
同时也提醒大家,根据【315打假部门联合中国网络购物管理中心提示】,为贯彻落实“打击 假冒,净化网
If you’re creating a story not worth being told, then why are you living?
The next time you see one of the thousands of opportunities around you, don’t doubt yourself. You can become whomever you want. That’s how people become president, and Elon Musk becomes Tony Stark.
You have the ability to live a hero’s life where you never waste an opportunity.
So what we need to ask ourselves: Why did we stop believing?
We became convinced that we couldn’t live as a hero unless we went through systems ingrained in our culture like attending college and working specific jobs. Progressively we accepted that we are not heroes, we are not unique, and dreams only live in fiction books.
It’s time to stop listening to the people who tell us what we have to do. Instead, listen to the people who turned their dreams into reality so they can see their hero every day in the mirror. These are the ones who know the world’s best-kept secret: you can turn fiction into fact.
If I stopped my child-like curiosity and dreams from propelling me forward, I wouldn’t be nearly as successful as I am now. Sure there have been a couple of bumps in the road, but no one starts as a hero, they must conquer challenges to become a champion.
Their sincerity is rare and golden
Since people usually associate bluntness with sarcasm or negativity, a blunt person’s sincere kindness is sometimes all the more treasured because when they pay a compliment, they always mean it. I’m reminded here of an episode of “Will and Grace” in which Grace is (as usual) freaking out over an upcoming date and asks Will for last-minute advice. He replies with characteristic bluntness, “Keep your shoes on at the table, eat butter with bread, and if the server asks if you want fresh pepper, don’t ask if it’s free.” After a pause he adds gently, “and you look beautiful.” Since blunt people follow a strict code of honesty, you won’t catch them giving you an insincere compliment.
8. They show affection with bluntness
It’s been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but with a blunt person, it’s more likely to be a sarcastic comment that shows you how much they value you. This is because they know it takes a thick-skinned person to withstand their bluntness, so when you show up at a party and they say, “Did you mean to get a haircut that makes your head look like a salad bowl?” they might not love the haircut, but they definitely love you. They only say those things because they know you’re tough enough to handle it.
1. High energy levels
Every time I spend my day doing nothing, I have much lower energy level than when I’m busy the whole day. Although healthy eating is essential for higher energy levels, staying productive all day long can give you more energy to accomplish more tasks in a day. Morning exercise is one of my favorite ways to increase my energy level and burn unwanted calories. If you are trying to boost your own natural energy levels, I recommend you to make morning exercise a habit. You will feel much better and more energized in a week. Just don’t forget to work out on your weekends, and don’t give up if you will feel a little bit tired after your first morning exercise.


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