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D3是我买过的最后悔的游戏 ,后来让我妈给扔了,仍的好。
大部分是在STEAM上买的数字版 ,但是也买盒装正版
比如 战地3
将来还有可能入 MOH2012盒装正版
RE6盒装正版/死亡空间3 盒装正版
而你们D3就坑爹的只有8个小时的流程 你妹啊
你制作了 6年的时间就你们8个小时的流程
你们说人家 火炬之光2的流程短
支持局域网 ,而且价格便宜 才19.99美金
你妈D3 59.99美金
不支持MOD 不支持局域网
但人家起码一年一作 ,D3相隔12年,制作6年 ,就出了这么一个垃圾
SC2出3个游戏骗人,也是相隔12年,还没局域网。上手度也不亲人(起码没战地3那么亲人),跟魔兽争霸3差远了,中间出了多少游戏了 ,英雄连、命令与征服3、最高指挥官2、战锤40K黎明战争2 。真没觉得SC2有多好。
不得不说 暴雪已死
看看战地3 那才是真正的王道
为什么暗黑3一个制作了6年的游戏 让玩家等待了12年的游戏 还不如别人制作2年半的游戏呢
很明显 以前制作暗黑2的那帮人不在了
跟暗黑2比就是一坨屎,暗黑2在当年可是神作 (D2我玩了3年,D3我玩了55天就让我妈给仍了)
2012年的神作:MOH2012, RE6
2011年 狗屁不是的游戏:COD8
2012年 狗屁不是的游戏:D3
前两天 我妈把我的D3正版盒装给扔了
我说:你看看有没有人买 你们哪里
这D3跟 上古5
D2非常不错 ,在当年找不到跟其类似的
没错 12年之后还一模一样
画面囧: 2012年这画面
随便找一个RPG游戏就比这个游戏强,最主要的一点 居然不是D2那种哥特风格
说白了,我们的游戏目的就是把装备提升到60倍(重申一下,这是随便说的数字,不要在这个数字上找茬,我知道这帖会有不少人喷我:) ),这个把装备提升到60倍的时间,运气好的人用2年时间,运气不好的要用上5年时间,懂刷钱懂运用RMB的半年时间就能达到。
打怪的速度与难度会跟你的次数成反比,因为你打得多了,装备就上来了,打的速度就快了,难度也低了。仅仅为了提高打怪的速度与打怪的难度,你重复打上了 3 6 5 0 0次!!!
在这36500次打怪中,你要跑36500次同样的地表地图,跑36500仅仅些许拼接变化的地图,跟NPC说上36500 * N次的对话。
第四囧:人数囧 ,尼玛D2是8人联机,你决然D3改成4人联机了 ,这不是坑么
战地3 才是王道
有一张是和战地2一样的么 ?
老滚5 的官方DLC 我都能免费安装。 D3能吗??
Hmm I see what you're saying but, no.
take a left at albuquerque and all your problems will be solved.
Skinny_Man0_o said:take a left at albuquerque and all your problems will be solved.
Something about Diablo 3/Call of Duty/Blizzard/Activision being bad and BF3/EA being good?
yeah, diablo 3 was awful.
Producer certainly head water
The genuine games I bought a lot bought on STEAM digital version, but also buy the boxed genuine
Such as Battlefield 3 and Elder Scrolls 5 Packed into genuine there a long time ago, Dino Crisis boxed genuine
Future there may RE6 Packed into MOH2012 Packed Genuine Genuine / Dead Space 3 boxed genuine GTA5 boxed genuine
You said you D3 pit father only eight hours to process your sister ah Dead Space 3 and Resident Evil 6 which good death process claims to have 100 hours Resident Evil 6 boasts 30 hours process
You made six years you eight hours the flow of white blind game speaks the worst I've bought the genuine you say people torchlight 2 short process, but the people at least support the MOD support LAN, and the price is cheap only 19.99 dollars
Your mother does not support the MOD does not support LAN server also get so rotten D3 59.99 dollars flow then 8 hours
I got left this goods in addition to the blood of the lion Although COD8 garbage but people at least one crop a year, the D3 every 12 years, making for six years, so a garbage
Also do not think Starcraft 2 have many good SC2 three games a lie, but also 12 years apart, not LAN. Get started nor relatives (at least not Battlefield 3 so loved ones), with Warcraft 3 difference far out in the middle of game, Company of Heroes, Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2. I did not think SC2 how good.
