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LELO BOB 鲍勃 男性后庭按摩棒(酒红色)
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LELO BOB鲍勃 男女用后庭前列腺手动按摩棒 人体工学设计(酒红色)
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LELO是成人用品领域的知名品牌,这款LELO BOB 鲍勃按摩棒采用无毒安全硅胶材质,材质通过FDA安全认证,不含酞酸酯,人性化曲线设计,平滑无缝,触感较好,尺寸96*32mm,重量32g。 亚马逊中国酒红色款报价229元,在订单确认页面输入BYLACXFV6Z和LELOLELO50后,实付159元包邮。记忆中最低价是152元,但都瞬间售罄,这次好像货源充足。
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bob是什么意思 bob在线翻译 bob什么意思 bob的意思 bob的翻译 bob的解释 bob的发音 bob的同义词 bob的反义词 bob的例句 bob的相关词组
bob英 [b?b] 美 [bɑ:b] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:bob 基本解释及物动词使上下(或来回)快速摆动; 剪短(头发); 截短(尾巴); 轻拍,轻叩不及物动词行屈膝礼; 上下(或来回)快速摆动; 用浮子钓鱼; 咬住悬挂或漂浮的目标物名词鲍勃; 〈美口,英口〉同“shilling”; (女人,小孩的)短发,束发; 轻拍bob的解释bob 相关例句及物动词1. A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.&&&&一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动着。2. She had her hair bobbed.&&&&她把头发剪短了。不及物动词1. This problem has bobbed up again.&&&&这个问题又出现了。2. 2. The girl bobbed politely at him.&&&&那姑娘礼貌地向他行了个屈膝礼。3. The small boat was bobbing on the rough water of the lake.&&&&小船在汹涌的湖面上上下摆动。bob 情景对话问候A:Good morning, Jerry. How’s everything?&&&&&&早上好,杰丽。一切可好?B:Fine, just fine. Thanks.&&&&&&好,都挺好的。谢谢。A:Doing anything for lunch?&&&&&&午饭的时候你有事吗?B:Well, as a matter of fact, I’ve got a lunch date with Bob Thomas.&&&&&&不瞒你说,我跟鲍勃?托马斯约好了一起吃午饭。介绍A:Great party, isn’t it?&&&&&&这个聚会很棒,是不是?B:Yeah, really. Jane and Ted always have great parties.&&&&&&是呀,的确很棒。简和特德总是把聚会搞得很好。A:This is my first. I only met Jane last week. She and I teach at the same school.&&&&&&我这是头一回来。我上星期才认识简。她和我在同一个学校教书。B:Oh, so you’re a teacher?&&&&&&哦,那么说你是个老师了?bobA:Yeah, history. What about you?&&&&&&对,是教历史的。你呢?B:I’m in the car business.&&&&&&我是做汽车生意的。A:Salesman?&&&&&&是推销员吗?B:Yes, that’s right.&&&&&&对,你说着了。A:Oh, I see. By the way, my name’s Bob Evans.&&&&&&哦,是这样。顺便自我介绍一下,我叫鲍勃 埃文斯。B:Nice to meet you. I’m Jim Taylor.&&&&&&很高兴认识你。我叫吉姆 泰勒。没找到人bob的翻译A:Beijing Trading Campany. May I help you?&&&&&&北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干?B:I would like to talk with Mr.Zhong.&&&&&&我想找钟先生。A:We have two Zhongs. Is that Bob Zhong, or John Zhong?&&&&&&我们这里有两位先生姓钟。你要接Bob钟,还是John钟?B:John Zhong&&&&&&John钟。A:I'm sorry, he's not in the office now.&&&&&&很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006DB:Do you have any idea when he'll be back?&&&&&&你知道他何时回来吗?A:I have no idea(when he'll be back.)&&&&&&我不知道(他何时回来)。B:Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?It's urgent.&&&&&&他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗?有急事。A:I'm sorry but he's in Shanghai on business.Probably sometime tomorrow.&&&&&&很抱歉,他出差去上海了。可能明天(回来)。B:Is there anyone else who can help me?&&&&&&有没有其他的人能帮我?A:Maybe you can connect with Miss Zhang.&&&&&&或许你可以和张小姐联系一下。B:OK.Would you please get it through to Miss Zhang.&&&&&&好的,那麻烦转接一下张小姐。bob的反义词A:OK. I'll just put you through.Just a moment, please.&&&&&&好的,我这就给您转接。 请稍候。B:You're welcome.&&&&&&别客气。bob 网络解释1. 1. 玻利维亚币:货币用玻利维亚币(bob)人民币1=1.5左右. 我现在找到的机票要12000起 ,而且去那里一定要包车,讲西班牙语,最快捷是坐南非航空,从香港坐飞机,经约翰尼斯堡转机,巴西圣保罗后再转机,坐27小时才可以到达,这已经是最方便的,2. 2. 上下跳动:我这种正常身材而且还不清楚骑乘特性的人,要找一个理想的后避震设计不难,像捷安特的 Maestro 几乎都有解决到我所关心的问题,像是踏板回击、煞车影响以及踩踏时上下跳动(bob)等等,当然也不是 100% 解决,不过是一个最佳的妥协,3. 