
【目录】一、基本概念 1.1 前言 1.2 关于宗教组 1.3 关于转教 1.4 关于异端 1.5 关于称谓二、宗教分类 2.1 基督教 2.2   2.2.1 腐化度效果  2.2.2 腐化度提高机制  2.2.3 腐化度降低机制 2.3  2.4  2.5   2.5.1 三教互转  2.5.2 分支派别  2.5.3 种姓 2.6   2.6.1 和希腊神教  2.6.2 三、基督教 3.1 天主教  3.1.1 Catholic 天主教/公教  3.1.2 Cathar 卡特里派/清洁派  3.1.3 Fraticelli 方济各派/小兄弟会  3.1.4 Waldensian 瓦勒度派  3.1.5 Lollard 罗拉德派 3.2   3.2.1 Orthodox /正教  3.2.2 Bogomilist 波格米勒派  3.2.3 Monothelite 基督一志派  3.2.4 Iconoclast 圣像破坏者派  3.2.5 Paulician 派 3.3 科普特教  3.3.1 Miaphysite 科普特教  3.3.2 Monophysite 基督一性论派 3.4 景教  3.4.1 Nestorian 派/景教  3.4.2 Messalian 门萨里安派/派四、伊斯兰教 4.1   4.1.1 Sunni   4.1.2 Zikri 兹克黎派  4.1.3 Yazidi 雅兹迪派  4.1.4 Ibadi 伊巴底派 4.2   4.2.1 Shia   4.2.2 Druze 德鲁兹派  4.2.3 Hurufi 胡儒非派五、犹太教 5.1 Jewish  5.2 Samaritian 派 5.3 Karaite 卡拉派六、祆教 6.1 Zoroastrian //拜火教 6.2 Mazdaki 马兹达克派/共产教派 6.3 Manichean 七、印度宗教 7.1 Hindu 印度教 7.2 Buddhist 佛教 7.3 Jain 八、原始宗教 8.1 诺斯信仰/北欧神话  8.1.1 Norse & Old Norse (旧)诺斯信仰  8.1.2 Reformed Norse 改革的诺斯信仰 8.2 斯拉夫信仰  8.2.1 Slavic & Old Slavic (旧)斯拉夫信仰  8.2.2 Reformed Slavic 改革的斯拉夫信仰 8.3 腾格里信仰/长生天  8.3.1 Tengri & Old Tengri (旧)腾格里信仰  8.3.2 Reformed Tengri 改革的腾格里信仰 8.4 洛姆瓦信仰  8.4.1 Romuva & Old Romuva (旧)洛姆瓦信仰  8.4.2 Reformed Romuva 改革的洛姆瓦信仰 8.5 索米信仰  8.5.1 Suomenusko & Old Suomenusko (旧)索米信仰  8.5.2 Reformed Suomenusko 改革的索米信仰 8.6 信仰/  8.6.1 West African & Old West African (旧)信仰  8.6.2 Reformed West African 改革的信仰 8.7 阿兹特克信仰  8.7.1 Aztec & Old Aztec (旧)阿兹特克信仰  8.7.2 Reformed Aztec 改革的阿兹特克信仰 8.8 Pagan  8.9 Hellenic 希腊神教
【前言】 查理曼DLC出来...
BY令狐志超 来源:剑网3...
一、基本概念——————————————————————————————1.1 前言多样化的宗教系统是十字军之王2里面最主要、最核心的内容。宗教影响了这个的方方面面,它在最大程度上决定了玩家的游戏方式。本文旨在作为可随时查阅的参考资料,让新老玩家了解中各种宗教的特点。从而使其得以充分体验的乐趣所在,同时还能提高作者的威望和虔诚。这是印度版本的十字军之王2的全宗教分类说明,截至目前最新版本为2.1.5.6。除宗教分类仍保留旧式排版以外,本版资料采用了新的排版,更加科学直观。前一版资料有着这样那样的问题和缺漏,因此在本版也会加以修正和补充。本文的作者为喵姆理沙,作者允许任何形式的完整或部分转载。资料来源为正版十字军之王2、百科以及作者本人的游戏经验。CK2上存在一些错误的资料,作者已亲自测试并在文中更正。如在文中还发现有更多错误的地方,欢迎指正。——————————————————————————————1.2 关于宗教组十字军之王2的宗教系统极为丰富,一共分为六个宗教组:Christian 基督徒(基督教)Muslim ()Jewish 徒(犹太教)Zoroastrian 徒(祆教)Indian(Dharmic) 印度达摩信徒()Pagan 异教徒()这六个宗教组名称采用的是该宗教信徒的称谓,而非具体宗教的名称。虽然大部分宗教及其信徒是同一个单词,但显然和是不同的。——————————————————————————————1.3 关于转教在旧版本中,只要使用让某人教育子女的方式,就可以让子女改变宗教。到了2.1X版本,对教育可以改变的宗教做出了限制,不能随便教育转教了。现在通过教育的方式,仍然可以在一个宗教组内实现任何互转。但不能跨越宗教组,比如说用导师就无法让天主教小孩变成逊尼派。也就是说,现在教育转教和改信领主宗教一样。只能在相同宗教组内进行互相转化,跨越不同宗教组将会变得无效。现在非的转教方法被限制了,原始宗教却拥有多种转教方式:(1)可以点决议改信首都所在地的宗教;(2)可以点决议改信妻或妾所信仰的宗教(而妾可以是抓来的);(3)当其他宗教领主派人前来传教时,可以选择改信其宗教。(4)遭到来自其他宗教的普通圣战时,可以点决议改信对方的宗教。(5)遭到十字军、、大圣战时,可以点决议改信对方的宗教。显而易见的是,转成非原始宗教很容易。然而再想转回来就很困难了,所以转不转还要看玩家的取舍好恶。一旦下定决心转了,就不要再想怎么转回来了。除此之外的跨宗教组转教,现在就只剩下好友转教是无限制的了。无论任何宗教,如果和某人成为好友,也可以通过事件改信好友的宗教。然而,是否成为好友、跟谁成为好友,这是随机不可控的;是否出现自由选择改信好友宗教的事件,也是随机不可控的。——————————————————————————————1.4 关于异端除了三个以及改革前的,其他宗教都存在异端。每个宗教都默认有一个正统宗教,其他分支为该宗教的异端。只有正统宗教可以使用骑士团,异端没有骑士团,但一些异端可以有教宗。当一个异端比正统宗教多五块地的时候,它会自动取代正统宗教。而被取代的那个原正统宗教,则会变成普通异端的一员。另外,东正教及其部分异端拥有“修补东西教会大分裂”决议。当这个决议达成条件时,可以把天主教变成东正教的异端。——————————————————————————————1.5 关于称谓相同、相近或不同信徒之间会有一种称谓,影响着他们相互的好感。Infidel(异教徒):好感-30,用于不同宗教组之间。Heretic(异端):好感-35,用于同宗教下的正统与异端之间。Religious Differences(宗教不同):好感-10,用于同一宗教组下的不同宗教。Same Religious(宗教相同):不减好感,仅用于完全相同的宗教。注1:“宗教不同”适用的情况很多——(1)可以是A正统和B正统之间,比如天主教和东正教;(2)可以是A正统和B异端之间,比如天主教和圣像破坏者派;(3)可以是A异端和B异端之间,比如清洁派和圣像破坏者派。注2:以上称谓不适用于三个,印度宗教适用以下规则——(1)不同的之间完全不减好感。(2)相同的不同分支派别之间会好感-5。
二、宗教分类——————————————————————————————2.1 基督教Christian 基督徒┃┣Catholic 天主教/公教(正统)┃ ┃┃ ┣Cathar 卡特里派/清洁派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┣Fraticelli 方济各派/小兄弟会(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┣Waldensian 瓦勒度派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┗Lollard 罗拉德派(异端)┃┣Orthodox 东正教/正教(正统)┃ ┃┃ ┣Bogomilist 波格米勒派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┣Monothelite 基督一志派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┣Iconoclast 圣像破坏者派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┗Paulician 保罗派(异端)┃┣Miaphysite 科普特教(正统)┃ ┃┃ ┗Monophysite 基督一性论派(异端)┃┗Nestorian 聂斯脱里派/景教(正统)  ┃  ┗Messalian 门萨里安派/以弗所派(异端)基督教是以外分支类别最多的宗教组,其特点概括如下:(1)基督教是分布最广的宗教,宗教组之间互转相对简单;(2)天主教的机制是独特的,是有着最多玩法的主角宗教;(3)东正教、科普特教、景教等宗教的机制是类似趋同的;(4)清洁派和门萨里安派是神奇的宗教,后者神奇度较高。
2.2 伊斯兰教 ┃┣Sunni (正统)┃ ┃┃ ┣Zikri 兹克黎派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┣Yazidi 雅兹迪派(异端)┃ ┃┃ ┗Ibadi 伊巴底派(异端)┃┗Shia (正统)  ┃  ┣Druze 德鲁兹派(异端)  ┃  ┗Hurufi 胡儒非派(异端)——————————————————————————————2.2.1 腐化度加成拥有名为腐化度的独特系统机制。腐化度既是王朝陨落的元凶,也是其战无不胜的法宝。腐化度会随着玩家在游戏中的进程降低或提高。腐化度的加成是线性的,其效果随着腐化度的数值变化。(1)初始腐化度为25%,此时没有任何加成。(2)最高腐化度为100%,此时税收修正-19.9%,士气修正-66.7%。(3)最低腐化度为0%,此时税收修正+19.9%,士气修正+49.9%。关于税收,腐化度加成只影响你收入囊中的金币。它不会影响封臣应该交给你多少税,但你的最终收入会随着腐化度增长而减少。关于士气,腐化度加成只影响你直接招募出来的军队。它不会影响封臣提供给你的军队,也不会游戏你提供给封君的军队。此外,当腐化度高于50%,有概率爆发腐化叛乱。你的腐化度越高,爆发腐化叛乱的概率也会随之提高。腐化叛乱的兵力至少大于等于你和你的封臣兵力的总和。虽然打赢后可以直接-50%腐化度,但你士气低落是很难打赢的。所以最好的做法是不要让腐化度增长过高。——————————————————————————————2.2.2 腐化度提高机制在旧版游戏中,腐化度随着每一个“无业的”成年男性存在而提高。因此当时几乎让新手止步,只有熟练的老玩家才爱玩。现在提高腐化的机制重做了,让腐化度变得更加易于控制。会腐化的男性仍然是无业游民,但不会每一个成年男性都腐化。显然,负面特质较多的成年男性通常会比较容易出现腐化。当某人发生腐化时,如果王朝领袖本身的腐化度不高于25%,王朝领袖就可以劝说该男性停止腐化的生活,此时——(1)如果劝说失败,王朝领袖可以合法抓捕此人。(2)如果劝说成功,此人会脱离腐化。脱离腐化的人可能不再腐化,也可能数年后再次腐化。再次腐化的人不能被再次劝说,只能抓住他或者杀掉他。因此,把家族闲散男丁控制在一定数量以内仍然是最优解。——————————————————————————————2.2.3 腐化度降低机制关于降低腐化度的机制,新版并没有重做,仍然是以下方法:(1)斋月决议和封臣竞技决议(2)通过降腐化野心触发的随机事件(3)打赢圣战(4)打赢圣战(5)打赢腐化叛乱如果你要玩,请务必把腐化度常年控制在25%以下。
2.3 犹太教Jewish 徒┃┗Jewish (正统)  ┃  ┣Samaritian 派(异端)  ┃  ┗Karaite 卡拉派(异端)是一个机制很简单的宗教,玩家可以很容易理解。在目前版本,其异端也没有任何特别的机制。——————————————————————————————2.4 祆教Zoroastrian 徒┃┗Zoroastrian //拜火教(正统)  ┃  ┣Mazdaki 马兹达克派/共产教派(异端)  ┃  ┗Manichean (异端)也是一个机制很简单的宗教,玩家可以很容易理解。在目前版本,其异端也没有任何特别的机制。
