, T% q- w8 q. a. a- W1 z( P
Added: Showcase NATO now has an updated voice-over (with a speakerphone effect)
Added: After calling an artillery support, a marker with ETA is shown in the map for the caller- R- C1 i. ]' x7 Q2 Z$ I
Added: Ability to set a default number of rounds for artillery. Copy this code to the init field of the artillery vehicle:
this setVariable [&BIS_SUPP_useDefaultBurst&,3]; //3 is the number of rounds
Also, if you don't want to think about a specific number of rounds, use the default value (usually 3 rounds):6 t$ ]&&L# a- p) s
this setVariable [&BIS_SUPP_useDefaultBurst&,true]; //True to enable an automatic default burst
Added: Multi-line version UI classes RscTextMulti and RscEditMulti for use with scripted controls
Added: IR grenades now have a proper sound for impact with the ground
Added: Field Manual preview models for explosives* Q5 |. e% }; @( f. i7 G: ^
Added: Sounds when getting in and out of helicopters (incl. 3D processing type)
Added: Rain sounds on car surfaces while inside of the vehicle+ c" R' K5 i2 s3 f, Q0 O& a&&B/ {
Added: TypeRecognitionDistance to the sensor templates& t- M/ N5 ~! q5 {
Tweaked: Performance of high-caliber ammunition:
Armor Piercing shells are now more likely to deflect from hard surfaces
High Explosive shells detonate on contact) u4 @& m' z. G/ Q
HEAT shells now have average deflection behavior9 N2 C$ Q; e' O2 Y6 t' a. D- r
Added: Pressing the Esc key in Splendid Camera now opens the Pause Menu. To exit the camera, click on the &CLOSE& button there., Z- b1 h, c9 L4 G, h% U! ]
Added: New samples for cabine opening and closing animations on the Caesar BTT airplanes
Added: Configured additional existing liveries for the CH-49
Added: 2 scripted variants of weapon holders: GroundWeaponHolder_Scripted and WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted ()
Added: Locked door keypads on Tanoa are now indicated by a red light where appropriate
Added: Locked door keypads on Altis and Stratis are now indicated by a red light where appropriate
Added: Reverse camera display for the SUV
Added: Flag proxies for various vehicles0 U1 {6 a/ L( f
Added: A new RscTreeSearch class for scripted creation of the RscTree with search capability
Added: An option to prevent spawning on dead characters in the BIS_fnc_moveToSpawnPos function$ [% x, X% P% ?3 M) A; K
Tweaked: Ambient Occlusion and light maps of structures were overhauled" L; t6 N) {; ?' V7 v0 ?
Tweaked: Some Apex data has been decrypted (Weapons, Props, Vehicles, Missions, Dubbing, Sounds, and Music)
Tweaked: Helpers (arrows, pointers) in the faction Showcases are not visible anymore7 D&&N/ c9 T1 @' {
Tweaked: Collision geometries on various Tanoa structures3 u8 c. e&&q5 H1 h" s( @7 W
Tweaked: Decreased the range and volume of underwater mine explosions
Tweaked: The compositions in Showcase NATO and Showcase CSAT were updated (added objects, added an ambient Wipeout and many objects were converted to Simple Objects)
Tweaked: Accessing the Supports menu (0-8) now makes the menu active, which also displays a special cursor9 b2 w4 F& h3 ^
Tweaked: Swimming sound assets were updated& s# s% i2 q2 V&&W6 L: s& _- c6 G0 u
Tweaked: Parachute sounds now use the SoundSet and SoundShader implementation% O( P. ^2 e) o
Tweaked: Footstep sound volumes are now more balanced% Z6 ?, f- T# P5 ?&&U9 z- c
Tweaked: The black and white Orcas were changed to the ones with regular liveries in Support Katalaki# ~/ b0 {$ r3 F$ m0 q6 Z
Tweaked: Color presets in the Game Options menu are now sorted alphabetically
Tweaked: The showScoretable command resets when a new Debriefing screen is created; M9 \1 T&&F3 r0 L2 `2 E2 h2 c
Tweaked: Helicopters should now produce sounds when falling into water
Tweaked: The gear retraction sounds of the AH-99 Blackfoot were improved) |& q' F9 K; |1 q6 z
Tweaked: Smaller buildings are now overall less durable than the large ones, especially against high caliber shells* O# o0 U6 ]1 I! j
Tweaked: Particular building hit points are now easier to destroy; y3 Y, c" O( `&&\/ q
Tweaked: All buildings now receive 25% more explosive damage
Tweaked: The volume for landing sounds of the AH-99 Blackfoot was increased1 W, `( c, V0 W3 f% p3 ^' P
Tweaked: Appearance of the Field Manual - a tree structure is now used for topic and hint selection, and it's possible to search in it& v* r3 t# x2 D8 c
Tweaked: Advanced hints are now formatted using the unified function BIS_fnc_advHintFormat/ O3 o/ p6 a2 t
Tweaked: Main Menu spotlights are now configured in CfgMainMenuSpotlight instead of RscDisplayMain && Spotlight. The old path will still be accepted, but is considered obsolete.
Tweaked: Steering, internal engine, and thread sounds were updated for the FV-720 Mora, ZSU-39 Tigris, and BTR-K Kamysh
Tweaked: The collision sound settings of the T-100 Varsuk were improved
Tweaked: Config data for Simple Objects was regenerated, updated and rounded0 C# E$ W+ X7 T) E0 r
Tweaked: When calling an artillery support, an option to pick the number of rounds is no longer offered when only the last round is left6 j' ?8 c1 T8 K8 v5 [
Tweaked: Increased the volume of crash sounds for the Kajman gunship
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_configPath function now has an optional strict mode
Tweaked: The audio configuration for quad bikes was improved* }4 Q% M& Q! W5 p, I8 t
Tweaked: Get-in memory points on the Tempest Medical truck were adjusted
Tweaked: The list of planes after placing the CAS module by Zeus is now sorted alphabetically
Tweaked: Laser and NV Targets (strobes) are now detectable beyond view distance& q( h% u4 Y6 }5 Z; v9 |6 H
Tweaked: The close shot sounds of the MX rifles were equalized! }$ B, Z, E' ~7 M, [: c
Tweaked: Compass, map, watch & radio inventory items now use more visually appealing models when placed on the ground* W. P+ C: n, P
Tweaked: Functions BIS_fnc_enemyDetected and BIS_fnc_enemyTargets were refactored for better performance
Tweaked: Decorative ammo boxes in Showcase NATO are now invincible/ q- g/ {' g9 y" U% \3 z
Tweaked: Server parameter &Time acceleration& is now localized
Tweaked: Static Taru pods are now showing damage textures correctly
Tweaked: Exiting of Showcases CSAT, NATO and AAF was adjusted+ N* e# b/ c! l2 ^1 m6 S
Tweaked: Hid antennas on various vehicles while they are being transported inside other vehicles7 W6 \6 L$ k3 a3 B8 O3 K8 v$ o
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted function now supports a single array of items and weights ([item, weight, item, weight...])
