mpc-hc怎么外挂lav lavfilter.dll

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交易0 分威望7479 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间392 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分11499精华0UID44926
9.2CH, 积分 11499, 距离下一级还需 501 积分
“在较长的时间里,我们依然需要和 24p 抗衡,如果你能忍受的话,那不妨继续,不过如果你希望获得更平滑的播放效果,可以跟随我们下面的步骤在 PC(而不是高端电视机、 HDMI 视频增强器)上实现智能插帧平滑播放蓝光或者其他视频节目”
利用 LAV CUVID 视频解码器 + SVP + FFDSHOW 实现蓝光 48p/60p 倍帧回放
除了少量的演唱会和节目采用 .97 fps)外,大多数的蓝光都是采用 .976 fps 或者 24.000 fps)的帧率来存放视频。每秒 24 帧对于一般的场景来说是足够的,但是当镜头平移(pan)的时候,就会容易出现卡顿的情况,例如(图片来自 ):
这个问题被称作 motion judder,而导致这个问题的 24p 记录模式则源自 1926 年电影工业刚刚萌芽的时候,人们发现要实现保持足够快的音轨一致性(例如对话时嘴唇的活动和声音的同步),就需要采用每秒 24 帧画面的画面采样速率。事实上在有声电影之前的电影为了照顾较慢的曝光胶片和节省胶片,采用的帧率甚至低于 24p,因此 24p 在当时也是一个不小的进步。
为了照顾音轨、画面一致性被迫采用的 24p 延续到了今天,电影院在播放影片的时候采用插黑等手段实现相对平顺的播放,而现在的高端电视机则引入了智能插帧(例如索尼的 motion flow)技术来舒缓 24p 造成的采样率不足问题。
你可以在下面的连接中看到更多关于 24p 的资料:
下面这个动画展示了经过智能插帧(MSU 的帧率转换滤镜)后达到的效果:
,这是自 100 年前 24p 成为行业惯例以来首次采用如此高帧率制作的商业电影,效果值得期待,不过随之而来的恐怕需要进行一次大规模的产业升级,例如当前的蓝光协会制定的
逐行影片帧率是 24p,如果要在家庭影院中实现足本的 48p,蓝光光碟(容量得增加接近两倍)、播放机(可能包括功放)都需要来一次升级,这恐怕至少需要 10 年时间才能推动完成,而旧的 24p 影片在未来也必须以来复杂的技术才能实现重新发行 48p 版本。
所以在较长的时间里,我们依然需要和 24p 抗衡,如果你能忍受的话,那不妨继续,不过如果你希望获得更平滑的播放效果,可以跟随我们下面的步骤在 PC(而不是高端电视机、 HDMI 视频增强器)上实现智能插帧平滑播放蓝光或者其他视频节目。在 PC 上有不少实现插帧的软件:
播放器 / 软件版本发布时间技术备注支持格式分辨率& && && && && & Crystal Player1.98 Pro
5 月, 2007Planar Blending, Motion Morphing (Multisampling)所有所有分辨率
& && && && && &Corel WinDVDPro .5.291
2 月, 2010Digital Natural Motion (Trimension All2HD)DVD最高 720x576
& && && && && & Cyberlink PowerDVD10.0.1516.51
3 月, 2010TrueTheater Motion所有最高 720x576 (720p, 1080p)*
& && && && && & Splash PRO1.0.0
6 月, 2010Motion2所有所有分辨率
& && && && && & SVP**1.3.4
3 月, 2010插件式 FrameDbl + MVTools2所有所有分辨率
我们这里介绍使用 SVP(SmoothVideo Project)实现插帧播放,它的特点是:免费、支持采用 OpenCL 实现 GPU 加速(这一点非常重要)。
CPU:80p48:四核 2.5GHz 或者以上720p24-&720p60:双核 2.5GHz 或者以上
显卡:我们推荐使用 NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 或者以上级别的型号。
A 卡也可以,我还没尝试。
不过我需要指出 A 卡跑 SVP 目前的两个缺点:无法透过 OpenCL 或者其他非 DXVA API 实现硬件解码,这会导致输出的画面以 YV12 格式输出,也就无法实现硬件解码的情况下被一些要求 YV12 格式的视频增强软件支持,而 NVIDIA 则可以透过 CoreAVC、LAV CUVID 实现。
更新,已经完成&&A 卡透过 OpenCL 实现硬件解码 + SVP 插帧的指南,见本文底部或者:
Potplayer 和 VLC 都提供了可以实现 YV12 输出的 DXVA 硬件解码输出方式,但是 A 卡在 potplayer 中启用这个模式的时候无法应对高码率影片。
A 卡的 OpenCL 驱动(注意,不是 OpenGL)可能需要另外下载,而 N 卡的 OpenCL 已经集成于目前所有的新版 Forceware 中,虽然这个不是一个很大的缺点。
所需软件(本文主要介绍 NVIDIA 卡):播放器:推荐 (英文版)+ 或者 ,请选择 32-bit 的版本,如果你对英文不熟悉,还可以在网上找 PotPlayer 的汉化版。解码器:推荐: ,NVIDIA 显卡专用。插件:播放器的安装就不专门介绍了,下面主要讲一下 SVP 插件、LAV CUVID 解码器的安装以及播放器的设置。
LAV CUVID decoder 的安装:NVIDIA 驱动程序版本要求高于 270.XX()
下载最新版本的 LAV Filter,Lav Filter 包含的 LAV Video Decoder 集成了 CUVID decoder :当前最新版本为 0.50.1:
下载好后,执行LAVFilters-xxx.exe,即可完成 LAV Filter 的安装。
SVP 安装步骤:
安装好 SVP 后,Windows 任务盘会出现一个橙色的小图标,它会自动侦测当前是否有播放器在使用 ffdshow,如果有使用的话,就会自动执行插帧。如果你不需要插帧的话,可以点 Exit 关闭 SVP。
播放器的设置(以 PotPlayer 为例,按 F5 召唤出参数选项后进行如下的设置):