2.5 印度宗教Indian(Dharmic) 达摩信徒┃┣Hindu 教┃ ┃┃ ┣Shaivist 湿婆派/恶神派(分支)┃ ┃┃ ┣Vaishnavist /善神派(分支)┃ ┃┃ ┣Shaktist 沙克提派/提毗派/性力派(分支)┃ ┃┃ ┗Smartist 尸摩多派/传统派(分支)┃┣Buddhist 佛教┃ ┃┃ ┣Mahayana /(分支)┃ ┃┃ ┣Vajrayana /藏传佛教(分支)┃ ┃┃ ┗Theravada //(分支)┃┗Jain   ┃  ┣Digambara 空衣派(分支)  ┃  ┗Svetambara 白衣派(分支)——————————————————————————————2.5.1 三教互转不同宗教宗教之间,无论君臣还是外交都不减好感,视同相同宗教。每个宗教的信徒,在其一生中都可以点一次决议,转成另一个。但点转教决议的前提是,你或你的封臣所统治的土地上必须有这个宗教。(显然,由于传教效率低下且传教热情不高,通常都会有的……)——————————————————————————————2.5.2 分支派别分支派别以人物特质的形式出现,每个信仰宗教的人都会拥有一个分支。虽然不同宗教都不减好感,但相同宗教的不同分支派别之间反而会-5好感。同样地,每个人一生中也都可以点一次决议,转成另一个分支派别。每个分支派别的具体效果如下(只用最常见的译名):(1)Hindu 教Shaivist 湿婆派(效果:每月+0.5威望)Vaishnavist (效果:+5封臣好感)Shaktist 性力派(效果:+20%生育)Smartist 尸摩多派(效果:每月+0.5虔诚)(2)Buddhist 佛教Mahayana (效果:+5封臣好感)Vajrayana 藏传佛教(效果:+1体质)Theravada (效果:+1学习)——在佛教+4学习的基础上额外+1(3)Jain Digambara 空衣派(效果:+1体质)Svetambara 白衣派(效果:+5封臣好感)——在+30好感的基础上额外+5——————————————————————————————2.5.3 种姓宗教还有特有的种姓特质,在此一并列出:(1)Brahmin (效果:每月+0.5虔诚)以祭司为代表的宗教阶级,在中一般是教堂领地的统治者。(2)Kshatriya 刹帝利(效果:每月+0.5威望)以战士和贵族为代表的封建阶级,在中一般是城堡领地的统治者。(3)Vaishya 吠舍(效果:每月+0.03金币)以工匠和商人为代表的平民阶级,在中一般是城市领地的统治者。(4)Shudra 首陀罗(效果:被所有教信徒讨厌)该种姓不作为特质存在,信仰教但无种姓特质的人会被视为贱民。种姓特质对教信徒的影响很大,你的种姓也影响印度教信徒对你的看法。但无论你拥有何种种姓,都不会影响佛教信徒和信徒对你的好感。
2.6 原始宗教Pagan 异教徒┃┣Norse 诺斯信仰/北欧神话(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed Norse 改革的诺斯信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old Norse 旧诺斯信仰(教改后异端)┃┣Slavic 斯拉夫信仰(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed Slavic 改革的斯拉夫信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old Slavic 旧斯拉夫信仰(教改后异端)┃┣Tengri 腾格里信仰/长生天(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed Tengri 改革的腾格里信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old Tengri 旧腾格里信仰(教改后异端)┃┣Romuva 洛姆瓦信仰(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed Romuva 改革的洛姆瓦信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old Romuva 旧洛姆瓦信仰(教改后异端)┃┣Suomenusko 索米信仰(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed Suomenusko 改革的索米信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old Suomenusko 旧索米信仰(教改后异端)┃┣West African 信仰/(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed West African 改革的信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old West African 旧信仰(教改后异端)┃┣Aztec 阿兹特克信仰(教改前)┃ ┃┃ ┗Reformed Aztec 改革的阿兹特克信仰(教改后正统)┃   ┃┃   ┗Old Aztec 旧阿兹特克信仰(教改后异端)┃┣Pagan (不可教改)┃┗Hellenic 希腊神教(不可教改)——————————————————————————————2.6.1 原始宗教和希腊神教关于这两个宗教,经常有人问这样那样的问题,因而我会在此一并解答。(1)Pagan(),这是一个版本更新遗留下来的宗教。在旧版本没有各种,P社就用这个名为Pagan的宗教指代所有的原始宗教。后来加了诺斯、斯拉夫、长生天、洛姆瓦、索米等宗教(在当时都是一样的)。但此时还没有信仰,因此Pagan还存在于非洲西部那个地方。再后来就到了老神的版本,加了信仰,每个都深化了内容。于是直到现在,Pagan也不再存在于地图上的任何一个剧本了。不过,玩家仍然可以通过自定义人物的方式来玩到这个宗教。只是它没有多少可玩性,仍然像旧版本的一样没有教改功能。(2)Hellenic(希腊神教),这是一个作为历史背景的宗教。Hellenic是从老神版本加入的新宗教,但却不存在于地图上的任何地方。因为它是作为历史背景加入的,作为在基督教存在以前的罗马皇帝的宗教。P社也让玩家可以通过自定义人物来玩到这个宗教。不过显然也没有多少可玩性,它也和Pagan一样不能教改。——————————————————————————————2.6.2 宗教改革宗教改革俗称教改,的一大特点就是可以进行宗教改革。宗教改革后,原本的宗教就会消失,并且分成两个宗教:(1)一个正统,带有Reformed(改革的)字样。这个正统宗教和原来的宗教不同,它就是宗教改革的主要成果。(2)一个异端,带有Old(旧的)字样。这个异端宗教和原来的宗教相同,也受到原来宗教的各种限制。简单说的话,它其实就是反对改革的人所代表的宗教。这两个宗教互为异端,也和其他宗教一样可以实现正统异端之间的转化。原本宗教的领地和信徒也会随机分裂成这两种宗教。如果点宗教改革决议的是玩家,玩家就会变成改革后的宗教;如果点宗教改革决议的不是玩家,玩家就可以自由选择成为两者之一。至于教改前后有什么具体区别,会在后面每个宗教的介绍里面详细说明。改革前的会和改革后的异端一起,作为同一个宗教来介绍。
三、基督教——————————————————————————————3.1 天主教——————————————————————————————3.1.1 Catholic 天主教/公教【维基上的介绍】Catholicism is a broad term for describing specific traditions in the Christian churches in theology and doctrine, liturgy, ethics and spiritually.The term usually refers to Christians and churches, western and eastern, in full communium with the Holy See, usually known as the Catholic Church or the Roman Catholic Church.【中的介绍】Catholicism is one of the oldest branches of Christianity and the one that has had the biggest impact on the history of Europe.The formal head of the religion is the Bishop of Rome - the Pope.Defining features in-game:在中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always a Pope, even if Rome falls.教宗总是存在,即便罗马陷落。The Pope can grant divorces.教宗可以授权离婚。The Pope can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.教宗可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。The Pope can excommunicate Catholic characters.教宗可以开除天主教徒的教籍。The Pope can call great Crusades.教宗可以发起十字军。Catholic rulers can set up Antipopes.天主教统治者可以设立伪教宗。Catholic Bishops may pay tax to the Pope rather than their secular liege.天主教主教有可能向教宗交税,而不是向他们的世俗领主交税。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Pope 教宗Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ College of Cardinals 枢机主教※ Investiture 授职法※ Antipope 伪教宗※ Pilgrimage 朝圣Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Crusades 十字军※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.1.2 Cathar 卡特里派/清洁派【维基上的介绍】Catharism is a Christian dualist movement that thrived in some areas of Southern Europe, particularly northern Italy, northern Spain and southern France, former Occitania and Catalonia, between the 12th and 14th centuries.Cathar beliefs vary between communities because Catharism was initially taught by ascetic priests who had set few guidelines.The Cathars are a direct challenge to the Catholic Church, which renounces its practices and dismisses it outright as the Church of Satan.