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Title: Alan Wake
Release Date: 16 Feb, 2012
A Latin American Spanish localization is also available.
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“Remedy's done a great job of mixing elements of written work, television, and video games to create an experience full of scares, laughs, and thrills that's just as fun to play as it is to watch.”
9/10 –
Steam Big Picture
About This Game
When the wife of the best-selling writer Alan Wake disappears on their vacation, his search turns up pages from a thriller he doesn’t even remember writing. A Dark Presence stalks the small town of Bright Falls, pushing Wake to the brink of sanity in his fight to unravel the mystery and save his love.
Presented in the style of a TV series, Alan Wake features the trademark Remedy storytelling and pulse-pounding action sequences. As players dive deeper and deeper into the mystery, they’ll face overwhelming odds, plot twists, and cliffhangers. It’s only by mastering the Fight With Light combat mechanic that they can stay one step ahead of the darkness that spreads across Bright Falls.
With the body of an action game and the mind of a psychological thriller, Alan Wake’s intense atmosphere, deep and multilayered story, and exceptionally tense combat sequences provide players with an entertaining and original gaming experience.
Includes Alan Wake Special Episodes “The Signal” and “The Writer”
Experience Alan Wake’s Pacific Northwest in higher resolutions and higher fidelity than the Xbox360 version.
Fully configurable mouse and keyboard support, or if you prefer to play with the Microsoft gamepad connected to your PC, you can do that too!
Lots of customizable graphics settings and support for 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios!
Multithreaded engine that takes advantage of quad core CPUs.
Additional features our fans have sought after such as field of view adjustment as well as “hide HUD”.
Works with AMD Eyefinity 3D 3-screen mode.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP2
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible with 512MB RAM
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Quad Core 2.66GHz Intel or 3.2GHz AMD
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible or later with 1GB RAM
DirectX(R): 10
Hard Drive: 8 GB HD space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Copyright 2010 Remedy Entertainment Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Alan Wake is a registered trademark of Remedy Entertainment Ltd.
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Overview Alan Wake is a 3rd person action-thriller game released in 2010 on consoles, and then ported to PC in 2012. It's a game that offers a wholesome experience that covers all the bases, but doesn't truly excel in any particular category of gaming excellence. To give you a sense of how good a game Alan Wake is, I'll be reviewing its presentation, gameplay/mechanics, as well as its story, and then wrap up with some final thoughts. Presentation For a game made in 2010, Alan Wake is absolutely immaculate in graphical design. By today's standards, it's a decent looking game with some visual elements aging better than others. Let's start out with the good. The most noticeable aesthetic achievement Alan Wake possesses is its lighting, which has not aged a day. The lighting is so beautiful in fact, that on several occasions I had to just stop and spend a few seconds scanning my environment and bask in the beauty of it. Speaking of environments, this is another thing Alan Wake gets right. The level design is superb, and the rural alpine setting is surprisingly homely. The last thing Alan Wake does especially well graphically is its visual effects, which are of a very high quality and will always impress you, despite their age. The most painful parts of the visuals however, is the texture work and the faces of the characters. The textures themselves would have been decent back in 2010, but now a days they are bordering on atrocious, most noticeably if you get up close to them. As far as the face models go, they are another ugly visual aspect born from old tech. They aren't too poor looking, but it's very apparent they are dated. Continuing on to the audio, it's mostly good news. The ambiance and music do their job of building a tangible atmosphere well enough, but the voice acting isn't as lucky. All of the main characters sound great, but supporting characters often sound unenthusiastic and clunky. Finishing up with the performance, I have next to no complaints. The frame rate is for the most part solid and I never had any crashes, but I did get the rare stutter when several graphical effects occurred on screen at once. Altogether, the presentation of Alan Wake is a strong one, but does have a few ways in which it looks a bit too dated for its own good. Gameplay/Mechanics The gameplay and mechanics are where Alan Wake shows off the majority of its creative design. Most of the gameplay is simply 3rd person shooting, but there are plenty of innovative mechanics underpinning the gunplay that make it different from most 3rd person shooters. The most