有部电视内容是几个年轻人排尿困难在开发游戏遇到的困难结果最后游戏开发成功得到一笔赞助费结局 这部电视叫什么

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游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
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Mode 7是位于牛津的独立游戏工作室,其进展中的项目是极受人欢迎的多人和单人策略游戏《Frozen Synapse》,本作可在PC和Mac上运行。该工作室成员Paul Taylor在Games Brief上发表客座文章,以下是游戏邦编译的相关内容:
本文的目标群体是那些想要制作游戏的人,这正是我们在Mode 7对自己的定位。我们并没有成为下个Zynga或动视公司的抱负,只是想做小型但能够盈利的工作室。如果你认为自己的定位与我们相近,或者你希望通过制作独立游戏维持生计,那么你可能发觉以下内容对自己有所帮助。在此,我并不想装作对行业相当熟悉,我还远未达到那种水平,我们也都是边做边学。
Frozen Synapse
要通过独立游戏维持生计,首先你需要有商业思维。如果这种说法令你感到无所适从或者你对此不感兴趣,那么就需要马上找个有商业头脑、富有创造性且支持相关项目的运营合作伙伴。你应该尝试成为或找到良好的商业会计,从Business Link之类的组织那里得到些许基础建议。开发者需要从艰难的商业操作中脱身,你的会计应该要帮你解决任何自己感到棘手的问题。
对于这个方面,我也无法直接提供什么建议,重点在于开发者要记住应考虑受众对你的想法会有何反应。我认为《Retro City Rampage》、《Farmville》、《Uplink》和《粘粘世界》这4款风格迥异的游戏很明显地传达出作者的想法,相对于我的连篇累牍来说,它们能更清晰地阐明我的观点。只要你接触上述游戏,立时就可以清楚明白游戏中的内容以及玩游戏的乐趣所在,这正是想法所要达成的目标。
如果想取得成功,那么你的独立游戏就必须在视觉上吸引人。每天都有大量给人带来视觉冲击的独立游戏浮现,看看等网站的报道就能知道这一点。玩家选择游戏是因为图像,而为游戏所吸引是因为可玩性,这二者你都需要。这里我说的并不是昂贵的AAA级游戏图像,我指的是那些能够立即产生巨大视觉冲击的内容。《Dwarf Fortress》做到了这一点,其ASCII界面瞬时吸引用户关注。
Dwarf Fortress
这种方式对消费者也更为友善,你无需不断叨扰人们让其付费,让你与消费者间的关系较为和善。要想知道如何让多数消费者长期沉浸在游戏中,看看Penny Arcade的做法。他们制作粉丝喜爱的产品,与玩家保持互惠关系。游戏邦认为,独立游戏公司也可以采取相同的方法。
对独立开发者制作一次性付费游戏来说,实行预购是种非常有效的手段。当有人预购我们即将面世的游戏《Frozen Synapse》时,他们可立刻获得测试版和能提供给朋友的免费版。到目前为止,这种方法已经使我们获得一定的成功。在我们以这种方式发布游戏前,最重要的事情便是等待直至测试版足够好玩并稍加润色。以上是我给考虑采用这种方式的开发者的建议。
Google Analytics
你必须在网站上设立优良的站点分析,这是我曾经得到过的最有用的销售建议。如若不然,你无从知晓游戏售出或滞销的原因。我强烈推荐使用Google Analytics,功能极为强大而且免费。
独立开发者逐渐开始协作,比如《Super Meat Boy》等交叉销售游戏或Cliffski的项目。积极参与独立游戏社群对你的工作有益,但是别卷入暗战之中。
This is a guest post from Paul Taylor of Mode 7, an indie development studio based in Oxford. Their current project is Frozen Synapse, a critically acclaimed multiplayer and single player squad-based tactical game for PC and Mac.
This post will be of most use to people in the “Anyone Who Wants to Make Games” category, which is where we at Mode 7 would place ourselves. We don’t have ambitions to be the next Zynga or A we want to be small but profitable. If you find yourself in a similar position, or even if you’re a one-man-band developer trying to make a living from indie games, you may find the following helpful. I don’t pretend to have all the answers – far from it – we’re all learning as we go.
