
日 来源:贴吧 编辑:糖宝宝
& &《》隐藏商店上去的方法除了之外,还可以通过爬梯子的方法,小编带来相关心得,一起看一下吧。
& &起点,在Village of Smiles(微笑村)的避难所左出口的对面,建议最好是能拿到空中冲刺(空中按翻滚键)的能力,不然比较容易出现够不到浮岛边缘而摔死的情况。
& &利用向上爬梯子时同时按跳+翻滚会出现不正常浮空的BUG去隐藏商店,记得在到达合适的位置前不要停止按跳跃+翻滚。
& &注意1:个人建议在爬梯子前先把跳跃和翻滚的次要按键设置成同一个键。具体设置到哪个键看你自己喜好,但是最好不要和主键位重复。
& &注意2:建议先把这里的蝙蝠干掉。虽然不一定会咬死你,但它们会打断你的浮空。
& &以上就是具体的心得了,祝大家玩的开心。
厉害了,我的窗帘,你怎么这么调皮啊! 小姐姐们,你们不用这么欢迎我,人家会害羞的!
妹子,你就单纯的睡个觉,怎么会变成这个样子! 牛仔裤都没办法包住的翘臀,简直让人热血沸腾啊!
日将清空数据,你的照片和文件该怎么办? 主机、掌机合二为一,明年3月上市或卖2600元。
CopyRight&2004年-年 < 游迅网 All Rights Reserved
梯子这个游戏我简单讲解一下心得,我玩梯子游戏这么久以来,玩梯子游戏必备的四个素质:1心态要好、2不要贪心、3见好要收、4学会止损、要做好一个规划,比如准备一千本金进去赚四百就收,不贪。这就是规划,当然这是个以大博小的游戏,本金足够的话肯定就是无风险的,本金不多赢率也可以达到90下注方法有很多,最主要还是能看清走势,往往不能被前面的规律迷惑了,现在很多平台都不给这样下注玩了,能稳下注赚的不剩几个平台了,所以各位输的梯友们可以来问我方法,以下讲解一下方法心得。 1、制定目标:每天赢利达到20%就立马收手,再好的计划都不为所动。    2、要有持之以恒的耐心,在每天最顺的时候操作,切不可冒进。    3、制定止赢点,每天赚取多少外快后,就一定要收手。    4、不能死跟计划,要有自己的分析判断,在操作之前要分析好玩法和热号,了解当天开出的其它号码,如果计划非常顺,非常给力就不要怕,要大胆的跟,但是不要贪心。(哪怕就是购买1元,也要有这个胆子下注,这个就是所谓的大胆)    5、每天预留好本金,赚取的立马提现。    6、不要存有侥幸心里,不要相信运气,要相信科学的分析判断。    7、良好的计划和做好倍投是成功的关键。    8、计划不顺的时间段:选择观望,停止,等顺了继续大胆的跟。18天后,你的本金从100元变成了2000元,这2000元就作为长期投资本金,每天继续按20%的赢利目标进行操作,每天提取400元存赢利,这样下来,你每个月的收入就是1万    而要实现这20%的利润,你每天只需要玩3到5期就够了,每期中了就是7元,3期是21元。肯定会有朋友问我,你怎么能保证玩3期就都中了呢?我告诉你,我们的计划中奖率是90%以上,一天1440期,你连3期中的机会都把握不到吗?1440期的90%就是1296期,1296期是中的,你找不到3期那肯定就是你的问题了,所以要求大家多观察总结,不要轻易出手,在计划顺的时候,快刀斩乱麻,3到5期内拿到20%的赢利,然后提款走人!    请各位严格按照此法操作,所谓十赌九输,就是因为利用了人类贪婪的人性弱点,只要不贪,把握好时机,赚钱就是这么简单,我们已经为大家提供了信誉良好,资金安全的平台。希望各位都能发财,我们大家一起赚钱,并没有那么难!试试我们的建议,大家一定会有意外的收获! 梯子游戏出号特点及投注技巧(仅供参考)    一、梯子游戏讲究追热、观温、弃冷的原则性    二、梯子游戏出号的特点:    1、开奖号的重复性多。    2、开奖号的对称性强,    3、开奖号的可追朔性强,及出号规律性强。    正是梯子游戏出号的三大特性,决定了梯子游戏“追热守号”的可行性。    三、梯子游戏追热守号的三大要点一、梯子游戏讲究“追热、观温、弃冷”的原则。梯子游戏“追热守号”的三大要点:    1、 开奖号强者恒强,弱者恒弱,牢记追热不追冷。    2、 注意号码由冷变热,由热变冷这一动态变化。    3、 注意前一天(前一阶段)的开奖号码,努力做好模拟投注。            