obvious design choice which causes you to use all of the games combat mechanics is the fact that essentially every enemy in the game is harmed by light, and bullets of course. The way this works is that each hostile entity has a kind of protective shield of darkness, which you must burn away by any means necessary before you can actually damage them with your other weapons. This turns flashlights, flares, flashbangs, and any other sources of luminescence into a weapon you can use agai either to stun, explode, or ward them off as you gun them down in the meantime. There is also the rare driving sequence, where you get to take the brunt force of a four-whe after you've weakened them with the glow of your headlights. There is luckily a good variety of enemy types to inflict your arsenal of available combat tactics on to, from normal grunt-like hostiles to more difficult to defeat boss-type enemies. It also can't go without a mention that all of your enemies in Alan Wake have very good AI, and the game can often be very difficult because of it. Moving away from the combat, Alan Wake offers some exploration elements as well, although is still a linear game without a doubt. Exploration off the beaten-path will provide the player with useful supplies, collectables, and items that further the narrative. The only stand-out &bad& part of the gameplay are these almost always poorly designed sequences where the objects around you become possessed and hurl themselves at you. The game designers seemed to have no idea how many objects the player could contend with reasonably at once though, and went overboard with the mechanic every time it was used. This results in constantly frustrating trial and error as you repeatedly die by refrigerator-to-the-face until you have one lucky run where every flying car and crate miss you and you get away safely. When looking at the big picture though, the gameplay of Alan Wake is solid, and even finds a way to set itself apart through innovative gameplay mechanics. Story Alan Wake's story is a unique one that entertains throughout the majority of its 10-12 hour length, but by the end it does seem to be a little stuck up its own derrière, for lack of a more polite term. In Alan Wake you play as- well- Alan Wake, a writer with writers block who, two years after his most recent novel, has still not been able to write a despite constant effort. Because of this he decides to take a vacation to the small town of Bright Falls in Washington with his wife in an attempt to clear his mind and relax. This vacation quickly takes a turn for the worst however, as strange occurrences take place immediately upon interacting with the friendly locals. This results in trippy power-struggle between Alan Wake and the dark forces which inhabit the town of Bright Falls. All of this makes for a fun (episodically structured) story that always keeps you guessing at what's coming next, and has some genuinely interesting, and even humorous writing along the way. The main plot is less of horror story than it makes itself out to be though, as I'd class it as more of a thriller. The progression of the narrative is for the most part handled quite well, but does play a bit fast and loose on how everything you are doing to reach each continuous goal actually helps you reach those goals. The next aspect of the story are its characters, which are all splendidly written, including Alan himself. They are all very different from one another, and provoke feelings from the player through their distinct personalities. The last element of the story I have to mention is the remarkable and intelligent attention to detail. While the game does sometimes get a bit dicey with how it explains stuff in the main plot, there is very few plot-holes left in any of the ongoing side stories or in the storylines of supporting characters. The worst part of the story overall though is the lackluster ending, which is an uninspire which still hasn't come six years later. All things considered, Alan Wake tells a decent story and has some truly exceptional writing, but does start to falter and gasp for air as it reaches an uncertain and nonsensical conclusion. Final Thoughts To be frank, I really did enjoy almost all of my time with Alan Wake, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable gaming experience in any of the gaming genre's Alan Wake falls under. It's a far cry from a masterpiece, but you could definitely do worse with other games in the action / adventure / thriller / 3rd person genres. Alan Wake, despite its flaws, is still a fully-formed gaming experience. Personal Rating: 8.5/10 Note: Alan Wake has two &special feature& episodes called &The Signal& and &The Writer& (totaling 3 hours of extra content combined) which give some detail on what happens following the games conclusion. These two episodes try out some new gameplay ideas not presented in the main game, most of which are a step back IMO. They also add annoyingly little to the story, and even end on a cliffhanger jus the only difference being that it explains more thoroughly what the direction of a sequel would actually be. I'd still recommend playing them, however.
