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奇葩创物神作《CHKN》 竟让无数宅男腐女着迷!_游戏评测
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奇葩创物神作《CHKN》 竟让无数宅男腐女着迷!
操作系统: Windows XP SP2+
处理器: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: DirectX9 Compatible GPU
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间
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《传送门骑士 Portal Knights》简体中文汉化绿色硬盘对战联机版下载
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英文名称:Portal Knights
游戏制作:Keen Games
游戏发行:505 Games
官方网站:此游戏只支持Win7 64位系统,为0.41版本,解压即可玩,本版本可以联机对战,(请下载&游侠对战平台对战&进行联机) 也可以在STEAM购买正版。游戏介绍:
& && &含有创造元素的沙盒类RPG游戏似乎成为了近年来玩家们追捧的对象,像《我的世界》、《超级马里奥制造》等此类游戏均获得很高的人气。今天小编来向大家介绍一款同样类型的游戏《传送门骑士(Portal Knights)》。这款游戏由Keen Games制作,505 Games发行。在该作品中玩家可以扮演勇士,法师或是盗贼中的任何角色。除此之外,传统RPG中的角色技能,装备和各种BOSS也是《传送门骑士(Portal Knights)》的重要组成部分,换句话说,这款游戏几乎是《我的世界》和《龙与地下城》的合体,听起来就让人很感趣啊。
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系统:64bit Versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
CPU:AMD Phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor (3 CPUs), ~2.1GHz or Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0 GHz
内存:4 GB RAM
图形:Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 470 (1Gb VRAM) / ATI Radeon TM HD 6870 (1Gb VRAM)
硬盘:需要 2 GB 可用空间
声卡:On Board
系统:64bit Versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
CPU:AMD FX 8120 @ 3.1 GHz or Intel i3 2100 @ 3.10 GHz
内存:4 GB RAM
图形:Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750ti, ATI Radeon™ HD 7850
硬盘:需要 2 GB 可用空间
声卡:On Board
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  在玩《chkn》的时候,联机游戏玩一会就很卡怎么回事?有什么解决的办法?下面小编整理了一些解决联机卡顿问题的解决办法。  1.很有可能是主机的问题,把分辨率调低就可以了。  2.没打中文补丁不卡,如果是中文版的话,重新下载英文版就可以了。  以上就是解决办法,如果还有更好的解决办法,小编会及时更新。
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Title: CHKN
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 1 Apr, 2016
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We want to get lifeblocks into people’s hands sooner rather than later. By releasing in Early Access, we have more than just our small team contributing to
we have a whole community. With everyone playing and sharing their thoughts, and being able to watch how people play, we can understand what players want from CHKN and make a better game.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We want to make sure we incorporate player feedback as much as possible and leave Early Access only when the game is ready. Right now, we estimate version 1.0 will be done in mid 2017.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&To start, there will be improvements and additions to the current game. The world will get larger and more vibrant and varied, the creatures more intelligent and more useful with additional abilities, the survival gameplay deeper and more rewarding, the content and items more numerous, the UI cleaner and easier to use, and many other updates. But there will also be new features and gameplay added as well, like modding and scripting, additional creative tools, advanced creature training, alchemy, friendly NPCs, boss battles, sharing creatures with the community, and tons more. Plus all the great ideas, suggestions, and feedback we get from the community.
It’s tough to list everything here, so our
is always available for a more comprehensive and updated look at what we have planned.
We should also mention that we don’t plan to stop at version 1.0. We have a lot of ideas for version 2.0 and beyond.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&We consider the current Early Access version of CHKN to be in an early beta state. The game currently includes the core versions of Creative and Adventure modes for playing and testing, so you can build creatures using 150+ lifeblocks with 8 different abilities (more to come); give explore the tropical island biome (the first of 5); gather resources and craft them into basic items, tools, and defend against attacks. Our empathic intelligence AI is already at version 1.0 so creatures can actually learn, obey commands, express emotion, and develop relationships with the player, fellow creatures, and objects in the world.
Multiplayer is also included but in a very early alpha state with no Steam Matchmaking yet, so it may not work for everyone. (Instructions on how to try it out can be found .)
All throughout Early Access, we’ll be updating regularly based on our roadmap and player feedback. We’ll have lots of new features and content, but we’ll also continue to improve on the current features, work on optimization and performance, and, of course, squash bugs.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&Early Access pricing is currently discounted for those interested in joining us during development and to thank them for being with us from the beginning. Once the game is ready for release, with a full set of features and content, the discount will be removed. (Anyone who purchases CHKN at Early Access price will be automatically upgraded to the full version when it’s released.)&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We think of the community as our co-designers. We’re making CHKN together and love to hear from players about any aspect of the game.
are open for feedback, constructive criticism, sharing ideas, bug reports, troubleshooting, or even if you just want to chat with fellow CHKN players. We check in on the boards regularly.