Blizzard dead have to say is simply not old Blizzard
Look at Battlefield 3 that is the real king
================================================== ==================================================
Diablo 3 whole is a garbage why Diablo 3 a produced six years of the game allowing the player to wait 12 years the game is not as good as others produced two and a half years game Obviously previously made Diablo 2 guys gone Diablo 3 entire screen style is not right
Many seconds Diablo 3 game
The Elder Scrolls 5 Resident Evil 6 Mass Effect 2 to the Diablo 3 seconds even slag left this time, I am optimistic about Resident Evil 6 people making the 2 and a half years of game three different main storyline
And innovation in online
Another developer said the next Resident Evil 6 up to 600 people to the release date has been the development of two-and-a-half years
The number of developers of Battlefield 3 BC2 twice the quality of the game is nothing left to COD8 seconds even slag why COD8 and D3 so garbage
And you Diablo 3 development number then the point
On a plot but also the production skills of 6-year simplify the equipment, property and also to simplify the plus point also simplifies the online number than D2 less garbage a
With Diablo 2 is the lump of feces, Diablo 2 (D2 I play three years, D3 I played 55 days but then God let my mom still.)
COD8 it with BF3 and BC2 is to cook your feces and COD8 2011 out of a 2007 game that you can play on your pit father does not pit father
COD1 and COD4 is God as
God as of 2011: Battlefield 3, The Elder Scrolls 5
God for 2012: MOH2012, RE6
2013 God as: GTA5, there are many more not individually reported on the
2011 shit is not a game: COD8
2012 shit is not a game: D3
Blizzard has not before Blizzard
A couple of days ago my mom put my D3 genuine Packed to throw I am very pleased that this the garbage game looked upset I let my mom is still said to me: you help to see if there is nobody to buy where you have no one to buy me this garbage game to throw looked on the nerves.
D3 to keep up with the the ancient 5 Mass Effect 2 Resident Evil 6 to cook your feces
================================================== ===================
Yes I D2 of the old players when D2 newly hatched or neighbors Recommend to let me play and see my friend also installed on the computer this game
D2 is very good, also exactly the same in the same year with similar and now the D3 is played with exactly the same D2 Yes 12 years can not be found after
D3 is simply bad for the test the game time up to 55 days after I found this game four 囧
First 囧
The scenes embarrassing: D3 first act much like with the first act of D2 is also true there is no second act, the third act is much shorter than D2 Act III scene, the fourth act mean nothing,
Second 囧
Screen 囧: 2012 This picture casually looking for a RPG game than this game, the most important thing is not actually D2 kind of Gothic style
The 囧 (emphasis)
Play 囧:
So I make an analogy, the D3 game likened frog across the river, the average across the river for 20 hours, the river there are a variety of monsters you know, various treasures monster mouth.
Normal - Nightmare - Hell - purgatory, just saying this game there are four kinds of difficulty, the difficulty of the relationship, in addition to purgatory 10 times more difficult than hell, hell 2 times more difficult than the nightmare, nightmare than ordinary difficult times.
And we need to do, is the first equipment to enhance the strength of 2 times, then, the nightmare difficulty equal to the normal difficulty.
After that, we upgrade equipment strength six times, so Hell difficulty equal to the normal difficulty.
Our ultimate goal is the equipment strength up to 60 times, then purgatory difficulty as normal difficulty.
Plainly, the purpose of the game is to equip up to 60 times (Again, this is just saying that the figures do not find fault in this figure, I know this post will be a lot of people sprayed me :)), this equipment up to 60 times, the lucky person with 2 years of bad luck have to spend five years time, to understand more proficient six months will be able to understand the use of RMB reached.
Equipment up to 60 times in the process, change: 1, the underground city stitching change, 2 monster blood, attack power, attack. Other immutable.
Repeatedly playing a blame, playing 10 times a day, we should hit 3650 times a year, ten years, you hit 36500 times! ! .