1. Business brain required
To make a living from indie games, you will have to start running your own business. If this idea scares you, or you find it uninteresting, then get yourself a commercially-minded but creatively-sympathetic business partner immediately. You should try and get hold of a good business accountant (hard to find!) and get some basic advice from organisations like Business Link. There is nothing about the basics of running a business which is remotely difficult: your accountant should be able to help you out with anything you don’t understand.
2. Have realistic sales targets
How much money can an indie game make? Well, we’ve now seen that a statistically insignificant percentage of indie games can sell over a million copies! More sanely, Amnesia, an indie game from a developer with an existing fanbase, which features graphics approaching AAA quality recently managed to sell nearly 200,000 units. Other indies are delighted when their games break 10k or 20k units.
So, this is a “how-long-is-a-piece-of-string” situation. But suffice it to say, if a new developer told me that his or her PC-only game required sales of over 10k units to break even, I would be concerned for them. I think the ideal project duration for an ambitious indie game is 1.5 – 2 years, but that’s just my personal opinion!
3. Concept, Aesthetic, Gameplay
Fundamentally, nobody really knows whic工口GAMEs will sell well until they are launched. T with a lot of relevant data they can make ballpark predictions, but they can’t know. However, I think there are boxes to tick in order to allow your game a chance of being a decent product:
There’s no formula for coming up
you’re trying to divine something that will appeal to a range of people, or a specific niche that you think is under-served.
Also, there’s almost no point giving direct advice about this, save that it’s important to bear in mind what people other than yourself will think about your concept. Here are four very different games that I believe have
they’ll illustrate my point better than another paragraph of my waffle: Retro City R F U World of Goo. As soon as you encounter each of those games, it’s very clear what’s going on and why you’re likely to have fun if you play them. That’s the goal of a concept.
Your indie game must look spectacular to even be a mild success. Heaps of visually attractive indie games are coming out literally on a daily basis: just take a look at TIGsource
or RockPaperShotgun to see what I mean. People will come for the graphics and s you need both. I’m not talking about expensive AAA I mean something that has a massive visual impact instantly. Even Dwarf Fortress does this: its ASCII look is immediately intriguing.
You need to develop a way of creating a brilliant original look with very little cost. Not easy, but as an inventive indie, doing clever things is your job! Lexaloffle have done this by resurrecting a forgotten graphics technique in a low-fi but striking way… That’s why their trailer has 200k views already!
Finally, two things that will never, ever hurt you: detail and “spice”. Once your game is visually functional, go back and add stuff – funny things, little animations, quirky details, hidden areas, motion graphics for the menus. Polish is an accumulation of small, hand-crafted details: reviewers and customers will notice the effort you’ve put in.
Good game design involves both a strong grasp of abstract rule systems and a practical hands-on iterative approach: skills which are at opposite poles. If you’re good at the former but poor at the latter, get other people involved at the earliest possible time when feedback is useful. This is where the tried and tested “release early and often” concept comes in. One word of warning: most gamers find it almost impossible to evaluate gameplay without some decent art on top.
Game design is a skill that takes a lifetime to master: it’s a vocation. Like many vocations, a lot of people think they’d be great at it if they just had a chance to do it: these people are almost always wrong. If your gameplay isn’t good enough for people to recommend your game to their friends, you won’t sell enough copies to keep going: that’s a fact.
4. Make payment models part of your design process
Think of your payment model as part of your game design. Here’s some mild conjecture: free-to-play games incorporating virtual goods offer the highest possible ceiling in terms of revenue on PC and Mac right now. They allow customers who love the game to pay more than average, and they also capture small amounts of revenue from players at the other end of the scale, who otherwise might not buy a “full version” of the game. However, just because something has the highest ceiling does not mean that’s where you should aim: it may simply not be suitable for the type of game you want to make. Remember, we’re in the “Anyone Who Wants to Make a Game” you’re doing this because you have something you want to create, not because you want to make the most money possible.