【中的介绍】The Cathar, or Albigensian, heresy rejects confession and the holiness of the clergy and of the Pope.They only have a single sacrament - the Consolation - to remove sin and turn the believer into a Cathar 'Perfect'.Defining features in-game:在中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is no religious head没有宗教领袖。Cathars may install women as priests清洁派可以让女性成为牧师。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Absolute Cognatic succession 男女平等继承法※ Female temple holders 女性主教※ Female councillors 女性宫廷总管※ Female commanders 女性指挥官Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):无Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.1.3 Fraticelli 方济各派/小兄弟会【维基上的介绍】Fraticellism is a heretical Catholic sect that separated from the Franciscan Order on account of disputes concerning poverty.Its followers are extreme proponents of the rule of Saint Francis of Assisi, especially with regard to poverty, and regard the wealth of the Church as scandalous, and that of individual churchmen as invalidating their status.【中的介绍】The Fraticelli, or 'Little Brethren', is a Catholic heresy that originated in the Franciscan Order of monks.It is devoted to poverty and ascetism - especially for men of the cloth. Fraticelli heretics are violently opposed to Church wealth and displays of opulence.Defining features in-game:在中所给定的特征(不一定正确):Can create the Fraticelli Papacy, if Rome is conquered如果征服罗马,可以创建小兄弟会教宗。The Pope can grant divorces教宗可以授权离婚。The Pope can grant the Invasion Casus Belli教宗可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。The Pope can excommunicate Fraticelli characters教宗可以开除小兄弟会教徒的教籍。Fraticelli Bishops may pay tax to the Pope rather than their secular liege天主教主教有可能向教宗交税,而不是向他们的世俗领主交税。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ Fraticelli Pope 小兄弟会教宗Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ College of Cardinals 枢机主教※ Investiture 授职法※ Antipope 伪教宗Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Crusades 十字军※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.1.4 Waldensian 瓦勒度派【维基上的介绍】Waldensianism is a christian movement that advocates an adherence to the Gospel as taught by Jesus and his disciples.Waldensian spiritual heritage describes itself as proclaiming the Christian Gospel, serving the marginalized, promoting social justice, fostering inter-religious work, and advocating respect for religious diversity and freedom of conscience.【游戏中的介绍】Originally a reform movement within the Catholic church, Waldensian heretics are anti-clerical and advocate a return to vows of poverty.They are opposed to capital punishment and believe that laymen can also administer the sacraments.This heresy has no formal head and no special game mechanics.这个异端没有正式的宗教领袖也没有特别的游戏机制。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):无Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):无Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.1.5 Lollard 罗拉德派【维基上的介绍】Lollardy is a political and religious movement composed of the followers of John Wycliffe, a prominent theologian who was dismissed from the University of Oxford in 1381 for criticism of the Church, especially in his doctrine on the Eucharist.The Lollards' demands are primarily for reform of Western Christianity.【游戏中的介绍】Lollard heretics are opposed to percieved corruption with the Catholic Church.Like many Catholic heresies, they loath the wealth and ostentation of the clergy and advocate a return to a more original form of Christianity.This heresy has no formal head and no special game mechanics.这个异端没有正式的宗教领袖也没有特别的游戏机制。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):无Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):无Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.2 东正教——————————————————————————————3.2.1 Orthodox 东正教/正教【维基上的介绍】Orthodoxy is a collective term for the Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodoxy.These two branches of Christianity use the term orthdoxy to express their belief to have an unbroken connection to the faith, doctrine and practices of the ancient Christian church.Both the Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodoxy use the original form of the Nicene Creed developed at the First Council of Constantinople in 381, referred to as the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.【游戏中的介绍】The Orthodox Church is the other main branch of Chalcedonian Christianity that until 1054 was formally united with the Catholic Church, although the political divisions can be traced back to the crowning of Charlemagne as Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in 800, which did not sit well with the Emperor in Constantinople.The nominal head of the Orthodox Church is the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, but he does not interfere in the affairs of other Patriarchs.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always an Ecumenical Patriarch, even if Constantinople falls.普世牧首总是存在,即便君士坦丁堡陷落。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Ecumenical Patriarch can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.普世牧首可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can excommunicate Orthodox characters.