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Ravioli Game Tools
"Ravioli - The good stuff is inside"
The Ravioli Game Tools are a set of programs to explore, analyze and extract files from various game resource files.
Ravioli Explorer: View and extract the contents of archives.
Ravioli Extractor: Automate extractions from archives.
Ravioli Scanner: Helps analyzing unknown file formats.
Available packages
This is the current version of Ravioli Game Tools.
Developer downloads
Write your own plug-ins for Ravioli Game Tools.
The Revorb wrapper written for Ravioli, includes source code.
System requirements
Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7 or higher
Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Runtime (, )The version for 32-bit systems is included and does not have to be installed.
Ravioli Explorer:
Browse and extract the contents of archives
View text files and images, listen to sound files.
View only specific file types using the file list filter
View directory structure hierarchically or flat
View the file list as details or thumbnails
Convert images to standard formats like jpg, bmp or png
Convert sounds to standard formats like wav or ogg
Use drag and drop to open archives or extract files
Open either single archives or all available resources of a game
Scan unknown files for known resources like images and sounds
Ravioli Extractor:
Extract multiple archives in one go
Perform automated extractions
Convert images to standard formats like jpg, bmp or png
Convert sounds to standard formats like wav or ogg
Scan unknown files for known resources like images and sounds
Available as GUI and command-line version
Ravioli Scanner:
Scan files of any type for known resources like images and sounds
Extract the files found during a scan
Combine extracted files back into one file
View the exact locations of all the files found
View the contents of unknown file parts
View scanning statistics
Save and load scanning results
Available as GUI and command-line version
What's new?
►&#x25BC& (Released May 8, 2016)
Improved support for FMOD and Wwise sound formats. This improves working with sounds from games like Elite Dangerous, Dishonored, World of Tanks, BioShock, Mass Effect 2 and other games using one of these sound engines.
Added support for games from the Saints Row series.
Fixed errors with archives from Star Trek Online and some Tomb Raider games.
Developers can now officially create their own plug-ins for Ravioli Game Tools.
General changes:
Beginning with this version, there is the official possibility for other software developers to write their own plug-ins for the Ravioli Game Tools. This is made possible using a separate Software Development Kit (SDK) download, called the "Ravioli SDK", which contains interface libraries, documentation and sample code.
Experience in .NET programming, preferably in the C# language, is required. Using an appropriate development environment, like Microsoft Visual Studio, is highly recommended.
The first version of the SDK supports only development of new archive plug-ins. Other Ravioli extension points are not officially supported until documented in the Ravioli SDK.
Framework changes:
Added support for nested archives in Game Viewers in a generic way. Only one nesting level is supported.
Added the possibility to specify multiple archive types for a file in Game Viewers. Only the plug-in for which the archive type is valid loads the file. An error occurs if the file is not valid for any of the specified types.
The ArchiveBase class now implements a new set of operations to support opening an archive from a stream and not directly from a file, for example when using nested archives in a Game Viewer. This is an automatic opt-in for all archives based on ArchiveBase, but the individual archive implementations must still be written correctly to make this actually work.
Added an archive base class CompressedArchive that supports archives whose items are compressed.
Extended the sound player interface ISoundPlayer2 to also return the duration of a sound.
Ravioli Explorer application changes:
The status bar in the preview and view windows now show also the duration of a sound.
Fixed a crash that can occur when a potential long-running operation (opening an archive, for example) is already completed before the "Please wait" dialog is shown.
If an image or sound conversion fails, the affected file is no longer extracted automatically without conversion.
Ravioli Extractor application changes:
If an image or sound conversion fails, the affected file is no longer extracted automatically without conversion.
Ravioli Scanner application changes:
Fixed a crash that can occur when a potential long-running operation (extracting, for example) is already completed before the "Please wait" dialog is shown.
Improved the "Combine" function: The dialog to confirm enlarging a file that is smaller than the original file now contains a "Yes to all" button to enlarge all further files automatically without asking again.
Added support for archive, sound and image files:
Archive types of the Saints Row series
Saints Row 3/4 BNK_PC (VWSB) File (*.bnk_pc)
Saints Row 3/4 BNK_PC (WWISE) File (*.bnk_pc)
Saints Row 3/4 STR2_PC File (*.str2_pc)
Saints Row 3/4 VPP_PC (SB) File (*.vpp_pc)
Saints Row 3/4 VPP_PC File (*.vpp_pc)
Reverge Package File (*.gfs)
Used by games like Skullgirls.