Daguai speed and difficulty will be inversely proportional to tell you the number of times, because the more you play, the equipment up, playing fast speed, low difficulty. Only in order to improve the speed of Daguai Daguai difficulty, you repeat branded 36500 times! ! !
In 36,500 times Daguai, you have to run the the 36500 same surface map, run 36500 only slightly splicing changes the map, on the 36500 * N times the dialogue with the NPC said.
I believe that not to mention the 36,500 times, and when you hit 365, I believe your understanding so that you already learned the geography of this strange play Daguai journey from 366, you really happy? )
Slowly Daguai into a mechanical operation, right?
You really can stand it? ? ? ?
囧: 4 number of embarrassing, Nima D2 8 people online, you decidedly D3 changed to 4 people online, this is not pit it
Blizzard and Activision are now tarred with the same brush COD8 and D3 are garbage the EA rising star Battlefield 3 is benevolent
Look at Battlefield 3 original online map a Battlefield 2 Why?
I have removed Diablo 3 reinstall the old roll 5, Diablo 3 Genuine permanently sealed to the garbage heap
Battlefield 3 and the old roller 5 is benevolent
Old I can be free to install to roll the official DLC. D3 can do? ?
Poorly translated:
Producer definitely head water I bought a genuine game many mostly bought on STEAM digital version, but also buy the boxed genuine such as Battlefield 3 and Elder Scrolls I are into boxed genuine I have you say a long time ago, Dino Crisis boxed genuine future, there might into MOH2012 Packed genuine RE6 Packed Genuine / Dead Space 3 boxed genuine GTA5 boxed genuine Dead Space and Resident Evil 6 which good death claims to have 100 hours processes Resident Evil 6 boasts 30 hours of the process while you D3 pit father only eight hours to process your sister produced six years to 8 hours of process white blind you to fuck me in this life you say people Torchlight 2 process is short but the people at least support the MOD Support LAN, and the price is cheap before D3 59.99 dollars 19.99 dollars your mother does not support the MOD does not support LAN server get so bought the worst genuine game rotten and then processes the eight hours I got left this goods in addition to the blood of the lion Although COD8 garbage but people at least one crop a year, the D3 every 12 years, making for six years, so a garbage Also do not think StarCraft 2 there are many good SC2 three games a lie, but also 12 years apart, not LAN. Get started nor relatives (at least not Battlefield 3 so loved ones), with Warcraft 3 difference far out in the middle of game, Company of Heroes, Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2. I did not think SC2 how good. Have to say Blizzard is dead simply not old Blizzard look at Battlefield 3 that is the real king =========================== ================================================== the ======================= Diablo 3 whole is a garbage why Diablo 3 a production 6 game allowing the player to wait 12 years, the game is not as good as others produce two and a half years of the game. Obviously before making Diablo 2 guys gone but the whole picture of Diablo 3 style not too many seconds Diablo 3 game The Elder Scrolls 5 Resident Evil 6 Mass Effect 2 can Diablo three seconds, even the residue is not left this time, I am optimistic about the Resident Evil 6 people making a 2 and a half years of game three different main storyline and innovative in the online developers of next Resident Evil 6 Another said up to 600 people but also to the Offering and Japan have developed a two and a half years the number of developers of Battlefield 3 BC2 twice the quality of the game COD8 seconds even scrap left Why COD8 and D3 so garbage Diablo 3 development of the number of points on a plot, but still making 6 skills simplifies equipment attributes also simplify the plus point also simplify online number than D2 less garbage with Diablo 2 is to cook your feces, Diablo 2 but then God (D2 I played three years, D3 I play 55 days let my mom is still out) COD8 it with BF3 and BC2 than cook your feces but COD8 2011 out of a 2007 can play the game on that pit father to pit father COD1 and God COD4 is God 2011: Battlefield 3, The Elder Scrolls 5 2012 in God: MOH2012, the RE6 2013 years God: GTA5, there is more not individually reported on ------- --------------------------- 2011 shit is not the game: COD8 2012 shit game: D3 Blizzard is not the old Blizzard A couple of days ago my mom put my D3 genuine Packed to throw I am