LL手游FULL combo回合手游 是什么意思 我不明白

不会玩也能水 近期将会和一个同是LL蜜的吧友合作整理出LL一路走来的CD销量和最开始到TV的不同设定补充的科普向帖子,请敬请期待。(° ∑( °)
砸钱就好   ——————新鲜的肉便器
我连智能手机和平板电脑都没有。。。好想被按在键盘上来回滚啊asdgfjkl lovelive de benzi:/s/1sjAX7Xj
OSU Deemo Cytus jubeat.....经历后,还是蛮简单的.......所以说~~少打音游多读书~
玩惯了就好了,我开始连一单normal都过不了,在日服练了2月后玩国服时一路hard几乎都是full combo
   -当死亡的堕落之天使降临,诸神都为之战栗哭泣时,顽强的骑士仍挥舞着反射着神圣之光的长剑,英勇,正义,神圣,顽强,果敢,一切赞美都来自人民,而非被信仰的神。   出自:杀人闪了_腰 
normal全s了 目前跪在hard
广告的标语很简单:你打开智能手机的方式正确吗?广告中的画面是一位头戴耳机背着个背包的年轻男性,两只手在狂按手机屏幕。这简直就是LL手游玩家的标准姿势,LL手游玩家基本上真的就是掏出平板戴上耳机&两耳不闻窗外事,一心只想full combo&,还是注意安全吧
相关图片Related pictures内容介绍:
简介: 鬼泣3特别版引用Description: Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition revamps the classic Devil May Cry 3, giving you more action and adventure for a lower price. In this prequel to the original Devil May Cry, you'll play as Dante -- and acrobatic, energetic half-demon with a powerful fighting style all his own. This Special Edition lets players become Dante's evil half-brother Vergil, and use his new Dark Fighter style. Also features a new boss character, turbo option, new continue system, adjusted difficulty levels (with a new "very hard" mode), and Survival and Movie modes. Features: o Pick from 4 styles of combat, Gunslinger, Swordmaster, Trickster and Royal Guard, all offering greatly improved skills in each area o Play the role of Dante, 20 years before Devil May Cry was set, let the all new story unfold in this prequel to the original masterpiece o New game engine, featuring all new Shadow Effects, weather conditions, graphics and sharper gameplay o All new enemies, bosses and characters, that act independently and more realistic than ever o New range of weapons - Battle your way through enemies in style with the enchanted Electric Guitar, also Nun-Chucks, and (of course) swords and firearms Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Title: Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Format: NTSC Genre: Action 3D Toc: DvDFull Language: Eng Password: www.ps2rip.net-especialedicion[Thx Ps2Rip]中文描述: 本代的故事剧情拉回一代之前,叙述刚成立恶魔猎人事务所的 但丁(Dante),在神秘男子带来口信后,展开了与众多入侵恶魔的对决,与但丁为双胞胎兄弟关系的 维吉尔(Vergil),也将以敌对的身分登场,展开一场西洋双手剑对日本武士刀的华丽对决。 《恶魔猎人 3》使用新的 3D 游戏引擎制作,大幅强化了游戏的画面表现,并支援杜比 Pro Logic II 环场音效,在声光效果、剧情演出、平衡度、运镜与动作上都有大幅度的改进,并由有“恶魔画师”异名的 ATLUS《真·女神转生》角色设定画家 金子一马 担任但丁的恶魔化造形设计。 在游戏系统方面,则是加入了 4 种各有所长的战斗风格“枪手(Gunslinger)”、“剑圣(Swordmaster)”、“骗徒(Trickster)”与“皇家护卫(Royalguard)”,分别具备远距离、近距离、回避 与 防御 等专长项目,综合了前两代的各种战斗方式,并加以扩充。游戏中玩家将必须要适时的发挥这四种战斗风格的长处,才能顺利过关。 枪手具备各种花式的枪炮攻击方式,包括在空中倒转往下击出一连串弹幕的“Rain Storm”,如同耍双节棍般以散弹枪朝四方乱射的“Fire Works”,以及双枪可同时攻击不同目标的“Twosome Time”﹔剑圣顾名思义则是使剑的高手,可以施展出将剑高速回旋的“Prop Shredder”,将剑射出的“Sword Pierce”,以及空中连续斩击的“Aerial Rave”。 骗徒则是擅长各种灵活轻巧的特殊行动,包括飞檐走壁的“Wall Hike”,以及高速冲刺的“Dash”等。“皇家护卫”风格具备以往系列作中不曾出现过的“防御”能力,使用此战斗风格的但丁将会已类似中国功夫的防御架势,来抵挡敌人的攻击,并具备将敌人攻击力积蓄于自身体内,再瞬间释放出来的特殊攻击方式,可说是一种攻守兼备的新风格。时空幻境 遗迹传奇引用 http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2231/ps2talesoflegendiafront6vw.jpg Description: Senel Coolidge, a young expert in the special skill called Eres, was drifting in the misty ocean on a small boat with his younger sister Shirley. An island suddenly burst through the mist and approached the boat with astonishing speed, engulfing it with perilous waves. When they awoke on the shore, they realized it wasn’t an ordinary island, but the deck of a mysterious giant ship called Legacy. Have they stumbled upon an unknown civilization, or is the Legacy a relic of something long past? 