
【新⑩社】西方网友撕逼:东亚龙 vs 欧洲龙:谁会赢?_历史吧_百度贴吧
【新⑩社】西方网友撕逼:东亚龙 vs 欧洲龙:谁会赢?
受此启发,我想到了一个双龙大战的通用版本Round 1: They start in a flat grassy plane with noobstacles.回合一:在一片平坦的无障碍草地上开战Round 2: They start on a rocky mountain range.回合二:在开战Round 3: They both lose the ability to fly.回合三:双方都失去飞行能力Bonus: If they work together, can they destroy modern NewYork City?加分回合:如果他们组个队,能毁掉现代纽约城吗?
如果能控制天气,中国龙会在平地上获胜,但在群山之中,他们可能会在云层里开战。所以,如果欧洲龙在云层上面的话,它会赢吗?[url=][–][/url]Noble_King 6 指标 8 月 前If theChinese dragon can't use weather magic, it's 9/10 European dragon, I'd say.如果不能使用天气魔法,和欧洲龙的胜负比会是910,我猜。[url=][–][/url]TheSpaceCoresDad[S] 2 指标 8 月 前Interesting!Thanks for the insight.有趣!感谢你的观察力。[url=][–][/url]malfurionpre 2 指标 8 月 前A lot ofhuman have being struck (is that the correct word ? Strike -& struck ?) bylightning, and a lot of them survived.I doubt the dragon would even feel more than a tickle.很多人都被闪电击中过(这个单词正确吗吗?Strike-& struck ?)被闪电击中后,他们中的很多人都幸存了下来。我怀疑龙被闪电击中后甚至只会感到痒痒。[url=][–][/url]TheAquamen 3 指标 8 月 前Yeah, butalmost all humans who get hit die. People have also survived gunshots andbombs. Doesn't mean they're not potentially lethal.是啊,但是几乎所有的被闪电击中的人都死了。也有被步枪和炸弹击中的人活了下来,但这并不代表者这些武器没有潜在的致命性。[url=][–][/url]malfurionpre 2 指标 8 月 前*About250'000 people get hit by lightning each year (Granted, these statistics don'tsay if it's a direct hit or not) only 10% of them dies.So nope, not almost everyone dies.edit : Someothers statistics I found says it kills about 20-30%, anyway, it's still lessthan half.Also Thisguy Is a badass.每年有250多人被闪电击中,(当然,这些统计数据不会说这些人是否是被直接命中或着不是)只有10%人死亡。所以,不,不是几乎每个人都会死。编辑:一些其他的统计中,我发现死亡率为大约20-30%,无论如何,死亡率仍然不到一半。这家伙就是个骗子。[url=][–][/url]BlueBlazeMV 4 指标 8 月 前Yeah, but isn't that just because the electricity races throughtheir body and into the ground? A dragon, being in the air, would get the fullextent of the electricity. This lowering the chance of its survivalsignificantly.(Or I could be wrong.)是的,但这并不一样因为闪电通过他们的身体进入了地面不是吗?一条在空中的龙,可以得到充分的电力。这显著降低了存活的几率。(或许我是错的)[url=][–][/url]TheAquamen 1 指标 8 月 前Oh, okaythen. Thanks. I still think a few bolts would severely injure a European dragonand keep it from winning.哦,好吧。谢谢。我仍然认为几条闪电就能严重伤害一只欧洲龙,并保持胜利。[url=][–][/url]Noble_King 1 指标 8 月 前Ah, you are correct, I was confident in that,but lightning strikes have between 10-30% mortality rate.The only thing is, though, Chinesedragons can create storms powerful enough to level modern cities. I wouldassume that if the dragon used lightning for combat, it would be as amped up aspossible.啊,你是正确的,我对此很自信,但雷击确实只有10-30%的死亡率。唯一可以确定的是,可以创造强大到足以毁灭现代城市的风暴。我认为如果龙使用闪电作战,它会尽可能将闪电放大。[url=][–][/url]malfurionpre 1 指标 8 月 前*And alduin can't be killed outside of his realm. He win :)I take everything back. FUCK alduin. The jörmungandr is mychoice, these Chinese worms don't stand a chance to this monstrous God.This or Deathwing (with the dragon soul) he was sopowerful than even all of the other dragon couldn't stop him.I've tried but I can't find anychinese's dragon that could versus one of those 2.奥杜因在他的领域之外不会被杀死。他会赢:)我会带着一切归来。去他妈的的奥杜因。Jörmungandr(世界蛇)才是我的选择,那些中国小虫子们没有任何机会战胜这个可怕的神。