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A third-person horror game at a time when Silent Hill was faltering and Resident Evil was turning into its ridiculous movies got a lot of people excited. Alan Wake had a lot to live up to, and it's hard to say it didn't deliver. While it's not a perfect fit amidst that pantheon of horror, it does enough right to be listed as a classic of the genre. And that's not even considering its technical achievement of being one of the best console ports in history.You take on the role of Alan Wake, a successful novelist who has retreated to the remote mountain town of Bright Falls to recover from a nasty bout of writer's block. Bright Falls is one of those eclectic American towns of myth, where throwback diners and curious old ladies and traditions like DEERFEST mask a deep darkness lurking below. That darkness seizes Alan's wife Alice in a pretty intense haunted house sequence, and sets in motion his journey across backwoods Americana to uncover the truth.Right up front I want to give special attention to the story and the writing, because it's one of the few games (or pieces of media, really) that lifts from sources like Twin Peaks and Stephen King while still maintaining its own voice. Weak story or writing could sink a game like this, but Alan Wake's colorful cast of characters come alive with solid voice acting, meaningful interactions, and some absolutely endearing personalities. Take Barry for example, Alan's weaselly agent who ends up trying his hardest to battle evil while wrapped in Xmas lights and carting a cardboard stand-up of Alan.This also extends to Alan himself in a big way. He narrates the entire game in a style wonderfully reminiscent of Stephen King, pulling out anecdotes and metaphors at every turn, but with an earnest gravity to the proceedings. As you progress you'll find pages of a manuscript that bear more than a passing resemblance to the events you experience, and these are cleverly written to contain several surprises and twists. The story itself does an excellent job toeing the line between actual evil and insanity, and winds to an interesting and well-earned conclusion that satisfies while leaving some loose ends to muse on.A good story can't save bad gameplay, but Alan Wake delivers here as well, even if it doesn't quite measure up to the narrative. Your enemies throughout the game are wreathed in darkness that renders them invincible. Armed with both guns and a flashlight, you dispatch these foes by burning off their darkness with the light, then gunning them down. It's a more engaging system than straight combat, supported by a variety of enemies large and small, and weapons that can help bring down tough groups or single opponents. There are other encounters, however, that depend entirely on your flashlight to combat and these can get pretty grating after awhile. You might also find yourself burning out on the combat a bit after hours of the same flashlight-to-gun chains.Pacing is the only real strike against Alan Wake, but it's a big one. The first few hours of the game are spent in dark forests, running through thickets and clearings to the next abandoned building. It's nice and creepy at first but this lasts for hours, way longer than it has any reason to. Once you get back to town the pace picks up a bit and sees you battling through a better variety of locales, but you still might find yourself in each for a bit too long. I beat the game after 14 hours, and I think it would have been a tighter experience at 10 or so. I might as well say now that you shouldn't expect too much horror from Alan Wake either. The locales are plenty creepy but the game has a bad habit of setting up excellent surprises with its enemies, then spoiling them with forced cutscenes showing where they're coming from.As long as those few missteps don't trip you up, Alan Wake is a fantastic experience. The story is clever and engaging, the combat is smooth and responsive, and the whole thing looks great even years out from release. Remedy somehow assembled a near-perfect port, from flawless graphics options all the way down to comfortable keyboard/mouse controls. You're sure to be impressed on the technical side, and there's plenty to keep you going as you unravel the plot. Alan Wake has become a classic for me, polished and competent enough to stand among Silent Hills and Resident Evils for action and spooks alike.
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Spoiler free review!This game really hit me hard. The city of Bright Falls captures that American small town feeling perfectly in my opinion, and a big part of the charm in this game is the enviroment: It's extremely detailed, the surrounding areas that you get to explore, the characters, their dialoque, it all creates this awesome world that (at least for me) is easy to immerse in. This isn't an open world game, it's pretty linear in the end, relying more to tradiotional level-structure than fully open world, but the areas are diverse, feel real and are interesting to explore.The plot is better-than-your-average horror story. I didn't finish the extra episodes yet, so i know only the main game, but as a horror lover (note: real horror, not gore, people seem to confuse those these days) i can say that the story is good. Everything isn't handed to you, some questions are left to be answered by the player in his/her own way.Controls are tight, i played on keyboard + mouse, but controller works fine too. I didn't encounter a single bug on my playthrough, so it's a quality product. This is one of the games that shuold be on every dedicated gamer's shelf, virtual or physical shelf :D I got the physical collector's edition myself. And also the novel that this game inspired! That's how good this game is.
