纳尼亚传奇里面说到的the deep magiccpu里面到底是什么么

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不喜欢纳尼亚的主题和没有收到纳尼亚的影响是两回事,毕竟纳尼亚是儿童文学,奇幻小说,不是神学著作。除了基督教说教成分,其它的文学成分如语言、设定等影响后来者是很自然的事,不能因为理念分歧就全面否定吧。 的采访是2005年的,链接:h放tt之p://w掺w杂w.time.c om/time/magazine/article/0,,00.h tm l你引的罗琳说国王十字车站的设定和纳尼亚里的衣橱有关,是2001的文章,我贴一点原文,在同一篇文章里,罗琳就批评了刘易斯的观念,但我前面提过,理念不同并不妨碍技术手法上的借鉴。I found myself thinking about the wardrobe route to Narnia [in the CS
Lewis series including The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe] when Harry
is told he has to hurl himself at a barrier in Kings Cross Station - it
dissolves and he's on platform Nine and Three-Quarters, and there's the
train for Hogwarts.
Narnia is literally a different world, whereas in the Harry books you
go into a world within a world that you can see if you happen to belong.
A lot of the humour comes from collisions between the magic and the everyday
worlds. Generally there isn't much humour in the Narnia books, although
I adored them when I was a child. I got so caught up I didn't think CS
Lewis was especially preachy. Reading them now I find that his subliminal
message isn't very subliminal at all.Really, CSLewis had very different objectives to mine. When I write,
I don't intend to make a point or teach philosophy of life. A problem
you run into with a series is how the characters grow up ... whether they're
allowed to grow up. The characters in Enid Blyton's Famous Five books
act in a prepubescent way right through the series. In the Narnia books
the children are never allowed to grow up, even though they are growing
older.I want Harry Potter and his friends to grow up as well as older, though
I'll keep it all humorous, well within the tone of the books. I want them
eventually to be truly 17 and discover girlfriends and boyfriends and
have sexual feelings - nothing too gritty. Why not allow them to have
those feelings?
时代的这篇采访里说到除罗琳外的奇幻文学的几句话很无知浅薄:The genre tends to be deeply conservative--politically, culturally, psychologically. It looks backward to an idealized, romanticized, pseudofeudal world, where knights and ladies morris-dance to Greensleeves. 这个类型的文学(奇幻)偏向保守,政治上、文化上、心理上都是。书里时光倒转,一个理想化、浪漫、虚假的封建世界,骑士和贵妇在绿袖子的旋律中翩翩起舞。这些话让另一位奇幻名家普拉切特(碟形世界系列的作者)很反感,写了封信表达意见,结果被认为是向罗琳开炮。Pratchett于是写文自辩,引其中的几句话:As soon as the Harry Potter boom began, journalists who hadn't read a children's book in years went "Wow, a wizards'school! Wow, broomstick lessons! " and so on, and generally acted as though the common property of the genre was the entire invention of JKR. This continues, sometimes quite ridiculously. And now we have Groomsman's 'knights and ladies Morris dancing to Greensleeves' With such an easy wave we can dismiss, oh, Ursula leGuin, Diana Wynn Jones, Jane Yolen, Peter Dickinson Alan Garner...fill in the list.Pointing this out is, apparently, an attack on JKR. I don't have any problem at all with her rise, only with such third-party silliness such as the above, which insults good authors who wrote great books at a time, not long ago, when advances were always low and hype was unknown.