四、梯子游戏“追热守号”的投注技巧;    1、 追重号,直接说,就是出啥跟啥;(15期没重跟进为好)    2、除冷号(把冷号当作参照物):某一号码《比如》连续未开3双,也就是剩下,3单、4单、4双共三个数,这时候我们提取公因数有:4或者 单或者右边、也就是说,我们可以买他们三者的任何一个,根据盘面研究,它们三个里面永远有两个是必出的,这时候就可以把原有的百分之50的概率做到百分之75了!   4、 追冷号两边的热号;当某一个号码走冷时,与其相邻的号码几乎从不走冷,非热即温很有规律。    5、 追极冷号的回补;不管是任何号码,任何形态,一般冷号到一定极限开出后,会转为热号可以抓住这一规律对回热的冷号多次定胆投注。    6、反作用追号法:即连续出了8期或者8对一样的盘面的,如连出8个双、资金做好10倍的支撑后,就可以大胆的倍投,最长周期16期; 从第九期开始 9+10=19期,所以做下来,是必然中的! 7、不管什么形态,或则不管什么号码,只要你碰到连开,或则最近10期内,越热的号,或则越热的形态,你就越去追,如果发现要走冷了,马上放弃,停止追击,大可实现不错的利润,因为梯子游戏的开奖原则性是,越热的号,越容易开出,热中要寻热,温中寻温,冷中放弃,不管什么玩法,任何一组号,任何一个形态,都是由冷边热,由热变冷这一运行动态去进行的,因为万物都是讲究平衡的概率的。很多人输钱,就是拼了老命一样去追冷号,看见什么很久没开,就去死追,恰好他的反号,就是连中,然后他就说开奖变态,其实不然,如果脑子稍微灵活的年轻人,就会去追热,那么就是连中,而不是去拼了老命去追冷号。         8、关于群里发给大家的计划,只适合参考,自己可以根据看走试图的经验来判断计划员的计划中奖率,因为计划的思路是取决于软件公式计算历史开奖的记录,统计出来的,中奖率不是100% ,时好时坏,有个时候好的时候非常顺,有个时候不好的时候非常不顺,那么既然这样,我们就抓住这个规律,等计划顺了的时候大胆下注,看到计划不顺的时候停止观望。赚了就收工!那么这样也可以大大实现利润!   9、本钱不足7期的朋友,应该怎么样实现外快盈利? 那么这个并不担心,非常简单,但是需要耐心。 ■小本的朋友,注意: ■当计划《连挂两期》时,再开始按照1、2、6、17倍购买。 ■这样即使计划4期不中,我们也能跟 ,这样中奖率高 ■大本的朋友,可以从第一期开始下手,这样赚的更多! ------提高收益率的方法【必看】          10:有7期的本钱的朋友,如何实现最大(外快)赢利值?   那么非常简单,但是也是需要有耐心,等计划连挂2期时,当别人马上要上第三期6倍的时候,那么前面2期没有跟,你就当自己已经跟了2期没有中,那么直接你的第一期上6倍,那么中了后,就是高倍的利润!比其他人相对说来,赚的更多。但是这个需要耐心,因为一天挂2期时的机会,并不是太多,但是也有的!需要耐心等待。 亏钱的原因(千金难买,赚钱必看) 1. 期期都买的人包输 - 2. 计划东跟一下西跟一下的人包输 - 3. 一心两用的人包输 - 4. 急燥的人包输,心态很重要 - 5. 本金都不够跟倍数的人50%会输 - 6. 花样玩的越多,你输得越快(一会买左,一会买单,一会又买3,一会又买四分之一的注子)7.大把下注,资金不足,跟到第4期不出,钱不够了,心慌了。 有人孤注一掷,冲第5期中了,吓的半死。    有人不敢跟,第5期出号了,气死,    然后再跟新计划,没钱了,郁闷死。    这也是一种逻辑思维方式,追热不追冷,坚持购买战略到底,本钱越大,越稳定!    性格决定命运,这话一点不假。   8.贪心必亏。有的人赚多少钱都觉得少,一心想发家致富。全天跟啊跟,到头发现还是赔的。不定目标,或是定了目标不遵守,赚了50想100,赚了100想200, 最后赚的都亏回去了。 有的人,忙了一天,还是赔的。有的人,一天只跟几次,赚好几百上千。 这就是差距。    最后,我严重强调:见好就收,不要太贪,玩之前做好止盈线,比如本金300,今天我净赚够30左右(本金10%)我就收手,这是一条上线;否则后果自负! 既然是以投资的心态做事,就应该计划好翻倍的钱,状况不对就要及时止损。 说这么多,只是想说下自己的看法,通过实践所得和大家讨论一下。希望大家能多总结买梯子游戏的经验,成为彩票高手。 上述分析是本人从事半年梯子游戏总结的部分经验,希望教导新人,避免重蹈覆辙。 贪字一把刀,杀人不见血! 不求日进千金,只求长期稳定! 彩市投资不盲目,止亏止盈万万要牢记! 以上是银河网总代理风清扬给大家简单总结的,希望大家引以为戒! 如果这些道理你都能明白 而且能够贯彻到执行中。 那么恭喜!你能99%稳赚! 如果还有不明白的老板,加QQ小杨, 本人乐意无偿指导大家更多的技巧与方法、能帮大家赚更多的钱!
