
某行星和地球绕太阳公转的轨道均可视为圆.每过N年,该行星会运动到日地连线的延长线上,如图所示,试求行星与地球的公转半径之比.【考点】.【专题】计算题;定量思想;方程法;人造卫星问题.【分析】够被磁化的物体称磁材料;磁性材分为磁材和软磁材,硬磁性材料(磁体)磁化后能长保持磁性的材料;软性材指磁化后,不能保持原有.【解答】解:能够被磁化的物体称为磁性材性料分为软磁性材和硬磁材料,磁记录应选用硬磁.故答案:磁性.【点评】本考查学生对磁性材的了解和掌.硬磁性材料(磁体)指磁能长久保持磁性的材软性材料磁化后,不持原有的磁性.声明:本试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布。答题:马健钊老师 难度:0.60真题:1组卷:0
&&&&,V2.21349第三方登录:某行星和地球绕太阳公转的轨道均可视为圆.每过N年.该行星会运行到日地连线的延长线上.如图所示.该行星与地球的公转半径比为A. B. C. D. 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
某行星和地球绕太阳公转的轨道均可视为圆,每过N年,该行星会运行到日地连线的延长线上,如图所示,该行星与地球的公转半径比为A. B. C. D.
太阳围绕银河系中心的运动可视为匀速圆周运动,其运动速度大小约为地球绕太阳公转速度的7倍,其轨道半径约为地球绕太阳公转轨道半径的2×109倍。为了粗略估算银河系中恒星的数目,可认为银河系的所有恒星的质量都集中在银河系中心,且银河系中恒星的平均质量约等于太阳的质量,则银河系中恒星的数目约为(&&&&& )A.1015 B.1013 C.1011 D.109
已知地球同步卫星到地球中心的距离为4.24×107m,地球自转的角速度为7.29×10-5rad/s,地面的重力加速度为9.8m/s2,月球到地球中心的距离为3.84×108m.假设地球上有一棵苹果树笔直长到了接近月球那么高,则当苹果脱离苹果树后,将(   )A.沿着树干落向地面 B.将远离地球,飞向宇宙 C.成为地球的“苹果月亮” D.成为地球的同步“苹果卫星”
日,“嫦娥二号”在西昌卫星基地发射成功,其环月飞行的高度距离月球表面100 km,所探测到的有关月球的数据将比环月飞行高度为200 km的“嫦娥一号”更加详实.若两颗卫星环月运行均可视为匀速圆周运动,运行轨道如图8所示,则(  ).A.“嫦娥二号”环月运行的速度比“嫦娥一号”更小 B.“嫦娥二号”环月运行时向心加速度比“嫦娥一号”更小 C.“嫦娥二号”环月运行的周期比“嫦娥一号”更小 D.“嫦娥二号”环月运行时角速度与“嫦娥一号”相等
火星的质量和半径分别约为地球的和,地球表面的重力加速度为g,则火星表面的重力加速度约为&(&&&)A.0.2g B.0.4g C.2.5g D.5g
两颗人造地球卫星,质量之比m1:m2=1:2,轨道半径之比R1:R2=3:1,下面有关数据之比正确的是(&&&& )A.周期之比T1:T2=3:1 B.线速度之比v1:v2=3:1 C.向心力之比为F1:F2=1:9 D.向心加速度之比a1:a2=1:9
如图所示,在“嫦娥”探月工程中,设月球半径为R,月球表面的重力加速度为g0。飞船在半径为4R的圆型轨道Ⅰ上运动,到达轨道的A点时点火变轨进入椭圆轨道Ⅱ,到达轨道的近月点B时,再次点火进入近月轨道Ⅲ绕月做圆周运动,则A.飞船在轨道Ⅲ的运行速率大于 B.飞船在轨道Ⅰ上运行速率小于在轨道Ⅱ上B处的速率 C.飞船在轨道Ⅰ上的重力加速度小于在轨道Ⅱ上B处重力加速度 D.飞船在轨道Ⅰ、轨道Ⅲ上运行的周期之比有TⅠ:TⅢ=4 :1
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发布时间: 08:48:04
作者:Juan Felipe Belon Perez
一年以前,我问了自己同样的问题,《6 Dimensions》就是问题的答案。这款游戏是一个创意的盒子,每一面都包含一组使用Box2D物理学再加上视觉美学技术制作的不同的游戏机制。在此,我将与大家分享这款游戏。我做这款游戏是为了改进游戏引擎Codea(是由Crabitron开发的),而我写了这篇教程是为了向大家介绍写实物理学、美术和游戏设计……共同提高我们的游戏开发水平。
《Thomas was alone》、《愤怒的小鸟》、《蜡笔物理学》
crayon physics(from gamasutra)
local body = physics.body(POLYGON, unpack( points ) )
知道了刚体形状(body shape)后,你还要了解它们的不同行为,或叫作刚体类型(body types):
真正的含义要在API的执行中理解,在本文中我使用这个是因为它是我能找到的最简单的代码了。但改变成任何语言的代码都非常简单,Box2D有几乎所有的语言版本(Flash as3、c++、objc、java、javascript、java+processing,等等)。