在任务盘有 SVP 图标的情况下,打开一个视频播放试试看。
补充:SVP 弹出菜单常用设置的简单翻译:
DXVA + SVP 请参考本站的连接:
更新,如何实现更平滑的采用 SVP 插帧播放:
更新,由于各种原因,avisynth.dll 文件未能复制到系统目录里导致播放的时候即使 ffdshow raw videl filter 图标出现后 SVP 依然出现 &wait for ffdshow& 字样的解决办法:
更新:Potplayer 1.5.28842 的内建解码器执行 DXVA 的时候会出现画面破碎,请不要使用该版本,N 卡用户最好还是用 LAV CUVID ,Intel 用户可以使用之前的 Potplayer 或者等未来 Potplayer 修正此问题,A 卡用户不用为此担心因为你们一直都无法正常在高码率视频的时候使用 DXVA 无渲染模式:p。
新版本的 InterFrame 1.10 60p 插帧效果不错
和 1.9 版相比,1.10 版本在抑制物体边缘区域飘散的问题有了很大的改善。
下载上传 interframe 1.10 制作的 60p vs 源 24p 的分屏对比视频:
15:18 上传
让子弹飞 的片头分屏对比:
[ 本帖最后由 caixin22 于
23:40 编辑 ]
总评分:&威望 + 60&
交易0 分威望33090 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间4945 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分82630精华0UID3337
交易0 分威望3542 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间156 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分5202精华0UID46445
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交易0 分威望8546 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1213 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分20776精华0UID253567
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交易0 分威望44916 点收听数听众数QQ居住地上海市 徐汇区买家信用卖家信用在线时间7672 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限80积分121736精华9UID126770
主箱:天朗IW62TDC x3,
环绕:天朗IW6TDC x4
全景声:天朗IC6 X4
炮:Speakercraft TANTRA12 X4
前级:雅马哈 CX-A5100
后级:SHERBUREN 7350X2双线分音
幕布:Screenresearch 140寸2.35:1 4K编织透声
蓝光:OPPO BDP-103
投影:JVC XC6890RB
播放机:HI-MEDIA H10四代
服务器: HP Microserver Gen8
交易0 分威望15596 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1491 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分30606精华0UID103494
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交易0 分威望1796 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间641 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分8306精华0UID130678
9.2CH, 积分 8306, 距离下一级还需 3694 积分
交易8 分威望21349 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间7039 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分91839精华0UID83292
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1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
本文章最後由 pureland 於
10:57 編輯
以下設定皆以軟解(software decoding)作範例
再來 此篇的主題是:
如何讓一般欣賞只有30FPS的 LIVE
在 PotPlayer & MPC-HC + LAV Filters 的完美配合後
原本 30FPS 在播放時自動變成 60FPS,視聽享受瞬間提升一倍
體驗過 高清影片 + 60FPS 的流暢後,那感覺只能用感動來形容呢 !! 呵呵
12:19:05 上傳
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&--& Video Decoder --& Video Renderer
Container --& Splitter --│
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&--& Audio Decoder --& Audio Renderer
Video視訊則經由Video Decoder解碼然後交給Video Renderer渲染輸出
Audio音訊則經由Audio Decoder解碼然後交給Audio Renderer渲染輸出
*備註二:Video Decoder交給顯卡去解碼就是俗稱的硬解
在濾鏡/解碼器管理分別新增系統解碼器加入LAV Splitter Source, LAV Video Decoder, LAV Audio Decoder並照圖勾選
依序新增LAV Splitter, LAV Video Decoder, LAV Audio Decoder並皆設定為偏好
五、LAV Filters相關設定
以下照圖設定 (預設值)
我要如何知道 LIVE影片 有沒有變成 60FPS呢 ???
