我他妈想玩个侠盗飞车就这么难吗 directx我也下gridentity theftt auto vc requires at least directx version 8 1

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游戏侠盗飞车& &打不开了 显示Grand Theft Auto VC requires at least DirectX version 8.1&&是什么意思
以上英文句子的意思是侠盗飞车5至少需要directx 8.1的版本,你的电脑应该是没有directx,又或者是太旧了,更新或安装一个新版directx 就行了。
就是你玩的游戏GTA要求DirectX8.1以上,/soft/4297.html 到天空去下吧
GTA Grand Theft Auto.你输错了。 说的是圣安地列斯最低需要DX9.0版本。 按理来说只要不是机器很老都应该是DX9,而且现在的Vista用的是DX10.
就是你的电脑至少要是DirectX 9以上的才能玩,不过GTAsa的配置要求不高的
DirectX并不是一个单纯的图形API,它是由微软公司开发的用途广泛的API,它包含有Direct Graphics(Direct 3D+Direct Draw)、Direct Input、Direct Play、Direct Sound、Direct Show、Direct Setup、Direct Media Objects等多个组件,它提供了一整
Grand Theft Auto 的译文应该是: 系列单机游戏,也译作:侠盗猎车、横行霸道、侠盗车手、侠盗飞车等。简称为GTA。 游戏概述:人们不再满足于单纯某一种类型游戏的乐趣,结合众家之长成了游戏开发的新潮流。在诸多的“混合类型”游戏里,《侠盗猎Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
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Grand Theft Auto VC requires at least DirectX version 8.1 error
I tried running GTA vice city but I keep getting this error in Windows 8.1, I installed DirectX 8.1 and then tried 9 but none work, I then tried running in compatability mode but still nothing works. Can anyone help?
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Date Posted: 12 Feb, 2014 @ 1:02pmPosts: 3
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View mobile websiteGrand Theft Auto: San Andreas
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Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: Gta SA requires at least DirectX version 9.0 fix Windows 8.1
Need help for fix it:)?!
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Hello! You found a way to run GTA SA on Windows 8.1? Please answer, and it is better to write E-mail:
Start the game and there you go you are running GTA SA on Windows 8
Originally posted by :Hello! You found a way to run GTA SA on Windows 8.1? Please answer, and it is better to write E-mail:
I have a problem with the launch of GTA SA on Windows 8.1 update 1. Sorry for bad English.Start the game and there you go you are running GTA SA on Windows 8 Hello , I decided to play SA-MP, downloaded GTA San Andreas and startup occurred already 2 errors :&Windows failed to apply the changes.The parameter specified is not a valid component name Windows.Error Code : 0x800F080C &.And another error:&Grand Theft Auto SA requires at least DirectX version 9.0&.Googled a lot , saw different ways , say the latest DirectX,. Net Framework.DirectX downloaded from the site Microsoft, clicked install and says :& Newer and the equivalent version of DirectX is already installed. Perform installation is not required .&Okay , go ahead , downloaded . Net Framework 4.5 from Microsoft.When you install the following text:& Microsoft . NET Framework 4.5 is already part of the operating system. Installing redistributable component . NET Framework 4.5 is required.This computer is running the same or a newer version . NET Framework 4.5. &Just put GTA SA on compatibility : Windows XP ( Service Pack 3 ), Windows 7 , Windows XP ( Service Pack 2 ), Windows 98 / ME.Did not help , on the other way is found along the way:Control Panel- & Programs-& Programs and Features - & Turn on or off Windows.Login and integrate the DirectPlay ( Legacy Components -& DirectPlay), but I do not have the tabs & Legacy Components & and, accordingly, does not have a component &DirectPlay&.Also downloaded all updates through Windows 8.1 , & Update Windows&, nothing helped .They also said that GTA SA need DirectX 9 , and it is not present in Windows 8 , and you can not install it , that is no way to run the game , but many run on Windows 8 .What should I do , I need help !
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Date Posted: 25 Apr, 2014 @ 11:17amPosts: 4
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