
更新不成功的更新日志,大神帮我看一下啊! - Microsoft Community
502 次浏览
&11:31:12:596& 544&1680&DnldMgr&BITS job {7D89F543-CC59--EF352E79F180} completed successfully
&11:31:12:737& 544&1680&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\3be9ba4a6a4d6b8da19f28b\02412ebe5afe36ca12c with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:31:12:789& 544&1680&Misc& Microsoft signed: Yes
&11:31:12:792& 544&1680&DnldMgr&& Download job bytes total = , bytes transferred =
&11:31:12:795& 544&1680&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {FBE9-4DB1-A200-A7D18D7327DD}.206]& ***********
&11:31:12:850& 544&1680&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:31:12:868& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C0676D2}, succeeded]
&11:31:12:868& 544&7e4&AU&#########
&11:31:12:868& 544&7e4&AU&##& END& ##& AU: Download updates
&11:31:12:868& 544&7e4&AU&#############
&11:31:12:868& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:31:12:869& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:31:12:870& 544&7e4&AU&Currently showing Progress UX client - so not launching any other client
&11:31:12:873& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:31:12:938& 544&8fc&AU&Getting featured update notifications.& fIncludeDismissed = true
&11:31:12:938& 544&8fc&AU&No featured updates available.
&11:31:14:868& 544&620&AU&BeginInteractiveInstall invoked for Install
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&Auto-approving update for install, updateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}.202, ForUx=1, IsOwnerUx=1, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&Auto-approving update for install, updateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}.202, ForUx=1, IsOwnerUx=1, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&Auto-approving update for install, updateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6, ForUx=1, IsOwnerUx=1, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&Auto-approved 3 update(s) for install (for Ux), installType=1
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&#############
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&## START ##& AU: Install updates
&11:31:14:870& 544&620&AU&#########
&11:31:14:871& 544&620&AU&& # Initiating manual install
&11:31:14:871& 544&620&AU&& # Approved updates = 3
&11:31:14:884& 544&620&AU&&&## SUBMITTED ## AU: Install updates / installing updates [CallId = {9EA99D23-BD3D-492E-920F-2EFCF0A5E5E1}]
&11:31:14:885& 544&16c0&Agent&*************
&11:31:14:885& 544&16c0&Agent&** START **& Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:31:14:885& 544&16c0&Agent&*********
&11:31:14:885& 544&16c0&Agent&& * Updates to install = 3
&11:31:14:966& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&& Title = 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753)
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&& UpdateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}.202
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&& Bundles 1 updates:
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB12
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&& Title = 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 安全更新程序 (KB2862330)
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&& UpdateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}.202
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&& Bundles 1 updates:
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE}.202
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&& Title = 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 的 Internet Explorer 11
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&& UpdateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&& Bundles 7 updates:
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {FBE9-4DB1-A200-A7D18D7327DD}.206
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {3C4D-4160-BAD3-BB8}.206
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {6FC739FB-E7FE--C9DA6C5
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {BCE-4A5D-890F-DF}.206
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {785A87E7-E4D4-4480-B28F-DC6F1CDCEB96}.206
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {AE-F5F61461BE}.206
&11:31:14:967& 544&16c0&Agent&& *&&&&&& {25599F80-DB8A-47B3-8DED-AD19E03A6BFA}.206
&11:31:15:019& 544&620&AU&Getting featured update notifications.& fIncludeDismissed = true
&11:31:15:019& 544&620&AU&No featured updates available.
&11:31:17:867& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {14B487D4-785F-446B-B16C-B3C8F319D03D}& 11:31:12:867+&101&{7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6&0&AutomaticUpdatesWuApp&Success&Content Download&Download succeeded.
&11:31:17:867& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {29B13D10-96A2-4B8C-9AAC-EFA8}& 11:31:12:870+&102&{0-}&0&0&AutomaticUpdates&Success&Content Install&Installation Ready: The following updates
are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ?2014?年?8?月?27?日 at 3:00:& - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753) - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 安全更新程序 (KB2862330) - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 的 Internet
Explorer 11
&11:31:17:867& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter finishing event handling. ()
&11:31:32:130& 544&16c0&Handler&Attempting to create remote handler process as Y41HAHAO15BD9O1\Administrator in session 1
&11:31:32:962& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB12.
