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战舰世界游戏伤害机制介绍 炮塔为主要攻击点
1  在战舰世界中,什么时候才能算一条船被完全摧毁呢?首先我们看看HP和BP的概念。  It is obvious that she may be rendered as &destroyed& if the hull is pierced, and sinking is an easy inevitability. But what if she&s still on the surface, completely destroyed above sea level, with a couple of sailors surviving, and even the ship&s cat decided to learn to love swimming? It would be quite logical to say that ship is destroyed, as such a twisted metal ghost can barely be a menace to the enemy force.  很明显,当一条船千疮百孔,沉没不可避的时候,我们可以称这条船&被摧毁了&。但是如果是一条上层建筑全毁,就几个船员活下来,甚至连船上的猫咪都开始学游泳的时候,这算不算&被摧毁&呢?从逻辑上来说,这船已经被摧毁了,因为这堆扭曲的废铁根本不能威慑住敌人。  So how can we draw the line between &destroyed& and &almost dead?&  那我们是不是可以在&被摧毁&和&几乎要挂&了划等号么?  To do that, we use the &hit points& concept that allows estimating the health of the vessel. Their number decreases each time a ship gets hit. If they dropped to zero & well, it&s not your day, Captain! Yes, you fought like a lion, but your team failed as always. Randomness is a hard beast to tame. No use slamming on the keyboard, though & there will be plenty of positive battles, where you will survive and upturn the villains. Nevertheless, now you may enjoy watching your ship drown in pieces. Or take your time looking at the lifeless smoking island.  为了实现这一点,我们采用了HP(结构值,也就是血条)的概念&&&&这允许我们量化舰船的状态。舰船每一次遭受攻击,HP就会减少,当HP见底了。提督,舰船(niang)大破,全体撤离。是啊,你经常碰上猪队友。野队可不是随随便便就能控制的,所以说,不要砸键盘,毕竟,还有很多场酣畅淋漓的胜利啊。当然,你可能是个喜欢看见你的舰船沉没或者打成碎片的抖M提督,或者说有特别的技巧,喜欢装作四处看风景,花大把时间观察那些死气沉沉的小岛。  At this moment, such a scheme looks pretty common, and is similar to a scenario used in many other games. But what we actually wanted to do in World of Warships is to keep a ship alive until all her parts are damaged severely. Otherwise, it would be strange to render a ship &destroyed& just because a sequence of shells hit her in the same turret, or just because the hit points finally reached zero. This approach omits the fact that there are still turrets that work, and potentially the engine. Even the crew is largely unaffected (except those unlucky enough to go with the damaged turret).  看到这里,是不是觉得和其它游戏的设定差不多呢?但是我们有特别的技巧。我们希望这样,只有当所有组成结构都被摧毁时,船只才会被摧毁。要不然&&,各位不觉得对同一个炮塔持续攻击导致沉船,这种设定很不科学呢?毕竟船上还有其他可以用的炮塔,引擎还在运作。甚至大部分成员也没有受到影响(除了那些在被摧毁炮塔里面的倒霉蛋们)  So to avoid this, we really need to assure that hits in the same area will gradually lose their damaging effect.  所以说,为了避免这个,我们需要确保对同一部位的重复打击造成的影响会逐渐削减。  To accomplish this, we have divided the ship into a number of damage areas. Such areas may be represented by amoduleor a compartment. The difference between them is that a module is a functioning element (a turret, engine or torpedo launcher), but a compartment is something like a &hit point storage& that may be affected by enemy fire. Each destructible area is defined by its own amount of hit points. Their loss results in the reduction of the overall &health& by the same value. But if a certain area lost all hit points, no strike will make it any more damaged.  为了实现这一点,我们把船分成了数个伤害区域,每个区域有一些模组构成。模组之间除了功能不同之外,每个模组所包含的结构值,或者说HP也不尽相同。