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_setHitPointDamage function now sets HitPoint damage with dependencies
Tweaked: Commands (move, get in, target) no longer fade out on Regular difficulty
Tweaked: VR entities do not bleed anymore
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_moveToRespawnPosition function was improved (even in scheduled environments)
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_playVideo function was improved
Tweaked: The config definition of 'AirDestructionEffects' was simplified. There is now 1 less smoke and fire effect. The remaining smoke and fire was sped up, which results in overall better visual quality.
Tweaked: Functions called on helicopters and airplanes on their destruction were optimized for better performance and reliability
Tweaked: Hit point positions in wheeled and tracked APCs and the position of hit points on the Kuma tank tracks were adjusted
Tweaked: Durability of armored vehicles to remove some damage inconsistencies introduced along with the addition of fuel hit points4 }7 b3 j. ?&&X&&m6 I. T
Tweaked: Some of the missing UI_F sounds were added to CfgSounds
Tweaked: Added built-in GPS and radio into all tanks, APCs, MRAPs and boats (except rubber boats)
Tweaked: Turning main turrets of armored vehicles no longer starts their engines
Tweaked: Surface sounds of the HEMMT trucks were improved
Tweaked: The FuelStation_01_Pump can now be destroyed more easily$ k& U9 r* f( D+ l- X# K; }
Tweaked: The door angle of Warehouse_03 was improved to prevent incorrect collisions with characters/ F$ H' Y1 U$ u& |' x
Tweaked: Nikos (Formal) now has a weapon visible in first person view+ V: V; n" _2 ~4 f3 ?
Tweaked: Various improvements to the BIS_fnc_unpackStaticWeapon and BIS_fnc_packStaticWeapon functions( M, a1 n, o3 X0 |; Q% |
Tweaked: Collision sounds for Hunter, Ifrit, Quad bike & Offroad were increased (range); @7 _# r0 }! e9 N9 l5 k7 ]
Tweaked: Randomized the sounds of collisions into trees
Tweaked: The RPG-7 now has zeroing and a correct projectile drop ()7 t3 i4 b, _4 p+ w$ D
Tweaked: Sound configuration of the HEMTT trucks was improved; U' {5 |/ ?8 N4 m
Tweaked: Boats, armored vehicles and drones now have different sound effects for rain in first-person view3 q5 A- X&&^0 z' h
Tweaked: The Taru Cargo pod now has an inventory for consistency
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_inTrigger, BIS_fnc_findSafePos, BIS_fnc_moveIn, BIS_fnc_nearestPosition, BIS_fnc_textureMarker and BIS_fnc_textureVehicleIcon functions were optimized
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_position function now returns the correct AGL position of an object- H9 T3 x4 t! S0 N$ [
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_inTrigger function now returns the distance to the 3D border when requested and its trigger height is used- p. c& R" _; J5 n% y
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_taskState function now returns && instead of &CREATED& for undefined tasks( I0 n' ?1 Y! |6 `2 a* |; R
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_taskCompleted function no longer shows an error when used on an undefined task (so the function can be used in conditions which are running before a task is created)( `% X' G2 \/ I% s3 o
Tweaked: The starting position of the Splendid Camera now exactly matches the previous view2 ~6 R" e2 c% {4 A4 v& L/ B' ~
Tweaked: Cargo containers that are part of a terrain cannot be destroyed anymore/ x$ `% ~. _0 X- Q" Y; A
Tweaked: Duration configurations of several music and ambient radio files were updated3 V: k- I7 B) q. L# \+ q
Tweaked: The 5.8x42mm 100Rnd Drum magazine now has only the last four rounds as tracers
Tweaked: The Ammo and Fuel variants of Zamak trucks now explode instead bursting into flames, y9 G+ f6 @: S- w* J% W
Tweaked: Samples and audio configuration of the Wipeout plane were updated2 u' N# E- M4 Z2 [9 M
Tweaked: Terrains in the main Editor Menu are now sorted alphabetically
Tweaked: Get in sound for the Caesar BTT plane
Tweaked: The getInRadius range for planes was reduced) J' m$ o* f% D1 c$ B3 _4 s
Tweaked: Transitions from and to prone are now more flexible to be interrupted in unarmed stance
Tweaked: The Panther and Marid APCs now have Night Vision mode available for gunners and commanders+ L' p& q( U. k3 c, |
Tweaked: Difficulty preset changes: waypoints and commands are now hidden on veteran difficulty) `+ o% R. i: \1 I# c6 C0 V
Tweaked: Water Scooter handling and durability were improved (PiP mirrors were also added)
Tweaked: It is now possible to retexture the interior of the Zamak truck, K" X! p/ w8 a2 O0 G&&|# ~; ~# I$ e, E
Tweaked: Crew of the static GMG now holds the weapon properly6 M# G+ ^+ t1 {, J2 r. k
Tweaked: Dead crew of static weapons is now ejected$ t2 s3 W" j, }+ Z6 L8 B2 Q
Tweaked: The shot and closure samples of MX rifles were improved
Tweaked: Suspension of the Caesar BTT plane is now supported by PhysX
Tweaked: Pause Menu and Scoreboard keys are no longer hard-coded in the Respawn Screen) _& o" n( o4 s' g
Tweaked: Difficulty Settings now contain more options about displaying units on the map
Tweaked: The crew of the Blackfish VTOL can now see their crewmates' aiming directions
Tweaked: Switching from combat pace to a sprint is now more fluent4 Z5 f, [" q' h
Tweaked: The &popup& and &popdelay& variables can now be set directly on each pop-up target individually and will override global settings
Tweaked: The maximum fording depth of many vehicles
Tweaked: Dates in some scenarios were adjusted
Tweaked: A GPS item will only be added to Time Trial competitors if the slot isn't already full
Tweaked: It is now possible to change liveries on the Orca Black & White variants through the Virtual Garage
Tweaked: The initial position detection in Time Trials was improved% D! K' l2 x+ J0 j$ l& |2 S
Tweaked: Field of View in aircraft is no longer scaled according to their speed
Tweaked: The deflection of 30 mm MP shell used by the main gun of the Kamysh was slightly decreased$ N/ O; N# Q& p2 F8 m
Tweaked: Waypoints are now permanently visible on Regular difficulty once again (); I8 a, @# z% [/ p
Tweaked: Speed coefficient for mud surfaces