中文介绍: 本游戏是 NAMCO 招牌 RPG《时空幻境》的最新系列作,也是继《交响曲传奇》后,第 2 款采用全 3D 绘图方式构成的系列作,有别于以往系列作固定班底的藤岛康介与猪股睦美,本游戏由曾参与多部卡通动画制作的 中泽一登 担任人物设定,呈现出不同的风格。 游戏故事是以古代所遗留下来,全长超过 100 公里的庞大人造物“遗迹船”为主轴,叙述遭逢意外而漂流到遗迹船的主角 赛尼尔(Senel)与妹妹 雪莉(Shirley),自此踏上这个有着许多居民与城镇,综合了各种不同的地形地貌,并隐藏着各种古代文明神秘遗迹之地,展开一连串的冒险。 游戏中包括地图移动画面,各场景、迷宫、人物角色与战斗画面等都是采用 3D 多边形所构成,战斗系统方面,有别于前一款全 3D 的《交响曲传奇》所采用的 ML-LMBS(多重线性动作战斗系统),本作是采用 X-LMBS(交叉线性动作战斗系统),以系列作原点的单线性战斗系统混合各种新设计所构成,让操作更为简便灵活。 本作由首度参与《时空幻境》制作的名动画制作者 中泽一登 担任人物设定,动画影片部分依旧是由专业动画制作公司 Production I.G 所负责,由本次所公布的画面可以看出本作的动画承袭了系列作一贯的高水准演出。游戏主题曲则是由日本知名的大无限乐团(Do As Infinity)所演唱,曲名为“TAO”。 自《时空幻境》首款作品以来,本系列作游戏中皆具备独特的“Skit System”,只要在地图画面上按下选择钮,就会进入与冒险伙伴的特写对话场面,内容包括对游戏进度的提示,角色间的各种互动与对话等,其中有着许多逗趣滑稽的剧情演出,以小插曲的方式让游戏进行过程中的剧情更为充实。 在本代中,此演出系统将更加强化,除了原本的被动触发外,更加入了主动触发的“Free Skit”模式,在探索游戏舞台时,只要满足一定条件,画面上就会出现提示,触发特定的 Skit 演出。之外像是游戏故事剧情进展中各种事件的演出等,也都会采用 Skit System 的方式来呈现。 由于冒险舞台是在遗迹船上,所以游戏中的方位系统并不采用传统的东南西北方式,而是以遗迹船的船首为 12 点钟方向,以各点钟来标示方位,游戏中所有的方位提示也都是以此为基准。在战斗系统方面,本作使用了 TP 制,包魔法、特技与必杀技奥义等,都需要以消耗 TP 的方式来使出。 官网所公布的新系统,包括与剧情相关的“剧情概略系统”,一般移动画面的“混乱地带(Chaotic Zone)”、“导管系统(Duct System)”,战斗中的“特殊效果领域(Field of Effect)”、“警告信号(Caution Signal)”等。 “剧情概略系统”是一种以文字概要的形式来交代主角一行人先前经历的一种系统,之前的作品中也曾出现过。在本代中则是以主角团队中各角色的日记来呈现剧情概略,由于是个人日记,所以将不只是单纯的叙述而已,还会因为各角色不同的性格设定而有不一样的内容。 “混乱地带”是出现在迷宫等冒险地图上的特殊区域,呈现昏暗扭曲的样貌,其中将会出现比一般所遭遇的敌人强度更强的敌人,通常会出现在通往捷径或宝箱的路上,玩家可以自己评估是否要硬闯,只要能打败混乱地带中的敌人,混乱地带就会随之消失。“导管系统”则是由古代文明人所设置,用来在遗迹船上快速移动的系统,玩家可透过此系统快速的在各地区移动。 “特殊效果领域(FOE)”是一种在战斗中由敌人所发动的特殊领域,只要进入此领域中就会被该领域的特殊效果所影响,例如会妨碍玩家行动的“束缚魔阵”等。要避免受到 FOE 影响,就必须远离该领域所垄罩的范围,从远距离以爪术来攻击敌人。“警告信号”则是一种会出现在敌人头上的信号,当敌人要发动攻击或是施展特殊能力时,头上就会出现红色或黄色的惊叹号标志,警告玩家。Features: o Face enemies bigger than any you've seen in an RPG o Battle huge monsters with fighting-game-like controls with the X-LiMBS (Crossover Linear Motion Battle System) battle system o Fantastic 3D graphics, with a different look that's perfectly suited to the game o Unique character design by renowned artist Kazuto Nakazawa Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Title: Tales of Legendia Format: Ntsc Genre: RPG Toc: DvDFull Language: Eng Password: visita-www.ps2rip.net恶魔城 黑暗的诅咒引用 http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/7549/castlevaniacurseofdarknessfron.jpg Description: Castlevania: Curse of Darkness delivers an entirely new storyline and main character - Hector, a Devil Forgemaster who had once refined his skills under Dracula. Fueled by revenge for the murder of his girlfriend, Hector sets off to confront the evil forces of the night. Armed with the powerful skill of Devil Forgery, he must find his way back to the ruins of Dracula's castle and uncover an intricate web of deception, unaware of the sinister plan that has been orchestrated to lure him home. Features: o Delivers and entirely new storyline and main character o Find your way back to the ruins of Dracula's castle and uncover an intricate web of deception Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Details: Title: Castlevania Curse Of Darkness Format: PAL