So, it’s important information that traditional “pay-once” titles are still very viable for individuals and small companies. One caveat: if you do go down the pay-once route, I would definitely urge you to look into DLC and ways of offering more value to customers who truly love your game. Pay-once arguably offers more opportunity for immersion and scope than free-to-play, so you may well gain some very passionate fans who would love to get hold of more content.
It’s also more customer-friendly: you don’t have to keep badgering people to give you money every five seconds. That could lead to a more meaningful relationship with your customers. For a good example of how to make the most of long-term customer commitments in gaming, look at Penny Arcade. They make products (and hold events)
they have a truly mutually beneficial relationship with their community. There’s no reason that an indie games company couldn’t adopt the same approach.
5. Offer pre-orders – and add value to them
Pre-orders are a very strong route for indie developers making pay-once games. When someone pre-orders our forthcoming title Frozen Synapse, they immediately get a copy of the beta as well as a fr this has had a reasonable degree of success for us so far. The most important thing we did was to wait until the beta was exciting to play and fairly polished before we released it in this way: I’d urge anyone considering this to do the same.
We decided not to put out a demo with the pre-order, ensuring that only those who were excited by the concept enough to invest made it in to the beta. While I believe that this has restricted the size of our pre-order community, it has also created an extremely passionate and supportive group who have helped us out significantly with development. When the game is ready to reach a wider audience through a demo, it will be in the best possible shape because of this decision.
I think, though, that if you have an alpha with the ease-of-use and accessibility of something like Minecraft there is simply no excuse for failing to have a demo at an early stage. Like everything, you should make this decision based on what suits your game.
6. Consider online to beat piracy
Piracy is a very real issue for indie developers: it effectively means that your game needs some kind of online component in order to offer value to customers who do want to pay. Only very good-natured people will buy something they know they can get for free elsewhere with no negative consequences.
There are many ways of solving this problem by incorporating online components, but I’d urge you to do that in a way which is pro-customer rather than anti-customer. Don’t just force the game to contact your server for no reason: think of an interesting online feature which can add value.
7. Go direct, and go indirect
To have a decent success on the PC with a downloadable game, you’ll need to be on every major portal. The secret of getting on portals? Make a popular game and release information about it early! Don’t just rely on distributors to sell your game for you, though: there is still significant money to be made from direct sales. You’ll need the following: A reliable payment provider (we recommend Fastspring); A clear website which allows easy access to information about your game, a demo dow Time spent on optimising your website and tunin A marketing plan based o Your website doesn’t have to be flashy or even particularly attractive (providing your game itself looks good); it just has to be simple and work.
8. Market, market, market
The only thing I want to add to this now is that it never seems to be possible to over-do it on the blogging, videos or social network front. Loudness seems to correlate directly with success in my experience: be as attention-seeking as possible without harming yourself or others!
9. Know your numbers
You must have a good web analytics package on your website: this is the single most useful piece of marketing advice anyone has ever given me. Without this, you won’t know why your game is selling or not selling. Google Analytics is immensely powerful and free: I highly recommend it.
10. Work with other indies, and the indie community
Increasingly, indie developers are banding together and collaborating. Look at some of the cross-marketing in games like Super Meat Boy, or projects like Cliffski’. Getting actively involved with the indie games community can really benefit your work: just don’t get distracted by the posturing and in-fighting.
11. Use events wisely
Don’t spend much money on events: I’ve yet to find anyone who can demonstrate a clear return from paying for a big stand at a show or similar. Definitely try and find legal ways of going to events for free! In any case, do go to some events and talk to a lot of people about your games: there is always a small-but-not-insignificant chance of making a really valuable contact. If you’re in the UK (or even if you’re not) I urge you to support Gamecity – it’s an event which sums up why I want to be part of the games industry.
