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I get that he led campaigns to create the largest contiguous land empire and that he had a ridiculous amount of concubines and he did completely eradicate a city but why is he looked at as an evil figure? It seems to be a bias against him and an acceptance of hyperboles about him.
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Desmond Ng Highly interested in history 8 years of history reading behind me.
Written Nov 28
Adolf Hitler is normally seen as history’s most evil person having brutally slaughtered 6–11 million people in the Holocaust and directly causing the deaths of another 40 million in a war he started as well as causing the military occupation and breakup of several countries. He killed about 3.5% of the world’s population.
Joseph Stalin is normally seen as history’s second most evil person causing the deaths of 20 million Soviet citizens as well as organizing a series of brutal purges and sending thousands to prison camps not to mention invading over a dozen countries. He killed about 2.5% of the world’s population.
Winston Churchill is often described as history’s most brutal colonialist. He caused an Indian famine which slaughtered 5 million people and his negligence and poor foreign policies caused wars and calamities in many other countries. He killed about 1% of the world’s population.
Mao Zedong is known as the person who engineered modern history’s worst famine killing 60 million Chinese in “The Great Leap Forward” as well as being a controlling dictator that ruled China with an iron fist. He killed about 4% of the world’s population.
Genghis Khan’s campaigns killed over 10% of the world’s population. He invaded and annexed many countries and literally completely wiped some others off the map. His actions in the Middle East and China could be considered genocidal. He started one of history’s worst plagues being the first to use chemical warfare. And don’t forget he didn’t do this with the entire country behind him he and his fairly small army committed all these atrocities by themselves.
M Wasif Khan31 votes Show
Genghis Khan razed cities massacring whole populations. With quotes such as
“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies to chase them before you to rob them of their wealth to see those dear to them bathed in tears to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”
you can’t really argue him being a kind hearted person.
That said we can’t put black death’s blame on him. Black death started in Europe with the siege of Kaffa in 1345–46AD. Genghis Khan had died more than a century before that (~1230AD). Also some interpretation of Gabriele Da Mussi’s account of the siege put Mongols as not deliberately indulging in biological warfare but trying to force besieged to leave the city due to stench.
“The dying Tartars stunned and stupefied by the immensity of the disaster brought about by the disease and realizing that they had no hope of escape lost interest in the siege. But they ordered corpses to be placed in catapults1 and lobbed into the city in the hope that the intolerable stench would kill everyone inside”
话虽如此,我们不能把黑死病怪到他身上。黑死病开始于1345-46年的卡法围城之后。成吉思汗在那之前一个世纪就已经死了。也有一些基于Gabriele Da Mussi关于围城的描述的解释说蒙古人并不是有意醉心于生物战,而是企图用恶臭使守城者弃城而出。
Diaab ibn Nahshid27 votes Show
I hate him because his forces burned Baghdad to the ground destroying thousands of hand-written books along the way as if they were leaves with lines on them. Because of this and the the destruction of the Great Library of Timbuktu the Islamic Golden Age ended.
Rúnar Tór Tórarinsson1 vote by Sarah Gordon
Good entry but I have to say his army was hardly “fairly small” especially for its time and for the comparative quality of the soldiers. It counted tens of thousands of horseman archers and he probably fielded about 130.000 mongol soldiers PLUS a vast array of conquered nations at meat shields disciplined by terror and eventually self preservation. Try to imagine 100.000 horses+archers with the incredible training necessary being able to outmanoeuvre all contemporary army units controlling captured military engineers able to break through any city defenses and the support team this required.
很好的论述,不过我不会说他的军队是“相当小”的,尤其是考虑到当时的时期和其相对较高的士兵素质,它包含了成千上万的骑兵弓箭手,他可能有大约130000名蒙古士兵加上一个由一系列的被征服国家组成的巨大的肉盾,这些肉盾国家被恐怖统治着,确保了蒙古的自我防护力。试想100.000马+弓箭手与以令人难以置信的训练轻松避开所有同时期军队的控制范围, 而被俘虏的军事工匠有能力突破任何城市的防守并同时确保后勤补给。&&
At its peak the horseman army was so incredibly vast that it had to be split up. The horses had to eat! One of his sons went north with dozens of thousands of horse archers plus infantry and cleared out the area to the north and west while the other went south and raided Baghdad if I remember correctly. I may be mistaken.
