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Includes 25 Steam Achievements
Title: Super VR Trainer
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 31 Aug, 2016
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Super VR Trainer is really fun in its current state already and absolutely playable.
We went into Early Access because we feel the community can provide really valuable feedback to the current game and suggest great features to be added.
We didn't want to release the game without hearing your opinion!&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&With our current goals (check the next point) we are targeting a 5-6 months early access period, but if more expansive content is decided to be added, it may take longer.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&Aside a couple new games, we want to add features that we couldn't add before because the game wasn't on Steam. Now that we are on Early Access, we can use Steamworks to add:
Two new games
Multiplayer co-op
Steam Workshop (add your own models/enemies/sound/music to the game!)
Of course these are our plans. We hope that the involvement of the community will add lots of new points to the list :)&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&There are three titles, and they are all almost completed, but we want to include more waves and final bosses. Again, all the titles are fully playable and have already been played by hundreds on a public demo we made this summer.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&Super VR Trainer is priced at a significant discount during Early Access and we'll gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features. The earlier you get it, the cheaper it is!&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We have been using the game for demonstration purposes on a 2 weeks-long event organized by ourselves in a mall and got tons of great feedback from the players.
We want to extend this to the Steam community by proving early access to the game and getting your feedback on the current games, suggestions about new games that could be added and features for the existing ones.&
Requires a virtual reality headset. See the VR Support section for more info.
Buy Super VR Trainer
Recent updates
20 September
Hi, beloved players!
Today we added a new game to the trainer: the game with falling blocks that is suspiciously similar to that game from the 80's...
...but with a twist!
The game mechanics are well known: Use your left controller touchpad to rotate the torus, the right controller touchpad to rotate the pieces and the right trigger to drop it.
Of course it includes turbo mode as well as 5 new achievements.
We hope you enjoy it! Let us know how it goes!
9 September
Hi everyone!
Special thanks to slackvr666 and gamerhoofster-pony who provided great feedback! We take our players comments really seriously so we started implementing a few of their suggestions right away and we'll work on adding more.
New turbo mode. It's unlocked for each game after playing that game 10 times. It makes everything go... mmmm... faster!
Light Blade Trainer
Now you start looking at the door directly.
You can turn off your light blade!
Those storm troop got smarter! They won't block each other and now they aim better!
Cave Trainer
New aiming method: You can now aim using both controllers, so it's more precise and realistic!
New bow model
New arrow model
Hoverboard Trainer
We lowered the requirements for a couple achievements.
Better feedback when the slowmo and boost are available again. The controllers will vibrate for a moment when they are ready to go!
When the slowmo/boost is in use, the controller will vibrate.
Once more, thanks everyone for your suggestions!
Enjoy the update!
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About This Game
Put on your Virtual Reality headset and step inside the Super VR Trainer universe. Shoot some zombies in a abandoned hospital, pick up your arrow to defeat spear-throwing enemies or send back the soldier's shots on a space station using two laser blades.
Super VR Trainer is a bundle that includes four titles specifically built for HTC Vive:
Hospital Zombie Shooter
Immerse yourself in a claustrophobic shooter set in an abandoned hospital where you are surrounded by waves of zombies coming from anywhere.
Skeleton's Cave: Bow & Arrow
The cartoon-looking bow & arrow game where you'll have to defeat spear-throwing enemies. You'll have to physically dodge those spears while attack with your own bow.
Light Blade Assault
Send back the soldier's shots on a space station using two laser blades and may the luck be with you.
Hover board
How long can you survive surfing this futuristic landscape? Let's find out!