very pleased that this the garbage game looked upset I let my mom is still said to me: you help to see if there is nobody to buy where you have no one to buy me this garbage game to throw looked on the nerves. D3 to keep up with the the ancient 5 Mass Effect 2 Resident Evil 6 ratio is cook your feces ================================== Yes I =================================== old players in D2, the D2 just left or neighbor recommended to me to let me play, then see my friend also installed on the computer that D2 is a very good game , was not found in the same year with the similar D3 to play with D2 exactly the same right after 12 years is also exactly the same D3 is simply rotten as I found that after I test for up to 55 days game time this game of four Jiong Jiong first scene embarrassing: D3 first act of the first act of D2 much like there is no second act If so, the third act, Act III scene than D2 is much shorter, the fourth act means nothing, the second-Jiong screen囧: 2012 This picture casually looking for a RPG game than this game, the most important thing is not actually D2 kind of Gothic style Jiong (focus) play囧: I am such a metaphor, the D3 game likened frog across the river, the average across the river for 20 hours, the river there are a variety of monsters you know, the monster mouth there are a variety of treasures. Normal - Nightmare - Hell - purgatory, just saying this game there are four kinds of difficulty, the difficulty of the relationship, in addition to purgatory 10 times more difficult than hell, hell 2 times more difficult than the nightmare, nightmare than ordinary difficult times. And we need to do, is the first equipment to enhance the strength of 2 times, then, the nightmare difficulty equal to the normal difficulty. After that, we upgrade equipment strength six times, so Hell difficulty equal to the normal difficulty. Our ultimate goal is the equipment strength up to 60 times, then purgatory difficulty as normal difficulty. Plainly, the purpose of the game is to equip up to 60 times (Again, this is just saying that the figures do not find fault in this figure, I know this post will be a lot of people sprayed me :)), this equipment up to 60 times, the lucky person with 2 years of bad luck have to spend five years time, to understand more proficient six months will be able to understand the use of RMB reached. Equipment up to 60 times in the process, change: 1, the underground city stitching change, 2 monster blood, attack power, attack. Other immutable. Repeatedly playing a blame, playing 10 times a day, we should hit 3650 times a year, ten years, you hit 36500 times! ! . Daguai speed and difficulty will be inversely proportional to tell you the number of times, because the more you play, the equipment up, playing fast speed, low difficulty. Only in order to improve the speed of Daguai Daguai difficulty, you repeat branded 36500 times! ! ! In 36,500 times Daguai, you have to run the the 36500 same surface map, run 36500 only slightly splicing changes the map, on the 36500 * N times the dialogue with the NPC said. I believe that not to mention the 36,500 times, and when you hit 365, I believe your understanding so that you already learned the geography of this strange play Daguai journey from 366, you really happy? ) slowly打怪to into a mechanical action, right? You really can stand it? ? ? ? 囧: 4 number of embarrassing, Nima D2 8 people online, you decidedly D3 changed to 4 people online, this is not a pit it now Blizzard and Activision are birds of a feather COD8 and D3 are junk the EA rising star Battlefield 3 is benevolent look These online map to see the original Battlefield 3 there is a Battlefield 2 Why? I have deleted Diablo 3 reinstall the old roll 5, Diablo 3 Genuine permanently sealed to the garbage heap Battlefield 3 is benevolent old roll 5 official DLC I can free installation and old roll . D3 can do? ?
Wall of text!
I don't trust him.
should be locked. Thread title in all caps.
Forum Start & English Forums - Battlefield 3 PC & D3是我买过的最后悔的游戏 ,后来让我妈给扔了,仍的好。
go home Googys
F0dul said:should be locked. Thread title in all caps.
Not just that but it could be secret code for al-Qaeda :)
He's saying how BF3 is the best. Diablo 3 same as 2, cod 8 shit.
Gangnam Style.
All I read was blah blah blah blah blah. cod, blah blah, diablo3 , blah blah blah Resident evil 6 blah blah blah.
Yeah um... Hong Kong? Sleeping Dogs was awesome diuuu lei lo mo.
Thread is locked.
Thread is locked.居然还有人天真的以为外挂不犯法_gta5吧_百度贴吧
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