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In Alan Wake, you play the titular Alan Wake, a successful writer from New York with the rather mysterious sounding name of Alan Wake. Secretly, Alan is a superhero. A Guardian of the Light. When he's asleep, he enters a parallel dimension where he roams the galaxy fighting megalomanical demi-gods and insane zealots with h a talking raccoon and a sentient tree. When he hears his name in the real world &Alan... Wake... Alan... Wake...&, he wakes up and returns to the real world. Unfortunately, none of this is in the game.At the beginning of the game, Alan is on a vacation with his wife Alice MacGuffin in a Pacific Northwest town named Mystic Falls. It just so happens that Mystic Falls has a history of strange goings-on dating ba like the time when the town was infested by vampires and the townsfolk trapped them all under a church. More recently, there was that incident where Mr. Muldoon, the groundskeeper of the local school, dressed as a ghost as part of an elaborate scam in cahoots with a crooked property developer, but was foiled by a bunch of meddling kids and a talking dog.Seeking some peace and solitude, Alan rents an old dilapidated cabin on a tiny island at a nearby haunted lake named Lake Placid. According to the tourist brochure, the lake is used by the military as a dumping ground for failed genetic experiments and is full of weaponised piranhas, giant crocodiles, and Miley Cyrus. Even worse, it's also where Microsoft dumped all their unsold Microsoft Zunes. On a cloudless night, one can see entire shoals of Microsoft Zunes gently bobbing on the waves, a shroud of failure covering the entire lake, as far as the eye can see.However, just when Alan thought he could relax, he suddenly wakes up in a car crash with absolutely no memory of the event whatsoever. He's in a car he can't remember driving, next to an empty bottle of Vodka he can't remember drinking. When he goes looking for help, random strangers try to kill him. This is normal in New York City but unheard of in the Pacific Northwest. Even stranger still, he starts finding pages from a manuscript that he's absolutely sure he wrote but doesn't remember writing. One of them was titled &Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets&. Harry, Hogwarts, and Dumbledore... it all felt terribly familiar to Alan.To top it all off, Alan's wife Alice disappears under mysterious circumstances. The only clue Alan could find was Alice's phone. All it contained was a digital receipt for a one-way plane ticket to Vegas and salacious text messages to a muscular Yoga instructor named Julio. Apparently Alice loved doing the Downward Dog with Julio. Other than that, it was a complete mystery. Not deterred, Alan decides to go look for Alice. By blundering around the forest at night, in the dark, yelling her name.For some reason, a bunch of people known as 'The Taken' want to kill Alan. Why they would name themselves after a Liam Neeson movie is a mystery that's never explained. Fortunately, Alan is not totally defenceless. He's actually quite handy with flashlights. Sometimes he puts it under his chin and tells scary stories. He also waves it around and makes Lightsabre noises. But most of his fights involve him shining light in peoples faces until they get mad and try to kill him. Then he runs like a sissy girl for the next checkpoint.At this point, the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur and the storytelling takes on a surreal quality. Some guy named Billy Zane tries to help Alan. &Alan, you're not a kid anymore, you could get hurt out there,& said Billy Zane helpfully. Then there was a Walk-Off and David Bowie was there and some guy pulled his underpants out without removing his pants. It was all hazy to Alan. So many mysteries, so little explanation. That's why Alan Wake is so good.Clearly inspired by authors like Stephen King and Dean Koontz, the storyline and characters are typically clichéd, but nevertheless entertaining. The plucky overweight comedy relief sidekick, feisty female sheriff, sleazy doctor, fruity FBI Agent, and kidnapped wife are all there. There's even a television program in the game named Night Springs that's clearly a parody of, or perhaps a tribute to, creepy television serials such as Twilight Zone, X-Files, and Yo Gabba Gabba. The Pacific Northwest environment, on the other hand, is very well modelled. Some of the background panoramic vistas are breathtaking and complements the storytelling perfectly.The weakest aspect of Alan Wake is the combat. While it's nowhere as good or as satisfying as similar games like Resident Evil 4, it's not terrible either. But it does get repetitive. Weapon selection is limited to revolver, rifle and shotguns. Alan also gets Flares that act as temporary 'Taken Repellant', Flash Bangs that kill anything nearby like grenades, and the smart bomb Flare Gun that's best saved for boss fights.During combat, the Taken are surrounded by shadows that make them impervious to conventional weaponry. Before Alan can hurt them, he has to 'burn away' the shadows with his flashlight. This exhausts the batteries of the flashlight. He has to do this with every single Taken and there are lots of them. Managing two combat resources, batteries and ammo, can get annoying. However, flashlight energy does regenerate slowly over time when not used in combat. The game is also fairly generous with ammo, with boxes of unlimited ammo conveniently placed near some boss encounters.What is most annoying is the lack of a melee ability. If Alan runs out of ammo he's basically screwed. You'd think being from New York City he would have at least picked up some rudimentary street-fighting skills since hailing a cab usually involves some hand-to-hand combat. To even the odds, Alan has an evasion ability that allows him to dodge melee attacks, but it's flaky and unreliable. Dodging is basically just spamming the dodge action key and hoping that it works.Overall, Alan Wake is a good game with its strength being in the narrative. A nice touch is the episodic synopsis that plays before the game begins, &Previously, on Alan Wake...&, so you won't forget who Alan Wake is. There's also lots of extra content like the 2 free DLCs, good music, and an in-game commentary. Highly recommended for those who like their mystery spiced with some action.TL;DRA mediocre mystery writer battles supernatural evil in the dark using the world's worst flashlight.
