
发布时间: 16:06:03
作者:Tom Kail
mario kart 8(from gamasutra)
Mario Kart 8 players don’t need to know what the coins do.
by Tom Kail on
I’ve played many, many, many hours of Mario Kart 8, but it’s only recently that I learned the effect of the collectable coins that have been recently reintroduced into the series. Before I Googled it, I asked around to see if anybody else knew exactly what they did. I found most people didn’t, and those who did had a pretty sketchy, often incorrect answer.
Collecting coins (up to a maximum of 10) raises your top speed and grants you a tiny speed boost which can be leveraged by expert players as a form of course correction. Coins respawn in specific locations on the track every few seconds, three are dropped by damaged opponents, and two are obtained via the coin item when used (inexplicably, the icon only shows a single coin).
At first I believed the common misunderstanding of the coin’s effects was a failure of communication, but I’ve started to believe that it isn’t important, and arguably even improves the game.
1.Simply including coins as collectables encourages players to collect them. Their placement at regular intervals provides a constant short-term goal, which lends itself to flow. Their layout is designed to highlight the curve of the track, which is especially useful in the latest games in the series, which tend to have a lot visual distraction. You’ll find that wherever the track splits into two or more different routes, coins are always placed at their entrances, making it easy for players to pick a side early.
2.The average total number of coins held by a racer increases over a single race, which raises the average speed and the tension as the race progresses. Combined with the difficulty ordering of tracks in a cup and the natural tension which emerges from the tournament system, we end up with a typical pacing curve. Tension increases during a lap, decreases slightly at the start of each lap, and decreases a little more at the end of a race.
3.The coin item increases the spread of item value. Where the banana used to be the least valuable item, and was very effective at holding behind your kart in order to stay safe from attacks, meaning that players in high ranks are likely to receive a coin rather than a banana. This makes the players at the head of the pack a little less stable than they had been in past iterations of the series (although the inverted question box once had a similar role), and the banana feels more valuable in the same as a result.
4.Rewards (characters, karts, stickers) are presented based on the total number of coins collected in the game. This will be roughly equivalent to time spent playing the game, which allows designers to ensure that a player receives any reward
but because it’s an active metric rather than a passive one, rewards feel more deserved.
5.Coins are lost when a player falls of the map or is injured. A common complaint with Mario Kart as a series is that an expert player can lose to a novice due to the rubber-banding provided by the AI and the incredibly powerful items handed to players at the back of the pack. As well as simply making the items and their spread more contest-orientated in Mario Kart 8 (which is another article for another time), the coins divide players based on skill. Better players will find themselves losing less coins on average, making up for worse items wit making it easier for them to get ahead of the pack and concentrate more on racing. The game rewards consistent racing skill as a means of staying ahead. Less experienced players will tend to have less coins, but better items, allowing them to experience the more traditional Mario Kart experience, leveraging items to more than racing skill to get ahead. In this sense, you could argue that simply learning about what coins actually do is a key distinction between these two types of player, and that hiding the complexities of the system to entry level players makes it easier for them to simply enjoy the game.
What you’ll notice about this list is that none of them require an understanding of the coin’s effects on the novice racer, so long as there is an understanding that coins are generally desirable. While an expert will factor the effects of the coin into their plan, the mere inclusion of the coin allows the designers to craft a more enjoyable game that better accommodates beginners and experts, and widens the gap between them. ()
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最近有老司机发现雪佛兰Volt居然有这个用途:用来玩任天堂64位机的《马里奥赛车》游戏!Gordon Hlavenka去年在YouTube上发布了他的儿子Dan的黑客技术视频,但到了现在才真正得到了本来该有的关注。 Dan和他的团队赢得了HackIllinois 2016(一个电脑程序比赛)一连串的奖项。他们用来参赛的项目是在一辆本田CR-V上完成的。他们在自己的主页上写道:“我们只是把车子两次撬起来了而已。”回到家,Dan将一台Raspberry Pi微型计算机插入他父亲的雪佛兰Volt的车载诊断系统的接口上,并用放在仪表板上面的笔记本电脑运打开了N64模拟器,用来运行《马里奥赛车》。“我的孩子喜欢捣鼓电脑的东西,”Hlavenka在名为Crash Gordon的雪佛兰Volt论坛上写道。 “有一次,他(和几个朋友)通过将本田CR-V中的OBD2插口改插到任天堂64模拟器上,并使用CR-V的方向盘,油门和制动器来玩《马里奥赛车》,赢得了黑客竞赛。到了复活节的时候,他用父亲的雪佛兰Volt再做了一次。玩的时候没有重新开始的功能,但从汽车到游戏,其他一切特性都是真实的。方向盘,加速踏板和制动踏板都做着他们应该做的事情(左右移动和转弯、加速、刹车),打转向灯来进行跳跃,除霜器用来开氮气加速。一言不合地就打开了游戏。跳跃操作。这是一个敢于作死的父亲,让他的儿子把一台笔记本电脑插入他的车里,而且不怕儿子没弄好一脚加速直接撞在车库门上。幸运的是在这种情况下,并没有出现任何的闪失。碰到香蕉皮了(滑稽脸)第5名完赛(是技术太差还是操作不方便?)可是问题来了,放道具按哪个键呢?作为我们小时候的回忆,马里奥赛车里面的道具可谓本游戏的精髓。相信玩家们不会忘记自己中招的懊恼以及自己成功陷害别人的快感。用来使后面赛车滑倒的香蕉皮,用来攻击前面赛车的龟壳,甚至无敌的可攻击所有人的闪电攻击……道具系统极大地丰富了游戏的玩法,希望Dan能引入放道具这个键,不然视频里自己频频中招香蕉皮,心里肯定很不是滋味。《马里奥赛车》系列道具In the end!为了能让你看到更新、更有趣的内容,希望占用你1分钟时间参与这个调查: 我们会从参与者中抽取10个幸运用户,送出50元充值卡一张。感谢!
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