如何使用GL库在unity3d游戏编程中unity 绘制网格形状

GL 图像库_unity3d游戏脚本制作教程-游戏蛮牛出品
Unity 脚本手册
Low-level graphics library.
Use this class to manipulate active transformation matrices,
issue rendering commands similar to OpenGL's immediate mode and do other low-level
graphics tasks. Note that in almost all cases using
is more efficient than
using immediate mode drawing.
此文是对某位大神文章的翻译,忘记从哪摘抄的了 原文使用js写的
using UnityE
using System.C
public class joint{
& public Vector3
& public Vector3
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
Event e& ; &
&&& private
Vector3 orgP &
&&& private
Vector3 endP &
&& &private bool
canDrawLines& = &
&& &ArrayList
&& &ArrayList
&Material lineM
&temppos=new ArrayList();
&posAL=new& ArrayList();
& canDrawLines = &
&if(e.type!=null &canDrawLines)
if(e.type == EventType.MouseDown) &
orgPos=Input.mouseP &
endPos=Input.mouseP &
if(e.type==EventType.MouseDrag) &
endPos=Input.mouseP &
GLDrawLine(orgPos,endPos); &
orgPos=Input.mouseP &
if(e.type==EventType.MouseUp) &
// orgPos=Input.mouseP &
endPos=Input.mouseP &
GLDrawLine(Vector3 beg ,Vector3 end ) &
//print("GLDrawLine???"); &
if(!canDrawLines) &
GL.PushMatrix (); &
&&& GL.LoadOrtho
beg.x=beg.x/Screen. &
end.x=end.x/Screen. &
beg.y=beg.y/Screen. &
end.y=end.y/Screen. &
joint tmpJoint = new joint(); &
tmpJoint.org= &
tmpJoint.end= &
posAL.Add(tmpJoint); &
lineMaterial.SetPass( 0 ); &
&&& GL.Begin(
&&& GL.Color(
new Color(1,1,1,0.5f) ); &
&&& for(int i=
0;i&posAL.Ci++) &
joint tj& =(joint)posAL[i];
Vector3 tmpBeg& = tj. &
Vector3 tmpEnd=tj. &
GL.Vertex3( tmpBeg.x,tmpBeg.y,tmpBeg.z ); &
GL.Vertex3( tmpEnd.x,tmpEnd.y,tmpEnd.z ); &
&&& GL.End();
&&& //print("beg
is:"+beg+"end is:"+end); &
&&& GL.PopMatrix
//Debug.DrawLine(beg,end); &
&& &void OnGUI()
if(GUI.Button(new& Rect(150,0,100,50),"End
Lines")) &
ClearLines(); &
ClearLines() &
&&& canDrawLines
posAL.Clear(); &
OnPostRender() { &
GLDrawLine(orgPos,endPos); &
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