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日 来源:H1Z1贴吧 编辑:沐梓
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Title: H1Z1 : Just Survive
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 15 Jan, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&H1Z1 has always been developed under the principal of creating a game side-by-side with our players. As part of the H1Z1 franchise, we want to grow our relationship with our players and continue to develop Just Survive as an Early Access title with our community. We’ll continue to use Early Access as an opportunity to incorporate player feedback, work out bugs, and adjust and expand features to ensure the best possible experience at launch.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&H1Z1: Just Survive is the game that strives to deeply immerse players into its post-apocalyptic world with emergent gameplay elements like weather, body sim, survival crafting and base building. We are working side-by-side with our players to ensure that they get the best experience possible at launch, and the game will remain in Early Access through the end of the year as we add more robust systems and features.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&H1Z1 will continue to grow and evolve throughout development, and features will be refined and adjusted based on player feedback. Players can look forward to exciting content, such as: an expanded selection of vehicles and gear, diverse character creation, and a robust base building to create an exciting survival MMO experience.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&Players up to the challenge can test their survival skills in game now. We will continue to develop, implement and improve features and systems that will fully immerse players into the post-apocalyptic world throughout Early Access, as well as incorporate player feedback. Those who choose to purchase Just Survive should anticipate an evolving feature set and bugs as systems are created and refined.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&H1Z1: Just Survive is available for $19.99 USD with optional in-game purchases.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&Player feedback plays a major role in the development process of Last Stand. Our players challenge us as developers to be that much better at delivering great game experiences, and we invite and encourage them to join the conversation on Twitter, Reddit, and the Steam forums.&
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Recent updates
14 February
Hi Survivors!We’ve been heads down and hard at work since the last update in late December and I’m happy to announce that we’re rolling out an extensive quality of life patch today that addresses several issues (over 100 individual fixes and new features!) and also establishes a new lighting baseline for the game as we continue to polish the weather system. I realize that a lot of people in the community are hoping to see new features and systems introduced in this update (especially after watching the Community Outbreak we just did last week) but as we said during the show, we’re not quite there yet. There's an intersection point ahead of us where we'll finally be able to flip to the second part of the mantra, &Fix now. Cool later.& We still have work to do on the foundation of JS before we can make good on those new plans for all of you, and extensive Quality Of Life updates like this one today will make that possible.As you know, we’ve refocused and reprioritized what’s essential for the game over these past few months. It’d be very easy for me to go into detail about everything we plan to roll out this year for Just Survive, but I feel doing so would be a tremendous disservice to all of you if features or dates slipped. We don’t want to be that kind of development team. While I understand the frustration you as players feel, I do hope you understand why it’s important for us to be a little more responsible in how we announce and roll out brand new features.Your feedback is always amazing and the entire team here hopes you keep that up. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: we don't get a chance to reply to everything, but we do read every single thing you post. I love this community's enthusiasm and hope that these updates mean as much to you as they do to us. It is not lost on us just how important this game is to all of you. I hope our dedication to you with updates like this demonstrates just how important the game is to us, too.Thank again for your continued patience and support. We hope you enjoy the update! Lan[H1Lan] Game Update Notes:New lighting and light emitter effects (darker nights/interiors and better looking light emitter effects. Keep that flashlight handy!)New zombie navigation system (zombies are smarter and more aggressive)New low-loot servers: Deadwood - Low Loot (US) and Sparta - Low Loot (EU) have low-loot rule sets for players looking for a more desperate survival experience.Visitor permissions are now automatically granted to anyone who successfully enters a code on a base doorLead Pipes now melt down into Lead AlloyCooking containers now have maximum bulk limitsChanged the way ammo spawns to reduce clumping (please note: this did not reduce total ammo spawns or change loot quantities)Chain link fences can now be destroyed with melee weaponsPERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATIONSChanged the way certain dynamic objects render to improve client performanceNew base-building component optimizations to improve client performanceOptimized timer-based items to improve their performance (cooking containers, IEDs, crops, etc.) to improve server performanceChanged the way crops render to improve client performanceImproved zombie navigation (in addition to zombies behaving better, they're also now handled more efficiently)EXPLOIT FIXESContinued and ongoing fair-play/exploit countermeasuresFixed an exploit where people could turn in hospital air drop quests without removing all of the quest items from their inventoryWrenches now lose durability when hitting vehicle tiresFixed an exploit where players could clip through upper shelter walls by mashing several movement+stance keys at onceFurnaces placed on ramps and expansions will now take damage correctlyPlayers can no longer place torches on decks they do not ownPunji sticks no longer damage players through doorsPlayers can no longer glitch doors and gates to build them backwardsFixed an issue where players could overlap certain base building items by building them over base gapsBUG FIXESFixed Emotes (emotes stopped working for people on a per account basis)Fixed several crash-to-desktop conditionsFixed an issue where timer-based items could take significantly