Genre: Action 3D Toc: DvDFull Language: Es, Eng, Fr, Ita, Ger Password: www.ps2rip.net-visitaps2ripxelpass格兰蒂亚3引用 http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/2660/grandiaiiifront0is.jpg Description: Grandia III continues Game Arts' role-playing series on the PlayStation 2. Yuki has idolized the legendary pilot Schmidt since he was a young boy and has been trying to build his own airplane ever since. Loving the freedom of flight, he dreams of one day leaving his small island and reaching the mainland. In the woods not far away, Alfina rides alone on a horse-drawn carriage. She is a Communicator, one of the few who can speak with the Guardians, gods that protect the world. She is hurrying to a temple to take the place of her brother, Emelious. Resentment of his obligated duty as a Communicator has turned Emelious into a cruel and violent being filled with hate. Fate will bring Yuki and Alfina together just as the world is about to fall apart. Features: o Romp through vibrant and colorful fantasy locales and natural environments o Stunning cinematic sequences are animated by hand without the use of motion capture o Scan surroundings to look for search points or treasure chests o Ply the skies by plane to journey from one place to another o Use your sword in the "random encounter free" field to destroy objects or stun enemies before attacking o Seamless transition from field screen to battles with over-the-top animations o Semi real-time battle system allows for fast paced action and strategizing with a Command Wheel that breaks the RPG mold of typical command text windows o Perform and link up Aerial Combo attacks for massive damage o Multiple auto-battle settings for each character dictate fighting strategy in addition, utilize the Strategy Advice System for tips during critical moments in battle o Control conversation flow during special event scenes Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Title: Grandia III Format: Ntsc Genre: RPG Toc: DvdFull Language: Eng Password: el_pass_visitando_www.ps2rip.net <--Both DvdsBlack引用 http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/2104/ps2blackfront0bk.jpg 《Black》以非常保密的闭门展示方式展出的,是由曾推出《横冲直撞》系列的 Criterion Games 所研发的崭新第一人称射击游戏《Black》。不同于近年来以追求隐蔽或者是拟真为诉求的 FPS,本游戏是以戏剧化夸张化了的好莱坞电影枪战场面为概念,提供具备高度震撼力与魄力激烈枪战游戏体验。现场是由 EA 英国 Criterion 工作室市场总监 Roy Meredith 替现场媒体展示与解说本游戏。Description: BLACK is the world's most brutal and enigmatic strike force -- and you've just joined them. The BLACK tactical squad operates under the cloak of complete anonymity and deniability to protect the US from threats foreign and domestic. It answers to no one, allowing it to carry out brutal and covert operations around the globe. From manipulating politicians to controlling intelligence networks and militaries, BLACK operatives are trained at the highest level in psychological warfare, espionage, and lethal arts. Go deep into the world of clandestine warfare as you use any means necessary to get the job done. Features: o BLACK operatives do not hide in shadows or sneak behind walls waiting for the right time to engage their foe - they destroy the wall, enemy and anything else that gets in their way o An explosive arsenal