Elite Dangerous OVL File (*.ovl)
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB3) (*.fsb, *.fsb3)
Used by games like BioShock.
This is a backport of the FSB4 format with the data structures updated to match the FSB3 format.
Only the file extraction from BioShock files has been tested. Sound playing and conversion should work in the same way as with FSB4.
Wwise ADPCM (*.wwise_a)
Can be played and converted to Wave files within the application.
Conversion happens via the external tool
The use of external tools requires writing the files to disk for any operation. This may cause delays for large files.
Tested with files from World of Tanks and Mass Effect 2.
The official file extension for all Wwise formats is WEM (Wwise Encoded Media), but this is not used here to be able to distinguish the Wwise formats easier.
Wwise PCM (*.wwise_p)
Can be played and converted to Wave files within the application.
Some data is written to disk during the conversion. This may cause delays for large files.
Tested with files from Elite Dangerous.
The official file extension for all Wwise formats is WEM (Wwise Encoded Media), but this is not used here to be able to distinguish the Wwise formats easier.
Updated support for archive, sound and image files:
Star Trek Online HOGG File (*.hogg)
Renamed from "STO HOGG File"
Fixed errors when opening files of this type.
Star Trek Online WTEX Texture (*.wtex)
Renamed from "STO WTEX Texture".
Tomb Raider Big File (*.000)
Improved file type recognition so that the program does no longer attempt to open
arbitrary *.000 files.
Wave (*.wav), MPEG Layer 3 Audio (*.mp3), Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)
Updated to support reading the duration of a sound.
Wwise Vorbis (*.wwise_v)
Updated to use the file extension .wwise_v instead of .wwise.
Updated to support reading the duration of a sound.
Updated ww2ogg to version 0.24 to support more file format variants.
Improved RevorbWrapper.
The official file extension for all Wwise formats is WEM (Wwise Encoded Media), but this is not used here to be able to distinguish the Wwise formats easier.
Wwise Package File (*.PCK)
Renamed from "Wwise PCK File".
Updated to support PCK files of the game "Dishonored".
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB4) (*.fsb, *.fsb4)
Updated to support 8-bit encoded raw PCM sounds.
Added new game viewers:
Saints Row series
Saints Row: The Third
Saints Row: The Third - Initiation Station
Saints Row IV
Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station
Nested sound files (*_media.bnk_pc) are loaded automatically. Nested texture files (*.str2_pc) are not loaded at all because the high number of small files make the loading process very long and navigation in the Explorer very slow.
Updated the following game viewers:
Tomb Raider Legend, Anniversary and Underworld
Fixed loading errors when opening the viewer.
Fixed loading errors because of the no longer existing "gldrv" directory in Steam versions.
Added scanning support for the following file types:
Wwise ADPCM (*.wwise_a)
Wwise PCM (*.wwise_p)
Updated scanning support for the following file types:
Wwise Vorbis (*.wwise_v)
Updated to use the file extension .wwise_v instead of .wwise.
►&#x25BC& (Released December 22, 2013)
Improved support for FMOD and Wwise sound formats.
Added support for Star Trek Online.
Added support for SteamPipe versions of a few Valve games.
Framework changes:
Scanning plug-ins are now loaded dynamically.
If a conversion between two sound formats is not supported, the error message that is generated while extracting a file now contains the names of the formats involved.
Ravioli Explorer application changes:
Fixed highlighting of installed games in the "Open Game" dialog on Windows 7.
Added support for files in archives where the size is unknown at load time. The following behavior happens now for such files:
In the file list in details view, a question mark (?) is shown in the "Size" column.
The total size in the status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the known size plus a question mark to indicate that the total size is not exact (ex. "120 MB +?").
When previewing a file and the size of the file is found to be larger than the internal preview size limit while reading its contents, the content is discarded and the preview is skipped.
Changed the default size of the "View" window to be the same as the "View" window in the "Ravioli Scanner" application.
Added support for archive, sound and image files:
STO HOGG File (*.hogg) (Star Trek Online)
The main archive format for "Star Trek Online".
STO WTEX Texture (*.wtex)
These textures are found inside STO HOGG files (*.hogg).
Multiple format versions of WTEX textures exist. Only the one format that uses DXT compression is supported.
Wwise Vorbis (*.wwise)
Can be played and converted to Ogg Vorbis within the application.
Conversion happens via the external tools
(v0.20) and
The use of external tools requires writing the files to disk for any operation. This may cause delays for large files.