&11:31:32:964&&Misc&===========& Logging initialized (build: 7.6., tz: +0800)& ===========
&11:31:32:964&&Misc&& = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
&11:31:32:964&&Misc&& = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
&11:31:32:964&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: CBS Install
&11:31:32:970&&Handler&Starting install of CBS update 775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB15846FA4
&11:31:32:977&&Handler&CBS package identity: Package_for_KBbf~amd64~~
&11:31:32:978&&Handler&Installing express with source=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\337bcce5fc3eb73cb5d2d99, workingdir=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\337bcce5fc3eb73cb5d2d99
&11:31:34:703&&Handler&FATAL: CBS called Error with 0x,
&11:31:34:705&&Handler&FATAL: Completed install of CBS update with type=0, requiresReboot=0, installerError=1, hr=0x
&11:31:34:705& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Installing update [UpdateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}]
&11:31:34:705& 544&7e4&AU&& # WARNING: Install failed, error = 0x / 0x
&11:31:34:705&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: CBS Install
&11:31:34:769& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE}.202.
&11:31:34:770&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: CBS Install
&11:31:34:772&&Handler&Starting install of CBS update EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE
&11:31:34:777&&Handler&CBS package identity: Package_for_KBbf~amd64~~
&11:31:34:777&&Handler&Installing express with source=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b0eeeaebc9f7, workingdir=C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b0eeeaebc9f7
&11:31:37:713&&Handler&FATAL: CBS called Error with 0x,
&11:31:37:714&&Handler&FATAL: Completed install of CBS update with type=0, requiresReboot=0, installerError=1, hr=0x
&11:31:37:714& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Installing update [UpdateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}]
&11:31:37:714& 544&7e4&AU&& # WARNING: Install failed, error = 0x / 0x
&11:31:37:714&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: CBS Install
&11:31:37:723& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {FBE9-4DB1-A200-A7D18D7327DD}.206.
&11:31:37:807&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:37:807&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:31:39:706& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {D98599B1-BF5A-4298-87AD-8AB}& 11:31:34:707+&101&{DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}&202&&AutomaticUpdates&Failure&Content Install&Installation Failure: Windows failed
to install the following update with error 0x: 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753).
&11:31:39:706& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {9C46B291-DE74-479E-9C3C-D402CE9EA1F9}& 11:31:37:715+&101&{35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}&202&&AutomaticUpdates&Failure&Content Install&Installation Failure: Windows failed
to install the following update with error 0x: 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 安全更新程序 (KB2862330).
&11:31:39:748& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
&11:31:39:748& 544&3bc&Report&WER Report sent: 7.6.x DD1F3E07-252B--B0C Install 101 Unmanaged
&11:31:39:769& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
&11:31:39:769& 544&3bc&Report&WER Report sent: 7.6.xDCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB Install 101 Unmanaged
&11:31:39:769& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter finishing event handling. ()
&11:31:40:427&&Handler&& : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
&11:31:40:428&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:40:433& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {3C4D-4160-BAD3-BB8}.206.
&11:31:40:449&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:40:449&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:31:41:464&&Handler&& : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
&11:31:41:466&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:41:480& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {6FC739FB-E7FE--C9DA6C5.
&11:31:41:500&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:41:501&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:31:42:646&&Handler&& : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
&11:31:42:648&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:42:652& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {BCE-4A5D-890F-DF}.206.
&11:31:42:670&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:42:670&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:31:43:484&&Handler&& : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
&11:31:43:485&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:43:491& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {785A87E7-E4D4-4480-B28F-DC6F1CDCEB96}.206.
&11:31:43:505&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:43:505&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:31:44:263&&Handler&& : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
&11:31:44:265&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:44:269& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {AE-F5F61461BE}.206.