12. Do it, and don’t ever give up
Persistence is the most important trait you’ll need as an indie developer. You’ll need to make mistakes, learn from them and carry on anyway. You have to love doing this in order to do it at all: that’s why the indie games scene is one of the best places to be in this cruel world! (Source: )
资深玩家, 积分 14473, 距离下一级还需 3527 积分
资深玩家, 积分 14473, 距离下一级还需 3527 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
& & 关于独立开发者在Kickstarter成功融资的10个建议& && &发布时间: 12:16:49& & Tags:,,
& && && && && && &&&
我们曾在过去的中提到,独立游戏开发者在资金问题上的艰难处境有目共睹,但Kickstarter、8-bit Funding等大众融资渠道的出现,为几乎两手空空的小型初创企业和年轻游戏设计者打开了一扇大门。这种大众融资渠道既为独立开发者解决了项目开发成本 的问题,又为他们提供了免费进行市场调查、创建粉丝社群的平台,有助于他们探测项目的市场需求,而且几乎不会让他们遭受任何损失。
Bravado Waffle Studios就通过Kickstarter网站为其首款游戏《RoboArena》筹措到了项目开发资金,以下是他们为各位希望获得大众融资的开发者的一些建议:
10.不惧失败,重新再来:Kickstarter只是许多个大众融资平台之一,假如你首次出师未捷,那就重新调整策略再多尝试几次。但要记住将原来融资项目的链接引到新的页面,因为原来的融资项目如果过期了,你就不可再编辑该页面。 (本文为游戏邦/编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)
10 Tips For Raising Funds With Kickstarter For Indie Game Developers
Starting out as an indie game developer is hard! Ridiculously hard! But it doesn’t have to be. Web 2.0 has brought us many new ways to waste… I mean spend our time: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit… However, this newly interconnected and social internet has also opened up new and exciting avenues for small startup developers and young game designers! I’m talking about Crowd Funding!
The crowd funding revolution has begun, as a recent Gamasutra feature has pointed out. We believe that places like Kickstarter are going to become hugely popular and important for startup game developers in the very near future, if it isn’t already! They provide a way for fans to give back and support your development, they provide free market research, free community building, and getting funding through them is infinitely easier than seeking out venture capital and traditional investors. It’s a very exciting platform to test out because there is literally nothing to loose and everything to gain!
Here at Bravado Waffle Studios, we are turning to Kickstarter to raise needed development funds for our debut game RoboArena inspired by classic games like RoboRally, X-Com, and RoboSport. You can learn more about the project and help support it here: RoboArena Kickstarter Campaign
Here’s a list of the top 10 tips we’ve gathered from researching and interviewing successful Kickstarter campaign managers:
1. A video is a MUST- Having a good quality video increases your chances to succeed massively. A picture is worth a thousand words, so show your fans what you’ve got!
2. Polish your presentation- The more polished your presentation is, the more likely people will watch the entire thing. The more honed your pitch, is the more likely they will be moved to donate. The more momentum you can build this way, the better of a chance you will have at getting media coverage and featured on the front page of Kickstarter!
3. Tell a story- Kickstarters often donate to the person just as much as the project, so be likable, be funny, be memorable, and tell them your story. People love to laugh, so make them laugh, make them like you as much as you make them like your project!
4. Set reasonable funding goals- Kickstarter is all or nothing, so be reasonable in what you need! Nobody likes to feel like they are being scammed, so be transparent as well, and tell your supporters exactly how their funds will help your project.
5. Make your rewards and pledge tiers appeal to your potential supporters- Everybody likes swag and cool rewards for their support, so think about who will be supporting you&&from the $1 tier to the $1000 tier. Think about what you can give each to entice them to pledge by putting yourself in their shoes, this will enhance the likelihood that they will donate to the cause. It is all about exchanging value with your audience, find ways to do this and you will succeed!
6. Study successful AND unsuccessful campaigns- This should go without saying. Study up, see what works and what doesn’t for your particular field. Find things you like in successful campaigns and adapt them to your own, and see what didn’t work at all and avoid it like the plague. Don’t just stick to the gaming campaigns either, look around at other successful campaigns and see how they promoted, pitched, and rewarded their supporters. You will learn a lot!
7. Use your Updates to personally thank your pledgers- Kickstarter is all about building a community of fans and supporters, so talk with them! Thank them! Be their new best friend and make them feel a part of something bigger! This way, even if you don’t get funded, you will have established a dialog with your fan base and that is some of the most valuable marketing you can do!
