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【Majingilane 保卫者联盟】动态 2016年1月 - 3月
【日】 摄影师Hugo Breed Wildtography 发下图祝2016新年快乐!Wishing you all a Happy New Year and blessed 2016!!豹山保护区Leopard Hills Private Game ReserveOthawa pride paying attention to some Impala close by.
渥太华狮群注视附近的一些黑斑羚。 Dulini Private Game Reserve 保护区An Othawa lioness provokes a young Giraffe....you've got to love exciting game drives!
#DuliniMoments by Naomi.....一个Othawa母狮挑衅一个年轻的长颈鹿....你会喜欢上令人兴奋的驱车游! 由娜奥米拍摄Dulini的瞬间.....【日】Idube Game Reserve 保护Four Majingilane, on drive, now. 四个保卫者在Idube 豹山Leopard Hills Private Game ReserveAll 4 Majingilane males were found together this morning. 今天早晨四个保卫者被看见在一起。摄影师Hugo Breed WildtographyO my what big teeth you have... 哦,我的天,你有怎样的大牙齿...【日】Dulini Private Game Reserve 保护区Hip Scar and Scar Nose share a few thoughts.....they'll need to work together to stave off the Matimbas that have moved into the area and gave chase to the Majingilanes recently.
Fortunately no casualties have been reported!疤臀和疤鼻分享一些想法.....它们需要共同努力,以赶走最近进入到该地区又被保卫者驱除的马蹄巴。幸运的是没有狮员伤亡的报道!狮迷Ivan Sig问: Beautiful shot! Hope these old bros stick together. When was this photo taken? Is Hip Scar's leg o.k.? 漂亮的图片!希望这些老兄弟粘在一起。这张照片何时拍摄的?疤臀的腿还好么? 保护区Dulini Private Game Reserve脸书的人回答: The photo was taken about a week ago, I think his leg is fine, or as good as can be expected. 照片摄于一个星期前,我觉得它的腿还好,或者说如所能期望的那么好。【日】Singita保护区A perfect example of the strong bond formed amongst male lion coalitions.雄狮联盟强大纽带形成之中的一个很好的例子。【日】Sabi Sabi 保护区博客 丛林一周综述第84期 (A Week in the Bush Vol. 84)消息,南部狮群的一个雌狮下了两只幼崽!很有可能是四路雄狮的孩子,那么保卫者也有可能当爷了! 原文如下:....The lion dynamics have kept us on the edge of seats as always, especially with the surprise of some of our team having found a Southern Pride female with two cubs!
I can’t say that we were surprised that they were going to produce them at some stage, since they were mating profusely with the Fourways males before the Charleston males decided to ‘stir the pot’ so to speak, but to have them born now is quite exciting and also quite worrying.
It is not known if the cubs are still alive and we are not sure who the biological fathers are.
It could be either of the two coalitions.
One thing is almost certain and that is if the cubs are Fourways’ offspring, they will most likely be dispatched of by the Charlestons.
This is unfortunately the way of the African Bush and there is nothing we can do about it, as hard of a pill as it is to swallow......【日】Inyati Game Lodge 保护区Ximungwe male. Hanging out round savanna lodge with two sisters.
Ximungwe雄性。跟他两个姐妹在savanna旅游小屋周围到处晃游。Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve 保护区A Southern Pride female was resting close to a dam before moving off and leading us to her den site. We are delighted to report that both cubs are alive and well!南部狮群的一个雌狮在移动之前正在靠近大坝的地方休息,然后她动身带领我们到她的幼崽窝前。我们很高兴地告诉大家这两个崽都活的很好!【日】豹山保护区Leopard Hills Private Game ReserveAll three Ximhungwe sub-adults are still doing well. 所有三个Ximhungwe亚成年都过很好!Singita保护区Whilst watching the Othowa pride, a young elephant decided to walk into view, to ensure that he was getting just as much attention as the lions.虽然在观看Othowa狮群,一个年轻的大象决定步行到人们视野中来,以确保它得到跟狮子同样多的关注。(Michelle Campbell, Field Guide @ Singita Sabi Sand)摄影师Hugo Breed Wildtography上传图片The sub adult Ximhungwe male. Ximhungwe亚成年雄性附: 上一季度贴子(【Majingilane 保卫者联盟】动态 2015年10月 - 12月)地址:
自【1月1日 至 1月10日期间】摄影师Cpar photography - Craig Parsons在上传渥太华幼仔图片如下:Curiosity! 好奇!Life!? 生活!?Mmmmmm! 嗯!Is that a bird.......? 那是鸟么?Thoughts?! 思考?!Yes? 是么? Look in to my soul.. 看进我的心灵 Making sure it's dead. 确保它真的死了。