of weaponry lets you experience the awe-inspiring power of the world's most exotic lethal firepower o Reduce cities to rubble in a world where virtually nothing is impervious to your bullets -- if you can see it, you can shoot it! o Visceral, destructive action sucks you deep into the gameplay as you blaze and blast your own path through open-ended enviornments o Use destructible worlds and explosive objects to take out enemies in cover, frag multiple enemies at once or just wreak massive destruction for its own sake Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! o Format: Pal o Genre: Shooter o Toc: DvDFull o Language: Es, Eng, Ita, Fr, Ger o Password: visitanos_para_saberlo引用 http://img497.imageshack.us/img497/2893/br27qe.jpg 在这款游戏中,玩家将扮演一名同时流有吸血鬼与人类血统的女性做为主角,并透过吸血等方式来进行故事的一款游戏.Description: Born from the unnatural union of vampire and human, BloodRayne is blessed with the powers of a vampire but cursed with the unquenchable thirst for blood and a weakness to sunlight. BloodRayne 2 challenges the supernatural anti-heroine with her most personal battle yet as she hunts down each of her wicked siblings who are carrying on the legacy of their dead father. Expanding on the predecessor, BloodRayne 2 includes new in-game dynamics such as pole combat, rail sliding and advanced melee fighting with fatality moves. Built upon a modified version of the Infernal Engine, BloodRayne 2 introduces threatening new bosses, all new environments set within a huge modern day city, a range of new supernatural powers and new motion-captured movements complete with soft-body physics. Features: o New acrobatic action on poles and rails offers variations for fast-paced blade and gun combat. o Advanced melee combat for deeper, more precise fighting with more than 30 combos including high, mid and low attacks, kick and jump combos, evasive combos and special over-the-top moves. o Target lock ability also affects the focus or "room clearing" nature of Rayne`s attacks. After earning a combo, it`s added to a reference menu accessible on the Pause screen so skilled fighters can test out all of her available moves. o 12 fatality finishing moves let you end feeding sequences with a flair. o Motion-captured movements and new rigid body physics system for more dynamic and realistic kills. o New devastating powers include Blood Fury, Ghost Feed, Blood Storm and more. o All new highly destructible, interactive environments set in a modern day city. Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Title: Blood Rayne 2 Format: Pal Genre: Action 3D Toc: DvDFull Language: Es, Ita, Eng, Fr, Ger Password: el_pass_visitando_www.ps2rip.net美版战国BASARA引用 http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/6492/ps2devilkingfront9lo.jpg 中文介绍: 本游戏由参与《生化危机 4》、《恶魔猎人》等游戏制作 小林裕幸 领军,担任《恶魔猎人》、《忍》等游戏插画设定的 土林诚 担任人物设定,是一款以日本战国时代为题材的战场动作游戏。 游戏中玩家将可从历史上实际存在的 16 名战国武将中择一来扮演,投入战国乱世的战场中,以自身的武艺来对抗如潮水般涌至的敌军,为了统一乱世而奋战。游戏的类型是与 KOEI 所推出的《战国无双》类似的战场动作游戏,并加入 CAPCOM《恶魔猎人》中独特而帅气的风格战斗要素,构成华丽而爽快流畅的演出。 游戏中的每位武将都有各自所擅长的武器招式以及必杀技,而且只要连续按同一按钮即可使出各种威力强大且华丽的招式。登场的各武将角色将打破时空的限制,能进行梦幻的对决,让故事朝“如果”的原创新走向发展,让许多壮志未酬的武将们能在玩家的手中实现平定乱世征服天下的梦想。