在它的巅峰时期,骑兵规模是如此令人难以置信的浩大以至于它不得不分裂。因为马得吃东西! 他的一个儿子带着数万马弓兵和步兵向北前进并肃清了向北和向西的区域,而其他的儿子去了南部并袭击了巴格达,如果我记得没错的话。 我可能会记错。
Also keep in mind the logistics. There was a line of people and supply trains leading back to the heartland in Mongolia bringing supplies and people to the west and loot to the east. This undertaking over land without mechanized transport is so amazing that it boggles the mind.
还要注意他们的物流能力。 有一条由人和供应车辆组成的线路通往蒙古的中心地带,向西部提供物资和人口,并把战利品运向东部。 这种没有机械化运输工具的陆路运输能力是如此神奇以致令人恐惧。
June Yu6 votes Show
Mao Zedong killed 60 millions in the GLF() so with about 10% of the total population died and 40% in severe starving condition PLA still won the war against Tibet(1959) and India(1962). That was a true miracle. I have to say that God blessed PLA.
毛泽东在中杀死了6000万人,大约10%的人口死亡,40%的人处于严重饥饿中。但是解放军仍然赢得了对西藏(1959年)和印度(1962年)的战争。 这是一个真正的奇迹。 我必须说,上帝保佑解放军。
Btw 3 years later a 10% portion of the population were still robust teenage Red Guards that crazily loved Mao (remember: their parents died in famine and they suffered thanked to Mao’s CCP) and killed another 200 millions of people (about 30% of the 720 million population) for him till 1975. And in 1980 the population of China reached 1.06 billion. Communism produced superheroes in batches.
Wei-Siong Liang3 votes Show
I would also add Emperor Hirohito who was highly enthusiastic for militarism to bring about greater Japanese Empire.
And King Leopold of Belgium.
Connie Arnold6 votes Show
Chinggis Khan also gave all of the cities he conquered a very clear choice: surrender or we will destroy you. Those that surrendered found that he did not exact any revenge. He also practiced religious toleration started the first ‘pony express’ tried to develop a ‘world language’ founded the biggest empire ever seen worldwide and way faster than any other empire (e.g. it took Rome 400 years to do what Chinggis did in 40) etc. Much of what he’s been accused of was centuries after his death (and BTW - he was buried privately with no ‘honors’ -he didn’t want any) And the accusers were those he’d conquered (i.e. the losers). For a good summary of Khan’s life and the Mongol Conquest check out JACK WEATHERFORD Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
成吉思汗也给了所有他所征服的城市一个非常明确的选择:投降或者毁灭。那些投降的人发现他没有进行任何报复。他也通过实践宗教容忍,设立第一个“驿马快信”(意思指建设某种物流快递系统),试图开发出一种“世界语言”,并以比任何其他帝国更快的方式建立世界上最大的帝国(例如,成吉思汗用40年完成了罗马用400年做的事)。他被指控的大部分是他死后几个世纪中发生的事儿而指控者是他征服的那些人(即输家)(顺便说一句 : 他被隐蔽的埋葬而没有大肆宣扬 - 他不想要任何荣耀)。想更好的总结可汗的生活和蒙古的征服请查阅杰克·韦瑟福德的 《成吉思汗和现代世界的开创》
Tulga Ariuntuya3 votes Show
At that time Mongols didn’t have writing systems. Even Genghis khan didn’t know how to read but he clearly knows benefits so he just adopted it from Uyghurs. Main point is all of his stories written by the historians of defeated nations.
当时蒙古人没有写作系统。虽然成吉思汗不知道如何阅读,但他清楚地知道其益处,所以他直接采用了维吾尔语。 他的所有故事主要都是由他所击败国家的历史学家写的。
Quang Nguyen3 votes Show
He commanded 400000 troops. It is quite a number if you know that entire Europe continent only had around 6-8 million people at the time. It was funny that he used this much force to wipe out Khwarezmian empire on the map. It is similar to the entire NATO forces land-navy-air is set to conquer Iran. Iran is powerful yet compare to NATO is like comparing a plastic toy tank to a M1A1
他掌控着40万军队。 这是一个巨大的数字--如果你知道在当时整个欧洲大陆只有约6-8百万人。 很有趣的是,他用这么多力量在地图上抹去了花刺子模帝国。 就好像用整个北约部队(陆海空都包括)来征服伊朗。 伊朗是强大的,但相比整个北约就是拿一个塑料玩具坦克跟M1A1(战后的第三代主战坦克1985年开始在美军服役)比。
Wei-Siong Liang1 vote by Adrian Foster
Your figure of 60 millions deaths due to famine caused by Mao Zedong seemed highly inflated/erroneous. Yuan Tengfei's figure is 18 millions.