Tweaked: The function parameters for all faction showcases were adjusted3 Q( ]& a: K
Tweaked: Compositions in the Sea area in Showcase NATO were improved# E+ N6 B# w! _+ |: F
Tweaked: Rabbits, snakes and fish are no longer bleeding; |+ @9 @* ?. h8 K" k
Fixed: Zeus could not see newly created respawn vehicles correctly in some cases% M1 v( K8 E+ N# {&&t
Fixed: Swimming would make no sound8 S&&x6 N. ?, S
Fixed: Vaulting would not make any sound in some cases1 P6 }3 s3 a" B8 z4 z
Fixed: 'Alpha' and 'Beta' menu color presets had incorrect values
Fixed: Some footstep sounds could be heard behind the player ()7 J! K6 x- {* I* l
Fixed: The whiteboard in Showcase CSAT was displaying incorrect Intel about the caliber of the T-100 Varsuk8 l9 f" R" E) A6 }; v" T; z
Fixed: The Apex Protocol Main Menu spotlight was shown every time, even when Apex was not installed
Fixed: A-143 Buzzard and a few other vehicles were missing collision sounds
Fixed: Y-32 Xi'an was missing collision sounds&&S2 p$ b4 h9 s& O& c5 s
Fixed: PAPI lights- y+ x& f/ h&&J
Fixed: RscDisplayMultiplayer had two default buttons
Fixed: Overlapping of mute buttons with a scrollbar in the map. n" ?# L! b9 N+ s
Fixed: Many buildings and objects were not available for placing in Zeus Game Master scenarios ()
Fixed: The vertical placement of props was improved! L) w! J6 z( J* Q, J% W. T2 l
Fixed: Incorrect position of the character hands after loading a loadout which didn't have a weapon in the Virtual Arsenal% r1 M' M8 ~4 |
Fixed: Brake sounds were missing on several surfaces for the HEMMT trucks
Fixed: Pacific CSAT characters were sometimes using an English voice-set
Fixed: In dynamic groups, there was a chance the wrong parameters would be sent to BIS_fnc_removeScriptedEventHandler3 F. S( J- O1 R/ H8 D/ q4 n
Fixed: Changes set by the Weather module were not applied instantly' P/ g) `3 p. h" B
Fixed: A video was still playing after clicking on one of the main menu spotlights and returning back
Fixed: The Campaign menu title bar was darker than other menus
Fixed: There was &Attempt to override final function& message spam in the RPT file* ~5 R0 t4 S$ V+ }1 l) b( J* G
Fixed: The animation freeze at the start of Firing Drills and End Game scenarios was not reliable on sloped surfaces9 a0 L# ?- v5 C0 x, z7 |
Fixed: Switching from / to unarmed animations caused characters to slide
Fixed: Crouching and standing up from crouch sometimes wouldn't work after pressing the crouch button% t&&R( C&&K# s$ s* c
Fixed: Going prone with a launcher equipped during combat pace movement was immediate and seemingly missing an animation ()
Fixed: Sling-load assistant was not functioning properly1 h0 R. i% F' g' [" o4 r8 n
Fixed: The sound of falling shells was removed from the starter pistol
Fixed: Burst fire from Slammer LMGs sounded like just one shot instead of a burst7 Y" N4 ]8 {+ I6 a5 N8 m
Fixed: Pacific variants of NATO Autorifleman and AT Soldier had incorrect vests in their loadouts
Fixed: Offroad_02_F had an incorrectly aligned rear mirror ()2 s' T" H( _+ N/ K
Fixed: Some parts of the AFV-4 Gorgon were not included in its hiddenSelection ()8 X/ T, c, K" Y, ]
Fixed: Pacific variants of static weapons could not be assembled ()9 C9 `' V# p, N6 \, N. _
Fixed: UGL sights of the SPAR16 GL rifle were unfolded when on a character's back
Fixed: The BIS_fnc_unpackStaticWeapon function was not working properly
Fixed: The kbTell command would not work properly if the BIS_fnc_kbTellLocal function was called with the parameter denying the direct channel (channel = true)5 n. |0 b/ J1 X4 z
Fixed: Quadbikes would behave as submarines when driving through water
Fixed: The velocity of static GMG ammo was incorrect ()" e$ n1 k4 V- @
Fixed: Some weapons were missing sounds of cases falling on the ground
Fixed: The Prowler would behave as a submarine when driving through water
Fixed: The MH-9 had inconsistent FFV view limits- u$ S2 S4 f/ a1 L& C
Fixed: Missing SFX samples for vehicle UI actions (refuel, rearm, repair)1 o4 ?5 T' D" Q# y" q" U+ b
Fixed: JIP players could be killed when respawning far from their FOB, due to an incorrect area limit in the End Game scenarios& W4 @7 o" u) W$ D, Q; B
Fixed: Entering the Splendid Camera would reset the fog settings5 }' _, X; K$ b* s7 q
Fixed: Entering a sub-display (e.g. the Configure screen) from the Respawn Screen could cause the display to get stuck until a respawn was performed& X* o' K* o6 r3 L$ Q&&w9 V
Fixed: Blackfoot gunners didn't have a crosshair when using DAGR missiles+ B7 @2 K9 |1 L5 C
Fixed: Tempest trucks now have correct UV mapping for mirrors" X4 b8 V1 m- h
Fixed: The AK12 had a bullet in its magazine after the last round was fired# v6 [2 T9 m9 W$ D, N1 j: H5 w
Fixed: The Options could not be closed using the Esc key from the Respawn Screen
Fixed: Closing a sub-display (e.g. Video Options) from the Respawn Screen could cause all other displays to be closed as well! d4 u7 P9 w% e* d7 h8 A7 e6 y1 l
Fixed: The Strider MRAP now has smoother Picture-In-Picture feeds for its Gunner and Commander
Fixed: The Group Management title background would use an obsolete color- m6 c: Y4 C- ]; K. Q
Fixed: The CAR-95-1 weapon had an incorrectly configured bipod ()
Fixed: The Intel icon could be misplaced in End Game scenarios if placed above or under the water surface (e.g. sheds on the shores)" @% R( ]& f! P# R
Fixed: The Phase indicator was not visible in the Respawn Screen in End Game scenarios
Fixed: Seize scenarios would end seconds after starting with not respawn limit set
Fixed: Wrecks of the Wipeout and Buzzard airplanes were levitating
Fixed: Pop up error when a teammate is incapacitated while having the Group Manager open
Fixed: Returning to the Main Menu from the Scenarios or Multiplayer menus would lead to an FPS drop while playing the Main Menu video tiles' A' F/ d: b7 Q2 B! M7 s9 F
Fixed: The weapon UGL crosshair was not visible when crouching in combat pace* _5 M3 p5 F, f$ t7 w
Fixed: Showcase Gunships would not fail if the player survived a crash landing (both on ground and in water)
Fixed: Showcase Gunships scenario flow would break if the helicopter touched the water and then immediately ascended again: f) v9 r$ u' e* o, w. Z