哈利波特一流行,那些很多年没读过儿童文学的记者就发出:“哇,巫师学校!哇,飞行扫帚课!”一类的惊叹,而且好像奇幻类型文学的共有特质都是罗琳发明的一样。这种状况在持续,有的时候真是荒唐。现在我们又有了格鲁姆斯曼的观点“骑士和贵妇在绿袖子的旋律中翩翩起舞”。这么轻松地一挥,我们就能打发掉、、戴安娜·温尼·琼斯、简·尤伦、彼得·狄金森、阿兰·加纳。。。你来填单子(以上提到的都是优秀的奇幻作家,意思是还有很多)。指出这个事实,当然就是对罗琳的攻击了(这里指从那些记者的视角)。对罗琳走红我没有任何意见,我不满的是那些第三方的愚蠢言论,就像上面列出的;那是对写出杰出作品的优秀作家的侮辱。他们那个时代,尽管离现在不远,预付金不高而且大规模炒作宣传是没听说过的事情。
我是受骗者之一& &
一位网友就报道的“普拉切特攻击罗琳”给(近年走红的英国奇幻作家)写信,盖曼的回答挺有意思,摘几段。I read the Time article and thought it was astonishingly badly written and worse researched. The bit that puzzled me the most was that I remembered interviews with Ms. Rowling where she loved the Narnia books (it was a few seconds of Googling to find a 1998 Telegraph interview where she says, "Even now, if I was in a room with one of the Narnia books I would pick it up like a shot and re-read it.") as opposed to the Timeversion of 'Rowling has never finished The Lord of the Rings. She hasn't even read all of C.S. Lewis' Narnia novels, which her books get compared to a lot. There's something about Lewis' sentimentality about children that gets on her nerves.'我读了时代那篇,写得让人吃惊的差劲,预先做的功课(了解相关资料,包括奇幻文学状况)更糟。最让我困惑的地方是我记得一篇采访女士的文章里她说喜爱纳尼亚系列(几秒钟的google会找到98年电讯报的采访,她说:即便现在,要是房间里有一本纳尼亚的书,我也会马上打开它,重读一遍。),而时代版本与之相反,“罗琳从没读完过指环王,她甚至没读完纳尼亚系列—人们常把它和罗琳的书比较。她讨厌刘易斯笔下孩子多愁善感的调调。”The version of the history of "fantasy" that the article's writer paints is utter bollocks, and I assume Terry decided that needed to be said. I didn't see it as a swipe at Ms Rowling, though, but as a swipe against lazy journalists -- but "Pratchett Anger At Shoddy Journalism" is a much less exciting headline than the one the
came up with.那篇作者笔下的“奇幻”史纯粹是胡说八道,我猜特里(普拉切特)觉得应该说道说道。但我不认为这是对罗琳女士的攻击;这是对那些懒惰记者的攻击。但是“普拉切特对差劲的新闻报道发火”远不及的标题让人兴奋。(中间省略若干文字)And it's an odd double-standard that applies to all genre work as much as to SF. It's always been easier for journalists to go for the black and white simplicities of beginning with the assumption that the entire body of SF (or Fantasy, or Comics, or Horror, or whatever the area is under discussion) is and always has been fundamentally without merit -- which means that if you like someone's work, whether it's J.G. Ballard or Bill Gibson or Peter Straub or Alan Moore or Susanna Clarke or J.K. Rowling -- or Terry Pratchett -- it's easier simply to depict them as not being part of that subset. I'm not sure that writing letters to the Times will ever fix that, though.这是一个古怪的双重标准,不管是对科幻还是别的类型文学。对记者来说,更容易的法子就是黑白一样分明简单的开场白,假定科幻文学(或是奇幻、漫画、恐怖,或是其他讨论的类型)的整体都一直一无是处。这就意味着你要是喜欢某人的作品,把他们描述成不属于这类型的文学是更轻松的法子(潜台词就是整体都平庸,而这位作家,不管是谁,都出类拔萃,不同凡响)。可我觉得给时代写信不大可能解决这类问题(夸张庸俗的新闻报道)。--------------------------------看普拉切特和盖曼的,有一个信息值得注意,就是不管报道的来源名头多大,也往往难逃新闻报道夸张商业的特性,不能不加分析的全盘接受,还得有自己的理智判断才好。
世界乱套了是不...你们在这里所谓的“辟谣”只不过是在抹黑JK和刘老爷子罢了 一个昔人已去 一个不知道在忙什么 我们有什么权利去摆弄他们不愿也不能承认的事?
