
emp控制中心基本上和tw中的一样,没有改变。这个中立科技建筑可以在特定地图上找到,比如td地图,并且可以被工程师/破坏者/同化者占领。3分钟后,emp能力将可以为你所用。更多信息请参见tw的emp控制中心指导。。gdi的 emp 能力榴弹兵小队kw中,gdi的榴弹兵不再仅仅是被用来清建筑了,只要花费1000元就可以在军械库升级给他们配上emp手榴弹。首先,这是一个主动激活技能,因此你不能简单的让它们搭载在锤头里然后妄图让它们在天上自动投掷emp榴弹,你必须让榴弹兵走出建筑/载具进而使用能力。比较好的用法是用apc或者锤头快速运输一队配备emp手雷的榴弹兵到大部队前方的一个适当的瓶颈位置,然后瘫痪敌人的部队(要用适当的热键,这样你可以让几组榴弹兵兵几乎同时投掷emp榴弹并覆盖大量的敌军)。然后派你的主力部队去清理敌人吧。由于钢爪子阵营没有军械库,所以它们不能使用emp手雷升级。
冲击波炮击gdi的冲击波炮击没有变化,并且在空间指挥中心造好后立刻就可以使用。主要限制之一是它的炮弹需要几秒钟才能到达目标,而它特别的开火声音会暴露目标。因此,用它来打击移动目标不是最佳的选择,它更适合攻打静止目标或建筑——在大部队交锋的战斗的中央地区,各种单位的行进都收到影响,这时候非常适合使用它。尽管如此,比起对抗单位来,这项技能还是最适合对付基地(由于emp炮弹不会被阻止。)附英文原文:emp weapons in command and conquer 3: tiberium wars were somewhat of a finesse tactic that were largely ignored by the majority of players (the emp control center was the 2nd least captured building after the mutant hovel). they were often reserved for the more skilled players who used a well placed shockwave artillery to disable a horde of avatars - much to the disbelief of the avatar's owner.refreshingly, command and conquer 3: kane's wrath has a plethora of new emp weapons (even granting them to one faction at tier 1) in combination with the changes to harvester health, blue tiberium in ranked maps and the incorporation of new "epic units." flattening your enemy's giant army with your own giant army isn't always going to be viable, and is far from being the smartest option. that's where emp weapons come in. using emp weapons can enable you to disable your enemy's army thus leaving them as sitting ducks to be mopped up by the rest of your army.emp weapons play a much more important purpose in kane's wrath than they did in tiberium wars and the above use is one of the multitude of different uses for emp weapons.emp abilities in kane's wrathemp control center the emp control center is practically unchanged from tiberium wars. this neutral tech structure is found on certain maps such as tournament decision and can be captured with an engineer/saboteur/assimilator. after 3 minutes this emp power will be available for your use. for information on emp control center, check out this tiberium wars totw.gdi emp abilitiesgrenadier squadthe gdi grenadier is no longer just a garrison clearer in kane's wrath - it can now be equipped with emp grenades from the armory for just $1000. firstly, its a unit activated ability so you can't just stick them in a hammerhead and rain emp grenades from the sky, so you will have to have the grenadier out of any garrison to use the ability. a good plan would be to use apcs or hammerheads to quickly transport a squad of emp equipped grenadiers to a suitable bottleneck ahead of your main army, then disable your enemy's army (with a good hot-key set up you should be able to use several squad's emp abilities almost instantly and as a result deliver an effective blow to your enemy). then send your main force in to deliver the first strike. since the armory is not available for the steel talons sub-faction, they can not make use of the emp grenades upgrade.
shockwave artillerygdi's shockwave artillery is unchanged and available for use as soon as the space command uplink is constructed. one of the main limitations of this is that it does take a few seconds to impact the location and its distinctive firing sound can give it away. hence it's not the best option for hitting moving targets and as a result it's best used on stationary units or structures - when in the middle of a large battle where units are unlikely to move much. though, it is best used for bases (as the emp shells cant be prevented from impacting) instead of against units.