Description: Devil Kings is an action game built on the same engine as Sengoku Basara, that lets you play as a hero from one of several warring nations. In Devil Kings, players assume the role of various warriors who must lead their hero into a succession of hostile confrontations against an onslaught of opponents. The action explodes on-screen when awesome "critical moves" are performed on the battlefield as players plow through enemy hordes. Unleash the special powers from within to bombard those who stand against you with ruthless attacks or summon a powerful storm of fiery meteors and watch them explode in a whirlwind of destruction. Using experience points earned during combat, gamers can level up their characters' personal attributes and weapons. There are over 80 special items to find and unlock in hidden treasure chests located throughout the game. It's up to the player to build up their heroes, collect items, and carve a new path to victory and ultimate domination. Features: o Roster of unique playable heroes Control a variety of legendary warriors including ninjas, spear-wielding masters and dual gun slingers o Signature moves Perform special attack moves that are spec summon a storm of flaming meteors or brandish six swords at once to slice and dice the enemy with lighting fast speed o Level-up system Use the experience points earned during battle to level-up a character's attributes o Unlockable features By meeting certain conditions, gamers can unlock new items and characters o Capcom is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment. Founded in 1983, the company has created world renowned franchises including Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Breath of Fire, Devil May Cry and the Onimusha series.... Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Title: Devil kings Format: PAL Genre: Action 3D Toc: DvDFull Language: Es, Eng, Fr, Ita, Ger Password: www.ps2rip.net-carisimo梦幻水浒传战略版引用 http://img317.imageshack.us/img317/7084/ps2suikodentacticsfront2ca.jpg
《Rhapsodia》(幻想水浒传狂想曲)为 KONAMI 将在 PS2 上发售的《幻想水浒传》系列新作,故事从《幻想水浒传 IV》的世界中展开,以全新的主角对“纹章”之谜进行了探索。本作特别之处,是首次采用“战棋”方式进行游戏(SoRPG),画面使用了卡通渲染。 Description: Suikoden Tactics takes you into the world of the popular role-playing game Suikoden, for incredible strategy and combat simulation gaming. See this world through the eyes of Kyril, a young adventurer who investigates the sudden appearance of hideous creatures in the Island Nations. As you explore and battle with him, you'll discover the secrets of the legendary Rune Cannons -- and try to destroy them before they destroy the world. Real-time rendered story events and voiceovers Features: o Set before, during and after the events of Suikoden IV o Follows the adventures of a young new hero, Kyril as he uncovers the dark secrets behind the magical Rune Cannons o The highly stylized and artistically created colorful cast includes over 20 new characters as well as many that were featured in Suikoden IV o The true challenge lies in trying to outmaneuver opponents on the battlefield Screenshots:
Click screens for more shots! Title: Suikoden Tactics Format: PAL Genre: RPG Toc: DvDFull Language: Es, Eng, Ita, Fr, Ger Password: www.ps2rip.net-suikoden


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