发布时间: 10:58:13
作者:Julian Pritchard
loopholes(from devmag.org)
如果某样东西可以被滥用,那么它就会被滥用。 &#8212;&#8212;Hyrop的“漏洞法则”
在更早版本的《Desktop Dungeons》中,每个地下城有三个神坛。每个神坛会从9个神中随机解锁1个神。这些神通过任务会逐一解锁。玩家发现,如果他们只解锁了3个神,就可以很肯定哪三个神会刷出来。这样,神的随机性就消失了。开发者的解决办法是,在每个地下城只放一个祭坛,直到玩家解锁完4个神。
在《辐射3》中有一个漏洞,也就是,玩家可以直接前往城市The Citadel,然后使用任何道具跳进这个城市,这样就跳过了游戏中的很大一部分,不必完成任务。
meerkat(from devmag)
有些游戏将这种做法当作有效的游戏机制,例如,在《Castle Of The Winds》中,关卡在玩家进入时会随机生成,玩家可以选择重新进入关卡。这是一种原本有损的机制的后备修复办法(更准确地说,有损的程序生成)。
《Desktop Dungeons》团队能够发现地下城神坛的漏洞是因为他们查看了玩家数据指标。许多玩家在相同的帐号上创建另一个角色,而这个帐号只解锁了3个神。这让设计师感到困惑,直到他们意识到只解锁3个神的优势。
Just Cause 2(from devmag.org)
有些漏洞成为新机制。如果它们被使用得够多,可能仍然不妨碍游戏成为一款好游戏,即使已经违背了设计师的意图。在《Quake 3》中,玩家可以使用跳跃加转向的组合来提高速度。这个技术叫作平移跳,是设计师从来没有想过的,但它很快成为游戏的一部分,所以设计师们也决定留下它。
游戏的漏洞甚至可能成为续作的主要机制。在《Starsiege: Tribes》中,移动系统允许玩家使用喷气背包加速下坡。这类似于滑雪,是所有《Starsiege: Tribes》系列的核心机制之一。
Loopholes in Game Desig
by Julian Pritchard
I had just finished working on I was rather chuffed with it: the rules were elegant and nuanced: there was a wealth of strategies you could use in the game. I explained the rules to two friends, and they began to play. I was expecting them to be amazed with the game.
Instead, I was amazed with how one had managed to find a neat little trick to — unexpectedly — win the game: a loophole!
After the discovery, the game was never the same. I eventually decided to change the card game into a board game so that the game could keep my original idea, but without the loophole.
After the change in my game, I became obsessed with loopholes in games. I began to research them and find how they could affect games. In this article, I summarize my research. This article covers what loopholes are, and why they are bad, with a big list of generic types of loopholes that can be found in games. The article also gives some advice on how to find and correct these nasty little game breakers.
What a loophole is
If something can be abused, it will be.
— Hyrop’s Law of Loopholes
A loophole can be defined as a flaw in the system that users can exploit to gain an unfair or unintended advantage.
[Fullerton, Game Design Workshop]
Loopholes are often the two or more rules acting together to make something possible that was not thought possible. Loopholes arise when the game rules don’t completely limit or enforce the legal behaviour.
Players find loopholes when they know the rules very well, or by accident. However they find it, the result is always the same: they will use the loophole, regardless of whether it makes the game more fun. A pointed example of players grinding away instead of having fun is with achievement farming.
When given a task, players will find the optimal solutions, even if it ruins their fun. Finding optimal solutions is part of playing the game — it is the designer’s responsibility to create the necessary challenges for an
this burden is never the player’s.
Loopholes lead to unwan the named loopholes discussed below are all words for things the player can do, but the designer does not (usually) want.
