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Title: Fantasy Grounds
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Release Date: 9 May, 2014
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About This Game
Fantasy Grounds is an application acting as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games.
It is designed to perform many of the things you can do while playing at a conventional gaming table and move it online.Fantasy Grounds has a wealth of DLC available as add-ons. Each of these DLC add-ons expands Fantasy Grounds to support a brand new game system or to add new adventures and supplements from your favorite game publishers and artists. SmiteWorks has negotiated license deals with several dozen different RPG Game publishers and artists, both large and small, to bring you a very large variety of gaming options. Our agreements with these publishers and artists provide royalties for every purchase made through Steam and elsewhere, so that a purchase of DLC for Fantasy Grounds is the equivalent to or better for the publisher than walking into a game store or book store and buying a physical book from the publisher. Each and every purchase is directly helping fund and grow the RPG hobby industry. The share that SmiteWorks retains for this helps pay our content and programming developers and helps us add support for more and more games. In many cases, the content you can buy as DLC can be built directly by you within Fantasy Grounds if you already own the material in another form. The DLC provides a convenient option for time-strapped gamers who also wish to directly support the gaming industry.* This is not a stand-alone game. This game features no computer controlled AI and relies upon another user acting as a Gamemaster to control the story, action and enemies you face.Fantasy Grounds is a hybrid application which allows you to play and create your own RPG games. It facilitates this play and provides some optional add-on Adventure modules which can be loaded and played with very little preparation. Each game will require a GameMaster (GM) and one or more players. Games may be played in a session as short as a few hours or continued with multiple sessions over a series of days, weeks, months or years. A GM will typically install the application and choose their game-system of choice, which we refer to as a Ruleset. Fantasy Grounds comes pre-loaded with Rulesets supporting compatible play for Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, Dungeons & Dragons 4E, Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (R). Additional Rulesets are available for free and for purchase from our Workshop. The 3.5E, 5E and PFRPG rulesets are good places to start for new GMs and for people new to Fantasy Grounds. These Rulesets come pre-loaded with some basic Library modules full of abilities, spells, monsters and items that have been marked as Open Gaming Content (OGC) by their respective copyright holders.
The 5E ruleset contains all the content from the D&D Basic Rules for D&D fifth edition. Additional rulesets, such as that for Call of Cthulhu or Savage Worlds are fully licensed versions and contain otherwise closed and proprietary content that we've licensed from those publishers. As of April 2015, Fantasy Grounds acquired an official license from Wizards of the Coast for D&D fifth edition. This means that the 5E ruleset supports basic understanding and gameplay for D&D fifth edition but you can also buy fully preloaded data packs and adventures that are licensed from Wizards of the Coast as DLC here on Steam.For players, Fantasy Grounds will allow you to connect to a game being hosted by a GM and control one or more characters within the game. You will be able to update and maintain your character sheet, much like you would in a face-to-face RPG game, but with some degree of automation and support for dragging and dropping abilities and items from the Library modules (for rulesets which support them.) Whenever a GM shares a map image, you will be able to move a token representing your character and initiate attack rolls against enemies visible on those maps when it is your turn. You will be interacting within the GM's game session with other players and every action you take will be communicated to the GM and connected players along with any chat messages you enter into the chat window. At the conclusion of the GM's game session, you will log out and your character sheet and progress will be saved to the GM's session. When you meet back up and a pre-scheduled time with the GM for the next session, you will be able to continue where you left off.
Scheduling of future game sessions is handled outside of Fantasy Grounds via email communication, the Fantasy Grounds forums and Game Calendar, Steam discussions or through whatever source the GM defines.
SmiteWorks hopes to improve the match-making features at a later date.For GameMasters, Fantasy Grounds will allow you to outline and prepare your future game sessions. You will be able to create story entries and link them together or to specific maps. You could, for instance, create a story entry which links to an image of a dungeon and then each room could in turn be linked to individual story entries -- each containing room descriptions, secret GM notes, a list of NPCs and monster encounters or links to more images and player hand-outs. Depending on your game master style and the availability of pre-entered monsters and enemies, you can also run without preparation. You can create and maintain multiple Campaigns, each with their own content and players. When you are ready to run your campaign, you will need to spend some time recruiting players and establishing your preferred frequency and length of play, methods of communication when you are not connected with Fantasy Grounds and whether or not you want to use a voice application such as Skype or Google Hangouts alongside Fantasy Grounds. Most GMs tend to use a combination of in-game text-based chat within Fantasy Grounds *and* a voice application to help facilitate quicker and more natural play.Run games as the Gamemaster (GM)Host games as a GM for other players and GMs who are connected as playersHost a demo game for 1 player who is using only the FG Demo. The campaign won't allow saving, but will give you the ability to demonstrate the functionality to prospective players.Join games as a playerCreate characters locally to take with you into a game sessionCreate additional rulesets and modifications with custom XML and LUA ScriptingUse hundreds of built-in top-down tokens for monsters, characters and animals
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7x or 8xProcessor: 1.6 GHz or higher processorMemory: 1 GB RAMDirectX: Version 9.0Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 500 MB available spaceSound Card: n/aAdditional Notes: Requirements vary by the add-ons installed and the number of players connecting to your game.