牧首可以开除东正教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Ecumenical Patriarch 普世牧首Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ Mending the Great Schism 修补东西教会大分裂※ Pilgrimage 朝圣Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.2.2 Bogomilist 波格米勒派【维基上的介绍】Bogomilism is a Gnostic religiopolitical sect that arose as a response to the social stratification that occurred as a result of the introduction of feudalism and as a form of political movement and opposition to the Bulgarian state and the church.The Bogomils call for a return to early Christianity, rejecting the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and their primary political tendencies were resistance to the state and church authorities.The Bogomils are dualists in that they believe the world was created not by the Abrahamic God, but by an evil demiurge - the Devil.They do not use the cross nor build churches, preferring to perform rituals outdoors.【中的介绍】Bogomilism is an originally Orthodox Christian heresy with Gnostic elements that completely rejects the ecclesiastical hierarchy and advocates a return to early Christianity.Bogomilists believe that the world was create by an evil demiurge - the Devil.Defining features in-game:在中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is no religious head.没有宗教领袖。Bogomilists may install women as priests.波格米勒派可以让女性成为牧师。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Female temple holders 女性主教Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):无Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.2.3 Monothelite 基督一志派【维基上的介绍】Monothelitism is a particular teaching about how the divine and human relate in the person of Jesus, known as a Christological doctrine, that formally emerged in Armenia and Syria in 629.Specifically, monothelitism is the view that Jesus Christ has two natures but only one will.This is contrary to the Christology that Jesus Christ has two wills (human and divine) corresponding to his two natures (dyothelitism).Monothelitism is a development of the Miaphysite or Monophysite position in the Christological debates.Formulated in 638, it enjoyed considerable popularity, even garnering patriarchal support, before being rejected and denounced as heretical in 681.【游戏中的介绍】Monothelitism is a Christological doctrine that was declared heretical in 681.Monothelites attempted to develop the Miaphysite and Monophysite stance on the single nature of Christ by saying he had both a human and a divine nature but only a single will.The nominal head of the Monothelite Church is the Monothelite Patriarch of Antioch.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always a The Monothelite Partriarchate, even if he has no land.基督一志派牧首总是存在,即便他没有领地。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Monothelite Patriarch can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.基督一志派牧首可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can excommunicate Monothelite characters.牧首可以开除基督一志派教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Monothelite Patriarch基督一志派牧首Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ Mending the Great Schism 修补东西教会大分裂Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.2.4 Iconoclast 圣像破坏者派【维基上的介绍】Iconoclasm is the deliberate destruction within a culture of the culture's own religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually for religious or political motives.It is a frequent component of major political or religious changes.In Christianity, Iconoclasm has generally been motivated by people who adopt a literal interpretation of the Ten Commandments, which forbid the making and worshipping of "graven images or any likeness of anything".【游戏中的介绍】The Iconoclast heresy plagued the Byzantine Empire in multiple waves.Iconoclasts believe that religious images - icons and depictions of holy figures in particular - are a form of idolatry and must not be allowed.In their heyday, iconoclasts destroyed innumerable such decorations and icons, sometimes even urged on by Iconoclast Emperors.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):Can create the Iconoclast Patriarch if Constaninople is controlled.如果征服君士坦丁堡,可以创建圣像破坏者派牧首。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Iconoclast Patriarch can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.圣像破坏者派牧首可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can Excommunicate Iconoclast characters.牧首可以开除圣像破坏者派教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Iconoclast Patriarch 圣像破坏者派牧首Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ Mending the Great Schism 修补东西教会大分裂Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.2.5 Paulician 保罗派【维基上的介绍】Paulicianism is a Christian Adoptionist sect, accused by medieval sources of being Gnostic and quasi-Manichaean.They flourished between 650 and 872 in Armenia and the Eastern Themes of the Byzantine Empire.According to medieval Byzantine sources, the group's name was derived from the 3rd century Bishop of Antioch, Paul of Samosata.【中的介绍】Paulicianism is a Christian Gnostic heresy influenced by Manichaeism, originating in Armenia.In the game, it is treated as an Orthodox heresy.Defining features in-game:在中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always a Paulician Patriarch, even if Constantinople falls.保罗派牧首总是存在,即便君士坦丁堡陷落。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Paulician Patriarch can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.保罗派牧首可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can Excommunicate Paulician characters.