奥杜因或者死亡之翼(拥有龙之灵魂)是如此强大,甚至于其他所有的龙都不能阻止他们。我试过,但我找不到任何一只,可以与这两只龙中的一只相抗衡。译注:奥杜因:《上古卷轴5:天际》游戏主线任务boss,有&世界吞噬者&的称号。自称为阿卡托什的长子,并且是灰胡子首领帕图纳克斯的兄弟。其真实身份是时间神阿卡托什的化身之一,职责是在时间的终点处吞噬世界。在天际的故事里,由于放弃自己的职责转而想统治世界,因此失去了神性。死亡之翼:耐萨里奥(Neltharion),黑龙之王,大地的守护者。曾在外域幻化成人类,并以普瑞斯托领主的身份出现过。拥有强大力量、沉着冷静、睿智并且狡诈,曾在上古之战对抗燃烧军团的一场激战中由于受到了上古之神的蛊惑而变得疯狂。但他依然保持自己的思想,如同萨格拉斯般自己选择了走向黑暗之路,给自己取了一个新的名字:死亡之翼,并向黑龙以外所有的种族宣战。龙之灵魂:以实力超群的守护巨龙耐萨里奥为首的龙族造出的一件无比强大的武器Jormungandr :(耶梦加德,或名约尔曼冈德或世界蛇),北欧神话中环绕世界的巨大海蛇。
[url=][–][/url][deleted] 3 指标 8 月 前How are youdifferentiating a victory from a physical victory?你如何区分单纯的胜利与身体层面的胜利?[–]robcap 4 指标 8 月 前I think he's saying that with other powers disabled the Chinese dragon would lose, but because of the fact that they tend to have mystical powers it would win despite being physically overmatched.我想他的意思是说,在与其他力量的战斗中,会被打残废,但是因为他们往往拥有有神秘的力量,中国龙会赢,尽管身体上会被打败[url=][–][/url]MyishiZaibatsu 1 指标 8 月 前Okay letsget more specific. Smaug vs. One of the dragons from D-War. WWW?好吧,让我们更具体一些。史矛革和龙之战中的一条龙打一架。WWW?译注:龙之战,一部惊悚类电影,根据韩国科幻故事情改编而成。身形如龙与混合而成的伊莫吉(Imoogi)将要入侵并且企图摧毁地球。很有正义精神的记者艾顿(杰森·贝尔饰)奉上级的命令去调查这件事的来龙去脉,碰见一个身患怪病的女孩莎拉(阿曼达·布朗饰)——她自言只有自己才能帮助艾顿完成这个任务。[url=][–][/url]Doctor-Hunger 7 指标 8 月 前Just a bitof a heads up, I don't know much about the Eastern Dragon, but according to my super-official-totes-considered-canonBig Book of Dragons handbook, the European dragon is usually depicted as incredibly intelligent (On paror greater than that of a human's intelligence), super-strong (Hollows outentire mountains to store treasure), long living (Can live for centurieswithout suffering from old-age), and their scales are almost usually depictedas being near indestructible.我对东方龙知道的不多,但根据我的super-official-totes-considered-canonBig Book of Dragonshand book(不知道怎么翻译,总之就是一本关于龙的书籍),欧洲龙通常被描述为拥有令人难以置信的智力(或许比人类更聪明),超级强壮(可以挖空一整座山来储存宝藏),漫长的寿命(可以活数百年而不衰老),其规模总是被描绘为近乎坚不可摧。[url=][–][/url]ShinraPowerCo 3 指标 8 月 前I thoughtintelligent dragons only recently became a thing because of Tolkien andDungeons and Dragons.我认为会出现有智慧的龙仅仅是因为和译注:,魔戒三部曲中土世界的原作者龙与地下城,一款非常著名的游戏
[url=][–][/url]autowikibot 4 指标 8月 前Section 6. Ruler of weather and water of article Chinese dragon:Chinese dragons arestrongly associated with water in popular belief. They are believed to be therulers of moving bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, or seas. They canshow themselves as water spouts (tornado or twister over water). In this capacity asthe rulers of water and weather, the dragon is moreanthropomorphic inform, often depicted as a humanoid, dressed in a king's costume, but with adragon head wearing a king's headdress.There are four major Dragon Kings,representing each of the Four Seas:the East Sea (corresponding to theEast China Sea),the South Sea (corresponding to the South China Sea),the West Sea (sometimes seen as theQinghai Lake andbeyond), and the North Sea (sometimes seen as Lake Baikal).Becauseof this association, they are seen as &in charge& of water-relatedweather phenomena. In premodern times, many Chinese villages (especially thoseclose to rivers and seas) had temples dedicated to their local &dragonking&. In times of drought or flooding, it was customary for the localgentry and government officials to lead the community in offering sacrificesand conducting other religious rites to appease the dragon, either to ask forrain or a cessation thereof.