
当前位置:&&&Mocha-SecretSantaGift4TIHIIL.rar Mocha-SecretSantaGift4TIHIIL.rar分享用户:资源分类:文件大小: 3 MB资源类型:浏览次数:7次发布日期: 22:01:29资源类别:文件其它:2次下载/7次保存
也许对您有用的百度云盘资源推荐百度云盘分享达人推荐相关百度云盘资源推荐Sha_Tsai分享的百度云盘资源Age UK encourages people to #SecretSantaSacrifice and donate instead | The Drum- Exclusive interviews- Creative insights- 800 pages of inspiring content every yearCategoriesSectorsAge UK has launched a social media campaign asking people to abandon buying a novelty Secret Santa gift, and instead donate the money to charity.The #SecretSantaSacrifice campaign, created by We Are Social, is urging people to donate ?5 to help older people this Christmas, by selecting a ‘gift’ from a range of virtual tat, such as a turkey hat or a novelty pants.Then after entering their chosen donation amount and completing the transaction through Just Giving, they can share their virtual gift with the intended recipient on Twitter, Facebook or by email.Charlie Cottrell, editorial director at We Are Social, said: “No-one actually likes doing the office Secret Santa – it’s a mandated waste of ?5 on novelty items that goes in the bin five minutes later. There are much better causes we could be spending our money on, one of which is making sure older people are warm this Christmas. Age UK is brilliantly set up to reach the most vulnerable people, and we hope that any support we can offer them will make a real difference to older people during the winter.”The money raised for Age UK will go towards local and national winter projects helping older people stay warm in the winter. Get the NewsletterKeep up to date with the latest news and insights.Natalie MortimerI look after all things creative.
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