Related Concepts
Loopholes are degenerate strategies to play the game. Among all available strategies, a dominant strategy has the best chance of leading to success. A degenerate strategy is a dominant strategy that always leads to success. (Not all dominant strategies are degenerate: the prisoner’s dilemma is a classical example.)
Loopholes are often bugs, but only bugs that can be exploited by the player are loopholes.
Many loopholes are sequence breakers (that is, they allow the player to experience events in a different order than was intended), but only sequence breaks that benefit the player are loopholes.
Many loopholes are exploits — ways to play the game that goes against the spirit of the game. But not all exploits are loopholes. For example, some exploits require special tools for hacking the game. These are generally considered cheating.
Examples of loopholes
In Bastion, players can deliberately fall off a barge, forcing the game to respawn them in a non-combative state on a moving barge. In this way, players can traverse part of the level without having to engage in combat. A secondary effect of this loophole is that the narrator does not realise what’ he happily talks about combat as if it is still happening.
In an earlier version of Desktop Dungeons, there was three altars in each dungeon. Each of these altars randomly selected one god from a possible nine gods. These gods were unlocked one-by-one through quests. Players realised that if they have only unlocked three gods, they could know which three gods would spawn with certainty. Thus, the randomness of gods was removed. The developers have since fixed this loophole by making only one altar available in a dungeon until the player has unlocked four gods.
In Rock of Ages it is possible for a rock to hit the door, and then bounce off the pathway. The game then places the rock back on the pathway, allowing the player to hit the door twice with only running the course once. This is a detrimental loophole because the game requires the player to traverse a course before they can hit the door.
In Magic The Gathering the Chaos Orb card removes any card it landed on from play. Some players would tear it up and sprinkle it on their opponents cards to remove multiple cards from play. When a player tried this the first time, the judges ruled it legal, since there was no rule against tearing the card up.
Fallout 3 has a loophole where the player may skip a large portion of the game by going straight to one city (The Citadel), and then using any item to jump into the city, instead of completing the quests to get inside.
In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a player can place a bucket on NPC’s head and rob him blind without the NPC realising it.
In Deus Ex players could uses LAMs, a grenade which could be placed as a proximity mine, as a ladder. This allowed players into areas in ways that were not intended.
A ten year old hacker exposed the following generic loophole at DefCon: in social games that run on mobile devices, you can set the time forward and receive reward without having to wait for it.
More examples:
Loopholes in Sid Meyer’s Civilisation IV
Loopholes in Skyrim (levelling up)
Loopholes in The Sims 3
Playing games in different ways
Image /115
Why loopholes are bad
According to Adams, gameplay is
The challenges a player must face to arrive at the object of the game.
The actions the player is permitted to take to address those challenges.
Loopholes interfere with both these aspects of gameplay.
They remove the challenge of the game. As mentioned earlier, players will take the easiest path towards their goal. A loophole introduces a new, easier path, effectively removing the path of challenge the designer intended. Without challenge, the gameplay is ruined.
They remove meaningful choice. Loopholes mess with the balance of the game, and an unbalanced choice is almost always a no-brainer. The existence of a loophole limits the range of interesting actions the player can take..
There are two additional reasons why loopholes are bad.
They remove fairness in multiplayer games. A game that is not fair is not fun, because all players would have to use the loophole to stay competitive. Designers should always strive to make games fair.
They can break the fourth wall. When a player uses a loophole, the game reacts in a way that exposes its limitations and underlying machinery. This can remove the sense of atmosphere and story from the game, because things no longer make sense without looking outside the magic circle. The narrator glitch in Bastion mentioned above is the perfect example.
General types of loophole
The following behaviours can occur in any type of game. Many games rely on these behaviours for their gameplay, but when they were not the behaviours intended by the game designer, they show a loophole.
Memorizing is when the game or game AI follows patterns that players can memorize.
Pac-Man is famous for this — instead of responding to enemy behaviour, the best players memorize sequences of moves they have to make to complete a level.
The easiest way to avoid players from memorizing game events is to introduce a random element in the game, either in AI behaviour, or item and AI placement, or even just in the timing of the AI.
Predicting is when the player can learn the logic of the AI, and easily defeat it by predicting its next action.
Prediction can be avoided by introducing random elements as explained above, or making AI more nuanced (essentially, making it depend on more input variables).
Brute forcing (also called permutation play) is a way of solving certain kinds of puzzles, usually where the player must figure out the correct combination of moves, digits, levers, buttons, or something similar (there are many of these kinds of puzzles in Machinarium, for example).
In some cases, brute force is the intended method of solution. But when the designer intends the player to use logic and clues provided to solve the puzzle, solving it by brute force is a loophole.
