
WONDAxAKB48shortstory~FortuneCookie~_土豆_高清视频在线观看(????? ???), also known as ,
is an Israeli humorist, writer, and software geek.He is passionate about open content, open source, and freedom and openness
in general.
It is easy to reach Shlomi using a large number of
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Shlomi Fish elsewhere on the Web
Humour Section Menu
Fortune Cookies CollectionFortune Cookie Files
These are collections of quotes in the
format which I collected, and that can be used with the UNIX
fortune program. Most of the quotes here are funny, and the rest are such
that I found especially enlightening, and/or could not find in the other
fortune collections.They have been converted to a custom XML-based grammar, based on
Table of ContentsView and Download - (free download).Individual HTML pages for the fortune collection:
Collection of my own quotes.
Favourite quotes from various sources.
Quotes from the scripts of the T.V. show The Big Bang Theory.
Quotes from the scripts of the T.V. show Friends. They cover the first three seasons.
Quotes from the
Collection of quotes found in the signatures of , as collected using an automated script.
“The Rules of Open-Source Programming”. Also check a
Quotes from the essays and writings of .
Excerpts from the online
The ultimate collection of reasons why “there is no IGLU cabal”, and other Israeli Linux on-line folklore.
A collection of conversations from Freenode’s #perl .
A collection of conversations from Freenode’s ##programming .
A collection of factoids about people and things (e.g: Chuck Norris). (large).Commentary and DisclaimerPlease report any typos or inaccuracies to me by
. The quotations
here are owned by their respective copyright holders, and come with
no warranty of any kind.LicenceAs far as Shlomi Fish, who is collecting and maintaining these quotes, is
concerned, this collection of fortune cookies is licensed under the
. However, as noted earlier,
these fortune cookies were collected from various sources, many of them are
not original or under incompatible or “All Rights Reserved” licences, and some
of them (like the many IRC conversations there) contain text by many authors.
So one should take care.If you feel any of these quotes is doing you damage, and you wish it to be
removed or modified, then
and he’ll see what he can do.Links
Technical Links -
Perl 5/CPAN and XSLT code to convert the XML to XHTML and to plaintext.Other Fortune Cookies Collections - contains fortunes from the X Files, Disc World, Forrest Gump,
Star Wars, The Simpsons, and the Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. - quotes about individual rights, and some from the comedian
Stephen Wright.
- including Linux slogans, quotes from Linus Torvalds and others, brief
Microsoft jokes, and some portions of their articles. - Another Linux-IL folklore...
- a collection of random fortune cookies. - a collection of funny or amusing Linux
kernel development related quotes..
- a collection of fortunes in French by Nanardon. - On Infodrom we collect a bunch of fortune cookies which we
extract from real live conversation, usenet postings (mail and news) and IRC
channels. We don’t believe they are funny, others do. However, some of them may
be funny. - a fortune
file with pep talk quotes from Halls cough drops wrappers. - enhanced fortune program with ANSI terminal
colours, by Walter Stanish, on GitHub. Can export to a fortune-compatible
collection. - on
- contains a fortune file of signature quotes (not maintained as XML in order
to have better control of the outputted text).Web Feeds (does not validate)Keep track of the newest ones added using
(see a list on the Wikipedia).Credits SVG image taken from the Open Clipart's
collection under CC0/public domain.


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