8. Find your fans and get the campaign in front of them- Right now success on Kickstarter is often determined by how much outreach the campaign managers do. So find your fans, find your market, and get your story in front of them in any way possible. Often you may need to look outside your normal audience to find funding as well, think about ways you can get your story out there and in local newspapers, on blogs, and other places to draw in more supporters.
9. Give and you shalt receive- The Kickstarter community is a friendly bunch, so be active in the community and they will return the favor.
10. If at first you don’t succeed… try try again- Kickstarter is only one of many crowd funding platforms, if you fail at first, hone your pitch and try again! Be sure to include a link to your new campaign before your Kickstarter campaign runs out since after that, you can no longer edit the home page.
There’s many more tips out there for running a crowd funding campaign, but these top 10 should get you thinking in the right direction. We guarantee that no matter what, it will be an incredibly exciting and very educational experience! I know it has been for us!()
资深玩家, 积分 14473, 距离下一级还需 3527 积分
资深玩家, 积分 14473, 距离下一级还需 3527 积分
资深玩家, 积分 14473, 距离下一级还需 3527 积分
资深玩家, 积分 14473, 距离下一级还需 3527 积分
& &鼓励LZ一下帮LZ加亮~希望LZ日后多发好资源呐~
高级玩家, 积分 559, 距离下一级还需 41 积分
高级玩家, 积分 559, 距离下一级还需 41 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
& & PopCap游戏打破开发社交游戏的三大神话& && &发布时间: 11:22:58& & Tags:,,
& && && && && && &&&
3 Social Game Design Myths Busted by @PopCap
The 3-headed monster of Zynga, Playdom, and Playfish guards against indie developers entering their space.
If you listen to what Zynga says about Facebook games you’d think that only the massive social game companies can make money with Facebook games. And that’s exactly what they want you to believe. These scary myths are designed to put you off from trying Facebook game development out, because it might be — just might be — that good, fun games end up stealing some of Farmville’s lunch in the long run.
But in that recent interview with Inside Social Games, PopCap busts three of the most pervasive social game myths that might stop indies from releasing a game on Facebook. Read on and see how PopCap’s experience with Bejeweled Blitz busts a whole bunch of social game development myths.
Myth 1 — It’s all about metrics
Listening to the links of Zynga and Playdom, you’d think that designing a social game was all about looking at user metrics and building your game entirely based on what those metrics tell you.
This leads to problems for indies because you don’t have the resources to build data warehouses and sophisticated, deep analytics. So success looks out of reach. Exactly what they want you to believe.
PopCap takes a more indie-friendly route. They use their own sense of craft to make the game as good as possible:
Vechey: … It’s really hard to copy Bejeweled, because there’s a feeling that we spent a lot of time on. We worked a lot on how many gems should go in a row, what the gravity is. Those decisions are a craft.
If PopCap was Zynga they’d have said, “we analyzed millions of gameplay sessions, and found the gravity level and row length at which retention was highest”. For Zynga it’s a
for PopCap it’s a craft.
The thing that’s different between Zynga and us is that they’re building the game that their customers tell them to build, it’s whatever their people click on. We’re almost the opposite. We decide in advance what people will think what is good and give it to them. In the same way Microsoft made the Zune — that’s the focus group driven product, while Apple made the iPod, where they never ask people what they want or go through a features list. Not to say that we’re Apple and Zynga is Microsoft. But we’ve just never been a user-driven company, and we’re not devoted to the statistics. So you’ll get different products.
You can use your own sense of what makes a great game and still build something successful on Facebook. Don’t blindly accept the metrics myth! (But of course some metrics do matter so check out my Pirate Metrics for Social Games post…)
Myth 2 — You need to work in monetization from the start
The virtual goods available in Bejeweled Blitz are simple powerups and an obvious after thought:
Roberts: A year ago everyone was telling us that you couldn’t do social games unless you built monetization in from the start, that we would fail. But we didn’t.
Fail they did not! 10% of PopCap’s revenue for this year is lined up to come from Facebook:
PopCap will make about 10 percent of its total revenue from Facebook this year, and 25 percent from all mobile platforms, according to Roberts.
Remember that PopCap has over 40 PC download games as well as games for the Mac, mobile, and online. For 10% of their revenue to come from their one real foray into Facebook is staggering.