Recommended:OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8Processor: 2.00 GHz or higherMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: Graphics card recommendedDirectX: Version 9.0Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Requirements vary by the add-ons installed and the number of players connecting to your game.
Minimum:OS: 10.6.8 or newerProcessor: 1.6 GHz or higher processorMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: DirectX 9.0 compatible video adapterNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 750 MB available spaceSound Card: n/aAdditional Notes: this product uses a wine wrapper to simplify installation
Recommended:OS: 10.6.8 or newerProcessor: 2.0 GHz processor or higherMemory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: DirectX 9.0 compatible video adapterNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 2 GB available spaceSound Card: n/aAdditional Notes: this product uses a wine wrapper to simplify installation
Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks USA LLC. (C) 2016 SmiteWorks USA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Visit the Fantasy Grounds website at
for more product information.
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小游戏视频 Skullduggery!《亡命骷髅》宣传视频
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小游戏视频 Skullduggery!《亡命骷髅》宣传视频
大家都在看当前位置: > 软件详情 脑袋满天飞 Skullduggery!7.9分软件截图内容介绍
PAX Prime 2014,PAX 10独立游戏展,官方选择奖
“极为巧妙而时髦” - PocketGamer
- 大脑力量:从屏幕上任意位置向后拉可以拉伸你的大脑!松手后你的头骨会像弹弓一样飞出去。
- 子弹时间:点击并在半空中按住可以减速时间,改变方向,避开致命障碍,或者做出一些诡异的射击动作!
- 脱离重力:头骨在半空中时可随时重复瞄准再弹射。
- 隐秘行动:小有小的好处!躲藏在垃圾桶、箱子或坛坛罐罐里。偷偷溜到暴戾的守卫身后,趁他们转身的时候把他们干掉!
- 爆头:用一次精准的抛射击中头骨把敌人干掉。
- 针锋相对:在“针锋相对”模式中与你的好友对抗,成为死后世界中最成功的探员。
- 官僚主义:填写文书,回忆与生俱来的空虚感!
“Skullduggery!”拥有杰出游戏艺术家Bill Mudron受Max
Fleischer在20世纪30年代创作的动画启发而绘制的可爱而怪诞的游戏艺术风格,以及工业音乐家Michael Arthur
- 无应用内购。一次购买,永久畅享。别无他求!
- 精心设计校准、深度体贴的单触式控制方式,为移动设备量身定制。
- 三个风格迥异的游戏世界,更多内容正在开发。
- 搞怪的双关语。
- 单人游戏模式拥有24个梦幻而愉悦的诡异关卡。
- 多人游戏“针锋相对”模式拥有六个让你热血沸腾的竞技场。
- 隐藏房间和秘密宝箱拥有宝物和其他令人兴奋的内容。
- 有趣的道具和史诗级的Boss战!
- 数十种收藏物和次要目标让你爱不释手。
- 解锁超过20种独特骷髅,包括来自我们一些备受欢迎的游戏中的贵宾名人骷髅。
- 通用型App - 可在新iPhone、iPod touch、iPad和iPad mini上进行游戏。
- 完全iCloud支持 - 可在所有设备间同步进度。
- 在游戏中心成就和排行榜与别人一较高下。
酷玩汇微信公众号——99%的精品应用爱好者都想关注的公众号!每天一款APP推荐,新鲜、有趣、与众不同!扫描关注,让你第一时间收获精品!! 猜你喜欢热门话题独家策划酷玩汇年度游戏评选,多款作品入围。神奇周四相比该团队以往的游戏而言,《宇宙魔怪部队 Space Grunts》试图走一条新的路子。游戏风格依然是橘子像素万年不变的像素,玩法则从横版闯关变身为回合制,但开发团队也表示游戏在制作上还是按照“动作街机游戏”的路子打造。游戏的背景舞台设定在玩家大爱的地下城,玩家要从外星人的袭击中幸存。玩家需要收集钥匙开门,击杀奇怪生物。独家策划2015年对于 P2P行业来说可谓是不平静的一年。这一年,《互联网金融指导意见》正式公布,P2P监管细则终于在年底公开向社会征求意见,纽交所诞生了中国P2P第一 股。独家策划近年来,在中国经济转型,互联网+高速发展这样的一个复杂的大环境中,老的市场格局被打破,曾经占巨大市场份额的企业失去优势。游戏排行01020304050607080910软件排行01020304050607080910游戏介绍:
& & & 随着游戏的进行关卡的难度会越来越高,玩家需要非常注意才能通过一个又一个的关卡,总体来说难度还是非常大的,而且后期还会解锁各种全新的模式,是一款非常不错的游戏。
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