试发链接:Jennie Renton在Sydney Morning Herald上发表的文章http双newsstore点smh点com点au斜杠apps斜杠viewDocument点ac?page=1&sy=smh&kw=Jennie+Renton&pb=all_ffx&dt=selectRange&dr=entire&so=relevance&sf=author&rc=10&rm=200&sp=nrm&clsPage=1&docID=news2_1862Electronic Telegraph上的文章,其中提到罗琳很喜欢《纳尼亚》,如果屋子里有本《纳》她会马上重读一遍。h tt p双www点accio-quote点org斜杠articles斜杠1998斜杠0798-telegraph-bertodano点h t mlaccio-quote最近不稳定,我有时能打开有时不行,靠rp了
本来就不信 柴兄V5!
HP宗教色彩几乎没有 所以全世界无阻碍地盛行~
1) Tumnus: Its something Im doing.
Lucy: What are you doing?
露西: 你在做什么?
Tumnus: Im kidnapping you.
2) Tumnus: Now! She may already know you are here. The woods are full of her spies.
3) Professor Digory: Well, if shes not mad and shes not lying, then logically we must assume shes telling the truth.
4) Mrs Beaver: Beaver, is that you? Ive been worried sick! If I find youve been out with Badger again, IWell, those arent badgers. Oh, Ive never thought Id live to see this day. Look at my fur. You couldnt give me ten minutes warning?
Mr Beaver: I could have given a week if I thought it wouldve helped.
5) Mr Beaver: Youre playing into her hands. Hes the bait. The Witch wants all four of you! To stop the prophecy from becoming true. To kill you!
6) White Witch: Tell me Edmund. Are your sisters deaf?
Edmund: No.
White Witch: And your brother, is he, unintelligent?
Edmund: Well, I think so. But mum says
7) White Witch: Do you know why you are here, faun?
Tumnus: Because I believe in a free Narnia.
White Witch: You are here, because he turned you in. For sweeties. Take him upstairs. And ready my sleigh.
8) Maugrim: Put that down, boy. Someone could get hurt.
Mr Beaver: Dont worry about me! Run him through!
Maugrim: Leave now while you can, and your brother leaves with you.
Susan: Stop Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!
Maugrim: Smart girl.
Mr Beaver: Dont listen to him. Kill him. Kill him now!
Maugrim: Oh, come on. This isnt your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go.
Susan: Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesnt make you a hero. Just drop it!
Mr Beaver: No, Peter! Narnia needs you! Gut him while you still have a chance!
Maugrim: Whats it gonna be, Son of Adam? I wont wait forever. And neither will the river.
9) White Witch: Thank you Edmund. Im glad this creature got to see some honesty before he dies. Think about whose sides you are on. Mine, or theirs. Go on ahead, gather the faithful. If its a war Aslan wants, its a war he shall get.
10) Aslan: Raise, Sir Peter Wolfs-Bane.
11) White Witch: Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?
Aslan: Do not cite the Deep Magic with me, Witch. I was there when it was been written.
White Witch: Then youll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property.
Peter: Try take him then.
White Witch: Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right, little King? Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water.