Box2D的复杂度当然不止这些,具有这种物理游戏机制的其他游戏(《Magic Pen》)也比较复。在《Magic Pen》中,你可以画一些东西看起来像“node(节点)”的东西,但开发者叫它们“joint(关节)”,它们是用于连接刚体的,有若干种,取决于你想要的机制;还可以用于制作连接着的刚体之间的行为:
physics.joint(REVOLUTE,bodyA, bodyB,)
例如:小车的车轮、《蜡笔物理学》和《Magic Pen》中的红色节点
physics.joint( PRISMATIC, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, direction )
physics.joint(DISTANCE, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, anchorB )
physics.joint( WELD, bodyA, bodyB, anchor )
physics.joint( ROPE, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, anchorB, maxLength )
1)创建:带有触点刚体或盒子或任何其他多边形几何体(一组2D点:x,y),给它设置我们需要的物理属性(如《Thomas was alone》中的不同行为),比如,如果刚体是static类型,那么就可以设置它的质量、密度、重力大小,等等。
2)可选属性:依附(attach)到另一个刚体上,比如说,你可以把一个刚体依附到另一个被设置为传感器的static刚体(不影响游戏世界的物理,但有碰撞事件),然后激活REVOLUTE joint的enableMotor(能动)属性,这还需要motorSpeed(速度)、maxMotorTorque(转矩)和maxMotorForce(力量),才能确定这个对象的旋转情况。
3)美术(Visual Art):有了刚体后,如果你想绘制它,不是作为形状绘制出来,而是具有颜色或纹理的实体,你就要把这些点三角化生成多边形网格模型(mesh)并给它设置颜色和贴材质。
Box2D_POLYGONS(from gamasutra)
thomas Was Alone Boxes(from gamasutra)
对于《Thomas Was Alone》中的盒子的行为,你可以设置一个简单的“juice”系统动画(从“中间帧”演化来的),这样,当你选择方块并按下跳跃键(或它与其他不同的物理刚体发生碰撞),它就会触发“juice command= animation”命令——产生挤压、摇晃等动画效果,各个动作都有自己的动画参数,比如质量、线性速度和衰减等物理属性。
box Examples(from gamasutra)
你可以用简单的刚体applyForce(vec2(x,y)) 函数做出小鸟的发射。各种小鸟也都有自己的质量、衰减等属性……
《Where is my water?》、《Sprinkle Ilsands》……
Metaball_contact_sheet(from gamasutra)
那就是为什么运用水体物理学的游戏并不多见。几个月前我谈到这个问题,多亏了许多人的帮助,我得到了一个很棒的水体物理模型。在那个模型中,我用Box2D lib中的CIRCLE刚体做出动态球。
模型的代码很容易理解,球就是物理刚体,这些刚体具有使它产生水滴行为的参数如estitution(复原)、friction(摩擦)、damping(衰减)、linear velocity(线性速度),然后,我们用着色器(GLSL)的技术和材质绘制这些球,需要一个mesh,就像波纹fx或使用材质的其他GLSL着色器样本,我们把这个mesh的宽和高设为整个屏幕,从中间开始:
mesh:addRect(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
for k,b in ipairs(balls) do
sprite(ballTexture, b.x, b.y)
Box2D_water Physics(from gamasutra)
where is my water(from gamasutra)
《Where is my water?》
静态地形可以是一个POLYGON刚体,它是用一个读取整个地形图象和建立一系列非透明像素的x,y (vec2)的函数制作的,然后返回给box2d函数。
sprinkle_islands_boss(from gamasutra)
在《Sprinkle Ilsands》中,水体着色器跟我们所学习的那个是不同的,它除了使用粒子fx,还多了linearVelocity属性。但行为可能还是一样的,当水球(刚体CIRCLE)击中火传感器,那么火就会熄灭,海里的水mesh也一样。至于岩石,你可以添加一些细节如颗粒效果等。
在这一面,我们找不到任何joint,那就是为什么它可能不必要,在《Sprinkle Ilsands》,软管就是绳子,这是我们在下一面中要分析的。
《Contre Jour》、《割绳子》、《水果忍者》