PopCap shows that if you build a fun, addictive game on Facebook and keep it simple then you can monetize it after release. So don’t blindly accept the monetization myth either.
Myth 3 — Social games are a whole new game
You’ll often hear that social games can’t work if they’re not highly social right from the beginning. PopCap’s success with Bejeweled Blitz shows that you can take a non-social game, tweak it a bit, and make it work on Facebook. Don’t believe that social games have to be social to work on Facebook. Bejeweled Blitz is simply a (very) fun game that fits well into a Facebook user’s day.
Even now, Bejeweled Blitz’s social features consist of a leaderboard and not much else. But it works. 25% of players show up for a game every day or more.
Building social games that don’t RELY on social features is essential for indies because you can’t rely on getting hundreds of thousands of players early on. Most of your players probably won’t have a single friend playing the game. So it needs to be fun even without any social aspect.
PopCap has proven that you can tweak an addictive single player game to the Facebook environment and create a sustainable hit. The other big players in the social game space say this can’t be done. PopCap shows it can.
The big social game developers want you to believe that no Facebook game can succeed without a massive viral and advertising push to establish network effects fast and furiously. PopCap shows that a satisfying single mechanic can work! Don’t believe the “social games have to be social” myth either.()
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1613, 距离下一级还需 387 积分
John Vechey:为开发好游戏PopCap甘当慢公司& && &发布时间: 08:21:42& & Tags:,,,,
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休闲游戏的普及率已经超乎人们想象,夸张一点来说,随便向人群抛出一枚石子,就有可能砸中一个《愤怒的小鸟》玩家。有些权威人士认为,Rovio和PopCap等成功的新兴游戏公司,有可能成长为规模堪比迪士尼的跨媒介大型企业。PopCap联合创始人John Vechey在最近的媒体访谈中对此提出了他的看法,以下是游戏邦编译的访谈内容:
Plants vs Zombies
提到游戏平台的进化,这让我想起刚登台的iPad 2……
我们确实很推崇iPad,因为它所提供的游戏体验真是太棒了。我们希望更多用户选择iPad,这样我们就可以更有针对性地开发iPad游戏——就如我们针对Xbox 360开发多人模式游戏一样,
但iPad 2还有更多潜力值得挖掘,例如LAN游戏。假如你在iPad上玩多人模式游戏,就可以轻松拿着iPad坐在沙发上玩个够。
PopCap过去主要针对PC和苹果触屏设备开发游戏,但最近你们也涉足Xbox 360和任天堂DS平台,针对这些掌机设备移植游戏的最大挑战是什么?
我认为最大挑战要分为两个方面来说。首先,你得研究这些掌机设备用户所欢迎的游戏模式。例如我们将《植物大战僵尸》移植到Xbox 360的时候,几乎有一半的开发时间是用于设计它的多人玩法模式,我们希望它可以提供“沙发玩游戏”的最佳体验,因为我们清楚这就是Xbox 360用户所需要的体验。
其次,我们花了大量时间调整掌机界面的控制系统,iPhone或PC游戏的成功点与Xbox 360、任天堂DS游戏是截然不同的概念。所以这对我们来说真是一个创意大挑战,我们在这两个地方投入了不少心血。
你刚才提到针对Xbox 360和DS调整游戏控制界面充满不少挑战,而且这个过程与针对PC和智能手机调整内容非常不同。但掌机设备的界面也在发生变化,比如现在的Kinect和PS Move……
PopCap chief: ‘We’re the tortoise’John Vechey on whether the maker of Plants vs Zombies will become as big as Disney and how the iPad 2 changes gaming
The growth in popularity of casual gaming in recent years has catapulted video games from fringe to mainstream entertainment. The Wii has been immensely influential in this regard, but recently smartphones and social media have started replacing consoles as the “go-to” platforms for casual gaming.
One of the best and most influential developers behind casual-core video games is PopCap. The Seattle-based company’s catalogue features some of the most critically acclaimed and biggest-selling titles of all time – Bejewelled, Peggle and Plants vs Zombies among them.