日Londolozi 发博客,狮子战争: 保卫者追赶马蹄巴,马蹄巴追赶保卫者Lion Warfare: Majingilane Chase Matimbas, Matimbas Chase Majingilane!by James Tyrrell on January 5, 2016.日 James Tyrrell 撰文Last week saw an incredible sighting playing out on the marula crests north of the Londolozi camps.Garrett Fitzpatrick, ranger, Irishman and all-round good guy, was following up on lions roaring just over the hill. He and tracker Life Sibuyi found tracks at odds with the roaring, since they looked very fresh, yet the roaring was coming from a different direction to where the tracks were pointing.As they were off the vehicle working out their plan, more bellowing sounded from the clearing to their west. An animal vocalising is obviously a far more concrete and current reference point than tracks, so the pair shot off in that direction. Life was the first to spot a male lion moving quickly, trotting in fact, through the bushwillow thickets adjacent to the crest, and when a second male appeared nearby, also moving fast, Life and Garrett simply assumed it was the resident Matimba males. When a third male emerged onto the clearing, they knew something was up. Recognising the scarred nose of one of the males now forming up in a group and looking back the way they had come, Life exclaimed, “The Majingilane are back!”上周看到了一个令人难以置信的目击,发生在Londolozi营地以北的漆树果仁小山。护林员Garrett Fitzpatrick加勒特 菲茨帕特里克,爱尔兰人,很全面的好小伙子,正跟踪小山那边狮子的吼声。他和跟踪员Life Sibuyi发现了与吼叫声不符合的踪迹,因为它看起来很新鲜,而咆哮声传来的方向与足迹指向的方向不同。当他们停车辆制定他们的计划时,更多的吼叫声从林中空地到他们的西边响起。动物的叫声显然是比足迹更为具体和及时的参照点,于是两人开向那个方向。Life首先发现一个雄狮快速移动,事实上在小跑,穿过相邻的灌木柳丛到达山顶,而当第二个雄狮出现在附近,也快速移动时,Life和Garrett只是以为这是地主马蒂巴雄性。当第三个雄狮出现到空地上,他们知道出事了。认出雄性之一伤痕累累的鼻子,雄狮现已形成了一个组合,回望它们的来路,Life惊呼“Majingilane(保卫者)回来了!”The scar-nosed and dark-maned Majingilane were inseparable when they ruled Londolozi. Their age is beginning to show these days…当保卫者统治Londolozi时,疤鼻和暗鬃是密不可分的。如今它们的年纪开始呈现出来...No sooner had he uttered these words than more roaring, definitely from two more males, burst forth from a few hundred metres back, further down the crest. This was the Matimba males, bellowing defiance at the intruding Majingilane.他刚说出这些话就传来更多的咆哮,肯定来自两个以上的雄性,从几百米外爆发,进一步下了山顶。这是马蒂巴雄狮,无视吼叫在入侵保卫者。What took place over the next hour can only be described as a game of vocal ping-pong between the two coalitions. The Majingilane would roar and chase the Matimba males east through the clearings. They would then tire and begin spreading out. The Matimba males, looking behind them, would spot a weakness as one Majingilane became separated from the others. They would then turn and chase him back towards his coalition mates. Once regrouped, the Majingilane would once more give chase to the Matimbas.接下来一个小时发生的事只能被描述为在两个联盟之间的一个声乐乒乓游戏。保卫者咆哮,并追赶马蒂巴雄性向东穿过空地。然后它们累了,并开始分散开。马蒂巴雄狮看着它们身后,发现了一个弱点,一个保卫者跟其它成员分开了。然后他们转身把它赶回到它的联盟队友那里。一旦重组,该保卫者又会再次追击马蒂巴。A Matimba male kicks up dust as he charges in. 马蒂巴雄狮冲锋的时候尘土飞扬。Like boxers shadowing each other around the ring, the coalitions went back and forth. This is the scar-nosed Majingilane, running east with the Matimbas fleeing before him. 就像拳击手绕着场地互相尾随对方,该联盟来回地跑。这是保卫者疤鼻,与在它面前逃离的马蒂巴一起向东运行。Back and forth this went for a long time, with each coalition hesitant to continue a chase to a point where actual physical contact was inevitable. There was a lot of chest beating but not a lot of follow-through. At one point the scar-nose Majingilane, salivating heavily and roaring, was barely thirty metres behind the fleeing Matimba males. They realised he was isolated though and turned to confront him, at which point he turned yet again and retreated.Eventually both groups of males were too exhausted to pursue each other further, and they lay down a few hundred metres apart, panting heavily.On multiple occasions we have found tracks of the Majingilane crossing back onto Londolozi then disappearing back into the west, but all the movement has invariably been in the darkest hours of the night, and no-one has born witness to what actually transpired. Now, however, w how many times has this scene played out with nobody present? Majingilane chasing Matimba males who then chase the Majingilane… It’s like the old adage about a tree falling in the forest and no-one being around to hear it.