There are two ways to fix this:
Add more combinations (for example, adding a lever to a puzzle doubles the number of possible solutions), so that brute force techniques become infeasible.
Make the logic or clues more transparent.
Pixel hunting is a special form of brute forcing that is common in point-and-click adventure games. Pixel hunting is where the player mouses over (or clicks, depending on the controls) the entire screen until a indicator pops up to show that they had found an interactive point.
Pixel hunting can occur in any game that highlights interactive points only when the mouse hovers over them or they are clicked, such as a FPS reticle turning red when passing over a hidden enemy.
In some cases making the player hunt for pixels is intentional, such as resource scanning in Mass Effect 2.
Hustling is when a player exploits the dynamic difficulty adjustment of a game by playing lower than her potential. This makes the game easier, and eventually allows the player an easy victory. This is similar to pool hustling in the “real world”.
Hustling is most common in the single-player mode of racing games. Racing games use dynamic difficulty adjustment, called rubber band AI, which adjusts the AI vehicles’ performance to match the player’s: the faster the player, the faster the AI. A player hustles by keeping in second place until the last lap (even if she can pass the first vehicle). With the player in second place, the game will not inc it thinks that the player is being challenged.
To fix rubberband exploits can be difficult. The racing game Pure uses a sophisticated alternative to the rubber band method. The system dynamically sets the AI some distance ahead of the player from the start. This means that the player is continually playing catch-up throughout the race until the end, where she can narrowly beat the AI. Like with rubber band AI, the player is generally capable of victory, but she can’t hustle.
Fortune hunting occurs in games with random level generation. The player briefly glances around the level to decide if they feel the level is easy enough
if not, they simply restart the level in the hope of a more favourable one. Like the hustler, the fortune hunter is playing the game at a difficulty lower than the one that designer intended.
The designer can prevent fortune hunting in several ways:
By normalizing level difficulty so that each randomly generated level is about the same level of difficulty (this can be hard, and requires a good understanding of statistics and the game mechanics).
By not allowing a new level to be generated until the previous one has been played.This requires that you can guarantee that all your levels are fair. Otherwise, a level may be generated that frustrates the player to the point of quitting the game permanently.
To make it more difficult to judge the level difficulty until the player has invested enough time not to want to quit the level.
Loopholes in FPSes
Edging is where the player stands around a corner and shoots a part of the enemy while the enemy can’t see the player. This loophole can be countered by having the enemy AI seek out the source of the damage.
Picking is the same as edging, except that the player hops out from the corner, shoots, and returns to hiding. As with edging, this loophole can be corrected by making the AI move towards the players to attack.
Wedging can be used on enemies with a short attack range: the player lodges an enemy in a place where it cannot attack her from. This allows the player to pick off this enemy with ease.
Ways to counter this loophole are to give the enemy a long range attack, to allow it a means to reach the player by fixing the level design or improve the AI, or to create entities which force the player towards it (using a rope, for example).
Kiting is when the player can move faster or shoot further than the AI. This allows the player to move backwards and attack the AI while not receiving damage.
Camping is when a player stations herself where enemies can’t see her, and attacks enemies from such a place. Camping is normally done from a distance and with a sniper weapon.
Simply making enemies return fire may cause the player to feel cheated. A proper solution is to make the enemies move towards the player. Another strategy (especially useful in multiplayer games) is to carefully design levels without any good camping spots, and give enough feedback so that players can learn the positions of campers, for example, the Heartbeat Sensors, Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs), and KillCam in Modern Warfare 2.
Splashing is similar to camping. The player positions herself far away from the enemy and shoots an object that does splash damage, such as a grenade, at the enemy.
The are two solutions to this problem: first, the AI can be made to avoid splash damage of oncoming missiles with a second, the AI can be made to seek out the player who launched the attack.
Serializing is when a player kills an entire group of enemies by picking them off one-by-one. This is typically happens in narrow spaces, or if the AI causes enemies to separate from the group. This is a loophole if the intention was to make it more difficult to take out groups, and give the player an opportunity to choose which enemies to take out first.
The simplest fix is for the enemy to trigger an alert state in the nearby enemies which allow them to move off in a group towards the player. The combat space also needs to be designed carefully to prevent serialisation.
Loopholes in multiplayer games
Turtling happens in games with resources — typically strategy games — and there are more than two players. When two players engage in combat, both will consume resources. This puts the combatants at a disadvantage since they both lost resources in the engagement. In the meantime, the turtle is better off than both, since she did not need to spend any resources, giving her an advantage in the next combat against either player.