With casual gaming becoming more and more popular – throw a rock into a crowd and you’ll hit someone playing Angry Birds – some pundits have begun speculating that companies such as Rovio and PopCap may some day be as big as Disney. We thought it we’d find out from PopCap’s chief executive John Vechey what he thought of that assessment, as well as his opinion on several other topics.
Last year was a fantastic year for casual games and casual gaming – with the success of Plants vs Zombies on various platforms, Angry Birds and Cut the Rope – especially on mobile platforms. It’s really captured the imagination of millions. Has all this competition been good for PopCap?
I think so. I mean, we don’t really think of gaming as some industry. We’re friends with nearly every single every game company in our competitive environment. When you look at Angry Birds on mobile phones and Zynga’s games on Facebook, they’re really great for us because people are playing more games because of them.
L the majority of people in the world will argue about movies and have favourite movies, but very few of them will say, “I don’t like movies at all”. In gaming right now there are still more people or as many people who say, “I’m not a gamer and I don’t play games” as there are people who play games. Any game that has the success we’ve seen from some titles in the last year, increases the number of people who play games. There are people discovering gaming for the first time, because of Angry Birds. And that is good for us! And it’s good for the industry! (Laughs) It’s all good!
What did you think of Angry Birds?
Angry Birds to me is like golf in that it’s more frustrating than fun. However, it’s incredibly rewarding when things go your way in it. I can play something like Cut the Rope – and I did for hours – and get three stars on every level. With Angry Birds, the scoring is a bit to arbitrary for my tastes. I like it, but I feel it would be a better game if it wasn’t so opaque – but that’s me.
There are a lot of people who play games who don’t consider themselves gamers, but the audience for casual games has grown in leaps and bounds in the last year. Do you think the market is becoming saturated?
I think the sky’s the limit. I can’t predict how fast it’ when started in 2,000 with Bejeweled there was a big acceleration in casual gaming. Then it settled down a bit over the next few years. Now with Facebook and smartphones being a great one-two punch, it’s picked up again and you’re seeing huge growth again.
PopCap’ everyone in the world has a top five games list and we want a couple of our titles on everyone’s top five list. Whether that takes us 10 to 50 years to accomplish this, we don’t care. I know we have so much further to go.
We’re a very inwardly focused company. We believe markets and platforms aren’t static – everything changes, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. For us, it’s about focusing on great games and great game franchises. We don’t need to release 50 games per year that are C+ or B- quality releases. What we need to do is keep reinvesting in the great games we have and continue to experiment wit工口GAMEs that we think would make amazing experiences. We’re like P they don’t feel the need to make 10 times as many movies as their competitors, but they do feel the need to keep making every movie great. We’re okay being the tortoise. The tortoise eventually wins the race.
Do the backyard shuffle … PopCap’s Plants vs Zombies There are some pundits who – because of the success of Angry Birds and PvZ – are saying that companies such as Rovio and PopCap will become bigger than Disney. What’s your take on that?
I definitely think that companies such as Rovio and Zynga and PopCap are going to end up looking like companies such as Disney. You look at what Hasbro’s done with Transformers and how that revitalised the brand in the toy business.
I think that what’s going to happen is, at some point we’re going to see that gaming is just one aspect of what we do. How else can our customers want to interact with what we do? Whether that’s toys or movies or TV or some other medium, it’s another way that customers gain appreciation for it.
Look, Disney’s a giant company and I think it would be foolhardy to say, “hey, we’re gonna be bigger than Disney”, but I think that in 30 or so years, we’re going to look a lot more like Disney than we do right now.
I think the fact that the big media companies don’t have great interactive experiences for their audiences nailed yet, will mean that eventually, they’re going to start to look more like us.
The quality of their games is factor. PopCap seems to be one of those developers who seem to straddle the casual and core markets. Your games are visually very cute and friendly, but the depth of play is guaranteed to bring in the core crowd too. Is it a tricky balancing act?
We get that just by the nature of the development process. We make games first and foremost for ourselves and we cancel titles that we aren’t having fun with. Once we’ve started having fun with a title, we try to make that experience as accessible to as many people as possible, and once again, if we can’t do that we cancel it.