3. bob:ba 底线界外球4. 4. bob: 船上燃料舱5. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D5. bob: 玻利维亚诺6. bob: 数据块开始bob 双语例句1. A swing band with country overtones -- Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys comprised 13 musicians and grew into an 18-piece band during the 1940s -- Wills'outfit played a miscellany of country ballads, blues, and riffy jazz items with horns, fiddles, steel guitar, and various strings.&&&&这个摇摆乐队以其乡村泛音而见长,它由鲍勃。威尔斯和他其他十三个德克萨斯花花公子乐队的成员组队,并在40年代发展成为一个十八人的乐队--用号、小提琴、电吉它和不同的弦乐演奏乡村歌谣、蓝调音乐和即兴重复的爵士乐。2. Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers.&&&&鲍勃和皮特发现他们是双胞胎兄弟。3. 911查询·英语单词大全3. Bob will ask you for your phone number.&&&&斯特科会教你一个特别的握手方式,而鲍勃会问你要你的电话号码。4. Bob: No problem, the pumpkin lantern is a traditional part of the Hallow celebration, it has another name, called:Jace Lantern. Most of children make pumpkin lanterns on that day.&&&&没问题,万圣节上,南瓜灯是万圣节庆典的传统节目之一,它还有另一个名字叫杰克灯,那天很多小朋友都会做南瓜灯。5. This is my friend Bob.&&&&这位是我的朋友 Bob -节哀6. 911查询·英语单词6. The 16m3 skim-bob feeding system from traditional way may cause sone foundry defect s, such as: dirt inclusion, air hole, etc.&&&&用传统方法设计计算16m~3渣包的浇注系统,有时会存在夹渣、气孔等铸造缺陷,而且铸件清整工作量大。7. In England, Johnny Douglas was the primary arranger and conductor for the series, but Hill Bowen, Bob Sharples, and Geraldo made frequent contributions.&&&&英格兰的Johnny Douglas担任此系列节目的首任编曲和指挥,Hill Bowen,Bob Sharples和Geraldo也作出大量贡献。8. bob的近义词8. When Bob gets mad, you can't hold him down.&&&&当鲍勃生气的时候,你都抑制不住他。9. But as Bob Taylor h tone is a subjective thing.&&&&但是作为BOB TAYLOR自己他会告诉你:音色是个客观的玩意儿。10. bob10. Bob's favorite subject is biology and he is interested in Chinese herbs.&&&&他最喜欢的科目是生物,同时他对中国的草药很感兴趣。11. 11. After years of dragging, carrying, and lugging bags all over the place Bob Plath.&&&&&&经过多年的拖延,携带和行李袋到处鲍勃plath。12. Just as Bob Green says the invisible barrier always holds.&&&&&&如鲍勃·格林所说,那道无形的屏障一直是有效的。13. 13. Only Alice and Bob (or perhaps a principal who is trusted by them) should know K.&&&&&&只有艾莉丝跟包柏(或者可能被他们信任的个体)知道 K。14. Alice and Bob should know that K is newly generated (session key/short-term key).&&&&&&艾莉丝跟包柏应该知道 K 是最新建立的。15. Bob: He is a stroller in Ningbo, and he is almost as hot as famous star now.&&&&&&他是宁波的一个流浪汉,但是他现在几乎跟明星一样红了。16. 16. As you`ve seen on the screen, I bob up and down like this...&&&&&&正如你们在屏幕上看到的,我像这样突然上下。。。17. If Bob has stood me up, I'll never talk to him again.&&&&&&如果Bob放我鸽子,我就再也不跟他说话了18. 18. Bob: Two thumbs up, I had a great time.&&&&&&鲍勃:很好,我过得很愉快。19. Bob: What's up?&&&&&&怎么了?20. I have not seen him around for a while, but I am sure he'll bob up again soon.&&&&&&我有一段日子没见着他了,可我相信过不了多久他又会突然露面的。bob 词典解释The plural form for meaning 4 is bob. 义项4的复数形式为bob。1. (像物体在水中飘浮似的)上下移动,起伏&&&&If something bobs, it moves up and down, like something does when it is floating on water.&&&&e.g. Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above...&&&&&&&&&&&一个个巨大的气球在头顶的蓝天中漂浮着。&&&&e.g. The raft bobbed along more quietly.&&&&&&&&&&&小木筏更加平静地漂浮向前。2. 快速移动;突然消失(或出现)&&&&If you bob somewhere, you move there quickly so that you disappear from view or come into view.&&&&e.g. She handed over a form, then bobbed down again behind a typewriter.&&&&&&&&&&&她递过来一张表格,随后又立刻埋头在打字机后面忙活起来。3. (快速)点(头)(如打招呼等)&&&&When you bob your head, you move it quickly up and down once, for example when you greet someone.&&&&e.g. A hostess stood at the top of the steps and bobbed her head at each passenger.&&&&&&&&&&&一位空姐站在最高的阶梯上向每位旅客点头致意。4. (英国旧时货币单位)先令&&&&In Britain, people used to refer to a shilling as a bob.&&&&e.g. I've