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I'll just start by saying that Alan Wake is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I have recemtly become a STEAM gamer, and as I am not an Xbox player, I had never had the chance to play Alan Wake. Since I got it about a month ago, I have found the time to play through it twice, and I want to play through it again. The story, combat, characters, dialogue, and scenes, are all absolutely amazing. I just can't say enough good things about this game.
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Tale of a schizophrenic10 batteries of 10
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Alan Wake is a unique story driven type of survival horror game.The games graphics are a little dated, but still decent and it runs well.The characters have personality and are memorable.A decent variety of weapons are available including handguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles.Alan Wake's story is interesting and makes you want to see it to completion.I recommend Alan Wake ON of OFF sale to fans of scary games in general.
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If you're looking for a game purely based on gameplay, then this game might not be for you.If you're looking for a game based on a story however, then this game is perfect for you.
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I wrote a review once before on this game and gave it negative review because of the flaws I saw within the game, and said &I would never finish this game.&
Well I decided I needed to finish it, so I did. The Good:The graphics are super cool especially the lighting effects for everything it's done well.The story is the strongest point of this game it made me forget about a lot of the flaws I saw and honestly kept me on the edge of my seat begging for more.
It is quite a unique story as well being the only game I can think of that makes you&live the story,&The Enemies while they aren't anything too new just people taken over by a powerful force and every once in a while there is the poltergeist.
Where it gets interesting is the combat.The second most unique thing about this game by far is the combat.
This games combat relies heavily on the use of the flashlight.
Let me explain,
every enemy has a shield that must be dropped in order to kill them, in order to drop this shield you need to &focus& the flashlight on them.
Then you can finish them off with the regualr weapons.
The poltergeist is an interesting entity it possesses objects around you and tosses the item at you, similar to the &Taken& (As the game refers to them.)
You just have to shine your flashlight on them.
One of the most interesting weapons are actually spotlights you find in certain areas in the game that acts as a turret so to speak.
There are a few weapons beyond just the flashlight.
Pretty standard stuff for the most part, shotgun,Revolver,hunting rifle.
However, there are a couple of weapons that sha flares, flaashbangs, and a flaregun.
The flares act as more of a shield in a sense you can drop them to give yourself a little bit of breathing room.
The flashbang acts as frag grenade here and just wrecks anything that is unlucky enough to be caught in its blast radius.
The flaregun is like a grenade launcher insanely powerful. The Bad: Dodging & Sprinting: Oh god, the dodging in this game feels so clunky it's unreal.
The dev's decided it would be an amazing idea to bind the sprint key and the dodge key to the same buttton.
It seemed like when I was trying to run away from something I just ended up dodging first and getting hit from behind only to be gang ????ed by the enemies. Another thing is Alan can't run for a long time he seems to get tired pretty much instantly after even starting to sprint, so if you have a relatively fast enemy you are trying to get away from they WILL catch up and kill you no way around it except to ice them.
I also found it odd in platforming segments because I was trying to jump a gap and just ended up dodging right into the hole I was trying to jump over and ended up dying.
This is by far the killer of this game to me, this was the primary reason I stopped playing, it was just impossible to get used to.
This is coming from a guy whole literally just beat Onimusha one of the most confusing games when it comes to control.
TL;DR- I would say I give this game like 6 out of 10, it's a hard score to give because I liked the story so much but the
dodging is unforgivable.
I will say pick this game up if it ever goes on sale, definetly worth $10.
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Alan Wake:-- Excellent sound design-- Intriguing story with excellent voice work-- Solid gamepley - varied enough to keep you engaged-- Reasonably challenging-- Decent length - 12 - 15 hours to finishEnjoy this Action Adventure game.
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Fantastic writing, amazing atmosphere and a great feeling game. Runs like a charm and I actually didn't mind the flashlight mechanic at all. Some minor pacing issues and it can get a little tedious at times but the strength of the story keeps you moving foward. A lot of fun.
