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made success in Oblivion.
Now the great-great-granddaughter is ready to hit Skyrim!
Character, story, dialog and voice by Emma
Main Coding and AI by Amgepo
Textures, models and coding by Lycanthrops
WARNING: Installing the update might wipe out ALL of the items in Vilja's extra storage bags. Clean out all her extra bags BEFORE installing the update (might be a nice time to let her do some shopping).
WARNING: In ver 1.3, we have unfortunately introduced a s if you ask her to shut up, she will do so permanently. So, please instead set her chatter level to minimum if you don't want her to talk so often! This will be cured in next version.
Brief overview
With multiple quest lines, unique abilities and around 4000 lines of voiced dialog, Vilja should keep you entertained for many, many game-hours to come. But her dialog and features have evolved so far that even her creators can't keep track of it all. There are many surprises tucked away in her dialog topics and we encourage you to just try them all. This is just a brief overview of her features and what differs her from other companions/followers.
- Around 4000 lines of fully voiced dialog. Vilja is by default very talkative, but if it is too much for you (which would be understandable), you can easily adjust the settings in her dialog (Main topic: Let's just talk for a while). She won't be upset with you even if you tell her to keep completely quiet.
- Improved following behaviour. In order to make Vilja follow as well as possible, she will warp to you whenever she gets stuck. This will only happen when you are not watching, so if you notice she is stuck, just turn away from her and continue to walk. Vilja also has a summon spell that you will have access to as soon as you have completed the very first part of her quest. (It is activated with the shout-key). If you should lose track of her, you will be able to find her by activating her quest - a questmarker will then show you where she is.
Vilja has the Lightfoot perk, so she is unlikely to be the victim of common traps.
By default, Vilja will follow you with a behaviour similar to other followers, but through dialog you can choose to allow her to sandbox while following (similar to the Dawnguard companion Serana), which will make her a little more lively. The sandbox behaviour can be toggled on and off in dialog (Main topic: Travel together)
- Disposition system. Her disposition towards you will change over time and depend on your actions towards her and towards the rest of your environment. If she is really mad at you, she will surely let you know, but you will also spot that her current disposition towards you will be mirrored in what she says and how she responds.
Of course there are also ways to improve her disposition. For instance, she enjoys a sweetroll or something to drink. You can give her a compliment, thank her or give her a gift, and sometimes this will lead to an increased disposition. And as a bard-wanna-be, she will of course like it if you care to listen to her music.
- Inventory system. Because of some technical difficulties, we have decided to wait until ver 1.1 with the inventory system we originally planned for Vilja. In ver 1.0, her inventory system is simple but functional: you can tell her to wear armor or to wear clothes. If she is wearing clothes, she will still auto-switch to armor whenever in combat (provided, of course, that she has any armor in her inventory). She will undress if she is swimming, and she has a special nightgown that she will use when she is at home and is going to bed. Her inventory also containes extra storages: two bags where you can tell her to store items you don't want her to use ingame, and a special container where you can put things that you want her to sell for you. If her horse Bruse is in the neighborhood, you can also ask her to store things in his saddlebags. These items will of course only be accessible when Bruse is around!
- Detailed fighting instructions. You can tell Vilja if she should participate in fights or stay out of trouble. You can also tell her whether her fighting style should be ranged or melee. Later on she will learn to use different spells, and you will then be able to finetune which of these spells she should use. As soon as you finished the very first part of her quest, you will receive three &commands& (activated with the shout-key) that you can use to give Vilja quick-instructions during battle: Vilja Attack!, Vilja Stop Fighting!, Vilja - Stop Fighting and Follow me!
- Toggle essential/non-essential. In her topic &Travel together& you will find the option to talk to her about &important matters&. This will bring up a configuration menu, where you can toggle if you want her to be essential (will never die) or non-essential (can possibly die, like other followers).
- Healing. From start, Vilja can only heal herself during combat, but later on she will also be able to keep you healed.
- Sparring. You can practice your fighting skills together with her in a friendly combat.
- Crafting. Different from vanilla followers, Vilja can actually use crafting stations! Provided, of course, that you give her the correct material. She may not use them for the same purposes as you, though. Here is a list of what she will do:
Cooking pot: Vilja will cook various meals for you, depending on what ingredients she has in her inventory
Alchemy station: Vilja will make various potions, depending on what ingredients she has in her inventory.
Enchantment station: Vilja cannot do anything useful at enchantment stations.
Forge: Vilja can use the forge to create lockpicks for you, provided that she has at least one Iron ingot
Workbench: Vilja can use the workbench to fletch arrows, provided that she has at least ten pieces of firewood and an ingot of iron, steel, silver or dwarven.
Tanning rack: Vilja will use the tanning rack the same way as you do. Give her pelts, and she will turn them into leather. If she has leather but no pelts, she will turn leather into leather strips.
Sharpening wheel: Vilja cannot do anything useful at the sharpening wheel.
Smelter: Vilja can use the smelter the same way as you do, provided that she has ore.
Chopping block: Vilja can, like other followers, use the chopping block to chop wood.
Vilja can also do some simple crafting on the fly, without any crafting stations:
- Simple potions. If you can provide one ingredient, Vilja can make simple potions like healing, restore magicka, restore stamina and cure diesease without having access to an alchemy station.
- Cooking. If Vilja has appropriate ingredients in her inventory, she can cook you a meal on the fly.
- Torches. If she has firewood and linenwraps, she can make torches for you.
