《 CentreCourt 》游戏中国在线游戏中心官网官网是?

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game center中文是什么意思
中文翻译游戏中心&&&&adj. 〔口语〕跛的,瘸的;残废的,受伤的。 ... &&&&&&n. 1.中心;中心点;圆心;中央;中枢,核心;中心人物 ...... &&&&&&有野的挑战书... &&&&&&一个游戏,一次比赛... &&&&&&勇于... &&&&&&n. 1.游戏;娱乐;戏谑;运动。 2.(运动、棋类等的)比赛,竞赛;(比赛中的)一盘,一场,一局;胜利;比分,得分,比赛成绩。 3.〔 pl.〕 比赛会, ...... &&&&&&有局方... &&&&&&胜一局... &&&&&&竞技状态良好... &&&&&&被判为无效的比赛... &&&&&&生日游戏; 心理游戏; 这场游戏; 致命游戏... &&&&&&太空防卫战... &&&&&&双方各胜一局... &&&&&&n.,vt.,vi. 〔美国〕=centre. n. 1.中心;中心点;圆心;中央;中枢,核心;中心人物;根源,起源。 2.〔常C-〕(政治上的)中间派。
...... &&&&&&以...为主题... &&&&&&以…为主题; 以…为中心,集中于…... &&&&&&在中心; 在中间... &&&&&&二面经历... &&&&&&中心距... &&&&&&克罗内克尔中枢... &&&&&&中环中心; 中中心... &&&&&&找中心... &&&&&&电子游戏... &&&&&&盘尾丝虫病; 中到中; 中心到中心距离; 中心到中心中心之间; 中至中... &&&&&&两柱间; 中到中; 中心距... &&
例句与用法Ive been practicing at the game center near my house in tokyo我一直都在东京住的附近游戏中心练习这个游戏呢。 The sound of video games can be heard in private homes and public game centers all across america在美国各地的私人住宅和公共游戏中心都能听到电子游戏机的声音。 Golf games center organizes and hosts various classes of golf match , and many activities for members only , thus to improve members ` skills and to develop friendship组织举办各类赛事、各级高尔夫比赛,丰富多彩的会员活动,以提高会员球和增进会员之间的友谊。并承办组织公司或团体高尔夫球活动。 Entrepreneurship center , financial center , media center , game center , trading center and resource center . they are supported by telecommunications , banking , gaming operators , and enterprises such as creative studios创业中心:主要提供创业服务、商业规则、媒体服务、项目服务、创意策划以及与现实的对接等服务。 Cixi hotel offers every facility for its guests , including bar , coffee shop , superfines house , dance hall , ktv rooms , table - tennis room , chess & cards room , tv games center , massage , gymnasium , barber and parking lot酒吧、咖啡厅、精品屋、歌舞厅、 ktv包相、乒乓球、棋牌、游戏机、健身、美容、停车场等设施一应俱全,商务中心设备先进齐全。 Game center : gaming operators to provide services , economic system , competitive projects , idc services . at present , the famous virtual reality world developer ? sweden ' s mindark has been assigned to the game center游戏中心:提供游戏运营服务、经济系统、竞技项目、 idc等服务。目前,全球著名的虚拟现实世界开发运营商-瑞典mindark已入驻游戏中心。 Yeohwa resort has all the necessary facilities , including fitness facilities , indoor thermostatic swimming pool , dream garden spa , beauty salon , thai massage , bar , tea art , game center , shop , etc , and therefore is an ideal place for your tourism , vacation and leisure journeys酒店定位五星级豪华度假休闲型酒店,拥有204间套客房及750人的餐饮接待能力,多功能厅各类规模会议场所以及康乐健身泳池spa水疗泰式按摩酒廊等设施一应俱全。 We think that the main contributions of the book is in two aspects : one is the revolution of some concepts such as utility theory , aximatization of game , the other is the breaking through in zero - sum two - person games centered on minimax and corporation game centered on characteristic function . this was , in fact , the development and extension of von neumann ' s classic game paper of 1928 . our research shows that these contributions were a pure new theoretical creation , rather than an认为《博弈论与经济行为》的主要贡献有二个方面:一个方面是在效用理论、博弈的公理化、博弈的扩展形式等等概念上的创新,另一方面是在以极小极大值定理为中心的三人零和博弈理论和以特征函数为中心的合作博弈理论上的创新,这些实际上主要是冯?诺伊曼对其1928年的经典博弈论文章的理论框架的发展和延伸Up to the present , macau does n ' t have any legal frame specialized for internet cafe , macau is only applying ( maquinas de diversao e jogos em video ) decreto - lei n . 47 / 98 / m published in the " boletim oficial " to regulate the game centers providing mainly internet games , and applying ( estabelecimento hoteleiro e estabelecimentos similares ) decreto - lei n . 16 / 96 / m to regulate the cafe or restaurants providing internet services目前澳门未有专为网吧而设的法律框架,只套用电子游戏机中心《澳门政府公报》第47 98 m号法令去监管互联网游戏服务为主的互动游戏中心,及套用酒店业及同类行业《澳门政府公报》第16 96 m号法令去监管附设电脑上网服务的饮食场所,对于“提供互联网及上网服务”之场所需要另行立法管制,因应这方面的讨论,现正参考不同形式的管制模式,对网吧的经营作出管制。 Established in 1997 , xxx technology company ( xxx for short thereafter ) , locating in pan yu area , guangzhou city , guangdong province , china , specializes in the development of the electronic game industry and its business scope covers the distribution of all kinds of simulators , interchange and recycling of the secondhand electronic game machines , and management of the electronic game centers by cooperating with the local operatorsXxx有限公司成立于1997年,位于中国广东省广州市番禺区,公司致力于发展游戏机行业,是集模拟游戏机产品销售、中古游戏机台互换、回收、合作经营游戏机娱乐场业务为一体。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
百科解释Game Center是一个由苹果公司发布的在线多人游戏社交网络。它允许用户邀请好友进行游戏,或者通过推荐来进行多人游戏。详细百科解释
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