This effect can lead everyone in the game to play turtle, which of course prevents the game from moving forward. The solution is to encourage aggressive play by awarding the winner of each battle with enough resources to offset the losses suffered in that battle.
Killing the leader occurs in games where a scoreboard is available during play. Players attack the leader, since she is the person most likely to win, often forming coalitions to achieve this goal.
With the multitude of players attacking the leader, it is likely that they may suffer damages to a point where they can’t recover from them, and they no longer have any chance at victory.
A simple solution is to remove scoreboards from the game. A more complex solutions is to prevent players from cooperating with one and other.
Sandbagging is is a form of hustling caused by the killing-the-leader effect. Good players are aware that others are likely to attack them if they are seen to be doing well. To prevent this, they deliberately underperform until they can act to their full potential and win the game. Note that the killing the leader effect serves as built-in dynamic difficulty adjustment.
The solution to this is the same as that for killing the leader: remove the leaderboard. If players don’t know who the leader is, there is no reason to play sub-optimally.
Kingmaking is when the player lower down in the scores is not able to win, but by her actions she can decide whom among the leaders does win. These actions can be in the form of sending resources to another player, or combining the armies in a coalition. This introduces an element of diplomacy into the game, where a player can win based on relationships and not skill. (As always, it is just a loophole if this is unintentional).
The solution to this is the same as the one for sandbagging and killing the leader: remove scorebords.
Experience leeching takes a variety of forms, but the general formula is the same. A player gains benefit of participation without putting in the required effort involved to achieve the outcome.
In games where experience is awarded to the player who lands the killing blow, leechers are passive in combat until the last moment, when they jump in and kill the enemy to get the experience, at little risk of dying.
In games where experience is awarded to all players in range of the kill, leechers can stay
as long as they trail behind, they can get experience without having to take any risks.
Power leveling is a special kind of leeching. A player groups with a high level player who also kills enemies of a high level. Because of the level difference, the low level player will gain a wealth of experience causing them to level fast.
Simple solutions are to assign experience to the player who does the most damage, or to assign experience in proportion to the damage dealt.
AFK loopholes are a special form of experience leeching: instead of putting minimal effort, though, the player doesn’t put in any effort (they are, in fact, away from keyboard). The player hides in a place where other players will not notice that they are AFK, or even employs some form of bot.
Boosting or alt farming or alternate-account farming is a method where a player uses an alternate account to enhance the gains of her primary account. This is widespread in MUDs, where the players have a resource that they can attack repeatedly without fear of retribution. Boosting is also common in fighting games, where a player will “fight” against the character of her second account to boost her stats or position in the leaderboards.
A simple solution is to check the IP usage and discipline the user for abusing the game. The problem with this scheme is that the developer may punish a player unfairly, for example, if a player beats her brother at a game that they play together.
A more elegant solution is to implement a system of diminishing returns, where the continued killing of a single entity gives less gains for the attacker until it no longer to make sense to attack. This can further be improved by also making higher level players receive less benefits from attacking lower level players.
Twinking is the opposite of alt farming. It is when a player creates a low-level character and gives it the benefits that are intended for a high level character. The twink is kept at a low-level so that it may defeat opponents of similar level with great ease.
Smurfing is hustling by using a new account and pretending to be an inexperienced player to lure in and kill players that are actually inexperienced easily. This is common in games where there is matchmaking based on metrics tracking player capabilities. Examples include the recent Call of Duty games, the leagues in StarCraft II, and League of Legends.
Matchmaking systems are self-correcting: metrics will move the smurfer to matches with equally skilled players after a few games, so she can only use this technique a few times before having to create another new account. And with pay-to-play games, the smurfer is required to buy the game each time she wants to create a smurf account. In a free-to-play game it is up to the community and dev team to find a solution using social norms and policy (discussed more in a section below).
Ghosting is when a non-playing observer in a multiplayer game communicates to one player, or team, the actions of their opponent.
A sub form of ghosting is called stream sniping this is when highly skilled player broadcast their games live on a streaming service. Their opponents may then watch the stream and counter their opponents actions as they are watching them.
Account Sharing is when multiple people use the same account to achieve a goal that would need a large time commitment by a single player. With account sharing, such a goal can be reached with only a modest time commitment by each player.
Farming is when players focus on a goal that is not the main goal of the game. This can be something such as increasing their stats, or gaining achievements. Each of which would normally prefix farming when in action.
Achievement farming, in a multiplayer games, is when players of opposing teams cooperate with one and other so that players can easily gain achievements that would normally require skill and investment in the game.