这样来来回回地折腾了很长一段时间,每个联盟都犹豫不决,不去继续追逐到实际中伸手可及的地步。有很多的大张旗鼓,但没有很多的后续行动。有一次保卫者疤鼻满嘴白沫地吼叫,在逃离的马蒂巴雄性身后几乎只有30米远。它们意识到它落单了,因而转身面对它,而此时,疤鼻则又转身撤退。最后两组雄狮过于疲惫无法继续去追逐对方。它们相距几百米外躺下,喘着粗气。已经有好多次,我们发现保卫者的足迹回到了Londolozi然后又返回到西部消失,但所有的行动一直都是在夜晚最黑暗的时刻进行,没有人见证实际发生的事件。然而,现在我们得去猜想;多少次这样的场景上演而没人在场? 保卫者追逐马蒂巴雄性而它们又再追赶保卫者 .......这就像一句古老的格言:一棵树在森林里倒下而沒有人在附近听見。The Matimba coalition (“Matimba” means “power” in Shangaan) give one final roar of defiance before exhaustion set in and both coalitions settled down to rest in an uneasy truce. 马蒂巴联盟(“Matimba” 在Shangaan尚干人语言里的意思是 “power力量”)在它们开始筋疲力尽前给出最后一个挑衅的吼叫,两个联盟在不稳定的休战状态中坐下来休息。I suppose two ageing coalitions that are both at a stage in their lives in which they are looking to do little more than consolidate territory cannot afford to be taking unnecessary risks. Nothing was really at stake here. It was simply a case of firm territorial lines being drawn in the sand. Thankfully for both groups of males, the lines weren’t drawn in blood.This time…我推想2个成熟的联盟它们都在他们生命中的这样一个阶段里,它们期待着做的不外乎巩固领土,承担不起不必要的风险。没有什么是真正利害攸关的。这次只是在沙地上画定领地界线的一个情况。值得庆幸的是这两组雄狮,其界线勘定没有流血。在这一次…Photographed by Sean Cresswell, Londolozi Ranger 照片: Londolozi护林员Sean CresswellFilmed by John Varty, Londolozi Co-Owner 视频: Londolozi 合伙人John Varty 脸书上Thomas Majewski 贡献两张照片,他应该是当场的目击人之一,他证实事件发生在日:(Thomas Majewski回答提问说: Tues Dec 29 AM, if I recall correctly.)These are the two who came looking for trouble.
Resting, tired...but still with their heads up and eyes focused! 这俩个是来惹事的家伙,在休息,累了... 但仍然翘首以待眼神专注!Here are the three old guys after the back and forth. 这三个老家伙来来回回跑来跑去之后。 下面是视频截图:马蹄巴边撤边吼叫然后转为追逐肚毛马边吼边做标记保卫者追逐... 来来回回整个上午没有赢家...狮子吧的相关视频: 相关帖子:
【日】Inyati Game LodgeOne of the four dominant Male lion on a territorial patrol (Majingilane male)四个地主雄狮之一在巡逻领地(保卫者)【日】豹山Leopard Hills Private Game ReserveThis morning we found the four Majingilane males on their way to Leopard Hills!今天上午,我们发现四个保卫者雄狮以它们的方式呆在豹山!Stefan explaining the intricacies of a male Lion coalition to his guests. 斯蒂芬解释给他的客人雄狮联盟的复杂性。【日】Inyati Game LodgeOthawa lioness 渥太华雌狮【日】豹山Leopard Hills Private Game ReserveOne of the Majingilane males was trying his best to mate with the one Othawa female this morning.今早在豹山保卫者雄性之一使出浑身解数试图与一个Othawa雌性交配。【日】Inyati Game LodgeThe Four dominant males
lions are walking great distances covering every corner of their their territory. They are looking very hungry but still are more focused in protecting their territory than finding a meal.( Majingilane males) — hier: Inyati Game Lodge.四个地主雄狮走了很远的距离覆盖其本国领土的每一个角落。它们看起来很饿,但比起找到一顿饭来还是更注重保护自己的领土。(Majingilane雄性) - 在这里:Inyati旅游小屋。Francois Gilbert Collin 摄影师上传On drive, now! — hier: Inyati Game Lodge. 在Inyati旅游小屋,驱车游,现在!【日】Singita 保护区Light rain offered some relief to the dry conditions over the last few days. We watched this male lion look for cover under a canopy of a large tree as the rain continued through the morning.(Ross Couper, Field Guide @ Singita Sabi Sand)在过去的几天小雨缓解了一些干旱的状况。当整个上午雨一直持续下的时候,我们看到这个雄狮在一棵大树的树冠下避雨。(罗斯库珀,导游@ SINGITA萨比砂)Francois Gilbert Collin摄影师上传图片Majingilanes send their regards! — hier: Inyati Game Lodge. 保卫者送来它们的问候! - 在这里:Inyati旅游小屋。Cpar photography - Craig Parsons摄影师上传图片 Intense! 凝视!