The files can be encoded in different variants, depending on the Wwise version used. To find the correct variant, multiple attempts to convert the sound may be required, and this may cause delays for large files.
Tested using files from Saints Row: The Third, Mass Effect 2 and Sleeping Dogs.
Updated support for archive, sound and image files:
DirectDraw Surface (*.dds)
Added support for DDS alpha format (A8).
Valve Pak (*.vpk)
Renamed from "Valve Pack File".
Updated to support format version 2.
Fixed failing to extract files if the VPK file name contains multiple underscores.
Wwise Sound Bank (*.bnk) and Wwise PCK File (*.pck)
Wwise Vorbis files are now given a separate file extension (*.wwise) to distinguish them clearly from standard Wave files (*.wav).
Added a way to distinguish PC and Xbox 360 variants automatically. This is not 100 percent fail-safe but worked for all files it was tested with. Tested using files from Sleeping Dogs and Zumba Fitness Core (Xbox 360).
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB4) (*.fsb, *.fsb4)
Renamed from "FSB4 Sound Bank".
Added support for Raw PCM and MPEG (MP2/MP3) formats.
Raw PCM sounds are converted to standalone Wave files (*.wav).
MP2/MP3 sounds (incl. streaming sounds) are converted to standalone files (*.mp2/*.mp3).
Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)
Allows exporting the sound in its own format, just copies the source data.
MPEG Layer 3 Audio (*.mp3)
Allows exporting the sound in its own format, just copies the source data.
Added new game viewers:
Star Trek Online
The sounds in the FSB files (*.fsb) cannot be listened to directly.
Not all texture formats are supported. In WTEX files (*.wtex), only one texture format is supported and HTEX files (*.htex) are not supported at all.
Team Fortress 2
Only the SteamPipe version is supported, older GCF-based versions are not.
Angry Birds
Updated the following game viewers:
Updated the following game viewers to work with the new formats used by the SteamPipe content distribution system:
Half-Life: Counter-Strike
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Source
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
For the games "Half-Life", "Half-Life: Counter-Strike", "Half-Life: Opposing Force" and "Half-Life: Blue Shift", files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist (in "valve_hd", "gearbox_hd" and "bshift_hd" subdirectories).
For the game "Half-Life: Source", files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist (in "hl1_hd" subdirectory).
Added scanning support for the following file types:
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB4) (*.fsb)
Container format for audio files.
FMOD Event File (*.fev)
This file type does not contain any multimedia content but is used together with FSB files.
Wwise Vorbis (*.wwise)
Updated scanning support for the following file types:
Added support for APEv2 tags in MPEG audio files (*.mp1/*.mp2/*.mp3)
If the tag is detected, it is saved along with the audio data.
The tag must be present after the audio data and must have a header.
Supported archive formats
NameExtensionsExample gamesCommentsCredits
Absolute Magic Resource File.resEvasive Maneuvers, Tubes, Catch, If You Can!&&
Arnie Goes 4 Gold GFX File.gfxArnie Goes 4 GoldIn a few images, not all colors are correct.&
Arnie Goes 4 Gold SFX File.sfxArnie Goes 4 Gold&&
Audiosurf CGR File.cgrAudiosurfDecodes music downloaded from the web (Audiosurf Radio)&
BloodRayne POD File.podBloodRayne 2Might work for other Infernal Engine games as well if the format is the same.&
Brix BRX File.brxBrix&&
Doom WAD (IWAD) File.wadDoom, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D&&
Dreamfall PAK File.pakDreamfall&File list for determining the file names by
Elite Dangerous OVL File.ovlElite Dangerous&&
FAB File.fabZumba Fitness Rush (Xbox 360), Zumba Fitness Core (Xbox 360)Supports big-endian (Xbox 360) variant.&
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB3).fsb, .fsb3BioShockThis is a backport of the FSB4 format with the data structures updated to match the FSB3 format.Only the file extraction from BioShock files has been tested. Sound playing and conversion should work in the same way as with FSB4.&
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB4).fsb, .fsb4Zumba Fitness (Xbox 360), Star Trek OnlineSupports little-endian variant, this is used on both PC and Xbox 360.Supports XMA, Raw PCM and MPEG (MP2/MP3) sounds.XMA sounds are converted to standalone XMA files by adding an XMA v1 header.Raw PCM sounds are converted to standalone Wave files.MP2/MP3 sounds (incl. streaming sounds) are converted to standalone MP2/MP3 files.&