By nature, everyone at PopCap is a hardcore gamer. If we find it fun, we’ve got the core audience. Once you make that experience accessible to people outside that core audience, you increase your game’s reach. We spend a lot of time making what we enjoy appeal to as many people as possible.
Your titles have had a lot of success on portable devices. The Sony PSP2 (NGP) is on the horizon, and it’s come under fire from some quarters who say that the experiences available on it don’t lend themselves to the easy “pick-up-and-play” appeal that audiences want on portable gaming devices. What’s your take on that?
(Laughs) I think the thing with portable gaming – and portable gaming devices – is they all h the mobile phone. I don’t carry my DS with me anymore when I go travelling. It just sits there until there’s a game I absolutely have to play on it, which isn’t available on any other platform.
The PSP2 will have the same problem. People always have their smartphones with them. Yeah, you’re always going to get better hardware and more immersive expereinces, but when I’m on the road, I’m looking for a less immersive experience. That’s really what all those devices are up against.
Peggle … 2D time-wasters will never go out of fashion So would you say these portable devices are on their way out, because they don’t offer all of the conveniences of a smartphone – such as a phone, a camera, a gaming device, a music player and so forth?
I think that if they want to survive, in my mind, they’ll have to evolve into something that’s way beyond what they are now. Whether or not they do that, or what they need to do, or what they’ll even look like, I’ll be honest, I don’t know. But it’s very definitely a challenge they face.
Speaking of evolving platforms, the iPad 2 just got released …
We’re really rooting for the iPad, just because so many great experiences can be made. We need more users on it for us to develop more specific content for it – the way we did with multiplayers on the Xbox 360 – but there are all sorts of things the iPad 2 can do, such as LAN gaming. Usually that involves a big headache of setting up machines, feeling really nerdy and wondering why women talk to you at all. With the iPad, if you have a multiplayer game, you can just bring your iPad round, sit on the couch and have a blast.
In the past, PopCap mainly made games for PCs and Apple’s touchscreen platforms, but recently you made the jump to Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS. What were the main challenges in porting your games to these consoles?
I think the big challenge there breaks into two parts. First, you have to look at the modes that are expected by the audiences of those consoles. For example, when we ported Plants vs Zombies to the Xbox 360, we probably spent well over half the development time on designing its multiplayer mode. We wanted to make it a really great, “on the couch” type of experience because we knew that that’s what people expect and want from an Xbox 360 game.
Second, we spent a lot of time adapting our control systems to the console interface. What makes a great iPhone game or a PC game is different to what makes a great Xbox 360 game – and in turn, what makes a great Nintendo DS game. So, really the creative challenge that we embrace and take very seriously, focuses a lot on those two areas.
Now that you’ve made the jump on to these platforms, will we see PopCap make a title exclusively for one of those consoles?
We will never release a game that’s exclusive to any platform. Whatever gaming experiences we create and continue to create, we’re all about the multi-platform aspect of gaming. We feel it’s very important to our strategy and very important to our customers.
Will we ever start a title off on a console? Well, it’s something that we’ve talked about at various stages. We’ve even done some prototypes of some games on a console. I can see us at least starting on a console in the next five years, certainly.
We don’t have a hard and fast rule for it’s all about whether or not we’ve got a great idea for a console game. And the same goes for PC, or mobile phones, or any other platform we’re currently on.
You talked about the challenges of adapating to the Xbox 360 and DS control interface – being, as they are, very different from PCs and smartphones. But the interfaces of consoles are changing again, with the introduction of Kinect and the PS Move …
Yeah, we’re looking at them. The problem we have with those interfaces is… well, the great Wii and Move and Kinect games you see are designed from scratch to be great Wii and Move and Kinect games. We have yet to see a game that’s a port or an adaptation on those control systems that’s a great game too. To the extent that one of our games would be a good adaptation, then, yeah, we could think about porting it. But the question, once again, would focus on whether the game would be a great experience with those interfaces. For example, Bejeweled on Kinect would just be Bejeweled exactly how it is, but you’d control it by moving your hands, which wouldn’t exactly be a great Kinect experience.
We’re not a mobile company or a console company or a PC company. We’re a games company – that’s our DNA.()
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