PotPlayer 操作如下圖
全部設定完成後,往後 欣賞 交錯式的 LIVE
就會自動變成 60FPS 播放,享受瞬間升級&&!!
讓每一場 喜愛的 LIVE 都有 60FPS 的流暢感喔& &
12:19:05 上傳
& && && && && &
總評分:&名聲 + 10&
最後登入上線時間69 小時名聲45 精幣171 積分103註冊時間閱讀權限20發表
480i 會員, 積分 103, 距離下一級還需 197 積分
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
LAV Filters updated to 0.52LAV Splitter
- Improved IO performance on network sources
- Added an option to configure the maximum memory usage of the frame queues
- Support ALAC in MKV
- Support SRT subtitles in AVI
- Improved raw video support in combination with LAV Video
LAV Video
- Support for DVD Video decoding
- Slight GPU memory usage reduction with DXVA2 Native
- Fixed video corruption after seeks with VP3/Theora
- Fixed decoding of &old& H.264 4:4:4 lossless files
- More strict handling of output pixel formats, only enabled formats are allowed for output
- QuickSync: Improved compatibility with new driver series
- Improved support for VC-1 with the SageTV MpegDemux
LAV Audio
- Fixed a few issues with audio mixing
&&- Some channels would occasionally be mixed twice, causing incorrect audio levels
&&- Downmixing 8ch to stereo could crash on some systems
&&- Increased maximum LFE coefficient to 3.0 and fixed scale to be consistent with surround/center coefficients
&&- Added downmixing to Mono
&&- Clipping protection is no longer reset on seeks
- Added support for Opus
- Fixed excessive memory allocations when decoding MPEG4-ALS複製代碼nevcairiel的碎碎念...
DVD Video
This release adds the ability to decode DVD video with LAV Video. The complicated part about this feature was that the video decoder needs to handle the DVD menu, which is a bit tricky.
The Menu seems to be working OK most of the time, however not 100% perfect yet on some discs.
- QuickSync does not yet support DVD video playback, and will fallback to software decoding
- DXVA2-Native will decode the DVD video content, however you will not be able to see subtitles or menu overlays due to the nature of how DXVA works (image stays in the GPU)
I've primarily tested DVD playback on Windows 7, with the standard Microsoft DVD Navigator, and EVR, so this combination is the most tested and works quite well.
madVR was also tested a bit, however madVR still has some issues with menu rendering on still-frame menus - in some cases the menu highlights won't update properly, but not to worry, you can still simply click the menu and the movie will start.
If you find it too unstable and are in dire need of DVD watching, there is also a switch on LAV Video's &Format& tab that allows you to turn off DVD support for the time being.
Please report any serious issues you have, though!
... and everything else
Most of the time spent on 0.52 was for DVD support, but of course there is also a long list of other fixes and improvements. Most notable audio mixing was fixed quite a bit to no longer screw up mixing in some situations and give a much more predictable and correct result.
LAV Audio also got support for the Opus codec, which seems to be a new rising star on the speech codec front, but is also pretty good at encoding any content at low bitrates.
As always, please report any regressions as soon as possible, and with as many details as possible - and of course any other bugs which are not regressions you can also report.