每个伤害区域都有自己的HP。每个伤害区域的HP削减都会造成船只总HP的削减。不过如果某个模组HP为零,之后对该模组的打击都不会造成伤害。  In the case of a module, damaging it also influences its functioning. For instance, the turret that was hit will consequently traverse slower, or shoot at a lower rate, or fail to do anything at all. Thus, to defeat a ship, you will surely have to damage at least a major part of its modules and compartments. Though there is always place for exceptions &setting off a detonation in the vicinity of magazines by a single lucky shot may cause a huge monster explosion. HMS &Hood& guaranteed that. It has to be a really lucky shot, though.  对于每个模组而言,对其的打击除了会造成伤害,还会影响它的功能,比如说,炮塔遭受了攻击,炮塔转速可能变慢,或者射速变慢,或者完全报废。所以说,要摧毁一条船,首先你得保证至少干掉一个主要模块。当然,也有例外,发命中弹药舱的炮弹可能会引起弹药的爆炸。2  You may also simply drown an enemy by hitting her hull below the waterline, so we introduced &buoyancy points& as well. To be exact, these are a sort of floating points that are responsible for holding a ship on the water independently from all the &fuzz& on the upper decks.So their amount reduces if the underwater sections were hit. And again, drowning a ship doesn&t imply that every such section should be filled with water, only the major parts of them.  当然,你也可以通过打击敌人水下部分,从而击沉敌人。我们引入了&浮力值&(BP)这个设定。简单而言,这个和HP独立开来的浮力值(BP)是保证船只浮在水面上的。当水下部分中弹时,BP值就会削减。顺便再说一次,击沉一条船并不要让她的每个舱室灌满水,只要让几个主要部分灌满水就OK啦!  谈完了HP和BP,说一说主炮  Every component consists of a large number of game modules. For instance, the &Main caliber& component includes all relevant cannons, aiming mechanisms, ammunition rooms, elevators for shells and charges, etc. But this component will be provided to players only in unified form, without the need to control every screw pitch. After research, it will be sufficient just to replace theformer component &Main caliber 356mm& with, say, the new &Main caliber 406mm& & that will automatically cause all updated modules get to their places instead of the old ones.  每个部分都是有很多很多零件组成的,比方说,&主炮&是有火炮,瞄准具,弹药舱,升降机&&&&这些组成的。但是,我们将这些零件整合在一起了,所以,你没必要事无巨细的控制每一个零件的运作。研究也是如此,比方说,你点亮了406炮,想替换原来的356炮,嗯,包括瞄准具啊,升降机这些也就一并替换了。  During battles, all components and inherent modules will work approximately the same way as in World of Tanks. So, this will basically mean that hitting the main caliber battery turret may set it on fire and inflict damage (including critical) & if the shell managed to pierce the armor. This is quite hard to do, I historically, these elements have the thickest armor. The Yamato battleship was renowned for her 650mm thick armor plates on the main caliber battery turret. Piercing 410mm armor and covering ammo rooms wasn&t an easy goal either. But in the rare cases this occurred, the unlucky ship was close to immediate destruction, conditioned by the stored ammo&s mass detonation. Actually, this is what happened to the British cruiser &Hood& when she got hit by &Bismark& cannons.  在战斗中,所有的模组和部件的运作方式和WOT别无二致。也就是说,命中主炮炮塔,击穿其装甲会导致伤害(甚至是暴击)或者引起火灾。当然,必须承认的是,击穿主炮炮塔挺难的,大和的炮塔可是有650MM的装甲,此外,由410MM装甲保护着的弹药舱也不是一个容易击穿的目标。不过,一旦你成功打中敌人的弹药舱,引爆里面的弹药,嗯,那个幸运E的倒霉蛋就瞬间灰飞烟灭了,比方说天国的胡德君,被俾斯麦爆了弹药舱。  