Due to severe food shortages birth rate dropped immensely. And many women simply lost their abilities to reproduce as a result for years or permanently.
你说毛(太祖)引起饥荒而造成6000万死亡的数字似乎非常离谱。 袁腾飞的数字是1800万。
由于严重的食物短缺,出生率大幅下降。 而且许多女人长期或永久的失去了生育能力。
Satish Nair
I believe the percentage of population killed by the respective ruler is not a valid criteria to be pointed out. I don't think Genghis Khan would have killed many more than what Hitler did. I believe speaking of actual numbers wiped out will be correct considering we had different world population during the 1200s (Genghis Khan's Regime) than what we had in 1900s (Hitler or Churchill's regime).
Comparing atrocities Genghis Khan and Hitler are no different. Both were warmongers and ruthless.
Ecky Thimble
So 9 more Genghis Khans and we would have completely wiped ourselves out as a species.
Adrian Foster
40 million people were killed in a war that Hitler started? Source please.
Jalal Shahini1 vote by Dot McHale
Beside killing people he burned thousands of handwritten books and destroyed biggest libraries of the time. He practically started the decline of Islamic civilization.
Varun Gupta2 votes Show
Agree with your answer but wasn't the Mongolian army basically synonymous with the nation?(The adult male part at least)
Devashish Kumar20 votes Show
I’m glad someone put Winston Churchill in this category. His atrocious deeds are often forgot.
Philip A. Byler
Actually Mao and Stalin killed more than Hitler and the Cambodian Khmer Rouge was arguably worse with its genocide.
Paul Goodenow4 votes Show
thats nothing you should see what our ancient ancestors did to the neanderthals.
Craig Vandertie
Stalin was responsible for more deaths executions than Hitler so at the very least there should 2 men in history labelled as the most wicked.
Josiah Wilkinson
Judging from history if Time magazine was older I would guess that Khan would be their person of the year at least 3 times.
How much 10% in gengin khan era? Maybe not much as mao hitler 35%?
Saam Ashenayi
Hey now. It was only biological warfare.
Fredrik Payedar
Well written
Thomas McBeth
Joseph Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler.
终于从3000万突破到了6000万,现在有突破到2亿了。& &恭喜歪果仁的智商再一次刷新历史最低记录。
一个毁灭者谁会喜欢?大多数征服者是征服然后经营,他妈的就是杀 抢 杀 抢。。。。直到什么都没有
Mao Zedong is known as the person who engineered modern history’s worst famine killing 60 million Chinese in “The Great Leap Forward” as well as being a controlling dictator that ruled China with an iron fist. He killed about 4% of the world’s population.龙腾网
终于从3000万突破到了6000万,现在有突破到2亿了。& &恭喜歪果仁的智商再一次刷新历史最低记录。龙腾网
我还说现在的美国殖民者杀了30亿印第安人呢&&至于印第安人为什么有这么多 土豆 玉米这些高产的粮食作物都是每周的啊
殇仁 发表于
终于从3000万突破到了6000万,现在有突破到2亿了。& &恭喜歪果仁的智商再一次刷新历史最低记录。龙腾网
自上网以来17年 这数字从一千万一路飙升翻了六番 堪比物价龙腾网
哈哈.... 中古的每年都有进步啊,记得刚开始3000万,现在上升到6000多万了。照此趋势用不了多久可以说毛的时代饿死了所有中国人,现在中国人都是移民的了,可怜的白皮.....
& && &对于苏共的全民党和全民国家提A股强烈反对。认为人类的发展过程就是依然有阶级,依然有阶级斗争。
& && & 1966年,无产阶级文化大革命(全称)在中国爆发。影响是强烈的,在日本,爆发反威权教育,占领东京大学,要求教育改革。在法国,爆发巴黎五月运动,要求戴高乐下台。又一次思想运动。在美国,爆发黑人解放运动,反种族歧视,反越战等运动。龙腾网
& && &冲动是魔鬼,人如果情绪化就是毫无理性的疯子,当年的红卫兵都是极左的,把毛思想当成生命的座右铭!当那场运动造成的破坏,有一部分人变成极右,这就是物极必反吧。龙腾网
& && & PS,别惹追星族,TMD都是一群疯子
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