要制作一个逼真的绳子,你得创建一组刚体(CIRCLE或者POLYGON都行),把它们都依附在作为基座的STATIC刚体上。用于结合这些绳子刚体的joint有两种,DISTANCE或者REVOLUTE,但处于最末端(DYNAMIC)的连接基座(STATIC)的joint只能是制作弹力绳的ROPE joint。通过restitution 和frequency属性来调整response(反应)/damping(衰减)/elasticity(弹性)。
Box2D_ElasticRopes(from gamasutra)
Contre-Jour(from gamasutra)
《Contre Jour》
snotDiagram(from gamasutra)
js Rope Segmented(from gamasutra)
cut-the-rope(from gamasutra)
if (vec2:distance( bFrog_Mouth,
bCandy ) & maxDistance) then
– 把青蛙的动画从“空闲”改为“吃”
– 暂停输入
– 补间并触发游戏结束动画
tiny wings 2(from gamasutra)
你可以用Box2d做出你自己的《Tiny Wings》。基本原理就是,球(CIRCLE刚体)在重力的作用下下落,你可以通过触击屏幕增加下落的linearVelocity(线性速度),当触击在山丘合适的部分(你可以查看你的正弦函数的高度)释放时,下落速度会增加……另一种方法是只使用力。
Box2D_JumpRun(from gamasutra)
Jetpack-Joyride(from gamasutra)
《Jetpack Joyride》
《Madcoaster》、《Rocket Chicken》、《Whale Trail》等游戏都是一样的。
Box2D_Forces_Gravity(from gamasutra)
function Planet:attract(m)
– Direction of the force
local force = self.body.position – m.body.position
= force:len() — = m.body.position:dist(self.body.position)
force = force:normalize()
= vec2(self.mass/m.body.mass, self.mass/m.body.mass)
– Magnitude of the force
local strength = (GRAVITY * self.mass * m.body.mass)/(d*d)
force = force * strength
stroke((1+math.floor(force.y))*110, (1+math.floor(force.x))*110, 10, 255)
– draw line between attractor/mover
line(m.body.x+force.x, m.body.y+force.y, (self.body.x), (self.body.y))
saving-seeds-hd-doodle-physics-screenshot(from gamasutra)
Box2D_Lines(from gamasutra)
代码和第一面的是一样的,但你必须改变游戏的规则,你要从暂停的物理引擎开始,然后绘制和生成CHAIN静止形状,当玩家按下开始键时,游戏必须生成玩家的球(以及恢复、重力、质量等参数),重新开启物理引擎,只要一个指令(physics.pause() and physics.resume())就能完成了。
你可以通过打开或关闭重力,来改变整个游戏的现实,就像《Thomas was alone》或《ibb and obb》那样。
Box2D_BezierRampage(from gamasutra)
code example(from gamasutra)
但文章作者没有提到任何有关Box2D的东西,但我猜这款游戏就是使用了Cocos2d(和Corona SDK)。无论如何,你现在知道怎么制作交通工具和横冲直撞的效果了。
在《Canvas Rider》中,有两种自行车模型,你可以在游戏中改变,你会发现自行车的刚体是一个允许一定damping的接头结构,当你改变自行车时,这个动态刚体就被破坏了,然后游戏就生成新的自行车类型。
How to create 2D Physics Games with Box2D Library
by Juan Felipe Belon Perez
If you take a look to the list of the top games in the markets, flash-games portals,etc, what can you see?, there are a lot of 2D games with an outstanding use of physics and visual arts!.