Super VR Trainer is being developed with lots of love by two indie guys. The game is in continuous development with more titles on the way that will be included in the bundle for free.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
Processor: Intel(R) i5-4590, AMD FX 8350 equivalent or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce(R) GTX 970, AMD Radeon(TM) R9 290 equivalent or bette
Storage: 1500 MB available space
Additional Notes: Requires an HTC VIVE HMD and controllers
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Early Access Review
This game (well, &these games& technically) show great potential. You get 4 varied games and they are a lot of fun. One minute you are pretending to be a Jedi, blasting troopers with their own laser blasts, next minute you are fending off zombies in an spooky dark old hospital, then you are flexing your bow and arrow skills against geeky skeletons before relaxing with some trippy snowboarding. All of these games have a unique visual and play style which is a nice touch.Sure, there are things that need work on in the game, which is what you would expect with an early access game, but it's still super playable now and a lot of fun. Can't wait to get back to my VR setup to play this again.
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Early Access Review
Simple, yet effective games. I didn't expect much from it, but truth be told, just for the &zombies& one it worth the bought.It's a four games pack:- Two specially fun and immersive (&zombies& and hoverboard racing or whatever is that), that transmit very well the VR feel, and the two most replayable I think. - One about lightsabers/Star Wars which is also fun but not as the level of the two previous mentioned, the lack of license make it lose points (you know, I wanted to choose my jedi/sith and see some stormtroopers). Also a &use the force& feature would have been great. Apart from that, it's cool just hear the lightsaber and act (or should I say overact) like jedi.- And the last one, which in my opinion is the worst, is somekind or archer game. Maybe too tricky for me or maybe I didn't play too much, but I found it a little dull.So in general, a game that you put when friends come to your house and you want to show them (or give the a try) how does VR feel. Specially as a said before the zombies one, the hover racing or the lightsabers one. Nice evening passing the glasses and watching some jumpscares or overacting.I really recommend it!
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Early Access Review
Its an ok collection of simply games. each game in its own right needs polishing but on a whole they are fun. I would not reconmend the game as it is right now but if they makers of the game contine to improve it then sure. Im giving a thumbs up in the hope they contine the good effort.
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Early Access Review
This is another showpiece for the tech and nothing more.
It's basically several mini games in one: bow and arrow, lightsaber, gun, hoverboard and tetris.
Nothing terribly deep here but damn it's fun.
Especially if you get some friends over.
This should be one of the first experiences you try in VR.
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View mobile website出旧馆的门。阶梯的灯坏了,无论是咳嗽还是跺脚,还是撞墙,发出的残忍分贝都无法唤醒这真正熟睡的灯。走在前面的是一个男生,缓慢徘徊着像在等人。我插上耳机,正好放到《你必须幸福》的一句:你和别人不一样。他开始下楼梯,试图在黑暗中白夜行。我打开手机照明,灯光辐射到他的前方。&一个楼梯走完,到了笨重的门前,他吱吖一声推开门,没有吱吖一声再关掉。直到我从他手臂与门的缝隙中钻过。歌曲唱到了:你必须幸福。这一句。
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你觉得你挺好的,可是你就是没有男朋友。看了下面的几组画,对比一下自己和别人,也许会豁然开朗。工作好,最后一个,赢了晚安,大婊贝们 白活了你遇到的最“反人类”的设计是什么?最后一个简直不能忍,坐过那个位置的举个手!1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、小婊贝们,晚上壕因为找不到洗头的动力等到天荒地老周杰伦都没回我信息社长大人我决定来虐虐你们辣发现拒绝真是聊天逼哥只能帮你们到这里了
话说咱们中国人的一大特色就是“含蓄”嘛~当好事来临时总得先礼让一番,然而往往“你的眼神出卖了你的心”(能如何机智的应对理发师的推销,果断get√我一般都说 兄弟 同行… 他就不说话了 小婊贝们,晚上壕这个故事的开头是这样的不知道哪位乐(ai)于(qian)助(dao)人的好少年教会了我妈玩微信,然后故事就这来源:orzzzz1.一个珠圆玉润的煎饼2.一群正方形的西瓜3.一个从一而终的牙膏4.一次停得恰到好处的加油 男朋友长得太帅是一种什么样的体验?对于重感情的妹纸来说,前男友都是种特别的存在。分手前爱他恨他,分手后想他恼他。不过既然分手,多少出现过一些不晚安各位,逼哥要去找基友了第十二届TFC全球移动游戏大会暨智能娱乐展圆满闭幕3月16-18日,第十二届TFC全球移动游戏大会暨智能娱乐有事直接说,别问在不在人生伴侣从不介意开始有些东西无法解释特别是感情转载A4腰大哥这车卖么我腿毛漂亮么男女区别的另一种解释神歌词高招锅转自内涵社一、悟示弱  一个人太强势,不管出发点是不是好的,定会受到伤害,这种伤害几乎无法挽回,所以很多人遍体鳞伤,因有些东西无法解释特别是感情你怕了吗难不成?对不起!!我应该早想到你是猪八戒的后代!