&11:31:44:281&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:44:281&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:31:44:932&&Handler&& : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
&11:31:44:932&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:44:948& 544&16c0&DnldMgr&Preparing update for install, updateId = {25599F80-DB8A-47B3-8DED-AD19E03A6BFA}.206.
&11:31:45:351&&Handler&:: START ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:31:45:351&&Handler&& : Updates to install = 1
&11:32:06:498&&Handler&& : WARNING: Command line install completed. Return code = 0x00009c57, Result = Failed, Reboot required = false
&11:32:06:501&&Handler&& : WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024200B
&11:32:06:501& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Installing update [UpdateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C0676D2}]
&11:32:06:501& 544&7e4&AU&& # WARNING: Install failed, error = 0x / 0x00009C57
&11:32:06:501&&Handler&::& END& ::& Handler: Command Line Install
&11:32:06:509& 544&16c0&Agent&*********
&11:32:06:509& 544&16c0&Agent&**& END& **& Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:32:06:509& 544&16c0&Agent&*************
&11:32:06:509& 544&7e4&AU&Install call completed.
&11:32:06:509& 544&7e4&AU&& # WARNING: Install call completed, reboot required = No, error = 0x
&11:32:06:509& 544&7e4&AU&#########
&11:32:06:509& 544&7e4&AU&##& END& ##& AU: Installing updates [CallId = {9EA99D23-BD3D-492E-920F-2EFCF0A5E5E1}]
&11:32:06:509& 544&7e4&AU&#############
&11:32:06:511& 544&7e4&AU&Install complete for all calls, reboot NOT needed
&11:32:06:511& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:32:06:511& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:32:06:521& 544&13b0&AU&Getting featured update notifications.& fIncludeDismissed = true
&11:32:06:521& 544&13b0&AU&No featured updates available.
&11:32:07:438& 544&8fc&AU&No featured updates notifications to show
&11:32:07:438& 544&8fc&AU&UpdateDownloadProperties: 0 download(s) are still in progress.
&11:32:07:439& 544&8fc&AU&Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)
&11:32:07:439& 544&8fc&AU&AU setting pending client directive to 'Install Complete Ux'
&11:32:07:439& 544&8fc&AU&Changing existing AU client directive from 'Progress Ux' to 'Install Complete Ux', session id = 0x1
&11:32:07:446& 544&8fc&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:32:07:446& 544&d54&AU&#############
&11:32:07:446& 544&d54&AU&## START ##& AU: Search for updates
&11:32:07:446& 544&d54&AU&#########
&11:32:07:448& 544&d54&AU&&&## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {3F23A516-FF48-46CD-906D-FAFFF984975C}]
&11:32:07:448& 544&3bc&Agent&*************
&11:32:07:448& 544&3bc&Agent&** START **& Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:32:07:448& 544&3bc&Agent&*********
&11:32:07:448& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
&11:32:07:449& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation'
and RebootRequired=1"
&11:32:07:449& 544&3bc&Agent&& * ServiceID = {7-A52D1EFE18D} Third party service
&11:32:07:449& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Search Scope = {Machine}
&11:32:07:450&3596&e18&CltUI&AU client got new directive = 'Install Complete Ux', serviceId = {7-A52D1EFE18D}, return = 0
&11:32:07:472& 544&8fc&AU&No featured updates notifications to show
&11:32:07:488& 544&8fc&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:32:07:491&3596&e18&CltUI&AU client got new directive = 'Shutdown', serviceId = {7-A52D1EFE18D}, return = 0
&11:32:07:728& 544&d54&AU&AU received handle event
&11:32:54:849& 544&3bc&Agent&WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {818701AF--BD1E-1}.101, hr =
