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  解放3000万房奴的终极智慧                                  &&&&&&&房神秘笈 .........................................                                                &&&&&&&&&&& 不管你是任何人、不管你是否有钱,你都可以大声宣布:   我不做房奴&我不用自己的钱&我要买房致富 &&                       ●为什么&房子&是穷人永远的痛?&&送给&现在的&及&将来的&房奴&&&& &&&&   ●房神是谁&&他们与你不同&&马上下载《房神秘笈》试读版&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& 注意:试读版的免费提供截止于&日&星期三&  &&现实生活中的&房神&为数众多,可谓八仙过海、各显神通。但出于&保护财富隐秘&、&表达能力不足&、&缺乏专人整理&等原因,他们的投资绝技一直都&深藏地下&、&秘而不宣&。&&&&  他们的&秘技&是你很难从其他渠道获知的,就像魔术一样,你看得到奇幻的结果,却猜不到背后的隐秘逻辑:&&&&&&●为什么不用自己的钱也可以投资房地产?&&&&&&&●为什么可以保证交易各方都是&赢家&?&&&&&&&●为什么具备小学文化就可以即学即用?&&&&&&&●为什么不管房价涨跌,都能够立于不败之地? &&&&&& 房神团队这段时间提供信息及内容非常具有突破性,任何普通人都可以去操作,去实现,只是我们平时不太了解这些信息,不具有将这些信息串联起来,从投资的角度进行运用的思维。如果大家具备了这种理性的思维,那么相信我们将不再受房地产商的剥削,甚至让他们赚钱赚到自己都不好意思了的地步,挣钱不容易人人都要看好自己的钱包,如果大家都学会房神团队的《房神秘笈》,相信1能帮大家省钱,2能规范房地产市场。让房地产的暴利时代见鬼去吧!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 北京&郎瑞& ●房地产投资畅销书TOP10,一本《房神秘笈》浓缩了以下所有精华!&   1、《Nothing&Down》(中文名《零首付》畅销美国20年,售出250万册)   2、《穷爸爸,富爸爸》   3、《房地产投资实务》   4、《财源滚滚》   5、《从杀猪小伙到百万富翁》   6、《百万富翁房地产投资顾问》   7、《投资止赎房产赚大钱》   8、《如何快速成为房地产百万富翁》   9、《房地产投资模式》   10、《一个平民怎样投资房产致富》 ●房神的绝技&&超越你思维的&智慧魔术&&   &房神秘笈&涵盖了&从无到有、从有到精&的众多投资进阶技术,它们分布在不同&课程环节&中,都被详细的披露与讲解。   这些创造性的知识与技巧,共同构成了相对完备的&房地产投资&系统;  我们相信,这套&系统&就是&解放3000万房奴的终极智慧&。    为将这套&智慧&讲解清楚,我们将其分解为三个层面的操作子系统,分别冠之以&术&的名称:   ●太极术:告诉人们如何&借别人之房&来赚自己的钱;   ●炼金术:讲解快速积累资金的技巧;   ●归隐术:介绍如何存储并保护巨额财富。  每个&招术&都是一套相对独立的投资操作体系,而且彼此之间存在着清晰的渐进关系。希望你由&太极术&入门,由&炼金术&深化,由&归隐术&精通;最后,本&秘笈&以总结了一些通用性的投资规律。&马上下载《房神秘笈》试读版&
引用地址:Posted on January 20th, 2008 by
What's your IQ? Test your smarts with a free IQ intelligence test.
you're smart? Prove it with this intelligence quotient test,
only IQ&120
can pass this test.
测试你的智商: 据说全世界只有不到4000人可以走出这个房间
Have a look your intelligence quotient, it is said in all over the world only 4000 people may go out this room.
Inside the room altogether has 13 goods, after evens up may leave the room.
Found 0-6 intelligence quotient to be low, absolute idiot.
Found 9-10 is normal.
Found 11-12 intelligence quotient to be very high, belongs to Chile to be outstanding.
And found 13 to go out this room world not to 4000 people.
You know you're smart — but just how smart? Tickle's free online Classic IQ Test is a scientifically accurate IQ test created by PhDs. Previously offered only to corporations, schools, and certified professionals - this personality-based IQ test is now available to you! In the full report, your IQ score will be presented along with your intelligence ranking on four unique levels. Take it now to see how you rate!
As long as a measure is reasonably stable, reliable, and makes sense, I think we are justified in
using it to see what we can find. IQ, despite its imprecision
and vagueness is all of these. Doesn't it make sense that if you can figure out little
problems on a test that
you might be a little smarter than someone who can't? It doesn't prove that you are smarter,
of course. Nothing can ever prove that in the
same way a thermometer proves something is hot. Why not use the measures that
are available and track people's progress through life? We've done this with IQ and found that it is a
better predictor of income than gender, parents' education, race, parents'
income level, and essentially anything else you might want to think of. Whether IQ exists or not, it
certainly is useful from a researcher's
1 In case it isn't
already blindingly obvious, useful is not the same as precise. Julie's post
mentions that she doubts her kids would do well on a standardized IQ test. From having read her
blog for a while, I think her kids are sharp. I think home-schooled children
in general will be poorly measured by IQ tests. However, despite
this limitation IQ has been effective in predicting what happens within populations.
The term originated in 2001 from the MOTAS game[1], though there are many older examples of the point-and-click variation, such as Noctropolis. The genre was further popularized in 2004 by the Japanese "Crimson Room" game by Toshimitsu Takagi, which has spread throughout the internet and can be seen on many gaming websites. Another popular example is the Submachine Series which continues to add new installments. Strictly speaking, MOTAS is not strictly an "escape-the-room" game as it includes many levels, some of which include more than one location.
The concept of collecting and manipulating objects is a core element of interactive fiction. Colossal Cave Adventure features a grate that requires a key to unlock and a rusty door that must be oiled, and Zork features a trap door under a rug and a puzzle involving slipping paper under a door to retrieve a key (a puzzle which reappears in MOTAS). While these classic text games were not limited to one location, John Wilson's Behind Closed Doors is an early example of a commercial game in the genre, and Laura Knauth's Trapped in a One Room Dilly shows the genre was well-established in the text-adventure hobbyist community in 1998. While a single-location game may not be set inside a room, and while the player's goal may not necessarily be escape, in 2002 the interactive fiction community first hosted a One Room Game Competition (attracting six entries, all in Italian), and in 2006 Riff Conner wrote Another Goddamn Escape the Locked Room Game, indicating that the genre is well known in the contemporary interactive fiction hobbyist community. Often, a game that features many different locations will begin with a prologue of sorts, in which the player must escape a cell or simply leave the player's apartment in order to start the main plot
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