牧首可以开除保罗派教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Paulician Patriarch 保罗派牧首Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ Mending the Great Schism 修补东西教会大分裂Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.3 科普特教——————————————————————————————3.3.1 Miaphysite 科普特教【维基上的介绍】Miaphysitism is a Christological formula of the Oriental Orthodox Churches and of the various churches adhering to the first three Ecumenical Councils.Miaphysitism holds that in the one person of Jesus Christ, Divinity and Humanity are united in one or single nature ("physis"), the two being united without separation, without confusion, and without alteration.Historically, Chalcedonian Christians have considered Miaphysitism in general to be amenable to an orthodox interpretation, but they have nevertheless perceived the Miaphysitism of the non-Chalcedonians to be a form of Monophysitism.The Oriental Orthodox Churches themselves reject this characterization.【游戏中的介绍】Miaphysite Christianity encompasses the Coptic Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church.Miaphysites stress Christ had but a single nature, but of both human and divine character.This stance split them off from the main branch of Christianity after the Council of Chalcedon in 451.Though not viewed as outright heretics by Orthodox and Catholic Christians, it is a fine distinction.The nominal head of the Miaphysite Church is the Pope of Alexandria.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always a Pope of Alexandria, even if the city falls.教宗总是存在,即便这个城市陷落。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Pope of Alexandria can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.教宗可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can excommunicate Miaphysite characters.牧首可以开除科普特教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Pope of Alexandria a.k.a. The Coptic Pope 亚历山大科普特教宗Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ Pilgrimage 朝圣Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.3.2 Monophysite 基督一性论派【维基上的介绍】Monophysitism is the Christological position that, after the union of the divine and the human in the historical Incarnation, Jesus Christ, as the incarnation of the eternal Son or Word (Logos) of God, had only a single "nature" which was either divine or a synthesis of divine and human.Monophysitism is contrasted to dyophysitism (or dia-, dio-, or duophysitism) which maintains that Christ maintained two natures, one divine and one human, after the Incarnation.【游戏中的介绍】Monophysitism is an early Christian heresy which states that Christ had but a single nature.This is the opposite of the Nestorian position where Christ has two seperate natures - one divine and one human.Closely related to Miaphysitism, Monophysites are regarded as a Miaphysite heresy in-game.The nominal head of the Monophysite Church is the Monophysite Pope of Alexandria.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always a Pope of Alexandria, even if the city falls.教宗总是存在,即便这个城市陷落。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Pope of Alexandria can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.教宗可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can excommunicate Monophysite characters.牧首可以开除基督一性论派教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Monophysite Pope of Alexandria 亚历山大基督一性论派教宗Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.4 景教——————————————————————————————3.4.1 Nestorian 聂斯脱里派/景教【维基上的介绍】Nestorianism is a Christological doctrine advanced by Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople from 428–431.The doctrine, which is informed by Nestorius' studies under Theodore of Mopsuestia at the School of Antioch, emphasizes the disunion between the human and divine natures of Jesus.Nestorius' teachings brought him into conflict with some other prominent church leaders, most notably Cyril of Alexandria, who criticized especially his rejection of the title Theotokos ("Bringer forth of God") for the Virgin Mary.Nestorius and his teachings were eventually condemned as heretical at the First Council of Ephesus in 431 and the Council of Chalcedon in 451, leading to the Nestorian Schism in which churches supporting Nestorius broke with the rest of the Christian Church.Afterward many of Nestorius' supporters relocated to Sassanid Persia, where they affiliated with the local Christian community, known as the Church of the East.Over the next decades the Church of the East became increasingly Nestorian in doctrine, leading it to be known alternately as the Nestorian Church.【游戏中的介绍】Nestorianism is an early Christian branch which states that Christ has two separate natures - one divine and one human.This is the opposite of the Monophysite position where Christ has but a single nature.The nominal head of the Nestorian Church is the Patriarch of the East.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is always a Patriarch of the East, even if Antioch falls.东方牧首总是存在,即便陷落。Multiple Patriarchs - the five Pentarchs and Autocephalous Patriarchs under Kings.多牧首——有五个牧首,并且每个国王下都有一个自主牧首。Patriarchs can grant divorces.牧首可以授权离婚。The Patriarch of the East can grant the Invasion Casus Belli.东方牧首可以授权入侵特定同宗教领主。Patriarchs can excommunicate Nestorian characters.牧首可以开除派教徒的教籍。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Patriarch of the East 东方牧首Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Autocephaly 自主牧首※ Excommunication 开除教籍※ Pilgrimage 朝圣Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