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {4F9AF231--E5D4CDF}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {7363544A-FCB9-45C7-8BE3-0CC41D3 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {A8F9826C-D3FB-479B-BC98-A}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {AC-4C58-A624-236B9A3F2FF7}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {40281AED-F5E1-4CF2-B933-247A7B3 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {0A8-4B59-A9D7-2C}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {9EA2-45CB-8BE1-30524F9DCA22}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {85AC--36D2E1A5EFEA}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {E51EEE53-3F0E-C-379EE8D5D2AE}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {80AEF0A5-249C-45A5-8DF1-3B8F6FE7098F}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {CDAA29E4-7DD7-49E5-8D96-50B907F1D999}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {0CA1E71F-4CDA-4F63-8 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {87D-49D9-BDB7-5BAD}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {BB75-4DDD-964E-6B46D3 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {B57B109C-58C6-410A-87AB-6EF7422826ED}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {-FBD-70B1B30C2E6F}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {0CA5D635--98AD-D}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {0338B2CB-EE95-4E8E-BB9C-D5E}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {90-4BBC-B59F-904D0A912B36}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {5FC10007-56AC-4BB1-B7C3-9FA41B3 to search result
&11:33:29:380& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {E7F842D9-D61B-426E-9C39-A50AB9BAF4A0}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {F57D17F2-7D2C-446C-A4F2-AA}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {D7-4A41-B337-AC36DAF2CEF8}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {C4BEB100-1D6E-4EF6-A67B-BC0A051C1BE5}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {26D10780-DCCD-D-C12A6C3B to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {0B6F-4AC8-B1BC-C3A92B57814F}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {FEB4BA02-6F01-4954-AC77-CA4B5AB00AAE}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {F88DF62E-49EF--CD6A4DCB3EE4}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {C937AD03-B5F3-45A8-ABD0-CDCFACAC59D3}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {D234890A-D622-4724-AF11-E97D}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {1C6A3D87-0EFD-45F4-AB18-ECD902AC6C00}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {BDAE-A-F}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {975B083A--89EB-F756DA9654BC}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {258B6CA1-A8EC-4DFA-B619-FB8CECAC6E2E}.103 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {7F3C-466B-851D-4D64F3A6C19C}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {071ADFE6-D0AC--45D90C648BDD}.103 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {78D605AF-CB18-4F1B-9F40-805EB18D4F4D}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {D6-48C2-A0ED-5DC2EF1 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {856A1A60-D532--EEAA}.102 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {C6CA5181-DDA8--C}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {F7583494-FFFA-4E41-99BC-1E}.200 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {0EDB0E28-0C35-41BA-B52C-C}.202 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {5F8-472F-B560-62A0CDEC6F31}.204 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {A719A862-A5C5-43A1-8EE1-094AD8CB45BD}.203 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}.202 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}.202 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {AE30A9F2-A-9848-BBBD7D891E78}.200 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {7E3D95D0-AF45-48FA-917D-8DD9CF4DFF43}.200 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&Update {B0D396E2-F86D--9A141A68AB41}.201 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Added update {DA6-42EF-91C1-3D66D8A1B1BE}.201 to search result
&11:33:29:381& 544&3bc&Agent&& * Found 41 updates and 80
evaluated appl. rules of 2129 out of 4226 deployed entities
&11:33:29:402& 544&3bc&Agent&*********
&11:33:29:402& 544&3bc&Agent&**& END& **& Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:29:402& 544&3bc&Agent&*************
&11:33:29:514& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {3F23A516-FF48-46CD-906D-FAFFF984975C}]
&11:33:29:514& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {44-42B7-8A16-2F060FC2CF7E}& 11:32:06:503+&101&{7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6&&AutomaticUpdates&Failure&Content Install&Installation Failure: Windows failed
to install the following update with error 0x: 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 的 Internet Explorer 11.