We are here today to study the physics of those games and to understand what are they made of, with Box2D.
But, more than the “what”, it is much better to know the “how”, first of all, let me ask you a question: if you would have to replicate a physics game mechanic or behaviour, will you have the skills and techniques to do so?
…I asked myself this same question more than a year ago, and the game 6 Dimensions is the answer ,it is a creative box where each dimension contains a different set of game mechanics using Box2d physics, mixed with visual art techniques, that I am sharing with you, because I made this game to improve a game engine called Codea (the guys from Crabitron), and finally, to write tutorials like this, where I wanted you and me to learn about realistic physics, art and game design…,together we are going to improve our game development skills.
I have designed 6 dimensions in my game, I’m using the same idea like a process capable of bring to your mind how are made features, so, before you say anything I’m writting near the dimension , the games from which we are replicating its physics, mechanics and art techniques.
1.The SHAPE Dimension
Thomas was alone, Angry Birds, Crayon Physics
In Crayon Physics: you can craw something in the screen with your fingers or the mouse, for example a circle, a triangle or a rectangle,and, as you release the mouse/touch, the lines will turn into a solid physical object (in the virtual world).
How do you do that?
It is pretty simple actually, you have to save each point coordinate of the trace from the mouse/touch start to end, when the release event occurs, then you call to a function of Box2D that creates a polygon with a serie of points, something like this:
local body = physics.body(POLYGON, unpack( points ) )
Some definitions:
You have to know that there is some kind of shape types in Box2D :
used for closed shapes like basic geometry (not circles), it uses a list of vertices (x,y) defined with the order specified by each API
balls, water drops, planets, etc.
for walls, grounds,etc, Lines with only 2 points: start and end.
Like edge but you can close (would be like a POLYGON but is not a convex hull) or not (like EDGE but with more than 2 points)
Once you have defined a body shape, there are different behaviours,or body types:
: as it names says, this body will remain static in the assigned x,y (ground, wall, base for a pole or rope,etc.)
DYNAMIC : it will collide with other objects and move
KINEMATIC : collide but not move with the dynamics, you can move it not only chaging it x,y but assigning a linearVelocity or applying a force to it too well,…the exact sintaxis depends of the implementation of the API, in this article I’m using this because it is the simplest code I can find. But it would be so simple to change to actual code for any language, you can find a Box2D lib for almost every language (Flash as3, c++, objc, java, javascript, java+processing,etc), this is in ObjC. I recommend you to open the level definitions of the game Crayon Physics to understand how it works.
You have to save the result of that function to a var, then, in the draw loop of the game the properties of that body are accesible, like body.position, body.radius, body.linearVelocity, body.angularVelocity, body.mass, etc.
When the body is created, you may want to define some of its properties, there are interesting things like the restitution,gravityScale and damping, these can turn our physical object into a bouncing or floating one, for example.
Here is a sample of what can be done with this feature of Box2d.
At this point you might want go to the Ray Wenderlich site and follow some of the box2d tutorials and then come back and continue reading with more knowledge…or no.
There are more complexity in Box2D and other games ( Magic Pen ) within this dimension of physics game mechanics, you can draw some things that look likes “nodes” but developers call them “joints”, this things are used to put magic glue between bodies, there are some kind of them, depending on the mechanics you want (Codea reference for physics with Box2d , or the Nature of Code videos – processing) and they can be used to create a behaviour between the connected bodies:
physics.joint( REVOLUTE, bodyA, bodyB, anchor )
the bodies rotate about a single anchor point
- example : a wheel of a car, the red node in crayon physics and magic pen
physics.joint( PRISMATIC, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, direction )
the bodies maintain a fixed distance between their respective anchor points. The length of a distance joint is taken from the initial distance between the two anchor points in world space. Setting the frequency and damping ratio of the joint allows for soft spring-like behaviour.