3.4.2 Messalian 门萨里安派/以弗所派【维基上的介绍】Messalianism is a Christian sect, condemned as heretical in a synod of 383 AD.The name 'Messalian' comes from the Syriac Msallyana, meaning 'one who prays'.Messalians teach that once a person has experienced the essence of God they are freed from moral obligations or ecclesiastical discipline.They have male and female teachers whom they honor more than the clergy, the perfecti.In-game, Messalians can commit incest, considering it sacred as it was practiced by the children of Adam and Eve.However, most historians agree that this was untrue.【游戏中的介绍】The Messalians, or Euchites ("Those who Pray"), are a heretical Christian sect that originated in Mesopotamia, influenced by dualistic faiths like Zoroastrianism.Messalians believe that God can be perceived by the carnal senses, and that this perception is necessary to reach perfection.Each person is born with an inner demon, and only intense prayer can drive it out.They also believe that Lucifer is the elder son of God and a force for good, and that incest is sacred since it was practised by the children of Adam and Eve.They have no formal rites and no strict church hierarchy.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):There is no religious head.没有宗教领袖。Messalians may install women as priests门萨里安派可以让女性成为牧师。Rulers can marry close kin to improve vassal opinions.统治者可以通过近亲结婚来提高封臣好感。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Absolute Cognatic succession 男女平等继承法※ Divine blood 血亲圣婚※ Female temple holders 女性主教※ Female councillors 女性宫廷总管※ Female commanders 女性指挥官Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):无Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
四、伊斯兰教——————————————————————————————4.1 逊尼派——————————————————————————————4.1.1 Sunni 逊尼派【维基上的介绍】Sunni Islam is the largest branch of I its adherents are referred to in Arabic as ahl as-sunnah wa l-jama'ah, "people of the tradition of Muhammad and the consensus of the Ummah" or ahl as-sunnah.For short, in English, they are known as Sunni Muslims, Sunnis, and Sunnites.Sunni Islam is the largest religious denomination of any religion in the world.Sunni Islam is sometimes referred to as the orthodox version of the religion.The word "Sunni" comes from the term Sunnah, which refers to the sayings and actions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad as recorded in Hadiths.The primary collections consisting of Kutub al-Sittah accepted by Sunni orthodoxy, in conjunction with the Quran and binding consensus, form the basis of all jurisprudence within Sunni Islam.Laws are derived from in addition, Sunni Islam's juristic schools recognize differing methods to derive verdicts such as analogical reason, consideration of public welfare and juristic discretion.【游戏中的介绍】Sunni Islam is by far the most widespread form of the religion.It is the more orthodox of the main branches of Islam but the origin of the Sunni-Shia schism was largely political in nature.The Sunnis accepted the first Caliph, Abu Bakr, whereas the Shiites rejected him in favour of Ali.Sunni Muslims hold strictly to the Sunnah - the sayings and action of Muhammad - as collected in the Hadiths, which form the basis for Sunni jurisprudence.The formal head of Sunni Islam is the (Sunni) Caliph.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):The Caliphate is held by a secular ruler, and can cease to exist.哈里发头衔是由世俗统治者创建的,并且可以不存在。The Caliph can subjugate other Sunni rulers freely.哈里发可以随意征讨入侵其他逊尼派统治者。The Caliph can declare great Jihads.哈里发可以发起杰哈德圣战。Muslim rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.穆斯林统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Mosque Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Muslim dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则穆斯林王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Sunni Caliph 逊尼哈里发Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服※ Jihads 杰哈德圣战※ Caliphal Subjugation 哈里发征讨Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
4.1.2 Zikri 兹克黎派【维基上的介绍】Zikri Islam is a branch of Islam whose adherents follow Muhammad al-Mahdi.Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdi is believed by his followers to be the Mahdi, an ultimate savior of humankind and the final Imam of the Twelve Imams who will emerge with Isa (Jesus Christ) in order to fulfill their mission of bringing peace and justice to the world.The name Zikri comes from the Arabic word dhikr.Dhikr is commonly translated as "remembrance" or "invocation".【游戏中的介绍】Zikris are the followers of the Imam Akhar Zaman Hazrat Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri (Imam Mehdi).Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):Muslim ruler can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.穆斯林统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Mosque Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Muslim dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则穆斯林王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