&11:33:29:514& 544&7e4&AU&& # 41 updates detected
&11:33:29:517& 544&7e4&AU&#########
&11:33:29:517& 544&7e4&AU&##& END& ##& AU: Search for updates [CallId = {3F23A516-FF48-46CD-906D-FAFFF984975C}]
&11:33:29:517& 544&7e4&AU&#############
&11:33:29:517& 544&7e4&AU&No featured updates notifications to show
&11:33:29:518& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}.202, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}.202, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&Auto-approving update for download, updateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6, ForUx=0, IsOwnerUx=0, HasDeadline=0, IsMinor=0
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&Auto-approved 3 update(s) for download (NOT for Ux)
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&#############
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&## START ##& AU: Download updates
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&#########
&11:33:29:519& 544&7e4&AU&& # Approved updates = 3
&11:33:29:528& 544&7e4&AU&AU initiated download, updateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}.202, callId = {757F80FE-2AEE-486B-A6E24E3}
&11:33:29:530& 544&7e4&AU&AU initiated download, updateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}.202, callId = {B488C44A-F2D4-4329-9CCF-2AFE433D045E}
&11:33:29:537& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
&11:33:29:537& 544&3bc&Report&WER Report sent: 7.6.xB8-495B-AF58-A9F66C0676D2 Install 101 Unmanaged
&11:33:29:537& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter finishing event handling. ()
&11:33:29:538& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter finishing event handling. ()
&11:33:29:549& 544&7e4&AU&AU initiated download, updateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6, callId = {37CFA-4C7D-A407-EB3}
&11:33:29:549& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:33:29:550& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:29:550& 544&7e4&AU&AU setting pending client directive to 'Download Progress'
&11:33:29:552& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&*************
&11:33:29:552& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&** START **& DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:29:552& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&*********
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Call ID = {757F80FE-2AEE-486B-A6E24E3}
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {7-A52D1EFE18D}
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Updates to download = 1
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&& Title = 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753)
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&& UpdateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}.202
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&& Bundles 1 updates:
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB12
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {7-A52D1EFE18D}]& ***********
&11:33:29:553& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&Contacting regulation server for 9 updates.
&11:33:29:667& 544&3bc&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\7-A52D1EFE18D\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:33:29:668& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:29:668& 544&7e4&AU&& # Pending download calls = 3
&11:33:29:668& 544&7e4&AU&&&## SUBMITTED ## AU: Download updates
&11:33:29:690& 544&3bc&Misc& Microsoft signed: NA
&11:33:29:692& 544&3bc&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\7-A52D1EFE18D\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:33:29:707& 544&3bc&Misc& Microsoft signed: NA
&11:33:29:715& 544&3bc&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\7-A52D1EFE18D\TMP688F.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:33:29:729& 544&3bc&Misc& Microsoft signed: NA
&11:33:29:731& 544&3bc&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\7-A52D1EFE18D\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:33:29:740& 544&3bc&Misc& Microsoft signed: NA
&11:33:29:741& 544&3bc&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\7-A52D1EFE18D\wuredir.cab with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:33:29:750& 544&3bc&Misc& Microsoft signed: NA
&11:33:29:757& 544&3bc&Misc&Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\7-A52D1EFE18D\TMP68AF.tmp with dwProvFlags 0x:
&11:33:29:766& 544&3bc&Misc& Microsoft signed: NA
&11:33:29:767& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&Regulation server path: .