~ I'D GIVE SOMETHING LIKE... ~~ #1 - Alan Wake ~=STORY=Alan Wake is the story of a despicable popular writter who wants to take a break from the celebrity of being a writter.It is as hipster and cringe worthy as it sounds.In love with a dumb*** woman who's scared of the dark, Alan has to take care of her everytime a fu**ing light turns off somewhere.And also every nights, for obvious reasons.Lights shutting down in the evening is enough to make her :jarate: herself.Every day must be a stressful event where she's more anxious the more the time goes.Blinking and closing her eyes must be a constant ~Nightmare~.Getting to the end of episode one, I realised that this game was made to be similar to a TV show, just like many episodic games such as TWD.The thing is, the story in the former is absolutely ret-/-/- while the one in the later is actually good.The story tries to go for this dark and grim tone, like a psychological thriller with some kind of deep and complexe paradox... but every dialogues are a reminder of how absurd the story and characters are.IDGSL : 3/10=GAMEPLAY=The idea behind the gameplay mechanics is interesting, casting light with your flashlight to break some kind of darkness shield and shoot the enemies when unvulnerable.The fact that it's pushed aside for a dumb TV-like story is pretty sad. But I'm not over yet.The game was obviously made for consoles with auto-aiming in mind. If you're looking for any kind of real skill requirement, this isn't the game for you.Without auto-aim, the game would be a chore, pretty much like Resident Evil 4 actually is.My despise for the Over-The-Shoulder view is beyond and above and every game using this broken third-person view confirms my hatred towards it.Even though the auto-aim makes shooting somewhat fun, the fact that you need to break the darkness shield of other enemies makes it a hassle.You will often shoot at an enemy that is not unvulnerable, wasting ammo in the process.The enemies are fast and taking the time to reload after wasting ammos will often get you hit and most probably killedFortunatly, batteries for the flashlight and ammos are abundent in game and you will respawn to the closest checkpoint when you die, which makes the game feel easy, even if you die. Playing the game at an harder difficulty obviously won't fix these things that are simply balanced to be unbalanced. Less Ammo, Less HP and staring from further awaydoesn't make a game more enjoyable.It just makes it more annoying and frustrating to play.IDGSL : 4/10=GRAPHICS=The graphics are alright, the shadings and lightnings are a wonder but the facial expressions of the main character are just laughable sometimes (at times).The animations aren't the best we've ever seen, it's working from far away but the closer you get, the more you see the uncanny valley of their expressions.Shading & light : 9/10Character design : 9/10Animations : 5/10IDGSL : 6/10=SOUNDTRACK=While not memorable, the soundtrack fits well with the story-telling in overall. It isn't annoying, it isn't pleasing, it's just bland and neutral.The music played at the end of the first episode is absolutely ridicoulus for the dark and grimy theme the game and story is aiming at. This wasn't good at all.The sound effects are alright, nothing special, it get's the job done. I've got nothing more to say about them other than that the revolver's sound feels great.IDGSL : 5/10=LAST NOTE=As the timer goes up, I'm actually writting this review instead of playing the game.And it's the second time I'm trying to get into it. I think it says a lot about my feeling toward it.I really liked the dark aspects of the game but the clunkyness of the gameplay, the awful story and the annoying protagonist and his wife makes me wonder if I really want to go further than the first episode.As a TOTAL, IDGSL : 35/100
Extremely underrated game that proves horror games don't always have to leave you defenseless. It has a great story, and will give an expereince well worth it's price today. If you are a fan of thrid-person action and horror (without the constraits of the average 3rd person horror game) I highly recommened it.
Well its overrated game and its not even as half good as i expected.I finished it but in the end it was more homework then fun. Its not bad game i think its just one point above medicore. + graphic design is great, north american woods, lakes and little towns just like real+ few interesting characters with good voice acting+ superb lightings effects+ story can be interestings but...-... it become dull and boring in time- fighting system is repetitve and not engaging- its not scarry at all, its not a horror game if you look for one
Really cool atmosphere, but the game becomes repetitive because of the dumbass shadow monsters needing the whole battery of the flashlight shone at them in order to make them vulnerable.Still, if you can pick up for cheap, go for it!
Awesome game. it has a rich story & definitely recommended for gamers who are looking to forget about a breakup (pun inteded)
the amazing settings of the story, Remedy is definitely the best story teller, considering the size of company, Remedy has a brilliant achievement on the PC version of Alan Wake.
Alan Wake is a great game, you take to role of a writer named Alan Wake (who is essintialy the name of the game) some ???? went down (don't want to spoil) and now you have to kill some monsters.the combat of alan wake isn' you have a flashlight to shine your light into some monsters so they can be vulnerble and you have a gun to...um...shoot them i guess.also the story is a bit confusing.i r8 this game 10/10 would buy another flashlight
I dont think this game even needs another positive review, just look at the endless ocean of them, and they all cover more than what i could say about the game. but they seem to forget the best part about the game over all....Barry10/10
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