-Horseriding and Mounted combat. Vilja is not a standard follower but an unique stand-alone companion. She has her own horse, which she will summon and use whenever you are riding. You can also tell her to ride when you are not riding. Mounted Combat is not incorporated in ver 1.0.
- Lead the way. Vilja doesn't always have to follow your lead. YOU can also go adventuring with HER. Yes, you can actually be her companion. She might suggest it, or you can suggest that she takes the lead. She might show you places you've never seen before! It's a very different and rewarding roleplay-experience to travel side by side instead of having a companion always five steps behind you. This feature was originally introduced with Oblivion Vilja, but Skyrim Vilja will do the same thing.
- Quest-related chatter. Vilja knows what is happening around her, and will, once you have travelled together for a little while, start to comment on some of the vanilla-quests you are doing. This will be further expanded on in later versions. (She is currently rather oblivious of what is going on within the Thieves guild and the Dark Brotherhood).
- Place-related chatter. Vilja will always have opinions on the places you are visiting. She will often tell you spontaneously, but you can also ask her through dialog.
- Interaction with other followers. Vilja interacts with many of the vanilla followers on various levels, from basic to quite advanced. For the best experience, I suggest that you go exploring with Vilja and either Lydia, Aela, Farkas or Argis, and you will soon find that Vilja not only interacts with them - they will reply, and sometimes they will be involved in quite lenghty discussions. Similar but more generic interaction will happen also with Iona, Ria, Benor, Stenvar, Ahtar, Illia, Uthgerd, Adelaisa and Anneke Crag-Jumper. With some other popular follower, Vilja has simple interaction, i.e. Vilja will know that they are there and sometimes comment on them, but they will not respond and there will be no discussions between them. These followers are Mjoll, Erik the Slayer and Calder. Interaction with other followers, hopefully also custom-made, will be expanded in future versions.
- Creating a home. You can tell Vilja where you want her to live, and when she is in this location and in wandermode, she will adapt a daily schedule that involves everything from cooking and cleaning to playing music, reading books, discussing with other followers and going for walks. She will of course have special dialog for when she is at home.
- Reading books. Vilja will be happy to read books for you. From start, she only has one book that she can read, but she will tell you about other books that she'll read for you once she has them.
- Collecting and cleaning. Vilja can help you to collect various items like arrows, weapons and, of course, ingredients. You can also tell her to &clean up the mess& and she will then appear to use a broom to do so.
- Spellcasting. From start, Vilja can only use some simple spells for healing and teleporting. As her quests progress, she will eventually learn a range of other spells. Nothing really fancy, though, as she is not supposed to be a spellcaster. You will be able to finetune through dialog what spells you want her to use.
- Shopping. You can tell Vilja to go shopping for you, and either determine what kind of wares you want her to buy or leave that decision to her (good way to raise her disposition, although you might not always be so impressed with what she draggs home). She has a special container in her inventory where you can place things that you want her to sell for you - the outcome of her bartering will depend on her speechcraft skill. Vilja will sometimes go shopping spontaneously. This will only happen when you are in one of the main cities and she will always tell you in advance.
- Skills report. In the main topic &Let's just talk for a while& you can ask Vilja about her current skills. This will also expose how much she currently likes you.
- Play games. Vilja is childish and she enjoys playing games. You can race her to various destination, you can play rock, paper, scissors and you can practice sparring with her.
- Playing music. Vilja is a bard-wanna-be, and is always happy to play for you. From start, she can only play the drums, but after completing some of her quests, she will be able to play flute and lute as well. Thanks to KindaInappropriate (lute) and Bosa123 (flute) she also has her very own music that she can play.
- Playing for the audience. Once you have completed some of Vilja's quests, she will be able to entertain the audience in some of the inns, and she will actually even earn some money on it! It is up to you to decide when or if she should play for the audience.
- Roleplaying features. To enhance the gameplay for roleplayers, there are many features included that aren't vital functionalitywise. You can for instance buy her drinks at inns, thank her if she has been of great help, you can tell her when you give her something precious, you can give her compliments, and if you are romancing her, you can tell her that you love her. She will also occasionally ask for your opinion on more serious and in-depth matters, where you can pick choices according to your characters personality (or, of course, the choice you hope will please her).
- Introducing an infamous Solstheim tradition. I think those who played Oblivion Vilja will grin and immediately guess what we have been up to... For those who haven't got a clue, we suggest that you head for one of the inns, buy Vilja a few drinks and give them to her through the special dialog option that show up only inside inns. It shouldn't take many drinks before she will show you what the Solstheim people do when they are celebrating.
- Romance and marriage. Vilja finds the whole idea of using a silly amulet as some kind of advertisement quite repulsive. To her, love is about friendship and trust. If you want to romance her, you will be able to do so, eventually, but only after you learnt to know her better and her main mission in Skyrim is completed. The romance included in this version is very basic and doesn't include marriage. The romance will be expanded on in future versions, and will then of course also include the option to marry her.
- Cyrodiil Vilja. Through e-mails, forum-posts and PMs, I have learnt that there are many players who want Vilja to be the very same person as in Cyrodiil. Therefore, I have added in a special option for those who want to roleplay this. At the end of the very first part of her quest, you will have a dialog-option that allows you to decide that she is your long-lost friend or lover, and if you choose this option, her backgroundstory and some other aspects and comments will change accordingly.
<font color="#.4版本更新了服装,战斗,游泳,购物等等的设置选项(福利啊福利~)
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good job let see see
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good job{:3 (1):}
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哈哈 找了好久了
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