The development
is always available for you to view and give feedback on, and you can
on what you’d like to see in the game.
We’re also available directly on , , or at
to chat. Show us a crazy creature or share any
you’ve made (we collect them!).&
Recent updates
Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks for all your feedback on the Adventure Update! We’ve got a new patch for you today full of optimizations, improvements, and bug fixes.
If you were having trouble with framerate (lag), loading times, or crashing specifically, this patch should help quite a bit.
NOTE: Folks on 32-bit operating systems who were getting “invalid platform” errors will now skip the error but will likely crash during loading. We’re still working on this! We hope to bring back 32-bit support soon. Until then, the previous version is available to play (v0.1.15)! Right-click on CHKN in your library, select “Properties”, go to the “Betas” tab, and select “previous” in the dropdown menu to download that version.
Here are the full patch notes...
Added terrain streaming to lower memory usage and increase frames per second
The Render Distance setting is now automatically selected based off of system memory. (You can set it higher manually if it’s not to your liking once you load the game. Just be sure you’re over minimum specs, otherwise you risk crashing!)
Launcher settings (Graphics Quality and Resolution) will now take priority over in-game settings
Improved “Stay” command to make a creature stays put in an area until commanded to do something else
Improved AI so creature will not move away as the player approaches to feed or pet it
Added a “Cancel” command to the whistle, which will stop creatures from performing the current action
Creatures that become untamed will no longer become aggressive immediately
Buckets now display interaction text based off of crosshair's target
Creature legs now animate backwards when walking backwards (no more moonwalking)
Death messages added
Default creature names added
Optimizations to item network syncing
Water and terrain culling added to increase performance
The tutorial starter creature can no longer be untamed or damaged while in the tutorial temple
Hoe tool degrades less quickly
Time spent on black screen during initial load significantly reduced
Fix to creature necks not animating correctly
Fix to creatures climbing trees
Fix to creatures walking through fences
Fix to invisible water trigger in temple
Fix to allow riding even if a creature is commanded to use a treadmill
Fix to bugs with multiple creatures using a treadmill that causes it to glitch out
Allow beams to be seen on all LOD levels
Fix to missing onboarding with the campfire
Fixed negative colliders on mirrored lifeblocks
Orb limit in creative mode is now unlimited as intended
Disallowed save game names with invalid characters
Fixes to save game corrupting bug with structures
Fixes to structures not displaying the right visuals on load
Fixes to structures not orientating correctly on load
Fixes to the stucco roof collider fracturing neighboring blocks
Fixes to not being able to pick up items with auto-pickup setting off
Changes to release unused memory when a chunk unloads
Fixes creature movement to slow down when approaching their target and slide less
Fix to workshops returning too many logs when canceling queue
Mill and treadmill animation/sounds now stop correctly when unloading
Sap no longer gives maple seeds
Cactus no longer edible
Temporarily removed the ability to open games to multiplayer since it’s incomplete (Coming back in the next version when it’s finished and working!)
We’ve got even more polish planned for the next build, and then it’s on to more new features and multiplayer. Until then, we hope you’re enjoying the Adventure Update! We’d love to .
- Team CHKN
22 December, 2016
It’s here! The Adventure Update (v0.2.0) is now released, just in time for the holidays. There’s still some work to do but we really want to get the update out to everyone and start getting your feedback on the new features.
You’ll find some build highlights and the full patch notes below. We’ve also added a link to our bug/known issues list for your reference. Onward!
What’s New
There are a LOT of improvements, updates, and brand new features in this build, with a big focus on Adventure Mode and creature interactions. Here are just a few of the highlights.
■ All New Map
Remember to bring a creature or two with you while exploring. You never know who you might run into.
■ Creature-Powered Structures
Put those creatures to work for you powering your homestead’s treadmills. (You only have to pay them in food.)
■ Survival Progression in Adventure Mode
Get stronger and build larger, more powerful creatures to take on more difficult challenges as you explore the island.
Here we see the rare three-headed dragon dance-fighting technique.
■ Creature Stat System
See your creature’s strengths and weaknesses as you build it! Experiment with different lifeblock combos to see what stats you get.
■ New Contextual Interactions and Prompts
Interact with your creatures and the world in different ways depending on what you’re holding. You’ll have your creatures eating out of the palm of your hand.
■ New Adventure Mode Starting Area
Make your way through the temple ruins to learn the ropes and build your first creature!
■ First-Person Hands, Items, and Animations
New items and use animations so you can see what you're holding when in first person view. Even the chickens are jumping for joy.
