合金装备5 幻痛解锁怎么解锁boss所有命令

合金装备5幻痛最终BOSS介绍 BOSS资料详细解析攻略
时间:15-09-01 11:16 来源:互联网 作者:未知 编辑:52PK
Their return to Mother Base occurred in the middle of an attack by XOF forces. Miller and Big Boss provided support and covering fire for MSF soldiers attempting to evacuate the base via chopper, narrowly escaping before the strut collaPSed. After telling Big Boss that the inspection was actually a smokescreen, Kaz tried to interrogate Paz irritably, only to be restrained. Big Boss eventually witnessed Paz's death when she exploded after jumping out, learning that she had in fact been implanted with two bombs rather than one as earlier believed. The explosion sent the MSF chopper into a collision course with a pursuing XOF chopper.
  Later, Big Boss, Miller, and a third individual were treated in a hospital emergency room, where Big Boss would seemingly fall into a coma due to injuries sustained from Paz's bomb going off. In actuality, his coma was faked, and he went into hiding at the behest of Miller, Ocelot and even Zero, the latter of whom gave the idea to hide them at the British Air Force hospital in Cyprus. In order to ensure he hid well, Big Boss proceeded to give a new identity as Ishmael, even foregoing the eyepatch and removing his defective eye by replacing it with a glass eye while disguised as a common prisoner. They also had the medic dolled up to resemble Big Boss via facial surgery, both to distract those who want Big Boss dead and to keep the legend alive. He then spent nine years watching the medic, now named Venom Snake, while he is in a coma. In addition, he also had Miller and Ocelot deliberately act as if he actually were Big Boss to ensure the plan went off without a hitch
  True to the plan, Venom Snake, given the name Ahab, acted as the lightning rod, with the various soldiers focusing on Venom Snake while otherwise ignoring for the most part Ishmael. Big Boss then proceeded to save Venom Snake from a female assassin by setting her alight after she was sprayed with rubbing alcohol, forcing her to flee through a window. He then led his counterpart through the hospital, also showing him the motions in a subtle manner. He then ended up knocked out during the escape after commandeering an Ambulance due to gunfire from a gunship, although after the crash, he escaped, leaving no trace of himself behind.
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日 来源:tgbus 编辑:纯真
& &《:痛》中虫洞如何解锁?31关任务结束即可进行解锁,下面为大家具体介绍一下解锁流程,一起来看看吧。
& &在完成第1章最后一个任务31之后,会进入第2章,第2章开始便能获得新的支线任务,这里我们需要做的是50号支线,任务名字是【捕获传说中的胡狼】;
& &第50号支线任务
& &在下图所示的位置可以找到任务需要的胡狼。
& &我执行任务时找到胡狼的位置
& &这里是5只胡狼的群体野生,会移动,但是大致在那个范围内,建议带上DD去找,更快。胡狼用消音麻醉枪远能够很的麻醉。
& &麻醉目标,由于胡狼比较多,建议不要近身
& &回收即可完成任务
& &回收胡狼以后回到基地即可解锁【+虫洞】科技,研发虫洞富尔顿回收技能,要注意的是研发该项科技的耗时比较长,我在这里是2小时24分钟。
& &同时需要研发部门和支援部门都达到40级,花费85w GMP
& &以上就是具体的解锁方法,以供参考。
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日 来源:贴吧 编辑:纯真
& &代号:大首领(The Codename:Big Boss)
& &完成主线46:出卖了世界的男人。
& &解锁皮夹克。
15 友情提示:支持键盘左右键← →翻页 本文导航
第15页: 代号:大首领
健身房真是好地方,各式美女简直能让人血脉偾张! 小姐姐,人家也要这样的惊喜!你给我好不好?
iPhone 6s仅卖3000元,官方的产品你会相信吗? 销量比不过PS4、Xbox One,重点将转向Switch。
CopyRight&2004年-年 < 游迅网 All Rights Reserved


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