【日】Francois Gilbert Collin 摄于Inyati旅游小屋The Majingilanes in the afternoon. Scar nose, Hipscar and Pretty Boy. Darkmane is not with them. — hier: Inyati Game Lodge. 下午保卫者在Inyati。疤鼻,疤臀和漂亮男孩(金鬃)。暗鬃没跟它们在一起。摄影师Cpar photography - Craig Parsons 上传Moving on. 继续前进【日】Inyati Game LodgeThis afternoon we privilege to witness three male lions hunt a buffalo from the start to the end.(Majingilane male). 今天下午,我们荣幸地目击了三个雄狮捕猎从开始到结束的全过程。(Majingilane保卫者雄性)有人追问:没看见第四个? (Syl Yemen: Awesome...no sign of the 4th?)Inyati Game Lodge回答: He is around he was only two kilometers away with one lioness and three cubs of Othawa Lion Pride. 它在周边仅两公里外跟Othawa狮群的一个母狮和三个幼崽在一起。Lions of Sabi Sand消息: 冥河雄狮再现江湖! 铅华褪尽,素颜显成熟The
boys are alive & well. They killed a buff this morning at Kirkman's. Thanks Jarryd for the update & photos. Kirkman's is crazy with young males right now.... in the last 6 days kk has had 5 eastern bank, 2 toulons, 3 Talamati and 2 . Photos of the
boys today from Jarryd.冥河男孩还活着而且过得也好。今天早上它们在Kirkman's杀死了一个野牛。感谢Jarryd的图片更新。Kirkman's营地现在正被年轻的雄狮们搞得很疯狂...在过去的6天里Kirkman's营地已经有5个东岸雄狮,2 个土伦,3个Talamati和2个冥河来访。今天的冥河男孩照片来源于Jarryd。比较当年那风采翩翩的青春少年 见到索罗请打个招呼!你们若安好,便是晴天
几条坏消息:一个渥太华雌狮被鬣狗杀死,1月17日,Lions of Sabi Sand发文(无图):Breaking news from Rob....one of the Othawa lionesses has been killed by hyenas. It wasn't the Mum..来自Rob的爆炸新闻....一个Othawa母狮被鬣狗杀死。不是那个妈妈..Othawa Lion Pride脸书上的描述:One of the Othawa lionesses has been killed by hyenas. All we know for now is it wasn't the mother of the cubs. Watch
this space.一个Othawa母狮已经被鬣狗杀害。我们现在只知道它不是那个带崽的母亲。请关注这里。(直到现在仍没有进一步的消息更新。保护区连个哀悼文章都没写,真是奇怪 !)**********************一个查拉拉主队小雄狮捕牛受伤了,1月17日,MalaMala Game Reserve消息,:5 members of the Marthly pride battled for over 90minutes to bring down a large buffalo bull. It came at a cost though as one of the young males got gored.5名查拉拉队员奋斗超过90分钟打倒了一个大公水牛。这是有代价的,一个年轻的雄性被牛角刺伤。18日更新:Lions of Sabi Sand 放出捕牛受伤新图: Another image of the young Tsalala/Marthly male that was gored yesterday morning at Mala Mala....thanks Greg for the photo.年轻的查拉拉雄狮昨天上午在Mala Mala被牛角刺伤的另一个图片....感谢格雷格提供的照片。James Craig Moodie 也补充说: Saw the young boy yesterday, he's a bit swollen but walking fine. The video I posted shows it was just under the skin, no muscle or tissue damage. He's on his way to a full recovery.昨天见到的小男孩,腿有点肿但走路还好。我发布的视频显示,这只是在皮肤下的伤,没有肌肉或组织损伤。它靠自己就能全面恢复。James Craig Moodie放出视频: Little bit of the action from yesterday's sighting. Poor boy. 昨天目击到的行动片段。可怜的孩子。Lions of Sabi Sand对视频的说明: A brief video of the goring ....WARNING...not for sensitive viewers. Update on the young male from James.....'he's fine syl saw him today he's a bit swollen but walking normally. It was just a skin wound luckily, no flesh or muscle damage'被牛角刺伤的简短视频....警告......不适合敏感的观众。詹姆斯对年轻雄狮的更新......“SYL今天看见它很好,腿有点肿,但走路正常。幸运的是这仅仅是一个皮肤伤口,没有肉体或肌肉损伤“来自狮吧视频: 查拉拉主队亚成年受伤片段 ,