&11:33:29:840& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:30:967& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Regulation call complete. 0x
&11:33:30:969& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB12]& ***********
&11:33:30:969& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
&11:33:30:969& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&Generating download request for update {775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB12
&11:33:32:187& 544&3bc&Handler&Generating request for CBS update 775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB15846FA4 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\cc9eb07ab8abc
&11:33:32:188& 544&3bc&Handler&Selected payload type is ptExpress
&11:33:32:189& 544&3bc&Handler&UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x
&11:33:32:189& 544&3bc&Handler&Detected download state is dsHavePackage
&11:33:34:397& 544&3bc&Handler&Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
&11:33:34:397& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {775E1E0B-81A2-431C-8061-AEFB12]& ***********
&11:33:34:447& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:34:452& 544&3bc&Agent&*********
&11:33:34:452& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {DD1F3E07-252B--B0C}, succeeded]
&11:33:34:452& 544&3bc&Agent&**& END& **& Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:34:452& 544&3bc&Agent&*************
&11:33:34:453& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:33:34:453& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&*************
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&** START **& DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&*********
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Call ID = {B488C44A-F2D4-4329-9CCF-2AFE433D045E}
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Priority = 2, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {7-A52D1EFE18D}
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Updates to download = 1
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&& Title = 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 安全更新程序 (KB2862330)
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&& UpdateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}.202
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&& Bundles 1 updates:
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE}.202
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {7-A52D1EFE18D}]& ***********
&11:33:34:455& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Regulation call complete. 0x
&11:33:34:458& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE}.202]& ***********
&11:33:34:458& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
&11:33:34:458& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&Generating download request for update {EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE}.202
&11:33:34:594& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:35:142& 544&3bc&Handler&Generating request for CBS update EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\eaef6f78bc
&11:33:35:143& 544&3bc&Handler&Selected payload type is ptExpress
&11:33:35:144& 544&3bc&Handler&UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x
&11:33:35:144& 544&3bc&Handler&Detected download state is dsHavePackage
&11:33:36:938& 544&3bc&Handler&Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
&11:33:36:939& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {EAB6A152-EE66--BDCE}.202]& ***********
&11:33:36:959& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:36:962& 544&3bc&Agent&*********
&11:33:36:962& 544&3bc&Agent&**& END& **& Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:36:962& 544&3bc&Agent&*************
&11:33:36:962& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {35DCB297-873A-45AF-BB19-E8B18AEDD5BB}, succeeded]
&11:33:36:963& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:33:36:963& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&*************
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&** START **& DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&*********
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Call ID = {37CFA-4C7D-A407-EB3}
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Priority = 1, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {7-A52D1EFE18D}
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Updates to download = 1
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&& Title = 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 的 Internet Explorer 11
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&& UpdateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C6
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&& Bundles 7 updates:
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {FBE9-4DB1-A200-A7D18D7327DD}.206
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {3C4D-4160-BAD3-BB8}.206
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {6FC739FB-E7FE--C9DA6C5
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {BCE-4A5D-890F-DF}.206
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {785A87E7-E4D4-4480-B28F-DC6F1CDCEB96}.206
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {AE-F5F61461BE}.206
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&Agent&& *&&&&&& {25599F80-DB8A-47B3-8DED-AD19E03A6BFA}.206
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {7-A52D1EFE18D}]& ***********
