simseh chapter 22 攻略

swfchan: simseh_2_milkania_hack.swf (wiki)  
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This is the wiki page for Visit the flash's index page for basic data and a list of seen names.simseh_2_milkania_hack.swf44,79 MiB, 00:06 |
Threads (1):[]F ! ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/9 -:32 Ended: 17/11 -:52Flashes: 1 Posts: 15/ & /fap/ & Thread 9777 Age: 48.55d Health: 0% Posters: 13 Posts: 15 Replies: 14 Files: 1+3&& Anonymous 22sep2016(th)10:56 No.39279 OP P1 [G] This wasn't fucking worth it. Guide later.[IMG] simseh_2_milkania_hack.swf (44.79 MiB) 720x438, Compressed. 166 frames, 30 fps (00:06). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No.…&& Anonymous 22sep2016(th)14:52 No.39282 A P2R1 works from start to finish&& Anonymous 22sep2016(th)17:08 No.39284 B P3R2 you're right.&& Anonymous 23sep2016(fr)03:51 No.39292 C P4R3Appreciate it man, even if its not the sequel any of us wanted&& Anonymous 23sep2016(fr)04:46 No.39294 D P5R4Well I got to the end of the game, has some halfway fappable shit, too bad it's unplayable without hacks (it's tedious enough hack…&& Anonymous 24sep2016(sa)03:10 No.39333 E P6R5&&39294 How did you get past the stage with the dude getting sucked off?&& Anonymous 24sep2016(sa)05:33 No.39336 F P7R6Ugh god, you can tell this guy didn't have any proof of concept testers, this is absolute garbage compared to SIMSEH 1&& Anonymous 24sep2016(sa)07:10 No.39339 G P8R7 hacked version when&& Anonymous 25sep2016(su)02:32 No.39365 D P9R8&&39333 After that go to the ships computer and talk to it, then go to the ork reading just below the entrance to your ship (I mig…&& Anonymous 29sep2016(th)21:12 No.39510 H P10R9 &&39292 or deserved&& Anonymous 30sep2016(fr)06:16 No.39520 I P11R10 What are the controls in this piece of shit gameWASD works, but nothing else that I can notice && Anonymous 13oct2016(th)05:55 No.39946 J P12R11It increasingly appears SIMSEH 1 was an accidental success by a shit programer&& Gran Autisimo 13oct2016(th)11:58 No.39953 K P13R12 cancer&& Anonymous 30oct2016(su)02:02 No.40551 L P14R13I know there will be a guide later but I want to put one out now just because of how horseshit this game can be.So once your past all the cutscene stuff you will start in the ship, jump down and enter the second door at the bottom. Run to the…All in all this is not even CLOSE to the first game in terms of mechanics and story driven actions. Sure the first one had some hu…&& Anonymous 2nov2016(we)03:53 No.40618 OP P15R14&&40551 Thanks for doing a guide. My tubes died the morning after I did this hack. I totally forgot I even posted this, hell I for…end of thread


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