■ New Creature AI
Completely rewritten for more intelligent and emotionally responsive creatures... including scaredy cats.
■ New Whistle Command Radial Menu
Point and click, then select from a set of contextual actions. Your creature will take care of the rest.
■ New Creature Animation System
Better movement and improved performance! Everything an angry creature chasing you over uneven terrain could wish for.
■ Avatar Armor
Protect yourself and look snazzy at the same time. Your creatures are sure to be impressed by your fashion sense.
■ New Weather System
Poor soggy chicken. Maybe we should have made him his own house?
■ A Whole New UI
Menus, inventory, health and hunger meters -- everything’s been upgraded! See how your creatures are doing at a glance.
“Hey guys, I heard there were donuts over here?!”
There’s a lot more! For a full list of updates, you can check out the...
Patch Notes
Brand new environment: 5 unique biomes (tropical beach, forest, desert, swamp, volcanic) and points of interest to explore
New wild creature combos, with unique “mini-bosses” to challenge
New Adventure Mode intro experience (tutorial)
4 mysterious temples added across the map (look for the beams of light to investigate!)
Magic eggs and lifeshaper relics added: unlock the ability to build more powerful creatures by finding the lifeshaper relics in Adventure Mode
New creature stat system: Important stats are displayed on screen while you build a creature
Creature-powered structures: craft building blocks and higher tiered items by putting your creatures to work
New whistle command radial system with contextual commands
First person hands, items, and animations for better immersion when using the first-person camera
New contextual interactivity system: available actions change depending on what you’re pointing at with the crosshair
Brand new UI/HUD throughout the game
Environmental effects for each biome added
Weather: relax on a rainy evening or find your way through the rolling fog
New, completely rewritten creature animation system for improved performance and visuals
AI completely rewritten for improved performance and more intelligent creatures
New pathfinding implementation: allows creature to accurately transverse structures and uneven ground
New tools added: like the club and hammer
Player armor added: craft new armor to protect yourself in the wild
All new food items added: like meatloaf, donuts, sushi and, of course, PIE
Procedurally generated trees: different types of trees found in different biomes for e also provide new types of tree blocks when chopped down
New plants/foliage found around the island in different biomes
Game difficulty setting added: Explore in peace or challenge yourself by giving your enemies the advantage. Choose from “easy”, “normal”, or “hard”. Creative Mode defaults to “peaceful”.
Creatures now respect diet type: herbivore, carnivore, they will get sick if feed the wrong food type
Creatures that have been commanded to attack another creature will no longer eat the lifeblocks of their vanquished foe
Creatures will now automatically help break things: start chopping down a tree, for example, and your creature will come assist
Creatures can now pick items up in their mouths: they’re helping!
While building a creature, removed blocks no longer fall to the floor and
instead, blocks are magnetized to the player and picked up automatically
Cooking now requires a fuel source (like some wood) and time for the item to cook
Camp fire is now a low-level tool: can only cook low quality foods (get a furnace for higher quality cooking!)
Creature lifeblocks and tree blocks drop rate has been reduced in Adventure Mode for survival progression balance
Tamed creatures burn energy when using abilities
Breakable objects now regenerate “health” if left alone for a period of time: for example, your walls will “heal” up soon after you stop a raid on your homestead
Breakable objects now have a minimal attack value required to break them, and any damage that’s too weak will bounce off: for example, your fist doesn’t do enough damage to b you’ll need to use a strong creature or craft a stronger tool
Drag/drop added to inventory
Improved flying speed
Off-hand slot improvements: now easier to use items in your left hand
World interactions reworked: now based on where the crosshair was placed when you first interacted to help prevent misclicks
Explicit “Rotate Block” key added when building/place (R)
Can't hurt tamed creatures while riding or if multiple valid hits
Tooltip descriptions added to all items
Partial controller support added and inputs cleaned up (NOTE: Only tested on Windows 10 with Xbox 360 controller so far. Please let us know if you test this out and have any feedback!)
Lifeblock values adjusted for progression
Structure block values adjusted for progression
Item values adjusted for progression
All new creature leg animations
Smoother chunk loading
Object pooling expanded to all objects in game to help improve chunk loads
Sound fall-off values tweaked
Tooltip now stays on screen near edges
Floating structure blocks fixed
Optimizations to many core systems
Known Issues
We’ve got a list of known bugs and issues over on our Trello board, and we’ve made it public so you can see them, too. If you encounter anything on the list, you’ll know that we’re working on it. If it’s not on the list, please let us know so we can investigate!
Here are a few of the important ones we want to make sure you’re aware of:
For anyone on a computer with around 4GB of RAM (min specs), there will be some memory issues: lengthy black screen and slow loading at startup, and a lower framerate while playing. We recommend exiting any other big apps while you have CHKN running to help alleviate this. We’re looking into it!