physics.joint( DISTANCE, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, anchorB )
Prismatic joints constrain the motion of two bodies along the axis between the two specified anchor points. This allows for telescopic motion, while restricting relative rotation between the two bodies physics.joint( WELD, bodyA, bodyB, anchor )
Weld joints constrain the motion and relative rotation between two bodies, effectively turning them into a single body. Due to the iterative nature of the solver, weld joints can bend when put under stress and may fail completely when large forces are involved or several weld joints are chained together to form a larger object physics.joint( ROPE, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, anchorB, maxLength )
Rope joints constrain the maximum distance between two bodies
Example: the ropes of Cut the Rope
1) Create: a body with the points of the touch or a box definition or any other polygonal geometry (a set of 2d points:x,y), set physics properties for what we want it to (different behaviours like Thomas was alone are possible), like if the body is static, it mass, density, gravityScale, and so on.
3) Optional: attach to another body, for example, you can attach the body to a static body which is set as a sensor (not affecting world physics but has collision events) and activate the enableMotor property of the REVOLUTE joint, this also needs motorSpeed, maxMotorTorque and maxMotorForce, defines a rotation for this object. This is a result (dont pay attention to the water, we are going into it next).
3) Visual Art: You have the body, if you want to draw it, not as a shape but like a filled body with color or a texture you may want to triangularize the points to create a POLYGON-shape (mesh) and set the colors or the texture to it.
For the behaviour of boxes from Thomas Was Alone you can set a simple “juice” system animation (evolution of tweeners), so, when you choose a cube and press the jump button (or the collision with the different physics bodies happens), it triggers the juice command = animation like squash, roll, etc., each character has its own animation params, the same goes for physics: mass, linearVelocity, damping, etc.
Angry Birds, (Ray Wenderlich has a tutorial to make that too) , you can create a level by defining different properties to the boxes, draw different sprites or meshes with textures, so, in the collision events you can drown an amount of the “life” or “resistance” of the box-body and change the texture with another one, more appropiate to the current state (broken wood, almost broken glass, broking sprite animation,etc).
You can do the launching of the bird with a simple body:applyForce(vec2(x,y)) function. Each bird has it own mass, damping, info and properties as well…
2.The WATER Dimension
Where is my water? , Sprinkle Ilsands…
When you ask to the Internet coding sages how to make water physics like those games, they end up talking you about Metaballs:
But using metaballs in a game is not so trivial and not too easy to get neither, it has high computational cost, unless you discover some trick and apply it with some art.
That’s why you dont see so many games with water physics. I started talking about this some months ago in this forum, and thanks to a lot of people I get a good water physics model for a game.
You can get it here,in the example I am using dynamic balls with CIRCLE bodies from Box2D lib (code inside videolink).
The code is easy to understand, look, the balls are just physic bodies generated with parameters to give them the behaviour of water drops, it is: restitution, friction, damping, linear velocity, then, to draw these balls we are using a technique with a shader (GLSL) and a texture, you will need a mesh to apply the shader, just like a ripple fx or other glsl shader samples that uses textures, we are setting the width and height of the area of the mesh to the whole screen, from the middle:
mesh:addRect(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
this way we can use the (x,y) position of each ball to paint in the virtual space of the texture (with setContext) of the mesh rect, so, each ball is represented in the texture as a ball painted with a gradient inside the image generated of the ball (200*200) -ballTex -
for k,b in ipairs(balls) do
sprite(ballTexture, b.x, b.y)
then , you have to use the additive blend mode to add all the painted balls to the texture and mix them with a background and a colour.
As I said, each ball has a texture (procedurally generated) , a gradient, this was it can be mixed with other ball textures using a low level filter (the glsl shader).
Where is my water?
You can do the same water fx using different layers for each type of behaviour, or make one layer for all the liquids and one for all the dynamic terrains, then in the shader change the filter values and colors (water, lava, dirty,etc.).
An example of handling the collision within a behaviour can be:
In the collision events you must check what kind of ball is bodyA and bodyB, if one is gas (gravityScale/mass/density is practically zero, so it floats) and the other body is an “ice” polygon, then you turn the ball into water…
Another example:
if bodyA is lava and bodyB is water, you must turn bodyB into gas, …it is as easy as change the properties of the ball, so it will change the response in box2d and you do the new drawing the drawLoop of the game.