Loopholes in racing games
Short circuiting is when the player finds a faster route to complete the race than the intended one. This can be as simple as driving the course backwards, but normally requires the player to find an error in the level design.
Spawn jumping occurs when the player respawns and has gained time. This normally involves the player dying in such a place that it is possible for them to spawn ahead, or dying in such a way that would dramatically increase her speed. An example of this is the rainbow bridge in Mario Kart, where a player could skip half the race by spawn jumping.
Perma boosting is when the player is able to continually use a speed boost that is only supposed to be used seldomly, or in a limited amount. An example of such an exploit is snaking in the Mario Kart games, where players use power slides to always have a boost on the vehicle. Another example is in F-ZeroX, where separate scoreboards are used for players who perma boost and those who don’t.
Loopholes in game physics
Wall jumping is when the player is able to climb up a wall by jumping against it, usually because of inaccurate physics or small glitches in the world geometry.
In World of Warcraft, before the introduction of flying mounts, it was possible to use this loophole to reach places in the game that the player shouldn’t have been able to.
Bootstrapping is when the player jumps onto an object that she ‘holds’. She just moves up and also brings the object up with her. This allows the player to jump up or fly as if she had a jetpack. The Fallout 3 loophole mentioned earlier relies on bootstrapping for the player to get access to the Citadel.
Bunny hopping is when the player uses a series of secondary movements to increase the movement speed. These movements typically involve jumping or crouching. Bunny hopping techniques vary from engine to engine.
Loopholes in saving systems
Duping is when there is a resource that persists through saves — generally a currency the player gains through an in-app purchase. The player
loads and gathers it again, while they are in turn getting richer for not doing any work.
Cloning is similar to twinking, but instead of creating a new account the player copies a saved game into a dummy account, sells the resources of the saved game for currency, and sends the currency back to the original account via a form of social integration where friends can ‘gift’ things to one and other.
The solution is to track the validity of player saves, or to check where the ‘gifts’ are coming from to be sure that they are from a legitimate user.
Save scumming is when a player makes multiple saves so that they can play a ‘perfect’ game. The player creates a number of saves and simply reloads one until they get the result they want.
A solution is to remove, or disable, a save that is frequently used without the correct condition for the load to happen — player death is typical. This, unfortunately, removes the player’s ability to reload when death is certain even before it occurred. An alternative is to make the games use save points instead of free saves.
Save scumming is similar to fortune hunting — the difference is that a player can progress with save scumming, while a player that merely fortune hunts has to restart the game (or level).
Some games make statistics manipulation a valid game mechanic, for example, in Castle Of The Winds levels are randomly generated on player entering, and players can choose to re-enter the level. This is a kind of fall-back-fix for otherwise broken mechanics (more precisely, broken procedural generation).
Save jumping is when the player uses the game auto-save system to their advantage. The player can do things such as teleporting to a different game point, or run to an autosave point while fighting to load the save and remove the enemies.
How to find game design loopholes
As a designer, finding loopholes is a challenge: you are trying to break the very rules you crafted so carefully to govern the game world. In non-computer games this may be easier because the rules are stated explicitly. In video games, the rules are implicit, and requires a player to learn the rules, mostly, through trial-and-error. Because of the complexity of some games, a loophole may be completely overlooked simply because the “proper way of playing” is ingrained in the designer’s head.
There are four ways to find loopholes in your design.
1. Use your own knowledge, experience and instincts
Look for loophole patterns. With experience, you will start to recognize the patterns that can lead to loopholes, and remove them from the design early. All the FPS loopholes discussed above arises from the interaction between the level design and AI.
Drawing from a large knowledge-base of loopholes in other games in your genre can be very helpful, and it’s a good idea to build such a base for yourself.
Understand player motives. Even in simple games, the possibilities for loopholes are endless. Focus your attention where it matters. Consider what players want to do, and pay attention to the various systems that allows or limits these goals:
Players want to win.
Players want more resources.
Players want to get to every spot in the game.
Players want to be the first, the fastest, the strongest,the richest, the prettiest, the coolest.
Players want achievements.
This will not necessarily be the systems with the most loopholes, but it will be systems that players will pay most attention to, and loopholes in these systems are most likely to have important effects (on gameplay, player satisfaction, and even your bottom line).
Don’t Kill Emergence. Trying to predict player behaviour can be tricky, and there is always the risk that your loophole corrections unnecessarily limits the game, and removes the possibilities of positive emergence.
2. Ask fellow game designers to check your design
Fellow designers can be great at finding loopholes. Designers have a good way of looking at a system and its rules and finding where to break them, and they typically have a vast knowledge of various loopholes in other games.