A damaged turret will traverse at lower speeds, and the rate of fire will also reduce. This will happen simultaneously, by the way. The same effect will take place in the case of damage to ammo rooms (of course, only in the case that the player is lucky enough to survive it). Players will be allowed to repair the damaged turrets right in the heat of the battle & they just require relevant consumables in their possession.  炮塔受损会导致转速下降,射速下降,这两件事一般同时发生。顺便一提,弹药舱受损也会导致射速下降(当然,前提是玩家有超高校级的幸运,没有引起大爆炸),玩家当然也是能够修复这些问题的,比方说用点补给啊。  Nevertheless, unlike World of Tanks, a destroyed main caliber turret won&t be subject to any repairs before the battle ends. But, of course, you may easily fix it in your dock afterwards. So it will be reasonably possible for skilled players to disarm their enemies with their first blow, even destroying the whole ship by a single hit. To do this, you need to aim at a turret and hull. You should also keep in mind that cruisers and battleships suffer the most from AP shells, whereas destroyers may be easily handled by HE rounds. Though such tricks usually demand close distances: the dispersion ellipse radius at a &20 km range usually exceeds that of most ships.  然而,和WOT不同,如果主炮炮塔被摧毁了,那你就不能再战斗中修理这个。当然,战斗结束后,返回母港就能修理被摧毁的火炮了。所以说,有经验的玩家会争取在第一轮炮击中废掉对面的炮塔(被罗德尼开了罐头的俾斯麦泪目),或者直接秒掉对面。为了做到这一点,你得瞄着对面的炮塔和船体。你还要记住,对付战列舰和巡洋舰,用AP比较好;用He对付驱逐舰有奇效。虽说这些技巧只在近距离作战是有点用:在20公里以外的距离上,火炮的散布环比大部分船还大。3  Fire within a main caliber battery turret is surely not something you want to happen to your vessel. Whereas such turrets surely will not be able to shoot, there will always remain a chance that the fire will ultimately enter ammunition rooms, bringing you to a bitter end. From that point, the whole process is quite realistic & smoke rising upwards, coupled by random flame bursts. Obviously, such fires should be extinguished as soon as possible.  炮塔着火肯定不是各位想看见的。不仅这个炮塔肯定无法工作了,而且还有可能引起弹药舱的爆炸,真&Burning Love。整个过程也是挺写实的,浓烟升起,几次小规模爆炸。很明显,这样的火灾越早扑灭越好  All remaining components and game modules present in World of Warships will work in a pretty similar manner. So, damaging engines will cause the speed decrease or even completely stop your ship. Hitting radars will shorten your sight radius. Damaged catapults cannot be used by reconnaissance planes to take off. To get an idea of how every group of modules works, you may just look through history books or relevant technical documentation. Or, simply wait for our upcomingstories  基本上游戏中的其他模组也遵循和主炮一样的规矩。动力舱受损会导致船速降低,甚至停船。雷达中弹,你的视野减小。弹射器出现故障,你无法把侦察机送上天(@利根)。想知道每个零件有什么用么?多读点历史书或者技术档案吧,或者等我们的科普文章。  最后是几张科技树:  首先是日系  值得注意的地方  1.这个科技树并非官方科技树,只是玩家总结Q&A中内容得出的结论,不代表游戏出来后也是这样  2.没有潜艇(不为什么,Q&A说的,当然,你不信就算了,爱信信,不信滚)  3没有超大和,准确的说,没有排水量大于8W吨的船(那种玩意还是留着对付深海栖舰的撸爷塔姐和蕾酱去)  4.因为是日美首发,所以就别问德系和英系的船跑哪里去了  5.WT传教士退散  6.里面所有船的名字代表该型舰,玩家可以自己起名字,所以就别问什么&雪风在哪里&这种问题了  没有同型舰的就直呼其名。  7,根据Q&A,飞龙和苍龙是算一起的,所以在科技树上改成了&苍龙&飞龙&(你可以选用飞龙的船体或者苍龙的船体),初春和白露也是同理4  8.名字后面有*号的代表毛子目前公布了这条船的模型  顺便补充一张简明扼要的日系科技树 最后是苏联科技树  指得一提的是  10级航母Kostormitinov我是直接音译的,也有人告诉我,这个词在俄文中是&红色&和&超新星&的组合,所以,看你们愿意如何称呼啦  是普通的&科斯特罗米季洛夫工程&还是高大上的&红色超新星计划&了


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