你真以为您老有品味,有个性呐?  你那是穿衣服呢还是sibibibibibibi逼哥回来啦,分分钟撕碎碧池!!!热门文章最新文章sibibibibibibi逼哥回来啦,分分钟撕碎碧池!!!热门搜索:
VR虚拟现实第一媒体VR日报原创稿件,转载请注明出处1、告别观看360度视频呕吐 Facebook研发去抖动算法Facebook及其虚拟现实子公司Oculus准备投身于最新的360度视频形式中,Facebook在上个月的News Feed中已经引进这种视频。不管你用的是台式机还是移动设备,只要你在Facebook上看到这些媒体发布的最新360度视频,你就能轻拍,点击或拖动视频来改变你的观看角度并看到你周围的所有动态。如果你很幸运的是一个提前获得了一台Oculus Rift VR头显的少数软件开发者,你就能获得更棒的沉浸式体验。2、无线版htc vive提上日程 V社联合Quark VR一起研发由于HTC暂时还不能实现硬件无线化的条件。Valve和Quark VR似乎为此想出了一个好点——合作制作一款无线版的htc vive,据悉样机将会在秋季上线。3、买一送三,vr游戏“Super VR Trainer”登陆Steam“Super VR Trainer”是由Jorge Moreno Aguilera和David Erosa联合开发的一个vr游戏合集。这款作品内置了3个可供选择的迷你游戏,分别是“Hospital Zombie Shooter”、“Skeleton’s Cave: Bow & Arrow ”、以及“Light Blade Assault ”,这三个小游戏都需要虚拟现实头盔htc vive的支持。4、HTC再次收购VR工作室,这次它们来自皮克斯HTC正持续地扩张他们的VR虚拟现实版图,这一次,他们将目光投向了美国奥克兰的一家独立VR内容开发工作室。这个工作室名为Steel Wool Studios,囊括了来自皮克斯动画工作室、卢卡斯电影公司和Telltale Game游戏工作室的前资深创意人员,今天正式宣布完成了其A轮融资,所获得的500万美元全部来自HTC。5、英国万花筒夏季展会即将开幕,分享VR艺术作品第一期Kaleidoscope Summer Showcase(万花筒夏季展会)将于下周在英国首都伦敦举行,该展会将以多个展示和会谈的形式来展现艺术和科学在虚拟现实(VR)领域的应用。6、2K公司发布vr游戏“Carnival Games VR”游戏发行商2K刚刚发布了首个虚拟现实游戏《Carnival Games VR》 ,《Carnival Games》系列的新成员。《Carnival Games VR》将会在日上架PSVR和htc vive,售价为20美元,并于年底登陆oculus rift。7、拍完奇幻森林还不够,导演乔恩着手制作VR作品在试图超越迪士尼经典作品的尝试中,导演乔恩·费儒通过电影《奇幻森林》交出了一个了不起的成绩单。除了扮演毛克利的小演员外,其他所有的角色和场景都是通过CGI技术创作而成的。但费儒似乎还非常渴望制作计算机生成的沉浸式体验。这名导演最新的一个项目是奇幻VR体验《侏儒与哥布林》(Gnomes & Goblins),大家将可以在9月8日开始免费体验这个作品。作者:VR日报,微信搜索公众号“VR日报”,微博@VR日报网,转载请注明版权原文地址:/kuaixun/8101.html
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