Fixed: Export of parent classes from GUI editor didn't work because of a missing &GUI_styles.hpp& file ()3 }+ F&&S' ?( D( f5 {, q5 D0 {
Fixed: Helicopters would have trouble landing if their occupants were killed meanwhile in Showcase Firing From Vehicles
Fixed: Hitting the button to close the Splendid Camera in the Pause Menu would also prompt about leaving the game in the multiplayer environment ()
Fixed: Transport variants of the HEMTT truck no characters no longer appear in them when they are getting into the vehicle
Fixed: The Caesar BTT plane would refuse to take damage when crashed
Fixed: The RPM indicator in the Caesar BTT plane was not working properly
Fixed: AI would refuse to shoot at air targets with some types of ammunition (9x21mm, .45ACP, .50BW, 5.56x45, 5.45x39, 7.62x39, 5.8x42)+ @, ]. t7 P& e2 n: u+ X/ i6 i
Fixed: Players could end up back inside the helicopter after being inserted in Showcase Firing from Vehicles
Fixed: 35mm shells would not explode on hitting the Hummingbird in some cases/ l0 M4 i) g1 e, F$ _$ e
Fixed: Going prone from sprinting with a launcher had an unnecessary stand up transition (related to )7 x/ c( ]/ K3 }& ]3 l! v, _
Fixed: Going prone from kneeling with a launcher caused an unnecessary stand up transition' u8 k/ L5 ?8 n# r- B
Fixed: Going into the inventory with a binoculars would cause a transition to rifles (related to )! p: p+ t6 q2 A4 u4 U
Fixed: Some weapons were missing the &baseWeapon& config attribute ()
Fixed: The optics view on the static HMG could clip with the tripod ()
Fixed: The Bobcat's spare wheels would heat in thermal vision when the vehicle was moving around0 E9 j8 T( U&&c& M! ]
Fixed: It was not possible to open the Pause Menu while in the Respawn Screen using the Pause key in some cases" R7 }5 m& Y( c# a6 C
Fixed: The Mk17 was heating in thermal vision when firing a primary weapon4 H) h2 o+ o! p&&A0 D. T
Fixed: The cockpit glass of the Buzzard plane was too fragile
Fixed: Weapon switching from launcher to rifle was not working properly while sprinting / combat pacing
Fixed: Weapon switching from launcher to sidearm was not working properly while sprinting / combat pacing5 W) Y% h3 |: t2 g
Fixed: The commander and gunner of the FV-720 were clipping through the turret ring (, , )
Fixed: There was an infinite animation loop caused by closing the inventory while removing a sidearm as the only weapon- G: Z' D9 @1 M: |# ]; `& H
Fixed: The Firing Drills freezing mechanic did not behave well under some circumstances
Fixed: JIP players did not see groups if coming from a scenario using Dynamic Groups and joining another one' R9 E" R+ a7 q2 P
Fixed: The NVS had an incorrect inventory icon
Fixed: Apex owners could get their vehicles stuck in sand (, )
Fixed: Flag proxies on several models (more Intel), x) u( x2 X4 x% G! |
Fixed: The Respawn Timer was not visible after saving and loading a scenario in multiplayer* Z& C! ^, }4 E6 O! M
Fixed: The rail covers of the Rahim are now hidden when an appropriate slot (side or bottom) is filled with an attachment (). n/ P: P) t$ X; V! F
Fixed: The BIS_fnc_unitPlay function was not serialized and would break when a scenario was loaded (if it was saved during a unit play scene)
Fixed: The BIS_fnc_unitPlay function was not compatible with Dedicated Servers
Fixed: Occlusion and alpha sorting of the Airport_01_terminal_F building ()
Fixed: Hiding the interface in Arsenal did not hide the background of said icons
Fixed: NV Targets (strobes) were detectable by sensors other than Night Vision/ o2 ~2 c& o& ]* T: |
Fixed: It was possible to get auto-zeroing against air targets with the APFSDS ammo
Fixed: The Xi'an VTOL was not able to take off vertically with minor damage
Fixed: Rotating in prone while moving caused kneeling in some cases ()
Fixed: Cars could get stuck on wooden bridges on Tanoa ()! c4 a! x) K% A5 f% P% n) k
Fixed: UAVs at the airport were moved to a different position to prevent crashing with the plane piloted by autopilot in Showcase CSAT
Fixed: Passengers of the Support variants of Zamak trucks would clip through their seats
Fixed: The SVD periscope camera was overly sensitive when moving vertically+ B& }$ N3 L9 s. D; B! P
Fixed: Taru pods were missing icons in the Virtual Garage&&?; V: @% e2 y1 \4 H. N$ j
Fixed: The Respawn Screen did not support scenario-specific respawn messages! `! @9 ~! y5 p' [9 c9 J
Fixed: Disconnected players would still count towards the loadout limit in the Respawn Screen
Fixed: Players could respawn onto the [0,0,0] coordinates when respawning on a position that was being removed5 E/ D' t- b( g. c2 k
Fixed: Hands of Offroad gunners were stretching unnaturally while aiming to the sky1 q9 d# v' b* D
Fixed: The Syndikat MB 4WD had visual customization working incorrectly6 W% i/ T9 q) _3 l" G/ [1 ]- O- x
Fixed: Trying to adjust stance while being unarmed had unexpected results (mainly because there are no adjusted stances when being unarmed)
Fixed: Players could not respawn into a specific type of vehicle when one of its kind was destroyed7 L+ Z& A5 ?4 \4 m+ \, A
Eden Editor0 R# F0 Y* |( }. E8 F
2 [" m6 a3 l! ~! [
Added: An ability to access the Field Manual from the Eden workspace (Tools & Field Manual)0 [( `&&T5 D1 w* [$ F& r
Added: In the Advanced Hints system, it's now possible to access default variables (i.e. %1 to %10) in custom arguments
Added: All task modules now have a &Show Notification& attribute, allowing them to add / update a task without on-screen notifications
Added: A &Parent Task ID& attribute was added to the &Create Task& module" a2 E+ Q" \* b: S3 b
Added: A new group attribute controlling whether the group should be automatically deleted when empty; P( O- a, u% B! _
Added: When no player is present for an Eden Editor preview, Splendid Camera is opened by default
Added: The mod filter in the Asset Browser now shows mod icons6 M/ C3 Y& m+ X) ^0 }
Tweaked: The default size of structured text (ctrlStructuredText) now matches the size of plain text (ctrlStatic)
Tweaked: Behavior of the 'Center on Selected' function in the Eden Editor (the F key by default). It now works with layers (the position of the first entity found in the layer is used) and the camera is no longer moved when only an empty layer is selected.