第6节 ,天气和水的统治者:与大众信仰中的水有着密切的联系。他们被认为是流动水体的统治者,如瀑布,河流,或海洋。他们可以把自己化为(或水龙卷)。作为水和天气的统治者,龙在形式上被赋予了更多的人性,通常被描绘为一个人形,穿着国王的服装,龙头上戴着王的冠冕。中国有四大龙王,分别代表四海:(对应),(对应的),西海(有时被认为是青海湖和更远的海),和(有时被认为是)。由于这种关联,他们被视为&负责&与水有关的天气现象。在古代,许多中国村庄(尤其是靠近河流和海洋)的庙宇,供奉着当地的&龙王&。在发生干旱或洪水时,当地士绅和政府官员带领民众通过祭祀和其他宗教仪式来安抚龙,请求下雨或停雨,这是一种习俗。
[url=][–][/url]obbob 61 指标 8 月 前European dragon awakes from its slumber with a mighty roar,sensing an intruder in its territory. He hasn't eaten a knight in over 2 hours,and he's itching for another meal. He notices a odd, serpentine like creatureflying in the air. Stretching his massive wings, impenetrable scales glisteningunder the sun, he flys towards the Chinese dragon and prepares to engulf thepesky creature in flames.Unfortunately, the Chinese dragon is on a mythologicaldemi god. Chinese dragon conjures up a huge thunderstorm which fries poorEuropean Dragon. He then cracks open a massive fissure in the earth for thesmoking body to fall in, and seals it up with a massive flood that wipes outNYC.He then transforms into a silkworm cuz I dunno he just canChinese dragon wins 10/10欧洲龙从沉睡中轰然醒来,在其领地内感知到入侵者。他在2个小时内没有吃过一个骑士,他渴望饱餐一顿。然而他发现了一个奇怪的,像蛇一样的生物在空中飞行。他巨大的翅膀伸展开,坚不可摧的鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光,他飞向并打算用火焰吞没这只讨厌的生物。不幸的是,是神话中一种半人的生物。中国龙召唤了一个巨大的雷暴将可怜的欧洲龙变成炸薯条。然后他打开一个巨大的裂缝将欧洲龙冒着浓烟的尸体扔进去封印起来,并召唤出巨大的洪水毁灭了纽约。然后他变成蚕,不要问我问为什么他就是可以 10 比10 完胜[url=][–][/url]TheSpaceCoresDad[S] 7 指标 8 月 前Would a lightningstrike really hurt a dragon though? It seems like their scales are tougher thanthat.雷击真的能伤害一只龙吗?他们的鳞片看起来非常强韧[url=][–][/url]Noble_King 8 指标 8 月 前Whathappens if the European dragon flies above my butts, then?I got this goddamn extension three hours ago, and it's thegreatest decision I've made in my entire life.If the European dragon flies above theclouds, which it may very well not have the intelligence/awareness to do, howwould it fight the Chinese dragon in or below the clouds? If the fight takesplace above the clouds, the only way the Chinese dragon could win would be touse evasive snakelike maneuvers (and a lot of luck) to get the European dragonat the neck.如果欧洲龙飞在我的屁股上面,那会发生什么?如果欧洲龙在云层上面飞,也许他很强大但没有智慧和意识,怎么去和躲在云层中或云层之下的打架?但如果战斗发生在云层上面,中国龙能赢的唯一办法就是使用蛇形机动(和一些幸运)进行回避然后咬住欧洲龙的颈部。[url=][–][/url]TheSpaceCoresDad[S] 2 指标 8 月 前I suspectthe Chinese dragon would win on the flat plain if it can control the weather,but on the mountains they might be at cloud level at the start. So, if the Eurogets above the clouds, it wins?
开菊兽有的身高比哥斯拉高,但是体重最重的是5级兽 毒妇毒妇(Slattern)入侵时间:2025年高度:182米(596英尺)重量:6750吨速度:10+力量:10+护甲:10+毒性:剧毒2014年的哥斯拉身高只有100多米,比毒妇矮很多, 但是 随便哪一个版本的哥斯拉,它的体重都在2万吨以上, 也就是说面对只有6000吨重的毒妇,哥斯拉可以一巴掌拍死.但是敏捷,还有体力,哥斯拉只适合1v1 电影释放了2次光波都累趴下了, 还有哥斯拉面对会飞行的怪兽也很吃亏,


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