视频来自:视频原地址: 之后,Mala Mala 保护区进一步更新18日:MALAMALA TODAY: January 18th. Lions: the 5 members of the Marthly pride are feeding off their buffalo kill from yesterday- the young male that was gored has a very swollen leg but seems to be walking fine. 查拉拉狮群的5名成员进食昨天杀死的水牛-一个年轻雄性被牛角撞伤腿很肿,但似乎走路还好。19日:MALAMALA TODAY: January 19th. Lions: the Marthly pride has finally regrouped and all 7 members are feeding off their buffalo kill. 查拉拉狮群终于重新集结,所有7名成员都在吃它们杀死的水牛。20日:January 20th. Lions: the Marthly pride have split up again! The tailless lioness and the injured young male were being chased around by a herd of buffalo and then by elephants. Amazing to see how this lioness almost always assumes the role of chaperone!查拉拉狮群又分裂了!无尾母狮和受伤的年轻雄性正在被水牛群追得四处跑,然后又被大象追逐。令人惊讶地看到此母狮总是充当保护者的角色!21日:MALAMALA TODAY: January 21st. 5 members of the Marthly pride were south of Main Camp. 查拉拉狮群的5名成员在主营地的南边。22日 :MALAMALA TODAY: January 22nd. The tailless Marthly lioness and the 4 sub adults are south of Main Camp. 查拉拉无尾母狮和4个亚成年在主营地之南。 23日James Craig Moodie放出一个更长的捕牛视频: (本人认为: 至今看来受伤小雄狮一直都有母狮或狮群陪伴,只要伤口不感染恢复健康没问题。)**********************1月10日,Rob The Ranger Wildlife Videos上传了一段令人伤心的老视频,Ximhungwe狮群最后一个成年母狮长尾之死(死于日):Disturbing Footage Of Lions Fighting To The Death (Not For Sensitive Viewers)令人伤心的镜头,狮子战斗到死(不适合于敏感的观众)This video shows the horrific death of the last adult Ximhungwe lioness (long tail female), killed by the Othawa pride and Majingilane males. The fight is a territorial battle as the Othawa pride wanted to extend their territory due to having new cubs. Having watched the Ximhungwe lioness grow up from a tiny cub this was a very emotional scene for me and it took a long time for me to actually re-watch and edit this clip. Lions often fight to the death over territory but it is less common for the lionesses to do so, this was the second lioness killed by the Othawa pride in the space of a month, reducing the pride to just the four sub-adults. You can see that the Othawa lionesses had already crippled the Ximhungwe lioness before the males got involved, at that point she would already have been too seriously injured to survive.This was obviously not the outcome I was expecting when I started the 'Following The Pride' and 'Rebuilding The Othawa Pride' series... Filmed at Idube Game Reserve in South Africa该视频显示最后一个成年Ximhungwe母狮的可怕的死亡(长尾雌狮),由Othawa狮群和保卫者雄狮杀死。战斗起因是领土争夺战,由于Othawa狮群有了新的幼崽,因而想扩大自己的领地。看着该Ximhungwe母狮从一个很小的幼崽长大,对我来说这是一个非常情绪化的场景,说真的我花了很长的时间重新观看和编辑这个片段。狮子往往为了领土决一死战,但母狮这样做却是不常见的,这是在一个月的时间里第二个母狮被Othawa狮群杀死,X狮群减少到了只剩下四个亚成年。你可以看到在雄狮参与进来之前,Othawa狮群已经把Ximhungwe母狮打残废了,在这一时刻,她就已经被太伤得太严重了难以幸存。当我开始“狮群追踪”和“重组Othawa狮群”系列时,我期望的显然不是这样的结果...拍摄在南非Idube游戏保护区。视频原地址: 狮子吧视频地址: 狮子吧相关的贴子: Ximhungwe长尾雌狮视频截图:暗鬃参与进来时雌狮后身脊柱处已经被咬烂暗鬃在锁喉?金鬃赶来金鬃咬暗鬃救雌狮Ximungwe雌狮是金鬃的真爱
Savanna Lodge 博客,写于日Written on19 January 2016.The drought continues to haunt us and is producing some exceptional viewing, as animals are being drawn to waterholes which still have some water left. Whilst we have not had a drought in the Sabi Sand for 15 years, these conditions are creating a new phenomenon which we rangers are not used to. The impala which normally give birth in the first week of November only started to give birth at the end of November and beginning of December, which is very late compared to previous years.旱情持续困扰我们,并生产一些特殊的视角,因为动物被吸引到仍然有一些水的水潭来了。这是15年来萨比森最干旱的一年,这样的条件造成了一个我们的护林员还没习惯的新现象。通常在11月的第一周出生的,却在底十二月初才开始生产,这与前几年相比是非常晚的。...........