Tweaked: Terrains in the 'Select Terrain' dialog are now sorted alphabetically
Tweaked: The current terrain is now auto-selected in the Eden Editor dialog
Tweaked: Current terrain is now auto-selected in the 'Select Terrain' dialog in Eden Editor
Fixed: Moving the camera to a comment (i.e. pressing 'F' when a comment is selected) didn't work
Fixed: Pacific variants of NATO AT Rifleman and Autorifleman had incorrect Eden Editor preview images. S; h$ b2 m8 W
Fixed: Offroad (Repair) had an incorrect Eden Editor preview image
Fixed: The BIS_fnc_inTrigger function did not work properly when applied on an ellipse with B size larger than A size2 b& a% }! Y1 k' E# b, t' A3 q
Fixed: Eden Editor attributes which were using combo interfaces (e.g. a drop down menu) didn't have the current value selected by default in some cases) \) w% k) R& _( ?' c
Fixed: Drop down menus with a sound preview in the Eden Editor (e.g. trigger music) did not react to mouse input in some cases
Fixed: Editing the loadout of characters with pre-filled backpacks (e.g. medic or AT specialist) would always restore the contents of the backpack
Apex Protocol (potential spoilers). A+ ]2 v7 D$ n3 X4 \% V! N% o: n* G
Fixed: The subtitles for conversations playing over the radio in Apex Protocol would display even if the players dropped their radio and couldn't hear them0 J' s% B$ k, J4 L& ]' M
Fixed: In the Apex Protocol lobby, players would end up with the leader's squad XML info instead of theirs( r$ C- M* o1 ~5 P! I$ w
Fixed: The &Investigate the Drone& task could break in some cases in the Apex Protocol scenario
Fixed: Script error in the Apex Protocol campaign lobby when changing the respawn options8 S) p+ M5 J) m8 ~/ j
Fixed: Players were unable to use the ladder on the water tower at the Toronto objective in the Keystone scenario5 s- E2 c# u: n: f$ @: I
Fixed: There were some incorrect names for new respawn positions in the End Game scenario
Fixed: Container doors were visibly open to the host but closed to clients in the Firestarter scenario
Fixed: Players couldn't climb the water tower at one of the variants of point New York in the Keystone scenario
Fixed: A quad bike getting damaged by an object composition in the Warm Welcome scenario, _; X4 v5 U/ N% Q: G) s3 [8 J
Fixed: There was a missing string when only one respawn ticket was available in the Keystone scenario4 e2 n5 T( x6 x" Z1 q7 ~5 ?
The East Wind (potential spoilers)( U; Z* o) ~" l% ~
Tweaked: MacKinnon's crashed Hunter is no longer being held up by its left rear-view mirror in the Drawdown 2035 scenario
Fixed: The progress of the Signal Lost scenario could get stuck7 [; X3 \0 i6 C# T' A, k& S& q
Fixed: Script error upon rendezvousing with the surviving NATO units in the Situation Normal scenario
Fixed: AI would have trouble driving the extraction Zamak out of the town in the Wet Work scenario2 i' T# x9 Q1 [$ v' |
Fixed: Players could engage the enemies in the town without them engaging him in the Wet Work scenario& q! j2 J0 @. n+ X) ?5 Y
Fixed: Players could get damaged by McKinnon's Hunter4 [: X0 m% a4 f, j) s, P3 }" b
Fixed: The player could use the Save & Exit option during the opening cutscene of the Air Superiority scenario
Fixed: Vehicles would move incorrectly in the Moral Fiber scenario& @" \! E% i/ }8 k" [
Fixed: There was no 3D task indicator for getting in a vehicle in the Moral Fiber scenario
Prologue (potential spoilers)
Fixed: The Kajman helicopter would sometimes catch fire during the final cutscene of the Damage Control scenario
Fixed: Standing enemies would sometimes crouch when killed in the Reality Check scenario2 t* ^3 M2 f+ h
ENGINE:% v4 g* {* a&&W- T&&K$ H% o" }
Added: 64-bit Executables
Added: Dynamic Simulation
Added: New TurnIn and TurnOut Event Handlers (firing when hatches are opened / parameters: [vehicle, person, turret path])
Added: Tactical Pings are now shown on the 2D map as well
Added: Tactical Ping markers can now be placed through the map interface- S5 t4 t* X* z$ @$ _! |# |
Added: A new IsRemoteExecutedJIP script command
Added: New vehicle sound parameter for opening / closing the hatches: &soundTurnIn&, &soundTurnOut&,&soundTurnInInternal&, &soundTurnOutInternal&2 R- l' p$ r3 z6 \$ Q1 z
Added: New &engineTemp&, &wheelsTemp& and &turretGunTemp& vehicle animation sources
Added: A new crosshair difficulty option (to disable the crosshair and crew aim i CCIP is visible only in optics)
Added: A new terrainIntersectAt script command$ h. x+ H/ z1 j&&c
Added: A new enableWeaponDisassembly script command3 M" u1 [$ Y# e&&K
Added: New setFlagAnimationPhase and getFlagAnimationPhase script commands
Added: A new isSimpleObject script command
Added: Support for randomly generated values based on a seed (random command)
Added: A new &BuildingChanged& mission Event Handler
Added: Missiles now support sub-munitions. Previously, such feature was reserved only for CfgAmmo classes with simulation &shotSubmunitions&. Now &shotMissile& works with it as well. See
for more details.&&f( {7 C' D. h+ [* v
Added: Support for destroying objects without effects (e.g. explosion, fire, etc.)/ F! p# Y6 M, J# b( l
Added: Script variables are now available for Simple Objects
Added: A new &cameradir& MFD source
Added: Support for huge pages via the &-hugePages& command-line parameter