Of course, this method is not perfect:
different designers may not agree on what are the l and
even a hundred game designers may still overlook some loopholes.
Testing overcomes some of these problems: gamers don’t have designer’s bias, and you can generally find more game players than game designers willing to comment on your game.
Gamers know their game worlds have rules, and that they can break these rules to their advantage. Tournament level players are often used as balance testers and have been extremely important in the making of games such as Starcraft 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
Metrics are a powerful tool for finding loopholes, especially if you have a large test group. A simple statistic such as number of players that choose a certain character may point to a balance issue: if a disproportionate number of players choose a certain character or combination, you know there is a problem. The course blog Game Balance Concepts gives an extensive overview of the use of metrics in game design.
The Desktop Dungeons team was able to pick up the loophole with the gods by looking at the metrics of their players. A number of players were creating alternative characters on the same account where they unlocked only three gods. This puzzled the developers, until they realised the advantage of only unlocking three gods.
Metrics are also useful to pick up more general exploits: metrics exposed a highly skilled guild of WoW players that used a client side tool to delete a wall during a raid and skip to the last boss, making game events happen out of the planned order.
A heatmap — a visual depiction of a metric on the game map — is another useful tool in finding loopholes. A heat map can show things such as player deaths, shots fired, enemy cover and player exploration. Heatmaps make it visually apparent where there are topographical problems with the map. See for example how this technique was applied in Halo 3, Just Cause 2, Replica Island, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, by BioWare, and even in point-and-click adventure games.
Player deaths in Just Cause 2.
4. Use feedback from players in the field
Once a game has shipped, and your game is played by a large number of players, even more loopholes will be exposed. Adding metrics to your games can be very helpful to expose loopholes in these circumstances (players may not want to report loopholes as eagerly as testers). Unfortunately, you will only be able to fix with a patch or update.
How to fix loopholes
Change one of the components. Since loopholes arise from the unintended interaction of game elements (rules or systems), a loophole can generally be fixed by making a change to just one of these systems. For example, all the FPS loopholes discussed can be fixed by either changing the level design, or by changing the AI.
Change the interaction. Loopholes can also be fixed at the points where systems that cause them interact. Taking the FPS examples, the AI can be adjusted to take the level design into account, so that alternate behaviours are used based on the topology of the surroundings.
Beware: general versus specific solutions. Some loopholes can be fixed by introducing very specific rules or exceptions. For example, in an FPS game, AI can be developed for specific zones: “if I am close to position (123, 456), I need to move away from the crates”. Alternatively, problems can be fixe in an FPS, for example, the AI may be adjusted “if I am between two crates, move away”.
General rules are more elegant and easier to manage. But adding general rules to fix loopholes may introduce new loopholes. Specific rules don’t impact on the overall game, but many may be needed, leading to debugging nightmare. “Why is this AI moving away from crates when he is near the big boss?”
Rely on social norms. In multiplayer games, social norms can make up for broken rules. This is especially useful when a loophole would be too expensive to fix, or a solution is not clear. Online justice systems are an essential part of MMO social systems. Such social norms can be provided by behavioural guidelines — such as the World of Warcraft harassment policy — or rewarding players who positively contribute to the community, such is the plan for Dota 2.
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature
A loophole can destroy a game, but not always.
Some loopholes require considerable skill in themselves, and thus they don’t break the game. In the developer commentary for Portal. The developers said they left trick methods of completing the puzzles in because they required more skill than completing the puzzle normally would.
Some loopholes become new mechanics. If they are rich enough, it can still be a good game, even if it is not the one the designer intended. In Quake 3 players could use a combination of directional jumping and turning to increase her speed. This technique, called strafe jumping, was never planned for, but it soon became an essential part of the game, and the developers decided to leave it in.
The loopholes in a game can even become the main mechanics of the sequel. In Starsiege: Tribes the movement system allowed players to attain very high speeds by using their jetpack to go down a hill. This is referred to as skiing, and is one of the core feature of every tribes game.
Some loopholes have little effect in the greater scheme. They may make one small part of the game easier, but overall don’t change the difficulty. In this case, they may become a source of amusement, such as the bucket-on-the-head Skyrim loophole mentioned earlier.
Some loopholes “fix” broken design. Yes, if you take out the ability to bruteforce puzzles in certain games, they may be totally unsolvable.
Finding loopholes is a sport. The meta game of speed runs use sequence breaking loopholes so that the player can complete a given game or level thereof in the least amount of game time possible.
Loopholes pop up from time to time. Experience and knowledge of loopholes in other games will help you avoid them, and proper testing to find and remove them when they do slip through.()
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