(此处省略其它动物的观察记录)............On one occasion, the Ximungwe pride killed a buffalo at the front of Savanna camp and a group of hyena came in and chased them off this kill. There was a fair amount of action between the two parties, but the hyenas prevailed and were able to steal the kill from the lions. For a short video of the interaction, click here.The Ximungwe have spent a fair amount of time with us this month. They seem to spend their time crossing our boundaries and moving east, then coming back to spend some time on Savanna’s property. On one occasion, one of the young lionesses from the Ximungwe pride walked up to the Land Rover to read the logo on the side of the door to see which property she was on!!有一次,Ximungwe狮群在Savanna营地前杀死了一头,一群来了,把它们赶离这个猎物。双方之间有相当多的行动,但鬣狗占上风,并从那里抢到了猎物。请点击此处看简短的互动视频。这个月该Ximungwe狮群花了很多时间在我们这里。它们被看到有很多时间越过我们的边界向东移动,然后回来在Savanna地界逗留一段时间。有一次,一个Ximungwe狮群年轻的母狮走到了车旁读取车门一边的标志看看她是在哪个保护区的地盘上! The Majingilane have been in evidence in the north and they seem to be spending more time together as a group than they have done in the past. Word has it from our eastern neighbours that there are a few new young male lions that are trying to make inroads into the Majingilane’s territory. As a result, the Majingilane coalition of four are staying together to produce a strong front for any intruder trying to take over.保卫者在北边很引人注目,它们似乎比以往花费更多的时间在一起作为一个群体。听说我们东部的邻居有一些新的年轻雄狮试图大举进入保卫者的领土。其结果是,保卫者联盟四个守在一起,面对任何试图接管的入侵者形成了一个强大的阵营。The Ottowa pride has provided regular viewing and the three cubs within the pride are growing up fast.渥太华狮群一直能定期观察到,三只幼崽与狮群在一起,成长迅速。Two of the females continue to mate with the males without falling pregnant. This has now gone on for a while and there is a certain amount of speculation as to why the other two females have not fallen pregnant.两名雌性继续与雄狮交配仍没有怀孕。这已经持续了一段时间,已有一些猜测,为什么其它两个雌性还没有怀孕。One train of thought is that they might feel the Majingilane will not hold territory long enough to ensure the survival of any new cubs, but this is pure speculation.有些观点认为,可能保卫者不能守住它们领地足够长的时间,以确保其新幼崽成长,但这纯粹是猜测。
Khimbini Wildlife Videos 于日上传3个保卫者杀视频:Male lions hunt and kill a buffalo (Majingilane males) 雄狮捕猎及杀死一个野牛(保卫者)After a full week of hunting finally the three male lions bull down a buffalo. Even when
400+ buffaloes come to rescue the victim the lions refused to back down until the herd gave up and ran. Filmed at Inyati game lodge,
Sabi Sand Game Reserve. South Africa.在整整一个星期的狩猎后,最终三个雄狮搬倒了一个。即使400以上的水牛来解救受害者,狮子拒绝让步,直到牛群放弃了而离去。摄制在萨比砂禁猎区的Inyati Game Lodge,。视频地址: 下面是视频截图,疤臀瘦成了骷髅仍顽强地承担锁喉重任,身残志坚: 可怜的臀臀瘦脱了形背上脊柱处有疤痕不知道啥时候有的来自不压的风的视频:视频来自:【日】Inyati Game LodgeA moment of comedy from a classically dramatic actor in this story of life.古典戏剧演员在其狮生故事里的时刻。 (三颗牙的效果)Calvin-Kotze大概于15年底在Ulusaba保护区拍的照片:Ulusaba Private Game Reserve, Sabi Sands -Calvin-KotzeFlipside Wildlife Photography于1月23号上传的图片,疤鼻过河(疤鼻你好帅!):Lion crossing. Majingilane male. 雄狮过河,保卫者。Flipside Wildlife Photography于1月20号上传的图片,Tsalala lioness. 查拉拉雌狮。【日】Inyati Game LodgeThe Majingilane male lions are having a good run they took down the second buffalo in a week.该Majingilane保卫者雄狮干得很好,在一个星期内它们拿下第二个。疤臀有饭吃了,多多补充能量!有狮迷问疤臀的腿怎样了: Liz Seiga问: Amazing! How's the one with the bad leg?Inyati Game Lodge 回答说: He is doing better but still limping. 它过得好些了,但仍然瘸。
有关南部狮群幼崽的信息:1月19日,幼崽的母亲在Sabi Sibi 保护区吃饱了饭离开尸体去喝水,然后走开了,据推测给她的幼崽喂奶去了。After filling up with something to eat, the Southern Pride’s new mom left the buffalo carcass to drink some water and then made her way, presumably, to suckle her cubs.1月26日,两个小家伙第一次露面,We found the Southern Pride females on a kudu kill this morning… and to our surprise, look what popped up!!