Added: Support for an EnableHugePages function for DLL interfaces
Added: Support of huge pages for the TBB4 memory allocator, z, y9 I. u2 R4 W% C9 _# M
Added: Sub-munition ammo type randomization ()
Added: It is now possible to transport non-vehicle objects in vehicles (via scripting only)2 p) D) a/ H! \0 g6 e8 B
Added: A new &featureType& config parameter replacing &featureSize&
Added: A new setFeatureType script command (parameters: 0 - disable, 1 - object is always visible to object view distance, 2 - object is visible to terrain view distance, the limit is 500 for terrain / static objects and 200 for dynamic objects including config features and auto features (flying helicopters, airplanes))
Added: A new Deleted Event Handler
Added: A new typeRecognitionDistance sensor parameter* ^3 M&&Q" s' Y
Added: New PAPI lights configuration (new parameters: VasiLight && light && cone, slope, angleLimitH, angleLimitV; check the class &CfgVehicles && Land_Runway_PAPI && VasiLight& from the config viewer for more Intel)" w3 R; }5 R4 f$ q% @
Added: New MFD options:7 P$ ^0 _7 z5 \% j8 D9 p+ S/ q
For text: &sourceLength&, &sourcePrecision&
For scale: &NeverEatSeaWeed&: 1 - will show &N,E,S,W&, 2 - will show &N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW& in the heading scale" r" u9 N5 e( Q& ]
Added: Support for (helicopter) drones to output a 'fake' RPM value (for SFX e.g.)
Added: Support for the abs command in simple expressions
Added: A new &Activate Mine& action; E2 w2 M9 X% i- U) V
Added: A new parseSimpleArray command to parse a string output of an extension into an array
Added: An alternative syntax for the callExtension command; m" |. g% l( A/ d- b/ E8 ^- l
Added: A new &nightRangeCoef& parameter to enable the influence of day and night on visual sensors* k* P4 U&&F4 M) e5 n5 h
Added: Heading for camera feeds) B5 L/ P. s, d
Added: A new &hasUnderbarrel& weapon animation source! t+ G0 m( a7 F&&H- H+ p
Tweaked: The disassemble action is now available for vehicles with dead crew (e.g. static weapons)2 z# y2 ^0 n. N' [. `
Tweaked: The impact origin of ragdolls being triggered is now more precise. [+ R. L" @% \4 F6 @; ?) k
Tweaked: AI drivers of tracked vehicles should now drive more reliably in specific cases (less zig-zagging in high speeds, low-speed turning around); h0 j6 b- i- e" n5 W3 W6 _9 _/ o
Tweaked: The submunition trigger distance is now also affected by the target distance&&h! r) }2 j# [0 X8 x
Tweaked: The BuildingChanged mission Event Handler is now triggered even when a building is repaired
Tweaked: setRank and setUnitRank now work for all clients0 w, [$ v& g0 s7 H3 `$ h. \
Tweaked: AI following a path should now be more precise
Tweaked: The InventoryOpened EH did not provide info on what containers were opened for dead bodies ()
Tweaked: The setDriveOnPath command now removes duplicate points (improves finishing the path for AI drivers)# w% }+ {& e1 S$ @. P; R7 E8 h% Z
Tweaked: Divers should now properly change weapon ammo when leaving water
Tweaked: The total amount of groups was increased by a factor of 2* s1 F&&l, w/ m, g
Tweaked: Vehicles without waypoints should no longer start their engines at the beginning of scenarios# g& ]&&c1 P% _/ _! j5 R6 h
Tweaked: In one of the older presets, players were able to change weapon via the context menu to a weapon which they were already holding* t: }( ]; Q1 P
Tweaked: Collisions with attached objects have been disabled- [( @, j5 R# N
Tweaked: The MFD &numberEach& in source &scale& can be zero to disable text1 @+ Y. l7 x2 u, E+ x( Q+ f4 R
Tweaked: CfgDisabledCommands entries no longer need to be listed in lowercase in order to work properly
Tweaked: A target assigned by a UAV's turret was visible on the Sensor Overview
Tweaked: PhysX objects movement and collision precision were improved
Tweaked: The &maxFordingDepth& parameter can now be negative on cars and tanks (cars are measured from the center of the BBbox, helicopters need a positive value as they're measured from the land contacts)
Tweaked: The minimally required speed for airplane taxiing has been lowered5 }! W3 `( }% L&&K3 S) ^, U
Tweaked: Enemy detection by plain sight is now limited by the object view distance
Tweaked: The Killed, MPKilled and EntityKilled Event Handlers were extended with a damage effect value! j8 y3 N4 K6 M&&i
Tweaked: Location getVariable and Task getVariable now support a default value
Tweaked: Script commands setHit, setHitIndex and setHitpointDamage now accept an optional parameter that allows partial object destruction without destruction effects
Tweaked: Dashed lock icons are now used whenever a target is not in a sensor's line-of-sight
Tweaked: When a variable space is null, getVariable will return a default value (instead of null)+ p, `7 \& h6 g+ B4 q7 e% R5 A
Tweaked: The enableEnvironment script command was extended to allow separate control over ambient life and ambient sound ()
Tweaked: The speed of vehicles commanded to move should now be smoother
Tweaked: The default probability of sub-munition ammo is now 1
Tweaked: The Dammaged Event Handler is now extended with the hitPart index and hitPoint name parameters" b1 Z&&n$ X&&_7 m3 }' z1 H! `
Tweaked: The HandleDamage Event Handler is now extended with the hitPoint name parameter
Tweaked: The enableEnvironment command was improved (, , , , etc.)