Terrain example:
the static terrains could be just a POLYGON body created with a function that read an image of the whole terrain and build a set of pairs x,y (vec2) of the non-transparent pixels, then return this to the box2d function.
Dynamic terrain could be just a mesh and when you touch it, you will remove the points over that coordinates x,y of
the touch, you have to rebuild the physics body with the new set of pairs of the mesh.
And you have just see how to create the water so, here it is an example with all together: water physics and real time terrain modification based on box2d physics.
Pickups, powerups, etc. example:
When a drop of water (physics body CIRCLE) hit a duck (physics body with sensor activated) you must delete that ball and change the animation of the duck for the new state ,until it is completly filled with water, then delete the duck and record the achievement.
Water drops have a little trail,these are drawn using the linearVelocity and angularVelocity properties, you can get the direction and the speed so you can calculate the angle and distance of the trail (opposite direction and distance based on speed).
In fact, there are as many behaviours as you want.
In Sprinkle Ilsands the water shader is different as the one we have studied, only changes something with the particles fx, it has the linearVelocity detail added too, in another way.
But the behaviour could be the same, when the water balls (physics body CIRCLE) hit a fire sensor , it applies whatever it makes the fire goes down, the same for a water mesh in the sea, in the case of a rock you could add some details like particle effects or something like that.
In this dimension we can’t find any joint,
that’s why it may be not necessary, well, in Sprinkle Islands the hose is a rope, which we are going to analyze in the next dimension, and there is a REVOLUTE joint in the hose cone…
3.The ELASTIC Dimension
Contre Jour, Cut the Rope, Ninja Fruit,…
It took me another month to have a working prototype of a rope like those top games…see this one (code inside the video info), but the soft body was easy made once I got the rope finished, as I understand the joints better.
To make a realistic rope you have to create a set of bodies (CIRCLE or POLYGON,your choice) all attached to a STATIC body, the base. The joints used to joining the bodies of the rope can be of two types, DISTANCE or REVOLUTE, but the joint that join the base (STATIC) with the final part (DYNAMIC) must be a ROPE joint to create an elastic rope. Use the restitution property and frequency (hz) to adjust the response/damping/elasticity.
Here is the ROPE (code), and this is the result (video).
To create a soft body, you have to build a set of CIRCLE bodies around another center body (circle is better), which can be STATIC or DYNAMIC, it will affect the rest of the bodies for sure, if you change the types of the joints you will realise how the body can be deformed automatically, you need to draw the whole set with a mesh.
Contre Jour
In this game, you can find soft bodies: and two types of ropes:elastics and ropes with a limit, fixed. These fixed ropes uses a more advanced technique than the elastics, to draw the texture in it shapes you have the properties of the bodies and the joints, i.e., points, types, properties, etc., the method must build a mesh and apply the texture in real time, like in the previous example of the video of the soft body but these guys do this thing better:
Take a look to this: the tech behind the visual art of Contre Jour.
Cut the Rope
This is the perfect example of an Box2d physics set for a rope, the texture is dynamic also, and you can notice the weakness of it in the colors used along the mesh from the base to the ball, where it is attached the sugar.
You can build this rope as we have done in the previous example, the bubble effect can be achieved by setting the physics properties to the ball (candy): mass, density, gravityScale, it will float and you may draw the bubble after the candy with a multiply blend mode. Another way is change the body to a sensor and move it with your own gravity formula, but we are going to study this technique in the fifth dimension.
If the bubble-body-ball collides with the frog or the spikes, or the user touch the bubble, then you would animate the bubble explosion and change the physics properties of the candy again…
Example code:
if (vec2:distance( bFrog_Mouth,
bCandy ) & maxDistance) then
– change animation of the frog from “idle” to “eat”
– pause input
– tween and trigger the end of game at the end of the animation
4.The GRAVITY Dimension
Tiny Wings, JetPack JoyRide, Madcoaster, Whale Trail, …
In this dimension we can find a lot of games that uses forces against the gravity, but this is something that you can play with. For example, you can generate a simple terrain based on a sine function passed to the box2d function and it will return a CHAIN or EDGE shape types, STATIC bodies.