Who could imagine what was going through their little minds as they ventured far from their den for the first time.今天上午我们发现南部狮群的雌群在捻角羚尸体旁...并给我们带来惊喜,看出现了什么!! 谁能够想象当它们第一次冒险远离它们的窝的时候,它们小小的脑袋里在想什么。有可能是保卫者的孙儿们
有关南部狮群幼崽的信息更新:1月27日Sabi Sabi消息,游客在保护区拍到幼崽照片,并确定两个幼崽的性别是一雄一雌:Our guests had another exceptional sighting of the Southern Pride cubs (1 male, 1 female) yesterday afternoon!! 1月28日Sabi Sabi上传图片,We felt the love this morning… We just cannot get enough of the Southern Pride cubs!今天早上我们感受到了爱......南部狮群的幼崽我们总也看不够!1月28日Sabi Sabi博客,丛林一周见闻第87期,有关狮子的一段,小崽子已经介绍给狮群了: A Week in the Bush Vol. 87 The past week’s main highlights have to go to the lions of Sabi Sabi. The Charleston males were seen on a near daily basis with and without the company of the Southern Pride females. The Southern Pride females were also found on many occasion, where at times only four were found or all five together. These were good signs that the missing female was probably at her den site. Just as I started writing this blog news came in that the Charleston males and the Southern Pride were found on a kudu bull kill. Two cubs were also at the kill and this would be the first recorded kill that they have been to. This means we will start seeing more of these cubs as they will be joining the females at most kills in the future. Hopefully these cubs reach independence and increase the numbers of the once mighty Southern Pride.过去一周的主要亮点当属萨比萨比的狮子们。查尔斯顿雄狮在近期每天都被看到,南部狮群的雌狮有时陪伴其左右有时却没有。南部狮群的雌狮也在很多的场合被发现,有时是四个有时又是五只在一起。这些都是好迹象,不在的那个雌狮可能是在她的幼崽窝处。就在我写这篇博客时传来消息,查尔斯顿雄狮和南部狮群被发现在一个杀死的公捻角羚旁。两只幼崽也来到猎物旁,这将是第一次有记录的它们接触到的猎物。这意味着以后我们将开始更频繁观察到幼崽,因为在大多数捕到的猎物旁它们都将加入到雌狮中来。希望这些幼崽能成长到独立,增加曾经显赫一时的南部狮群的成员数量。..........Blog by Pravir Patel (Bush Lodge Ranger) Photos by Pravir Patel, Mike Palmer, Mike Laubscher, Grant Rodewijk, Terry Ennever, Kyle Strautmann & Justin Stanley后来Sabi Sabi的人回答Isaack Zorkin的提问,补充更正说: 查尔斯顿雄狮还没有接触或看到幼崽,查尔斯顿雄狮离开了Sabi Sabi保护区的属地后,小幼崽才被带到那具公捻羚尸体旁。(原话: Despite being on the same kill, as far as we know, the males and cubs were never on the kill at the same time.