"You, Sir Caspian," said Aslan, "might have known that you could be no true King of Narnia unless, like the Kings of old, you were a son of Adam and came from the world of Adam's sons. And so you are. Many years ago in that world, in a deep sea of that world which is called the South Sea, a shipload of pirates were driven by storm on an island. And there they did as pirates would: killed the natives and took the native women for wives, and made palm wine, and drank and were drunk, and lay in the shade of the palm trees, and woke up and quarrelled, and sometimes killed one another. And in one of these frays six were put to flight by the rest and fled with their women into the centre of the island and up a mountain, and went, as they thought, into a cave to hide. But it was one of the magical places of that world, one of the chinks or chasms between chat world and this. There were many chinks or chasms between worlds in old times, but they have grown rarer. This was one of the last: I do not say the last. And so they fell, or rose, or blundered, or dropped right through, and found themselves in this world, in the Land of Telmar which was then unpeopled. But why it was unpeopled is a long story: I will not tell it now. And in Telmar their descendants lived and became a fie and after many generations there was a famine in Telmar and they invaded Narnia, which was then in some disorder (but that also would be a long story),and conquered it and ruled it. Do you mark all this well, King Caspian?"“凯斯宾国王,”阿斯兰说,“你应该知道,只有像纳尼亚的历代君王一样,身为亚当的儿子,并来自亚当的儿子们的国家,才有资格成为纳尼亚的真正国王。你正是亚当的儿子。很久以前,就在那世界上被称为南海的地方,一船海盗被风暴吹上一座小岛。他们以海盗特有的方式,杀尽了当地的男人,强迫当地的妇女为妻。岛上有自制的椰子酒,他们便终日狂饮,常常喝得酩酊大醉,睡倒在椰子树下,醒来后便互相争吵,甚至自相残杀。一次,其中六个人受到同伴的追杀,带着他们的女人逃到小岛中部的山顶上,躲进一个山洞藏身。没想到那是个魔法山洞,是两个世界之间的通道。古时候曾经有许多类似的通道把两个世界连接起来,可惜如今绝大多数已自动封闭了。他们恰巧钻进了其中的一个。结果,他们飞快地往下沉,或者往上升去。再睁开眼时,他们发现自己已置身于一个陌生的国度——台尔马国。当时这片土地还没有人类的踪迹。这六对男女从此在台尔马定居下来,生儿育女,世代相传,渐渐形成一个凶猛而又骄傲的民族。许多年过去了。有一年,台尔马发生了饥荒,他们便去侵略纳尼亚,占领并统治这个国家。凯斯宾国王,这些话你都记下了吗?”
"I do indeed, Sir," said Caspian. "I was wishing that I came of a more honourable lineage."“我将牢记在心,陛下,”凯斯宾说,“我一直以为自己出身于一个更体面的家族。”"You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve," said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth. Be content." “你的祖先是亚当和夏娃,”阿斯兰说,“这足以令最贫困的乞丐骄傲地挺起胸膛,也足以令最伟大异邦的君主自愧不如。可以知足了。”Caspian bowed.凯斯宾深鞠一躬。
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"And now," said Aslan, "you men and women of Telmar, will you go back to that island in the world of men from which your fathers first came? It is no bad place. The race of those pirates who first found it has died out, and it is without inhabitants. There are good wells of fresh water, and fruitful soil, and timber for building, and and the other men of that world have not yet discovered it. The chasm is
but this I must warn you, that once you have gone through, it will close behind you for ever. There will be no more commerce between the worlds by that door." “那么现在,”阿斯兰说道,“你们这些台尔马的男人和女人们,你们愿意重返你们祖先世代生活的那个人类世界吗?那是个很好的地方。原来那个岛上的海盗家族早死光了,那儿一直没人居住。你们会有水源旺盛、水质甘甜的水井;肥沃的土地可以耕种,充足的木材可以造房,还有环礁水域中捕不尽的鱼虾。人类至今仍然没有发现那个小岛,世界通道也依然为你们开放。可是,我必须提醒你们,一旦你们从通道返回,天门将永远关闭起来。”
There was silence for a moment. Then a burly, decent looking fellow among the Telmarine soldiers pushed forward and said:一阵沉默。随后,台尔马士兵中一个粗壮、体面的人走上前来,说:"Well, I'll take the offer."“好吧,我愿意接受这个安排。”"It is well chosen," said Aslan. "And because you have spoken first, strong magic is upon you. Your future in that world shall be good. Come forth."“明智的选择,”阿斯兰说,“你敢于第一个做出决定,将得到神灵更多的帮助,你的命运会比别人更好。请你往前。”
The man, now a little pale, came forward. Aslan and his court drew aside, leaving him free access to the empty doorway of the stakes.那人脸色微微发白,迈步朝前走去。阿斯兰和他的人往两旁退去,闪出一条路来,一直通往木棍架起的那个孤零零的门框。"Go through it, my son," said Aslan, bending towards him and touching the man's nose with his own. As soon as the Lion's breath came about him, a new look came into the man's eyes - startled, but not unhappy - as if he were trying to remember something. Then he squared his shoulders and walked into the Door.“走过去,我的孩子。”阿斯兰说着探起身子,用鼻子在那人的鼻子上轻轻碰了一下。接触到阿斯兰的气息,那人的神色随之一变,仿佛一下子增添了无穷的勇气。只见他耸耸肩,从容地走向那门框。
Everyone's eyes were fixed on him. They saw the three pieces of wood, and through them the trees and grass and sky of Narnia. They saw the man between the doorposts: then, in one second, he had vanished utterly.在场的人都紧紧盯着他。同时,人们清楚地看到那三根木棍和木棍那边的草地、树林和纳尼亚的天空。他们看着那人一条腿跨过门框,然后,眨眼之间,他消失不见了。From the other end of the glade the remaining Telmarines set up a wailing. "Ugh! What's happened to him? Do you mean to murder us? We won't go that way." 空地的另一端,其余的台尔马人齐声惊叫起来:“天哪!他怎么了?难道你想谋杀我们吗?我们不去!”