四驱车的emp线圈升级还和以前一样,它一如既往地是一个挑战。 一个强大的热键设置是必须的,以便你可以正确使用这项能力。四驱车行动非常迅速,它适合应用快速打带跑的战术,不论是对单位还是建筑。
附:英文原文 nod emp abilities raider buggy
the raider buggy's "emp coils" upgrade is unchanged and its just aschallenging as it always was in tiberium wars. a strong hot-key set upis needed to enable you to properly utilize the ability properly. theraider buggy is very quick so it can be used for quick "hit and run"attacks on units or structures alike.
bare in mind that the raider buggy has very thin armor and so yourwindow of opportunity (from when the raider buggy reaches the targetand when it gets destroyed by enemy fire) to enable the emp coils ispretty small. hence the importance of being quick with your hot-keys. cyborgs the marked of kane sub-faction gains a versatile new emp weapon in theform of the awakened and enlightened cyborg units that come equippedwith an emp cannon right off the bat (it must be noted that theenlightened aoe range is much higher than the awakened) the realsignificance of this is that the awakened is a tier 1 unit and thus theemp weapons can be used immediately in the game.
this opens a myriad set of possibilities as the cyborg units are verytough and as a result they can be used early game for disablingharvesters (to massively aid harvester harassment) and even used toshut down your enemies production and tech structures (providing youcan exploit a suitable weak spot).
when combined with a reckoner they are even more effective as they canbe moved around very quickly. when deployed, you can pop the cyborg inand out of the bunker to constantly emp your attackers. other emp notes
the main difference in usage between the two is the usage scenario. theraider buggy is fast and lightly armored so its suited for dealing withfast moving low threat targets, whereas the cyborgs are suited fordealing with slower, more heavily armed targets, especially when youwill need to hold a position.
its also worth noting that when the temple of nod is constructed - yougain access to master computer countermeasures. the significance ofthis is that it can instantly enable all emp'ed units and so it couldbe used immediately after using the raider buggy's emp coils to bringthe unit online and then deliver another emp strike in rapid succession.
scrin emp abilities
thescrin annihilator and reaper tripods have the ability to stun an enemyunit/structure with a close range emp blast. this will power down theenemy unit for 10 seconds, from which you can lay heavy siege upon it.this is exceptionally powerful against epic units.
遭遇战 在kw中胜出的一个关键就是在一场激烈的遭遇战中瘫痪敌人的部队,这样可以让你干掉敌人最棘手的主攻单位,在敌人最棘手的主攻单位瘫痪的时候你可以尽可能多的消灭大量敌军,这样就给你足够的时间来获得对敌优势。
kw的特点之一是火力最强大的单位(比如炮兵)通常装甲最薄弱。因此玩家通常把他们藏在皮糙肉厚的单位后面。你可以用emp武器瘫痪敌人的肉盾单位,然后从侧翼包抄一举干掉敌人脆弱的炮兵(最小射程是你可以利用另一个关键特征)。 干掉电厂 基地防御是大部分军队的祸害。三级基地防御仍然可以瞬间消灭大量单位,而现在升级后的防空防御可以撕碎大量空军部队。不过它们有一个最大的弱点——他们需要电力。阻断敌人的电力供应他们将不能使用这些防御。
附:英文原文: uses of emp weapons
skirmishes one of the key ways to come out on top in kane's wrath is powering down your opponent's army in the middle of an intense skirmish which can enable you to knock out your enemy's hardest hitting units and thus giving you enough time to take advantage of the situation by knocking large chunks out of your enemy's army while his hardest hitting units are disabled.
there are 2 main classes of units that you should aim to target with emp powers or abilities in a skirmish:
artillery - most battle-groups employ hard hitting artillery units such as the juggernaut and specter to deal huge damage while staying behind much more durable units. as a result by the time you are able to cut through the enemy lines the artillery units are likely to have delivered serious damage to your army. hence knocking them out with an emp weapon can enable you to buy enough time to attack your enemy's lines without taking damage from the artillery units raining rounds on you.
next will be your opponents heaviest units. in many skirmishes, the backbone of your enemy's fleet will be the tough hard hitting armored units (such as avatars, tripods and mammoth tanks in the late game) so knocking them out of commission for even a short period of time will mean that you will have less units to focus on and take less damage from what would be the core of your enemy's army.