4.1.3 Yazidi 雅兹迪派【维基上的介绍】Yazidism is an ancient religion linked to Zoroastrianism and Sufism.The religion is seen as a highly syncretic complex of local Kurdish beliefs that contains Zoroastrian elements and Islamic Sufi doctrine introduced by Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir in the 12th century.The Yazidi believe in God as creator of the world, which he placed under the care of seven holy beings or angels, the chief of whom is Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel.【游戏中的介绍】The Yazidi religion is properly a distinct religion but is treated as a Sunni heresy in the game.Yazidis believe that God created the world and left seven angels in charge, the chief of whom is the Peacock Angel, Melek Taus or Shaytan, a being usually identified by Christians and Muslims as Satan.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):The Yazidi Sheikhdom is held by a secular ruler and can cease to exist.雅兹迪谢赫是由世俗统治者创建的,并且可以不存在。The Yazidi Sheikh can subjugate other Yazidi rulers freely.雅兹迪谢赫可以随意征讨入侵其他雅兹迪派统治者。The Yazidi Sheikh can declare great Jihads.雅兹迪谢赫可以发起杰哈德圣战。Yazidi rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.雅兹迪派统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Temple Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Yazidi dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则雅兹迪王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Yazidi Sheikh 雅兹迪谢赫Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐※ Excommunication 开除教籍Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服※ Jihads 杰哈德圣战※ Caliphal Subjugation 哈里发征讨Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
4.1.4 Ibadi 伊巴底派【维基上的介绍】Ibadism is a form of Islam distinct from Sunni and Shia Islam denominations.The Tartib al-Musnad and Jami Sahih are the main hadith collections for Ibadis.The Ibadi movement is said to have been founded 60 years after the death of Muhammad.Historians as well as majority of Muslims believe that the denomination is a reformed sect of the Khawarij or Kharijite movement.However, Ibadis continue to deny any but a passing relation to the Khawarij and point out that they merely developed out of the same precursor group.【游戏中的介绍】Ibadism is distinct from both Shia and Sunni Islam but is more Sunni than Shia and is thus treated as a Sunni heresy in-game.Ibadis believe that souls condemned to Hell will stay there forever.Ibadis also reject the notion that Muslims will get to see Allah on the Day of Judgement.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):The Ibadi Caliphate is held by a secular ruler, and can cease to exist.伊巴底哈里发头衔是由世俗统治者创建的,并且可以不存在。The Ibadi Caliph can subjugate other Ibadi rulers freely.伊巴底哈里发可以随意征讨入侵其他伊巴底派统治者。The Ibadi Caliph can declare great Jihads.伊巴底哈里发可以发起杰哈德圣战。Ibadi rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.伊巴底派统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Temple Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Ibadi dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则伊巴底王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Ibadi Caliph 伊巴底哈里发Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服※ Jihads 杰哈德圣战※ Caliphal Subjugation 哈里发征讨Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
4.2 什叶派——————————————————————————————4.2.1 Shia 什叶派【维基上的介绍】Shia Islam is the second largest denomination of Islam and its adherents are called Shias or the Shi'a as a collective or Shi'i individually."Shia" is the short form of the historic phrase Shi'atu 'Ali, meaning "followers", "faction", or "party" of Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin Ali, whom the Shia believe to be Muhammad's successor in the Caliphate.Twelver Shia or the Ithna'ashariyyah' is the largest branch of Shia Islam, and the term Shia Muslim often refers to the Twelvers by default.Shia Islam is based on the Quran and the message of the Islamic prophet Muhammad attested in hadith recorded by the Shia, and certain books deemed sacred to the Shia.In contrast to other Muslims, the Shia believe that only God has the right to choose a representative to safeguard Islam, the Quran and sharia.Thus the Shia look to Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law, whom they revere and consider divinely appointed, as the rightful successor to Muhammad, and the first Imam.In the centuries after the death of Muhammad, the Shia extended this "Imami" doctrine to Muhammad's family, the Ahl al-Bayt ("the People of the House"), and certain individuals among his descendants, known as Imams, who they believe possess special spiritual and political authority over the community, infallibility, and other quasi-divine traits.【游戏中的介绍】Shi'a is the short form of Shi'atul Ali, or the Party of Ali, which rejected the first Caliph Abu Bakr in favour of Ali.Shi'a Islam is the less orthodox of the two main branches of Islam and accepts the idea of intercession by dead Imams on behalf of the living.The formal head of Shi'a Islan is the (Shiite) Caliph.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):The Caliphate is held by a secular ruler, and can cease to exist.哈里发头衔是由世俗统治者创建的,并且可以不存在。The Caliph can subjugate other Shiite rulers freely.哈里发可以随意征讨入侵其他什叶派统治者。The Caliph can declare great Jihads.哈里发可以发起杰哈德圣战。Muslim rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.穆斯林统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Mosque Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Muslim dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则穆斯林王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Shia Caliph 什叶哈里发Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服※ Jihads 杰哈德圣战※ Caliphal Subjugation 哈里发征讨Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