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
LAV Filters updated to 0.53LAV Splitter
- Added support for reading image files (tiff, png, jpeg, tga, bmp)
- Support for MPEG-4 ASP in MPEG-TS
- Support for reading metadata using the IAMMediaContent interface
- Fixed Aspect Ratio on some wmv/asf files
LAV Video
- Fixed a crash in the WMV9 DMO decoder on Windows 8
- DVD improvements
&&- Subtitles are properly cleared from the screen, and won't be shown forever on some discs
&&- Improved subtitle/menu positioning on some PAL discs
&&- Improved handling of still frame DVD menus
&&- Fixed a deadlock that caused the player to freeze in some DVD menus
&&- Improved quality of blending subtitles/menus
- QuickSync improvements
&&- Support using QuickSync in Fullscreen Exclusive mode (ie. in WMC)
&&- Improved fallback to software decoding if QuickSync is not available
&&- Support for DVD decoding
- Added support for Avid DV
- Properly indicate progressive video when YADIF deinterlacing is activated
LAV Audio
- Added proper DirectShow types and config options for AMR-NB, Nellymoser and various (AD)PCM variants複製代碼nevcairiel的碎碎念...
A quick FYI at the start, as of this version all my official binaries (both installer and all dll/ax files) will be digitally signed, so the validity and integrity of the binaries can be ensured.
Of course everyone can still build their own, or use nightly builds from someone else, but only the official builds will have my signature, and thus can be easily identified as such.
Ok, back to business.
DVD improvements
After a lot of testing, and quite a few samples i got from you guys, DVD support seems to be working much better now.
If you still have a problematic menu, you can extract only the menu from a DVD by simply zip'ing up all the IFO/BUP files, the VIDEO_TS.VOB, and all VTS_xx_0.VOBs (VTS files ending with 0 are for menus, 1 and above are content).
Additionally, QuickSync can now be used for DVD playback.
Speaking of QuickSync, i also worked on making it usable in FSE players, like WMC.
Of course the usual restrictions apply, which means you cannot use any post-processor between LAV Video and EVR, otherwise QuickSync will not be able to get access to the D3D interfaces it needs.
To improve the behaviour overall, QuickSync now also has a much more graceful fallback to software decoding if it cannot obtain the required D3D resources.
I also tested this version on Windows 8, and beside the WMV9 DMO crash i fixed, everything seems to be in perfect working order.
Oh and a quick note about image files. LAV Splitter can now read some image formats (as outlined in the changelog above), and LAV Video can also decode all these formats, including 16-bit PNGs/TIFFs, however LAV Video does not yet have the ability to output untouched 16-bit RGB, so it'll be converted to 8-bit RGB for the time being. I'll add native RGB48/RGB64 support in a future version.
So with all that said, have fun!
最後登入上線時間89 小時名聲36 精幣405 積分73註冊時間閱讀權限10發表
320i 新手, 積分 73, 距離下一級還需 27 積分
不知你系統是要啥字型 看圖片裡的中文字蠻不錯看的
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
t4593279 發表於
不知你系統是要啥字型 看圖片裡的中文字蠻不錯看的
最後登入上線時間1 小時名聲41 精幣32 積分95註冊時間閱讀權限10發表
320i 新手, 積分 95, 距離下一級還需 5 積分
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480i 會員, 積分 286, 距離下一級還需 14 積分
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320i 新手, 積分 73, 距離下一級還需 27 積分
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
LAV Filters updated to 0.54LAV Splitter
- Subtitle selection in &Default& mode now properly takes the &Default Track& flag into account
- Fixed an issue that could cause graph flush events to be send out of sync
LAV Video
- The DXVA2 Native decoder can now properly detect hardware support for video resolutions
&&- Allows 4K DXVA2 decoding on NVIDIA/Intel
- New options to control which resolutions are being handled by the hardware decoder (SD, HD and 4K/UHD)
- Added support for DVD menu overlays and DVD subtitles with DXVA2 Native
- Improved DXVA2 Native support with madVR
- Fixed a freeze when playing corrupted H.264 streams in DXVA2 Native
- Fixed a few rare DVD menu issues when using the QuickSync decoder複製代碼nevcairiel的碎碎念...
Even though this versions change list is somewhat shorter, i still decided to go with a new major version, instead of just a point release, because the changes are somewhat important.
DXVA2 Native auto-detection of hardware support
Before this version, DXVA2 Native mode had a hard-limit of
for the video resolution, and any video over this was refused and software decoding was used.
In this version, LAV will now try to ask the hardware about its supported resolutions, and based on this decide if DXVA2 Native should be used, or not.
This means that recent NVIDIA cards will now allow DXVA2-Native to decode 4K material (and possibly Ivy Bridge GPUs will as well).
AMD on the other hand is blacklisted in LAV, because some AMD driver versions accept 4K material, but then crash or even BSOD (and newer driver versions simply refuse it completely, so nothing lost). As before, only material up to
is allowed with AMD hardware.