Tweaked: The getEnableEnvironment command was renamed to environmentEnabled$ K( c, S! Y$ P; p+ F! t
Tweaked: The lineIntersectsSurfaces command was rounding passed values incorrectly
Tweaked: The lineIntersectsSurfaces command was extended with an optional parameter (allowing to return the same object intersections)
Fixed: Parachutes would not collide with objects attached to roadways
Fixed: There was a typo in the objectDistaceLimitCoef and viewDistaceLimitCoef parameters1 o& a6 P4 n. N&&h8 I9 D' q
Fixed: The isRemoteExecuted and isRemoteExecutedJIP commands were not working properly in some cases5 Z% ?9 |/ a3 h6 M4 x1 W- f
Fixed: Reading of the &enableParallax& parameter in MFD HUD was not correct! }) j! m9 k: G1 {( z
Fixed: Aiming down the iron sights with a lowered weapon would behave inconsistently( g! [8 T2 b2 [6 m0 j&&o
Fixed: UAVs would switch weapons despite the player having manual control over them in some cases
Fixed: Sorting of text parts of MFDs was incorrect+ V4 u0 ]; X7 C
Fixed: A potential memory leak when using the detach script command in multiplayer
Fixed: Setting a Control or Display variable to nil would not properly undefine the variable, O% W+ g" A4 }9 l! J- S
Fixed: It was not possible to unhide an object hidden via an attribute or init script in some cases
Fixed: The server browser overflowed with data could discard some of it in some cases (making mod signature checking delayed or canceled)
Fixed: Crash (to desktop) connected to AI driving
Fixed: fadeRadio would affect playMusic+ h( j7 [4 Z: D1 ~
Fixed: The &animate& parameter of the animateSource script command was not correctly passed to remote clients
Fixed: It was not possible to connect to a Linux server once it loaded too many addons ()8 H; A# F7 x) b# x, {
Fixed: Potential fix for a Crash To Desktop (, )
Fixed: disableTI/NVGEquipment would not change the game state immediately+ N&&~0 k+ R&&w&&c( f& j2 a$ _' w
Fixed: The createSimpleObject command would create an object out of any string
Fixed: Inventory weight of loaded magazines was doubled ()0 c5 Z6 z! x6 l
Fixed: Free Content Licensed DLC scenarios could not be started (e.g. TT1)9 m&&O8 R( s6 j0 I, b$ N# B
Fixed: Initial exposure of PiP scenes (first frame)
Fixed: Fleeing of vehicles unable to hit their targets was incorrect
Fixed: ListBox and ListNBox controls allowed to select only the first 7 items
Fixed: Server crash cases1 i' x9 E&&W8 H/ {% R2 s3 j: p
Fixed: ComboBoxes would appear empty when expanded after all their items were removed( c" T/ k0 P/ K0 ~&&Z- a
Fixed: AI infantry would flee when unable to engage% {+ |# Z8 Q4 k&&z6 d+ O, }: m
Fixed: Mortars controlled by the AI could not shoot more than one round at a time
Fixed: Crash when triggering a Tactical Ping
Fixed: Incorrect turret elevation text in the HUD
Fixed: Weapon switching actions between a rifle and a launcher were not working correctly ()
Fixed: Using the setUnitPos command with Careless behavior would force units to look through their iron sights
Fixed: The Titan AA/AT lock was randomly broken (). q# d( d& l& w8 n
Fixed: The lineIntersectsSurfaces command behaved incorrectly when using the primary LOD on its own/ C' q+ ^- o/ L( h
Fixed: Weapon attachments could still work when switching from a FFV position to non-FFV one) b( z+ A6 ?; y( t4 p, l+ W( ~2 Z
Fixed: The forceSpeed command value was not saved along with scenarios2 |. v- k3 R$ S: [&&u/ ^
Fixed: AI orders to repair a vehicle would loop infinitely ()
Fixed: Crash when changing unit grouping in the Zeus interface
Fixed: Crash connected to broken animations
Fixed: AI drivers would move to the corner of the VR terrain on their own* J# C/ {2 B3 }' D/ Y1 y( N5 n. z
Fixed: Potential crash when deleting characters8 L. r% Q% q+ a" g8 q/ t
Fixed: Crash connected to weapon resting ()
Fixed: Armored vehicles would not attack targets properly on Dedicated Servers1 |) \&&L8 U8 U; t9 f% A9 A
Fixed: Planes controlled by AI were unable to lock a target2 {4 z' G8 F( @8 h5 N1 N
Fixed: Framerate drop when opening a map in several mods ()
Fixed: Custom face wear of AI soldiers would reset after loading a scenario& q$ m) l( B4 X& q0 o8 P4 X&&n5 z
Fixed: Using the setObjectViewDistance command would also modify Video Options settings
Fixed: The camera was facing in the opposite direction in the &Loadmaster& position in Tarus when remotely controlling an entity" @: H) q) F, e$ x% j6 N
Fixed: The isRemoteExecuted command would not work as expected in some cases
Fixed: Gunship / UAV gunner optics were shaking when the pilot maneuvered an aircraft in multiplayer' X$ B8 R&&f, Y: c( n% H" D
Fixed: Players could not deny playing the Prologue when there was another instance of the game running (e.g. a Dedicated Server)5 |1 X! {9 [! \- U8 ~3 F
Fixed: AI vehicle gunners would continue shooting at a target even when it hid behind an obstacle
Fixed: Players could be trapped in a vehicle with disabled simulation in some cases7 N! V&&\9 \/ ~6 v
Fixed: UAV gunner optics were shaking when the FPS was low
Fixed: Weapon Info and Stance Indicator could not be switched in the difficulty settings: r9 m6 `7 G7 ~; _
Fixed: The Score table tab did not show the Disconnect message box properly in the Debriefing Screen3 Q* m0 y! M6 a3 P* q3 y( l% n7 s
Fixed: A rare crash when switching from the main menu to a campaign selection and back% e/ I- b* R0 K5 ]2 s* u: j
Fixed: It was not possible to open the drop-down menu of the UAV terminal and Artillery Computer in some cases
Fixed: Several issues with the Dynamic Simulation on Dedicated Servers4 p&&g- {! z7 ~/ |
Fixed: The Car &Hull& indicator behaved incorrectly( M8 m3 N, ~; n$ t6 A: F9 }$ w9 M
Fixed: the TurnIn/TurnOut Event Handlers would return [] for the driver turret (instead of [-1]). U2 ]) H& w/ j$ }7 L& V: T