Creature collision detection is still in progress, meaning that sometimes creatures collide with objects in the world (walk through a huge boulder, for example).
If you’re on a 32-bit OS, you may have noticed we increased the minimum requirements to 64-bit. This is temporary! We added a lot to this build and went over the limit, so we’re researching the best way to bring 32-bit back.
You may notice a change to the multiplayer menus. We’re in the process of adding Steam peer-to-peer networking with lobby support for the next update, but it’s unfinished at the moment. We recommend avoiding multiplayer for now!
Tell Us What You Think
We need your help to make CHKN better here in Early Access so please don’t hesitate to send your feedback along to us. We’re very happy to hear from you guys, whether you have comments to give, bugs to report, or just want to show off the stuff you’ve made.
: Submit bugs to this forum and we’ll take a look.
: Let us know what you think about CHKN, or post your ideas and suggestions.
Share: Tweet us
or upload your screenshots to Steam. We’d love to see what you create!
More to Come
We’re excited to share this update with you and we hope you like what we’ve added so far. We’re still hard at work on the known issues, as well as some other things we want to get into this update before we move on to the next one, so look out for another build in a few weeks.
Thanks, everyone!
- Team CHKN
P.S. A special note to our pre-release testers: Thanks for all your feedback and bug reports! We really appreciate all your help.
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
“The game was fun already, just making weird creatures, but now I can go around collecting resources and make my own creatures. [...] This game is awesome now. I can't wait to play more of it.”
“In CHKN, when you give life to a creature, it exists with its own set of needs, interests, and personal boundaries like a grotesque Tamagotchi. This factor is what makes CHKN truly stand out among its peers.”
“I actually really like the idea. [...] A world populated by tame-able creatures. I have mortal human instincts and a deep-seated fear of the unknown, especially when the unknown looks like somebody took The Known, ate it, and vomited up the parts.”
About This Game
CHKN is an open-world sandbox game where life itself is your strongest tool!
Bring living, breathing creatures to life in any size, shape, or combination you can imagine. Whether you build tiny pets or enormous abominations, they’ll all have genuine personalities and feelings that respond to your actions and the world around them. One may be smiling at you, eager to be your new best friend, while
another may snarling at you and giving you stink-eye. The latter has most likely decided that you look delicious, so maybe you should run?
Lifeblocks have different stats and abilities built into them. Some are strong, some are fast, some shoot blinding ink, some poison enemies…they can all be used to your advantage to make creatures more effective. A creature with a strong beak can chop down trees more quickly than you can. And you’ll definitely want a creature with a water-blast ability with you while you explore that dragon’s cave... unless you like being on fire?
Your creatures will help you gather resources in order to craft a wide array of tools, items, and structures. Collect unique lifeblocks to upgrade your creatures with new abilities. Build a homestead to protect them from thieving poachers. Start a farm to grow crops so you don’t go hungry. The better resources you have, the better the things you can craft, so you’ll need to scavenge if you like that whole “staying alive” thing.
The world around you is teeming with life, some friendly and some… not-so-friendly. You’ll need to work together with your creature companions to survive the many dangers of CHKN, avoid starvation, and defend your thriving homestead. There are three-headed dragons to fight and poachers to defeat. There are secret caves to explore, beaches to roam, and lush valleys to scavenge. There are also other, more mysterious things to discover but, you know, SPOILERS.
If the risk and survival of Adventure Mode aren’t your thing, you can spend your time in Creative Mode. Here you’ll have an unlimited supply of every lifeblock and resource at your fingertips, so you can experiment and create whatever you like from the beginning with no restrictions. You won’t have to kill four dragons to see what it’s like to have a creature with 12 fire-breathing heads. (Hint: It’s pretty great.)
If you want to survive island life as a group, or collaborate on a giant creature with a few of your buddies, you can open your game up for multiplayer. Invite your friends to join you in any mode and see what you can accomplish together. Or maybe you prefer to set up different homesteads and compete for resources to see who comes out on top? It’s up to you.
Multiplayer Disclaimer: The current version is an early alpha so it may not work for some of you and there will be bugs. If you want to give it a go to help us test and share your feedback, you can try it out using . Thanks!
We’re just beginning with CHKN and we’d like to involve you in this journey as much as possible! Our development is completely open, so you can ,
on what you’d like to see added, and
with us in the discussion forums.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP SP2+, 64-bit
Processor: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX9 Compatible GPU
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 5 GB available space
OS: Mac OS X 10.8+, 64-bit
Processor: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 5 GB available space
OS: Ubuntu 12.04+, 64- SteamOS+
Processor: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 5 GB available space
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