Additionally, there is also a new option to control which resolutions are handled by the HW Accel, which allows you to use DXVA, CUVID or QS for just SD/HD, but always use Software for 4K, even if your hardware supports it. You could also simply disable SD HW decoding, if you have one of the AMD cards which have problems with SD DXVA. Note that Ultra-high-definition (UHD) / 4K is disabled by default because of performance and/or possibly hardware compat issues.
Full DVD Menu and DVD Subtitle support with DXVA2 Native
One could say this build focuses mainly on Native DXVA, and it wouldn't even be all wrong.
DXVA2-Native can now also be used for DVD decoding without any disadvantages over the other decoders. DVD Menus and DVD subtitles should now work equally well as with software decoding or any of the other HW decoders.
Note that i have not performed wide-spread performance tests on the DXVA2 Subtitle support, but i hope that even AMD can manage to deal with this.
Have a good weekend!
最後登入上線時間34 小時名聲58 精幣115 積分126註冊時間閱讀權限20發表
480i 會員, 積分 126, 距離下一級還需 174 積分
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480i 會員, 積分 257, 距離下一級還需 43 積分
來試看看 平時是用LAV解碼但是家裡的破電腦可能跑不動60FPS@@
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
LAV Filters updated to 0.55General
- All Filters now have an optional tray icon which can open the property sheet when clicked (disabled by default)
LAV Splitter
- Improved FPS detection for interlaced H.264 streams in Matroska
- Fixed H.264 in Ogg and PMP
- Fixed seeking in RMVB files with AAC audio
- Improved support for AAC in MPEG-TS (especially in ISDB-T)
- Fixed Key-Frame seeking for AVI and added support for MP4
LAV Video
- Improved handling of raw RGB video with LAV Splitter (Video was upside-down in some cases)
- Improved support for the Overlay Mixer renderer
- Fixed decoding of non-mod16 video with CUVID
- Fixed DXVA2 decoding of H.264 MBAFF content with &= 16px cropping
- Support for fade in/out animations in DVD subtitles
- Fixed DVD menu overlays showing too early on some discs
- Fixed forced DVD subtitles being stuck on the screen until the next subtitle line
- Improved playback of MPEG-1 in MKV with Haali Splitter
LAV Audio
- Fixed 6.1 to 7.1 upmixing when the standard channel layout option is turned off
- Dithering when converting audio to 16-bit Integer
- Fallback to DTS &Core& bitstreaming if DTS-HD fails複製代碼nevcairiel的碎碎念...
Tray Icons
As most that read this probably already know, LAV now has tray icons for all three filters. They are disabled by default, and in this version don't offer much functionality - they show up, and you can click them to open the property sheet of the appropriate filter.
This at least allows you to directly access the configuration/status of the actually active instance of LAV, because many players either don't offer access to the property page at all, or always instanciate a new copy, and don't use the one used for playback.
In the future, more features will be added to the tray icons, most notably: LAV Splitter will allow direct stream switching through the tray icon for players which do not offer this.
And everything else
Since it was quite a while since the last release already, a lot of small fixes and most importantly a lot of ffmpeg changes have accumulated for this release.
Most importantly, the way the H.264 decoder in ffmpeg deals with resolution changes was greatly improved, and i hope it didn't cause any regressions.
As always, please report any issues you find with this version to me, most importantly regressions, but all other sorts of issues as well, of course.
I hope i don't have to do a .1 release within the week to fix any new issues, but with the sheer amount of ffmpeg changes, i'm prepared to do so if required.
最後登入上線時間29 小時名聲36 精幣115 積分74註冊時間閱讀權限10發表
320i 新手, 積分 74, 距離下一級還需 26 積分
有個問題,i3/i5/i7 (SB及Ivy) 能使用 LAV Filter 進行 QuickSync 硬解,那麼 Celeron G/Pentium G 系列是否可以呢?
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
星野純 發表於
有個問題,i3/i5/i7 (SB及Ivy) 能使用 LAV Filter 進行 QuickSync 硬解,那麼 Celeron G/Pentium G 系列是 ...
那二款沒有Quick Sync技術
最後登入上線時間29 小時名聲36 精幣115 積分74註冊時間閱讀權限10發表
320i 新手, 積分 74, 距離下一級還需 26 積分
後來查了些資料,其實 Sandy & Ivy Bridge 的 Pentium/Celeron 都支援硬解,跟 Intel Quick Sync Video 與 Intel(R) Clear Video HD Technology 沒有關係。
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
星野純 發表於
有個問題,i3/i5/i7 (SB及Ivy) 能使用 LAV Filter 進行 QuickSync 硬解,那麼 Celeron G/Pentium G 系列是 ...