&11:33:36:965& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * Regulation call complete. 0x
&11:33:36:967& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {FBE9-4DB1-A200-A7D18D7327DD}.206]& ***********
&11:33:37:172& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:172& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {3C4D-4160-BAD3-BB8}.206]& ***********
&11:33:37:180& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:180& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {6FC739FB-E7FE--C9DA6C5]& ***********
&11:33:37:189& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:189& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BCE-4A5D-890F-DF}.206]& ***********
&11:33:37:197& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:197& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {785A87E7-E4D4-4480-B28F-DC6F1CDCEB96}.206]& ***********
&11:33:37:203& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:203& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AE-F5F61461BE}.206]& ***********
&11:33:37:206& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:206& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&***********& DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {25599F80-DB8A-47B3-8DED-AD19E03A6BFA}.206]& ***********
&11:33:37:950& 544&3bc&DnldMgr&& * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
&11:33:37:953& 544&3bc&Agent&*********
&11:33:37:953& 544&3bc&Agent&**& END& **& Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
&11:33:37:953& 544&3bc&Agent&*************
&11:33:37:953& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter finishing event handling. ()
&11:33:37:954& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:37:955& 544&7e4&AU&&&##& RESUMED& ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {7B8-495B-AF58-A9F66C0676D2}, succeeded]
&11:33:37:955& 544&7e4&AU&#########
&11:33:37:955& 544&7e4&AU&##& END& ##& AU: Download updates
&11:33:37:955& 544&7e4&AU&#############
&11:33:37:955& 544&7e4&AU&Setting AU scheduled install time to
&11:33:37:955& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:37:956& 544&7e4&AU&AU setting pending client directive to 'Install Approval'
&11:33:37:958& 544&7e4&AU&Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
&11:33:39:453& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {6DAB5--3}& 11:33:34:453+&102&{0-}&0&0&AutomaticUpdates&Success&Content Install&Installation Ready: The following updates
are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ?2014?年?8?月?27?日 at 3:00:& - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753)
&11:33:39:454& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {798E7D23-5B71-4C29-BA9E-A730}& 11:33:36:963+&102&{0-}&0&0&AutomaticUpdates&Success&Content Install&Installation Ready: The following updates
are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ?2014?年?8?月?27?日 at 3:00:& - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753) - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 安全更新程序 (KB2862330)
&11:33:39:454& 544&3bc&Report&REPORT EVENT: {F7016FEF--B89A-B73}& 11:33:37:956+&102&{0-}&0&0&AutomaticUpdates&Success&Content Install&Installation Ready: The following updates
are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ?2014?年?8?月?27?日 at 3:00:& - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新程序 (KB2647753) - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 安全更新程序 (KB2862330) - 用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 的 Internet
Explorer 11
&11:33:39:454& 544&3bc&Report&CWERReporter finishing event handling. ()
&11:33:44:604& 544&d54&AU&Launched new AU client for directive 'Install Approval', session id = 0x1
&11:33:44:879&&Misc&===========& Logging initialized (build: 7.6., tz: +0800)& ===========
&11:33:44:879&&Misc&& = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
&11:33:44:878&&AUClnt&Launched Client UI process
&11:33:44:902&&Misc&===========& Logging initialized (build: 7.6., tz: +0800)& ===========
&11:33:44:902&&Misc&& = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
&11:33:44:902&&Misc&& = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll
&11:33:44:902&&CltUI&AU client got new directive = 'Install Approval', serviceId = {7-A52D1EFE18D}, return = 0
2 个成员问过此问题
1. 请访问下列的链接下载 subinacl.msi 文件并保存到桌面上:
2. 请在桌面上双击. subinacl.msi
3. 请选择 C:\Windows\System32 文件夹作为安装文件夹.
注意: 如果 UAC (User Account Control)
4. 单击开始,在搜索栏中键入键入 notepad,然后单击确定。
5. 复制下面所有的命令到之前打开的记事本中:
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f
@Echo =========================
@Echo Finished.
@Echo =========================
6. 当您粘帖完上面的命令,请选择关闭记事本窗口。选择“保存”,并在文件名栏位中输入 reset.bat
7. 请在桌面上找到reset.bat 文件并右键选择“以管理员身份运行”。
8. 您会看到一个类似DOS 的窗口在自动运行。
注意: 这个过程可能会持续几分钟,当他完成后,您会得到一个“完成,请按任意键继续”的窗口提示。
如您希望获取更快速响应的一对一Answer Desk服务,可以通过以下联系方式获取详情:联系电话&#62059 微软官方商城:http:/&#/RL7ZPnB
1. 请访问下列的链接下载 subinacl.msi 文件并保存到桌面上:
2. 请在桌面上双击. subinacl.msi
3. 请选择 C:\Windows\System32 文件夹作为安装文件夹.
注意: 如果 UAC (User Account Control)
4. 单击开始,在搜索栏中键入键入 notepad,然后单击确定。
5. 复制下面所有的命令到之前打开的记事本中:
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f
@Echo =========================
@Echo Finished.
@Echo =========================
6. 当您粘帖完上面的命令,请选择关闭记事本窗口。选择“保存”,并在文件名栏位中输入 reset.bat
7. 请在桌面上找到reset.bat 文件并右键选择“以管理员身份运行”。
8. 您会看到一个类似DOS 的窗口在自动运行。
注意: 这个过程可能会持续几分钟,当他完成后,您会得到一个“完成,请按任意键继续”的窗口提示。
如您希望获取更快速响应的一对一Answer Desk服务,可以通过以下联系方式获取详情:联系电话&#62059 微软官方商城:http:/&#/RL7ZPnB
如您希望获取更快速响应的一对一Answer Desk服务,可以通过以下联系方式获取详情:联系电话&#62059 微软官方商城:http:/&#/RL7ZPnB


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