only got ten bob on me.&&&&&&&&&&&我身上只有10先令。5. (女式)齐短发,蘑菇头,波波头&&&&A bob is a fairly short hair style for women in which the hair is the same length all the way round, except for the front.6. 零碎物件;小玩意儿&&&&Bits and bobs are small objects or parts of something.&&&&e.g. The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs.&&&&&&&&&&&这架显微镜内有价值数百美元的电子元件。bob 单语例句1. Singer and Africa campaigner Bob Geldof was fourth, and entrepreneur Richard Branson came fifth.2. FIBA President Bob Elphinston thanked Turkey and the government for its preparation for the event, expressing his certainty that " Turkey will deliver ".3. Mayor Bob Parker said he believed the public events would provide an opportunity for Christchurch residents to come together as a community.4. " We've got some tough days ahead of us and I'm not optimistic, " Christchurch mayor Bob Parker told Television New Zealand.5. Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker declared a state of emergency and ordered people to evacuate the city center.6. Bob Riley said the state might use its $ 15 million in tourism promotion money from BP to stage additional shows through the fall.7. The look is inspired by a movie about Bob Dylan, in which everyone is fully clothed in denim.8. Eight players from English clubs are in coach Bob Bradley's squad while Benfica's Freddy Adu is also included.9. Head chef Bob He has 19 years of culinary experience, including three years on a cruiser in the Mediterranean.10. Home Affairs Minister Bob Debus said the boat is believed to have traveled from Sri Lanka.bob 英英释义noun1. a short abrupt inclination (as of the head)&&&&e.g. he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement2. a short or shortened tail of certain animals&&&&Synonym: 3. a small float usually made of cork&&&&attached to a fishing line&&&&Synonym: 4. a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string5. a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism&&&&Synonym: 6. a hair style for women and children&&&&a short haircut all around7. a former monetary unit in Great Britain&&&&Synonym: verb1. cut hair in the style of a bob&&&&e.g. Bernice bobs her hair these days!2. make a curtsy&&&&usually done only by girls and women&&&&as a sign of respect&&&&e.g. She curtsied when she shook the Queen's hand&&&&Synonym: 3. remove or shorten the tail of an animal&&&&Synonym: 4. move up and down repeatedly&&&&e.g. her rucksack bobbed gently on her back5. ride a bobsled&&&&e.g. The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure&&&&Synonym: bob是什么意思,bob在线翻译,bob什么意思,bob的意思,bob的翻译,bob的解释,bob的发音,bob的同义词,bob的反义词,bob的例句,bob的相关词组,bob意思是什么,bob怎么翻译,单词bob是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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