You can make your own Tiny Wings with Box2d, there is a tutorial here, and another here, the basis is that, a ball (CIRCLE body) falls with the force of gravity, you can increase the linearVelocity by touching the screen, and when the touch is released in the appropiate part (you can check the height of your sine function) of a hill it would be better for that increase amount…Another way is using only forces.
For the draw loop, add particle effects to the picking, fever states (trails), and so on. The textures can be generated using procedurally images with random colors, gaussian noises to add details, borders, etc…you can see an example here.
Jetpack Joyride
You can follow the pattern for this game?, If you have readed the previous examples you must fall into account, you have the same behaviour for the character-body-ball (CIRCLE physics body or other you want),you must be applying forces against gravity, different physics properties for each jetpack, the missile and each vehicle, etc.
The same goes for Madcoaster, Rocket Chicken, Whale Trail and those kind of games…
But this dimension includes other mechanics, like the planetary physics, gravition is a strong field
You can use a simple formula to simulate zero gravity with physics.gravity(0,0), the force of attraction of a planet is something like this:
More in this example.
function Planet:attract(m)
– Direction of the force
local force = self.body.position – m.body.position
= force:len() — = m.body.position:dist(self.body.position)
force = force:normalize()
= vec2(self.mass/m.body.mass, self.mass/m.body.mass)
– Magnitude of the force
local strength = (GRAVITY * self.mass * m.body.mass)/(d*d)
force = force * strength
stroke((1+math.floor(force.y))*110, (1+math.floor(force.x))*110, 10, 255)
– draw line between attractor/mover
line(m.body.x+force.x, m.body.y+force.y, (self.body.x), (self.body.y))
this function will make the character ball to move around a planet.
5.The LINE Dimension
Saving Seeds, Crayon Physics, …
Only lines: to draw lines you can create bodies of the shape type CHAIN and body type STATIC or DYNAMIC.
For level-design, obstacles are STATIC too, could be EDGE or POLYGON…
You can replicate a game like Saving Seeds with that configuration.
Here it is an example.
The code is the same as in the first dimension but you have to change the rules of the game, you start with the physics engine paused, then draw and create the CHAIN static shapes, and when the user press the start button, the game must create the ball of the player (with it restitution, gravity, mass, etc. params) and resume the physics engine, it can be done with a single command (physics.pause() and physics.resume()).
It only remains in the game loop, to check collisions and linear Velocity, change the game state…
You can change the whole game reality by turning the gravity on or off, even for each player, like it happens in Thomas was alone or ibb and obb games.
6.The VEHICLE Dimension
Pumped BMX,
Hill Climb Racing
Make a game with rampages and vehicles, if you reach this point, you are able to do this and whatever you want with the Box2d library.
To make a vehicle, just think in joints, the wheels are CIRCLE bodies, connect them with a POLYGON ( shape of the car, bike, etc. ) using a REVOLUTE joint with the correct anchors, and you got it, the motor is enabled only for one of the wheels, back , normally.
To draw the main body of the bike/car use a mesh with a texture, sprites for the wheels, unless you are using softbodies for those, add a trail, particle fx, etc.
Example from code:
For the roads, use some noise, or a sine, and it could be STATIC or DYNAMIC, you can use a Bezier spline like this example [code].
Pumped BMX
I know this game and its physics thanks to this author article in Gamasutra.
Although he did not mention anything about Box2D, I guess is what it is used because uses Cocos2d, (and Corona SDK), which uses the lib...anyway, now you know how to create a vehicle and the rampages, go and do some tests!
Check out this game too: Canvas Rider. There are two bike models, you can change it in the game, then you will notice that the bodies of the bike set are being a joint configuration that allow some damping , when you change the bike the dynamic bodies are destructed and then the game is creating the new ones of the new bike.
Also, the lines you can touch with your bike in this game are just static CHAINs, the touches of the mouse when you are designing the road are the x,y...as we have done before.
And that's all for now, hope you enjoy coding some physics with Box2D.
Of course, there are much more games using the lib in different ways as I have mention here, but they might be using the techniques above, in a combination of our "dimensions", for example, games like Braid, Meat Boy, etc., can be done with proper definitions of bodies and mechanics, and shaders as well.(source:)
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