longer than they should to cook/detonate/growFixed an issue where you could get your gun into a state where it appeared to be loaded but would instead fire a blank roundCorn mash now converts to moonshine correctlyFixed a fertilizer bug where it would expire before the crop was ready to harvestFixed a bug with crumpled notes where dropping them would turn them into a battered trash canBase ejection no longer ejects white-list server admins from a base if they don’t have base permissionsFixed a bug where vehicles would slowly migrate in waterFixed an issue where targeting the edge of a deck wouldn’t bring up the building permissions listShock trap FX will now play every time a player triggers a trap instead of just the first timeFixed an issue where punji sticks would deal inconsistent damageUpdated various tool tips to better explain functionality and specific recipesFixed an issue where a player’s head could disappear permanently after backing into a corner in third person POVFixed an issue where the flashlight would switch off after backing into a cornerFixed an issue where clouds would pop/stutterFixed an issue where clouds would rapidly expand and contractFixes BBQ/furnace rendering FX issuesFixed various issues with new zombie navigation interfering with CQC/player interactionsFixed an issue with the machete not melting down properlyTemporarily removed night vision goggles until they can be properly redesigned (previous incarnation did not function as expected)
21 December, 2016
We have updated and unlocked the Live servers. We made a lot of headway these past few weeks so I'm going to list out everything we've done since our December 2nd update here. Please note that there is NO WIPE with this Live update and weather will not appear on Live at this time.Added &Base Permissions: Visitor&. Players not on your visitor list will be ejected when your base is sealed. With the addition of this base permission, non-visitor ejection should solve any unorthodox methods of base entry including boosting. We realize this is a controversial change for some of you and I understand that many people are going to be frustrated by this, but we believe this is a beneficial change based on the feedback we received over the weekend.Server QOL (quality of life) improvements including exploit related fixes, server lag/FPS, general performance, etc. These tweaks should improve server stability and performance overall, especially for the EU servers that have been hit the hardest latelyGeneral BattlEye updates to address assorted exploits/hacksSpawn cap bug: fixed an issue where a server may not propagate loot to the correct distributions - this is a big fix that should dramatically increase overall loot QOLGeneral loot balance/tuning passAdded the description &FULL& to our queue population lists (we now have LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, FULL)Added queue placement # back in (where you are in the current queue)Fixed various vehicle issues (vehicles not exploding when reaching 0% health, vehicles being usable with 0% fuel, etc)Fixed an issue with passenger desync/&cord pulling&Fixed an exploit involving ATVs and gatesVehicles will no longer kill you in/on your baseUpdated POI restrictions for the church located in I8Fixed hoodie issues (all hoodies now display their correct skins)Fixed &Failed to load attachment& error messageRemoved the Darko Zombie and his related functionalityFixed several issues with shock traps (they will no longer go off forever after being detonated, etc)Arrows no longer crash players near basesSub-base ejection (if you end up under the deck foundation for any reason, ejection is now instantaneous)The gaps between metal gates and surrounding items are now closed so you shouldn't be able to place items there while raidingGrenades are now equippable in the second weapon slot (default key 3)Items no longer auto-skin. Note that this will not revert previously skinned itemsFixed an issue where picking up a partial stack of something destroyed the entire stack (ie: if you pick up 20 wood from a 100x wood plank drop, the other 80 would vanish previously)Players now spawn with an improvised compass that can no longer be broken down for bottles. Be on the lookout for a better one!Fixed an issue where some dropped items would not expire over timeChat (prox/group/radio) should be working againCrop visibility should be working again now once fertilizedAs noted above, we are holding weather back for the time being. It will remain on Test as we continue to improve it, but it's not quite ready for prime time. It needs a full art pass, season tuning, transitions are a bit wonky, and so on.Also, we didn't fix everything for this update that we wanted to - emotes not working for some people, for instance. We're still working on a few things like that. I'll start another &Live Issues& thread as I usually do after a push so we all have one place to collect our thoughts and feedback.We hope you enjoy the update and on behalf of the entire Just Survive team, Happy Holidays!! :)
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About This Game
In H1Z1: Just Survive, the H1Z1 zombie virus has crippled civilization. Corrupted by the need to survive, gone are the comforts of society as a new normal permeates the world. You are one of the last remaining humans. Every choice matters, every moment is borrowed time, and every breath could be your last.
If you don’t want to join the dead -- or the undead -- you’ll have to be cutthroat, resourceful, and alert at all times. Scavenge, craft, and build to protect yourself from zombies, roaming beasts, and perhaps the deadliest threat of all – fellow humans. Do you have what it takes to Just Survive?Visit the H1Z1: Just Survive website
for more info.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit only)Processor: Intel i3 Dual-Core with Hyper-Threading (required)Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 275 series or higher / AMD Radeon HD 4870 X2 series or higherDirectX: Version 10Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 20 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
Recommended:OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit only)Processor: Intel i5 Quad Core or higher / AMD Phenom II X6 or higherMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 960 series or higher / AMD Radeon R9 280X series or higherDirectX: Version 10Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 20 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX compatible Sound Card
Just Survive(C)2016 Daybreak Game Company LLC. Daybreak, H1Z1, Just Survive, and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Daybreak Game Company LLC. All rights reserved.
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