The males moved off our property and the female brought her cubs to the kill site. We therefore cannot confirm whether or not the males have accepted, or even seen the cubs as yet.)下图是正在逐渐接管南部狮群的查耳斯顿雄狮,它们能否接受小狮崽? 让我们拭目以待! 祝小幼崽好运
【日】Idube Game Reserve 保护区The Ximunghwe pride have spent a lot of time down in the southern half of the reserve over the last few weeks. They are doing very well and have become adept buffalo hunters.近几周来Ximunghwe狮群已在保护区的南半部花了很多时间,它们都做得非常好,已经成为猎牛能手了。【日】Idube Game Reserve 保护区Thee of the Majingilane male lions, one Othawa lioness and her three cubs fight over a freshly caught buffalo carcass. Seen on this evenings game drive.三个Majingilane雄狮,一个Othawa母狮和她的三个崽争抢一个新鲜捕获的尸体。这个晚上的驱动游看到的。Idube保护区的人之后有解释是疤鼻不在场,它在东边相邻保护区的地盘里。Diane B. Miller 问: Which male is missing ? 哪个不在?Idube Game Reserve 回答说: The scar nosed male is on the neighbouring property to the east.【日】Inyati Game LodgeIt's all about the early mornings! 这是所有今早所看到的! (金鬃暗鬃双鬃行)Golden Mane and Dark Mane, photocredits Matthew Brennan上个星期Wayne Stanley在拍到的型男弟弟照片Photo taken last week in KNP. Credits: Brett Wayne Stanley【日】Idube Game Reserve 保护区LIve Now: 实况: Lions
at Idube. RIGHT NOW !Idube的定点摄像头拍到的 Majingilane males, an Othawa lioness and 3 cubs resting near the lodge now.一个保卫者雄性,一个Othawa雌狮和3个幼崽现在正在旅馆附近休息。【日】Leopard Hills Private Game Reserve保护区A Majingalane male in the throws of killing a Buffalo calf. A once in a lifetime experience for all who witnessed this incredible act, from start to finish.一个保卫者雄狮正在猎杀一个牛犊。对于从头到尾见证了这一令人难以置信的行为的人来说,是一个终生难忘的体验。【日】kirkmans kamp的跟踪员Eckson Sithole放出了几张冥河雄狮的图片,应该是前几天拍的,场景跟11楼里Kirkman's营地的Jarryd拍摄的图片相似,只是角度不同。
南部狮群幼崽专楼:Sabi Sabi保护区1月30日上传Seen on safari: A few of the Southern Pride females were resting atop the same rocky outcrop yesterday afternoon, and once again the cubs stole the show!
We had a great sighting yesterday afternoon with one of the Charleston males and Floppy Ear who were found mating again.猎游所见: 一些南方狮群的雌性在昨天下午露面的相同岩石上休息,并且幼崽再次出尽了风头!昨天下午我们有一个伟大目击一个查尔斯顿雄性和软耳再次被发现在交配。2月2日kirkmans kamp的跟踪员Eckson Sithole放出了4张图片:2016 is y chance to be at Kirkmans kamp cats can make u smile.beautiful cubs frm southern pride. This is ayobaaaaaaaa.2016年是一个机会,在Kirkmans营地大猫们可以让你微笑。南部狮群美丽的幼崽。这真是ayobaaaaaaaa.
2016年1月,保卫者在Londolozi。图片来自于日在Londolozi官网上发表的 一月份十佳摄影图片,博文由Amy Attenborough整理January: A Roundup of The 10 Best Images of the MonthTwo Majingilane male lions cross over the Sand River, in unison. The timing in this photograph is what makes it so extraordinary. Photo by David Dampier.两个Majingilane雄狮跨越沙河,步调一致。这张照片的时机把握得这么好使得它如此与众不同。照片由大卫 丹皮尔 提供。 (兄弟联盟所向披靡)【日】摄影师及导游Trevor Kleyn Photography and Guiding 上传在撒比森拍的图片I had scheduled a few posts for while I was away but completely messed that up. Any way! One of the stops was the Sabi Sands.【日】摄影师Ross Couper Photography上传照片Darkness: The total absence of light. 黑暗: 完全没有光亮【日】SingitaA golden moment with a beautiful male lion lying up in the Sand River. 金色时刻与一个美丽的雄狮躺在沙河边。Singita 回答Syl Yemen的提问说: unfortunately we have not encountered the single lioness. We were fortunate enough to watch two of the Othowa lioness and the three cubs fight over a carcass with the Mhangene pride along with the four Majingilane male lions, now that was exciting to watch. This picture was captured just before the interaction took place.不幸的是,我们还没有遇到过单独的母狮(指渥太华)。我们有幸观看两个Othowa母狮和三个崽与四个Majingilane雄狮一起同Mhangene狮群争夺猎物尸体,看起来相当刺激。这张照片正是在互动发生之前被抓拍的。【日】Rob The Ranger Wildlife Videos 上传图片Mating 交配摄影师Cpar photography - Craig Parsons上传图片Still there? 还在那吗?【日】Rob The Ranger Wildlife Videos 上传图片Majestic Majingilane 威风凛凛的保卫者(Rob The Ranger Wildlife Videos解释说图片拍摄于15年12月: It was taken in December)Leopard Hills Private Game ReserveLeopard Hills guests watched on in awe as 9 members of the Mhangene pride feasted on a young Buffalo that they killed.豹山的客人敬畏地观看了Mhangene狮群的9名成员享受它们杀害的一个年轻水牛。【日】Idube Game Reserve9 members of the Mhangene pride move through the bush looking out for prey. Seen on this mornings game drive.Mhangene群的9名成员走出丛林寻找猎物。今天上午驱车游时看到的


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