Fixed: Vehicles would start braking too late and could miss their waypoints" `2 x* I( c0 v2 {% N0 H
Fixed: Potential crash when the game is closed with a score table open9 G# A$ J) t5 k8 q$ o2 x
Fixed: The Respawn Menu would not work correctly after saving and loading a scenario in multiplayer) H) x0 E* v9 e+ j5 s
Fixed: The image type of a squad.xml logo was not checked in all cases
Fixed: AV pilots / drivers could open their inventory
Fixed: Potential crash when moving out of a vehicle in multiplayer$ E* W# r6 P6 W* n7 h" I
Fixed: The shotInstigator command would return an incorrect value if the vehicle commander used Manual Fire
Fixed: Tasks were not visible in the debriefing when a player died and had Team Switched before
Fixed: AI would ignore orders when the player was giving them from within a vehicle
Fixed: The minimap would not show UAVs
Fixed: Crash when accessing a not-yet-created UI- `( w' X' [# x
Fixed: Incorrect parsing of mission and map name from the Steam server response
Fixed: Airplanes controlled by AI had trouble taking off from most airfields on Altis
Fixed: The -enableHT parameter was not handled properly in some cases2 a( ]3 x8 H- _9 o' z0 b
Fixed: The &Showcasing& Steam Achievement could be unlocked without completing Showcase End Game; {0 {- L&&e3 Y5 G&&l9 [
Eden Editor
Added: Engine support for sub-categories in the attribute system
Added: A new dashed line marking the probability of presence when dragging entities
Added: A new activation type for triggers (detected any player)
Added: A new &AttributesChanged3DEN& Event Handler (called when moving / rotating objects)5 U! ]&&G* \6 k9 Q9 C6 u
Added: A new &Dragged3DEN& Event Handler for entities (fires when an object is dragged in the Eden Editor either by widget or by mouse)2 Q% K6 L2 Y9 B! U6 r, j
Fixed: The rotation arrow would point in the incorrect direction when rotating a group after rotating its group leader
Fixed: The drop down menu of a combo box could overflow a parent's control group5 q+ L# e( V- r% t/ g/ P/ ]
Fixed: Selecting an item in the Asset List would cause its icon to flash at the [0,0,0] coordinates
Fixed: A change in a Logic's area shape would revert after coming back from previewing / restarting the scenario
Fixed: Object rotation via the area scale widget did not fire the &attributesChanged3DEN& event# R2 s6 Q" k8 p' j- ]
Fixed: Placing a group in a vehicle above the group limit could result in placing an empty vehicle with group outside of it ()
Fixed: Forcing a group into a formation would not work if some units were deleted from the group before
Fixed: Characters could be moved to the corner of the terrain after a scenario preview: o4 H! ~+ H: W% I9 z. U) ^
Fixed: Searching by mod in Groups mode did not work correctly- ?& E) ~( |1 b) C5 v$ f) q" o
Fixed: Objects were sometimes moved out of their layer when their type was changed
Fixed: The multiplayer lobby in the Eden Editor scenario preview would not display position names of vehicle crewmen
Fixed: Ambient animals were missing in Scenario Previews
Added: An ability to select the game platform (32-bit or 64-bit). On 64-bit systems Launcher will start 64-bit version of the game by default.
Added: Checks for compatibility of mods (or precisely its game extensions) with the selected platform/ Z" s/ l4 S" h* @1 G% |" C
Added: When subscribing to a mod in the server browser, users are informed if the mod is platform-specific9 n* H/ A4 g: \; |$ q) F
Added: Hiding 32-bit/64-bit specific options based on the selected platform
Added: Support for the -hugePages startup parameter
Added: The &Patrol& game type was added to the server browser
Added: A message in the server details informing the user when some information about mods or signatures can be transmitted from the server4 [6 b" E( _. U0 j/ Z: ?" m
Added: Command line parameters -win32 and -win64 that will force a game platform when started with the -noLauncher parameter
Tweaked: Performance was improved for users with a large amount of mods
Tweaked: Replaced the mechanism for the retrieval of the Workshop mods list to an alternative API to work around the issues with incomplete lists& n" ^. w& C. v: c( d% M, \&&s
Tweaked: The memory limit for 32-bit executables on 64-bit Operating Systems is increased from 2047 MB to 3071 MB
Tweaked: Added mouse hover effect and tooltip for notification bar buttons
Tweaked: BattlEye messages are now properly wrapped on the BattlEye page
Fixed: Some elements in the News list could display excessive white space around them
Fixed: Potential crash of the server browser after receiving invalid data8 G, D# y3 s$ {' I) }0 B2 p# ]+ K9 L
Fixed: Mods from the 'Unsupported by the server' list ignored the 'Keep loaded' option and were omitted when starting the game1 R3 Q7 C# C9 O' [&&V
Fixed: Incorrect label text in a dialog subscribing mods while importing a preset7 [- e( S) E( v0 s# w, y
Fixed: Crash when repairing mods while Steam is offline; ~&&h2 D" j+ K
SERVER:5 o' N5 D$ `' W- P
Updated: Stand-alone Windows Dedicated Server (1.68)* T- X5 \! N* f+ d( e. {
Updated: Stand-alone Linux Dedicated Server (1.68)/ k" y9 V& S; h- y& b1 I
Known issue: Steam client modifies the steam_appid.txt file incorrectly. In case of issues, verify its content is: 107410
Known issue: Sometimes the add-ons are loaded from the wrong installation (e.g. main game)
Try adding -mod=dlcbundle to your arma3server.exe shortcut
TA的每日心情开心4&天前签到天数: 413 天[LV.9]以坛为家II
TA的每日心情奋斗昨天&11:59签到天数: 90 天[LV.6]常住居民II
TA的每日心情奋斗3&天前签到天数: 876 天[LV.10]以坛为家III
在steam更新吗. |: W* o: ?( d' ~
TA的每日心情慵懒 11:47签到天数: 2 天[LV.1]初来乍到
3月17日测试,WIN7 64位系统,1.68 64位 与 小队雷达 不兼容,挂载小队雷达无法进入游戏———Justsoso
TA的每日心情奋斗3&天前签到天数: 876 天[LV.10]以坛为家III
$ _# \9 E0 u7 h' ^* W' v
3月17日测试,WIN7 64位系统,1.68 64位 与 小队雷达 不兼容,挂载小队雷达无法进入游戏———Justsoso ...
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