And then one of the clever Telmarines said:"We don't see any other world through those sticks. If you want us to believe in it, why doesn't one of you go? All your own friends are keeping well away from the sticks."这时,一个聪明的台尔马人站出来说:“从这门框望过去,我们根本看不到另外一个世界。如果要我们相信它的存在,除非派你的部下先走过去。为什么你的朋友们一个个都远远地避开那门框呢?”Instantly Reepicheep stood forward and bowed. "If my example can be of any service, Aslan," he said, "I will take eleven mice through that arch at your bidding without a moment's delay."那人话音刚落,雷佩契普挺身而出,向阿斯兰鞠了一躬。“假如我的榜样能说服他们,尊敬的阿斯兰,你一声令下,我将带着我的十一名兄弟,毫不迟疑地走过去。”
"Nay, little one," said Aslan, laying his velvety paw ever so lightly on Reepicheep's head. "They would do dreadful things to you in that world. They would show you at fairs. It is others who must lead."“不,小家伙,”阿斯兰把毛茸茸的爪子轻轻放在鼠将军的头上,“在那个世界里,他们会虐待你们的。让别人去吧。”"Come on," said Peter suddenly to Edmund and Lucy. "Our time's up."“我们上。”彼得突然对爱德蒙和露茜叫道。“我们的时间到了。”"What do you mean?" said Edmund.“你要干什么?”爱德蒙问。
"This way," said Susan, who seemed to know all about it. "Back into the trees. We've got to change." “从这条路回家呀!”苏珊说,似乎对将要发生的事一清二楚。“但我们必须先更换一下。”"Change what?" asked Lucy.“更换什么?”露茜问。"Our clothes, of course," said Susan. "Nice fools we'd look on the platform of an English station in these."“当然是我们的衣服,”苏珊说,“要是穿这身衣服出现在火车站台上,那还不惹得别人都来看我们呀!”"But our other things are at Caspian's castle," said Edmund.“可是我们所有的行李都放在凯斯宾城堡里了。”爱德蒙说。
"No, they're not," said Peter, still leading the way into the thickest wood. "They're all here. They were brought down in bundles this morning. It's all arranged." “不,他们不在那儿,”彼得站在木框前,说,“都在这里。今天早晨送来的,都已经安排好了。”"Was that what Aslan was talking to you and Susan about this morning?" asked Lucy.“今天早晨阿斯兰对你和苏珊谈的就是这个吗?”露茜问道。"Yes - that and other things," said Peter, his face very solemn. "I can't tell it to you all. There were things he wanted to say to Su and me because we're not coming back to Narnia."“是的——还有一件事,”彼得说着脸色变得庄重起来,“我无法全部讲给你听。有些事情他只想要我和苏珊明白,因为我们将不会重返纳尼亚了。”
"Never?" cried Edmund and Lucy in dismay.“永不回来?”爱德蒙和露茜一齐叫起来。"Oh, you two are," answered Peter. "At least, from what he said, I'm pretty sure he means you to get back some day. But not Su and me. He says we're getting too old."“哦,你们俩还会回来的,”彼得回答说,“至少从他的话里,我相信你们俩总有一天会回到这里来。可我与苏珊却不会了。他说我俩都长大了。”"Oh, Peter," said Lucy. "What awful bad luck. Can you bear it?"“哦,彼得,”露茜说,“这真不幸!你怎么能接受这样的事实?”"Well, I think I can," said Peter. "It's all rather different from what I thought. You'll understand when it comes to your last time. But, quick, here are our things."“我想我能够的,”彼得说,“我的思想的改变已经足够理解这一切,当最后告别来临时你也会明白。好了,让我们行动起来,行李送来了。”