4.2.2 Druze 德鲁兹派【维基上的介绍】Druzism is a monotheistic religion incorporating several elements from Abrahamic religions, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, and other philosophies.The Druze call themselves Ahl al-Tawhid "the People of Monotheism" or al-Muwahhidun "the Unitarians".Druzism is an offshoot of Ismailism, a branch of Shia Islam.Druze follow the seven pillars of Ismailism.【游戏中的介绍】The Druze religion originated in the Ismaili sect of Shia Islam, but has many features of gnosticism and neoplatonism in addition to the Abrahamic religions.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):Muslim rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives.穆斯林统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Mosque Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Muslim dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则穆斯林王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
4.2.3 Hurufi 胡儒非派【维基上的介绍】Hurufism is a mystical kabbalistic Sufi doctrine founded by Fazlu l-Lah Astar-Abadi, also called Fazlullah Tabrizi Astarabadi, or Naimi.According to Fazlallah, the key to open seventh sealed book, the Qur'an, is a kabbalistic system of letters that is expounded by later Hurufis in the Hidayat-nama, Jawidan and in the Mahram-Nama.The Universe is eternal and moves by rotation. God's visage is imperishable and is manifest in Man, the best of forms — zuhur kibriya.God is incarnated in every atom. Hurufis considered Fazlu l-Lah, a manifestation of God's force after Adam, Moses and Muhammad.God is also embodied in words and the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet and the 32 letters of Persian one are the basis for love and beauty in the world.Seven is a key number corresponding to noble parts of the face, the verses of Al-Fatiha and verbal confession of faith.Man is a supreme copy of the divine and the key to haqiqa.【游戏中的介绍】The Hurufi faith is a mystical, kabbalistic, Sufi sect within Islam, regarded as a heresy.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):The Hurufi Sheikhdom is held by a secular ruler and can cease to exist.胡儒非谢赫头衔是由世俗统治者创建的,并且可以不存在。The Hurufi Sheikh can subjugate other Hurufi rulers freely.胡儒非谢赫可以随意征讨入侵其他什叶派统治者。The Hurufi Sheikh can declare great Jihads.胡儒非谢赫可以发起杰哈德圣战。Hurufi rulers can - and are expected to have - multiple wives胡儒非派统治者可以(而且应当)拥有多个妻子。Mosque Holdings can be held by anyone without penalty.任何人都可以不受惩罚地直辖清真寺。Hurufi dynasties grow decadent unless the men have enough land and win wars.除非打赢战争,或者男性家族成员拥有足够的领地,否则胡儒非王朝的腐化度就会增长。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Hurufi Sheikh 胡儒非谢赫Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Agnatic Open (Turkish Sucession) 土耳其继承法※ Decadence 腐化度※ Polygamy 一夫多妻制※ Hajj 朝觐Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Muslim Invasion 穆斯林入侵※ County Conquest 单一省份征服※ Jihads 杰哈德圣战※ Caliphal Subjugation 哈里发征讨Unit modifiers(单位修正):※ All Units Morale floating between -66.7% & +49.9%※ 全兵种士气在-66.7%和+49.9%之间浮动
五、犹太教——————————————————————————————5.1 Jewish 犹太教【维基上的介绍】Judaism is the religion, philosophy and way of life of the Jewish people.Judaism is a monotheistic religion, with its main inspiration being based on or found in the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Tanakh) which has been explored in later texts, such as the Talmud.Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship God established with the Children of Israel.In Crusader Kings II Judaism is a minor religion whose adherents are scattered throughout Europe, with only the Khazars in the east having Judaism as their state religion.There is only one main branch of Judaism, plus a couple of heresies.Jewish characters require Sons of Abraham DLC to play.【游戏中的介绍】Judaism is the oldest of the Abrahamic religions and its origins can be traced back all the way to the Bronze Age.The most holy city of this monotheistic faith is Jerusalem, which served as the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Israel.Defining features in-game:在游戏中所给定的特征(不一定正确):Can have a religious head (the Kohen Gadol) if the High Priesthood is restored.如果能高阶圣职被重建,就可以拥有一个名为大祭司(Kohen Gadol)的宗教领袖。Can restore Israel if the Promised Land is reclaimed.如果收复应许之地,就可以重建以色列。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):※ The Kohen Gadol 大祭司(重建以色列王国后会自动出现)Unique Mechanics(独特机制):※ Restore Israel 重建以色列Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):※ Great holy wars 大圣战※ Sanctioned Invasion 授权入侵Unit modifiers(单位修正):无
5.2 Samaritian 撒马利亚派【维基上的介绍】Samaritanism is an Abrahamic religion closely related to Judaism.Based on the Samaritan Pentateuch, Samaritans assert their worship is the true religion of the ancient Israelites prior to the Babylonian Exile, preserved by those who remained in the Land of Israel, as opposed to Judaism, which they assert is a related but altered and amended religion, brought back by those returning from the Babylonian exile.【游戏中的介绍】Samaritanism is an Abrahamic religion closely related to Judaism.Samaritans assert their worship is the true religion of the ancient Israelites prior to the Babylonian Exile, preserved by those who remained in the Land of Israel, as opposed to Judaism, which they assert is a related but altered and amended religion.In-game, Samaritanism is treated as a heresy of mainstream Judaism.This heresy has no formal head and no special game mechanics.这个异端没有正式的宗教领袖也没有特别的游戏机制。【总结归纳】Head(宗教领袖):无Unique Mechanics(独特机制):无Special CBs(特殊宣战理由):无Unit modifiers(单位修正):无


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