怎么样停止迅雷 多任务 停止by peter bregman

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不良信息举报电话:18 Minutes to Higher Productivity - Manage By Walking Around
A few weeks ago I read “” by Peter Bregman. 18 Minutes is a business self-help entertaining book based on
and weekly Harvard Business Review columns. The book suggests a process for prioritizing your day in 18 minutes over a nine-hour workday.
As I was reading the book, I was struck by a number of quotes that resonated with my own philosophy:
Bregman&#8217;s advice: “The world doesn&#8217; it rewards productivity.”
My version: Good enough is good enough
Bregman&#8217;s advice: “Don’t settle for imperfection. Shoot for it.”
My version: Failure is the new black
Bregman&#8217;s advice: “Don’t be paralyzed by an uncertain future. Just keep moving.”
My version:
Change is the only constant
All of this is great advice but the core of the book is how to better manage your time and avoid things that are not productive. Bregman provides an approach that can be easily implemented. When someone comes to you with a request, ask three simple questions before you accept any commitment:
Am I the right person?
Is this the right time?
Do I have enough information?
Unless the answer to all three of the questions is yes, then you should say no to the request.
I&#8217;ve been trying out the approach and it’s been an incredibly useful way to prioritize meeting requests and the flood of email. At first, saying no more often felt like I was being less helpful than I could be. But I realized that the most helpful thing I could do was to prioritize my time on the highest impact activities.
As a result, I created a slightly modified approach:
If I’m not the right person, I pass the request on to someone who is.
If this isn’t the right time, I schedule it for when it will be.
And, if I don’t have enough information, I ask someone to track down more details.
It’s not a perfect system but, as Bregman points out, it helps me “resist the temptation to say yes too often.”
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