It was odd, and not very nice, to take off their royal clothes and to come back in their school things (not very fresh now) into that great assembly. One or two of the nastier Telmarines jeered. But the other creatures all cheered and rose up in honour of Peter the High King, and Queen Susan of the Horn, and King Edmund, and Queen Lucy. There were affectionate and (on Lucy's part) tearful farewells with all their old friends - animal kisses, and hugs from Bulgy Bears, and hands wrung by Trumpkin, and a last tickly, whiskerish embrace with Trufflehunter. And of course Caspian offered the Horn back to Susan and of course Susan told him to keep it. And then, wonderfully and terribly, it was farewell to Aslan himself, and Peter took his place with Susan's hands on his shoulders and Edmund's on hers and Lucy's on his and the first of the Telmarine's on Lucy's, and so in a long line they moved forward to the Door. After that came a moment which is hard to describe, for the children seemed to be seeing three things at once. One was the mouth of a cave opening into the glaring green and blue of an island in the Pacific, where all the Telmarines would find themselves the moment they were through the Door. The second was a glade in Narnia, the faces of Dwarfs and Beasts, the deep eyes of Aslan, and the white patches on the Badger's cheeks. But the third (which rapidly swallowed up the other two) was the grey, gravelly surface of a platform in a country station, and a seat with luggage round it, where they were all sitting as if they had never moved from it - a little flat and dreary for a m had been through, but also, unexpectedly, nice in its own way, what with the familiar railway smell and the English sky and the summer term before them.孩子们很不情愿地脱下华丽的贵族服装,穿上原先那身学生服,就听见有几个台尔马人在吃吃地笑。而所有的朋友们都起立欢呼,向至尊王彼得、神号女王苏珊、爱德蒙国王和露茜女王致敬。大家恋恋不舍地互相道别——小动物们的亲吻、大棕熊的拥抱,以及与杜鲁普金长时间的握手。凯斯宾要把神号还给苏珊。苏珊犹豫了一下,然后郑重地把号送回凯斯宾的手上,以作纪念。最后,他们以非常复杂的心情向阿斯兰告了别。然后,四个孩子在前面领路,后面跟着一长队台尔马人,依次向门框走去。随之而来的是一阵天旋地转,孩子们似乎同时看到三幅图画:第一幅是一个山洞口,看出去是太平洋上一个无名岛屿。台尔马人将从门框直接来到这里,开始他们新的生活;第二幅是纳尼亚,他们在瞬间看到了小矮人和动物们的笑脸,看到了阿斯兰深邃的目光;第三幅图画很快取代了前面的两幅,那是乡间火车站那个灰蒙蒙、阴沉沉的站台和站台上那条长凳,周围堆放着箱子和玩具盒。孩子们很快站稳并清醒过来,面对周围熟悉的一切,想到即将开始的校园生活,不由产生一种非常亲切的感觉。
"Well!" said Peter. "We have had a time."“好啊!”彼得说道,“我们度过了一段非常美好的时光。”"Bother!" said Edmund. "I've left my new torch in Narnia."“糟糕!”爱德蒙说道,“我把我的新手电筒丢在纳尼亚了。”
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