無法使用Quick Sync解碼
並不代表無法用Clear Video解碼
最後登入上線時間0 小時匿稱da名聲36 精幣16 積分74註冊時間閱讀權限10居住地 沙田區發表
320i 新手, 積分 74, 距離下一級還需 26 積分
積分74註冊時間居住地 沙田區發表
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
LAV Filters updated to 0.56General
- Major ffmpeg update, the DLLs have had their version number increased
LAV Splitter
- Support for Matroska Ordered Chaptes / Segment Linking
- Improved support for parsing language tags from OGM files
- Small performance improvements by avoiding copying the stream data in memory needlessly
- Improved duration calculation for MP3 files
LAV Video
- Performance improvements for single-threaded decoders and YADIF (up to 20% in some situations)複製代碼nevcairiel的碎碎念...
While it may not seem like it, there are actually two big things in this version (and many may only care about one).
Performance Improvements
The overall performance of demuxing and decoding was improved (depending on the use-case up to 20%!), thanks to what in Libav/FFmpeg is called &The Evil Plan&. In short, it allows to properly handle the data (both packets from the splitter and decoded video/audio) much more flexible than i could before, which means now i can finally use the full power of LAVs thread design for more than just the wmv3 dmo decoder. This avoids copying the frames in memory, allows parallel processing, and especially when combined with YADIF (or any external post-processing filter), can result in huge performance gains. It also helped to simplify a lot of tricky situations, so all in all, well worth all the effort put in on FFmpeg/Libav's side.
Matroska Ordered Chapters / Linked Segments
This is probably the one much more exciting for you guys.
LAV can now handle Matroska's ordered chapters, linked segments, and linked files. If you don't know what that means, its like seamless branching for Matroska - if you haven't heard that either, well, in short, it allows multiple versions of one movie in one file, or splitting parts of the movie into separate files (so for example the opening of a TV show can be reused by all episodes, instead of being included in every one)
Please note that the same restrictions apply that also apply when using Haali Splitter for ordered chapters: The tracks between different segments need to match, or who knows what will happen!
Personally, i use it to archive Blu-rays with multiple editions on one disc, like Avatar.
There has already been a lot of testing of these features, thanks to everyone taking the time to test and report in great detail, and even craft samples to help me reproduce difficult cases.
Nevertheless, i don't expect it to be completely bug-free, so if you encounter any issues, crashes, or other undesirable behaviour, please report them here or on the Google Code issue tracker, preferably with a sample (or info how to get/make one) for me to reproduce the problem, and then fix it.
And one last point, before it comes up, there is one known issue which i didn't get to yet, but wanted this version out anyway:
Fraps decoding currently only outputs its &key& frames, the repeated frames are not output, which basically means Fraps can be a VFR stream, and not CFR like it was before. I do plan to fix this again, possibly for 0.56.1 already (if i don't have to make an emergency release), but for the time being, thats how it is.
Anyway, take care and have fun!
最後登入上線時間808 小時名聲7883 精幣2752 積分16436註冊時間閱讀權限100發表
1080p 金牌, 積分 16436, 距離下一級還需 13564 積分
LAV Filters updated to 0.57LAV Splitter
- Added a Popup Menu to the Tray Icon which allows Stream, Edition and Chapter switching
- Improved stream selection in files with multiple video streams
- Improved performance when opening MKVs with linked segments
- Fixed playback of MKVs with Segment Linking and Vorbis Audio
LAV Video
- Enabled Hardware/GPU Deinterlacing when using the QuickSync decoder
- Support for JPEG2000 DCinema streams
- Support for RGB48 output, and high-quality dithering of RGB48 to RGB32
- Fixed a crash with DXVA2 Native on AMD GPUs in certain situations
- Improved detection of H.264 RGB streams, improves support with EVR
- Adjusted performance tuning for consistent performance in both playback and transcoding (in 0.56, transcoding could be slow)
LAV Audio
- Use the FLAC channel mask from metadata, fixes playback of FLAC files with non-standard channel layouts複製代碼nevcairiel的碎碎念...
What people have been asking about the most in this release is probably the popup menu on the Splitter tray icon, which lets you control streams, editions and seek to chapters in players which otherwise don't offer this.
Other then that, not much to comment on.
As always, please report any issues with the new features, any regressions, or any other bugs directly here, in as much detail as possible, and the information which allow me to reproduce it.
Only reproducible issues are easily fixed.
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