one of the mechanics of kane's wrath is that the hardest hitting units (like artillery) have the weakest armor. hence players will hide them behind tougher ones. thus you can use the emp weapon to disable your opponents meat-shield units, flank around and decimate your opponents fragile artillery (minimum range is another key attribute to use to your advantage) knocking down power base defenses are often the bane of most armies. tier 3 base defenses are still capable of ripping huge chunks out of your army and now upgraded aa defenses are capable of shredding most aerial fleets. they have one big weakness - they require power. knock down your opponent's power supply and they won't have the advantage of these defenses.
this is where emp weapons come into play, they have the ability to temporarily knock out your opponents power supply, thus opening a window of opportunity to deliver a swift bombing strike or attack your enemy without having to worry about base defenses.
the key is timing as when you have delivered your emp attack - most skilled players will take measures to get the base online (by disabling power hungry structures) and more importantly to kill your units that are delivering the attack.
as a result you will need to be in position and move very quickly when you deliver the attack. even planning mode can be used when coordinating an air strike with an emp attack under the correct situation.
to reap the best results you should aim to follow up your first emp assault with further strikes to have a larger window of opportunity. however, no matter what approach you use to deliver an emp strike, you can be sure that your opponent will be ready to counter it next time round. so if you use a hammerhead + emp grenadiers to deliver your first punch - expect to see an aa weapon blowing your gunship to shreds if you try it again. this is why variation is very important if you wish to successfully extend your window of opportunity. a general hint would be to deliver a unit based attack for your first assault and then follow it up with an assault that can either can not be stopped or with a stealthier method (ie: shockwave artillery, emp control center / stealthed raiders).
the key is to not only mix up the style of emp assaults, but also the method and timings. if you can orchestrate an effective diversion - you have an even better chance of succeeding with your assault.
此外,emp武器可以有效遏制敌人攀科技和生产单位。持续打击敌人的电厂,生产建筑和科技建筑,可以迫使敌人不停地改变建造序列,这样至少可以大乱他的部署,正确运用的话,可以让他严重缺乏科技或单位。因此拖延emp打击的效力可以为你争取决定性的优势。 对抗史诗单位 史诗单位拥有摧毁整支部队的能力,它们可以用巨大的武器摧毁或碾压敌人。它们的出现对玩家是相当的威胁。因此让它们在你的控制之下是非常重要的。当然,你可以建造大量部队和它硬碰硬。或者你可以试着用用更节省成本的方法。emp能力只是这些节省成本的方法中的一个。(其他方法参见“对付史诗单位”的指导)
附:英文原文 early & mid game harassment harassment in the early and mid game is even more potent with the expansion of tier 1 and tier 2 emp powers. emp weapons can now be used throughout the early and middle parts of the game to add an extra edge to harvester harassment, base raids, and tech center hunting.
with the new harvester vulnerability in kane's wrath - players will pay more attention to guarding them, as a result hitting your opponents harvesters or his defending units can allow you destroy them much more effectively than if using conventional means alone - since emp'ed units can not fight back or run away.
additionally emp weapons can be effective in derailing your opponent's teching up and his production of units. constant strikes on your opponent's power, production and tech structures can force him to be constantly re-shuffling his build order which at the very least will disorientate and played properly can keep him at a significantly lower tech level or number of units. hence prolonged emp strikes can potentially leave you with a decisive advantage. countering epic units epic units have the capability of decimating entire armies by bringing to bear their huge weapons or by running them over. they remain an extreme threat to the player. as a result its important to be able to keep them under control. sure you can build your own massive army and try to duke it own head to head. or you could try a more cost-effective solution. emp abilities is just one of these cost effective solutions (for more methods to take down epic units - visit this totw)
the slow and bulky epic units are remarkably easy to knock out with emp weapons, so you should ensure that you make every effort to utilize these weapons to limit the damage that they are able to inflict on your army. the scrin are able to keep an epic unit emp'ed almost indefinitely by using a mastermind to teleport an annihilator tripod in front of the unit to keep it nailed almost forever with its emp burst. summary
to make the the best use of emp abilities, you need to make use of a variety of different methods and techniques to ensure that your attacks don't get predictable
attacking harvesters early on in the game with emp attacks can place a huge dent in your opponents early game economy.
scrin forcefields (including reaper-17 attenuated forcefields) absorb an emp attack at the cost of the shield. this can be used to your advantage in a battle
powering down air units with the emp control center power will completely destroy them. making it very effective against unshielded scrin capital ships.


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