Her Interactive CIF File.cif, .calNancy Drew&&
Her Interactive CIF Tree.datNancy Drew&&
Her Interactive HIS File.hisNancy Drew&&
In The Groove PCK FilepckIn The Groove&&
Jack Orlando PAK File.pak, .pa2Jack OrlandoSupports also decoding of the music tracks and some of the sound effects. Tested only with the original version, not the director's cut.&
LithTech Resource File.rezBlood 2, No One Lives Forever&&
Psychonauts PKG File.pkgPsychonauts&&
Quake PAK File.pakQuake, Quake 2, Half-Life, Counter-Strike&&
Quake WAD (WAD2/WAD3) File.wadQuake, Quake 2, Half-Life, Counter-Strike&&
Ravioli Generic Directory File.rgdN/AExchange format for external tools.&
Ravioli Scan Results File.rsrN/AContains saved scanning results.&
Reverge Package File.gfsSkullgirls&&
Saints Row 3/4 BNK_PC (VWSB) File.bnk_pcSaints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV&&
Saints Row 3/4 BNK_PC (WWISE) File.bnk_pcSaints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV&&
Saints Row 3/4 STR2_PC File.str2_pcSaints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV&&
Saints Row 3/4 VPP_PC (SB) File.vpp_pcSaints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV&&
Saints Row 3/4 VPP_PC File.vpp_pcSaints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV&&
Shockwave Flash File.swfLots of online gamesExtracts sounds, streaming sounds, lossless bitmaps, JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs&
Snocka Watten SND File.sndSnocka Watten&&
Snocka Watten WBM File.wbmSnocka Watten&&
Star Trek Online HOGG File.hoggStar Trek Online&&
Stargunner DLT File.dltStargunner&Decompression routines based on .
Steam Game Cache File.gcfHalf-Life 2&&
Steam No Cache File.ncfPoker Superstars IIWhen opening an NCF archive you need to specify the root directory where the files are located on disk.&
STTNG IMG File.imgStar Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity&&
Summer Athletics PAK File.pakSummer AthleticsFile names for sound, speech and music are recovered partially. Graphics files are unnamed and in an unknown format.&
Telltale AUD File.audSam & Max Season 1&&
The Longest Journey BBB File.bbbThe Longest Journey&&
The Longest Journey OVS File.ovsThe Longest Journey&&
The Longest Journey SSS File.sssThe Longest Journey&&
The Longest Journey TM File.tmThe Longest Journey&&
The Longest Journey XARC File.xarcThe Longest Journey&&
Tomb Raider Big File.000Tomb Raider: Legend, Anniversary, Underworld&&
Valve Pak.vpkLeft 4 Dead, Alien Swarm, Half-Life 2, PortalSupports format versions 1 and 2.&
Wwise Package File.pckSleeping Dogs, Dishonored, Zumba Fitness Rush (Xbox 360), Zumba Fitness Core (Xbox 360)Supports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.Supports embedded sound banks.Supports multi-language files. Every language is shown as a directory. Language-independent content is also put into its own directory (typically "sfx").Wwise sound files in this archive are given variants of the file extension ".wwise" to be able to distinguish them easily. They can be treated like offical WEM (Wwise Encoded Media) files.&
Wwise Sound Bank.bnkSleeping Dogs, World of Tanks, Kinect Adventures (Xbox 360), Zumba Fitness Rush (Xbox 360), Zumba Fitness Core (Xbox 360)Supports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.Wwise Sound Banks do not contain the names of their sounds. These can only be stored externally, for example in a text file.Wwise sound files in this archive are given variants of the file extension ".wwise" to be able to distinguish them easily. They can be treated like offical WEM (Wwise Encoded Media) files.&
WWTBAM AWF File.awfWho Wants To Be A Millionaire, Wer wird Million&r&&
XACT3 Sound Bank.xsbDance Evolution/Masters (Xbox 360)Supports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.XACT3 Sound Banks do not contain actual sounds, they only reference sounds in XACT3 Wave Banks.XACT3 Sound Banks usually contain sound names, but they don't have to.&
XACT3 Wave Bank.xwbDance Evolution/Masters (Xbox 360)Supports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.Adds headers to PCM, ADPCM and XMA sounds, to make them playable standalone. These headers are always written in little-endian format. For XMA sounds, always XMA v1 headers are generated.XACT3 Wave Banks do not contain the names of their sounds. These can only be stored externally, for example in an XACT3 Sound Bank.&
ZIP, .pak, .pk3, .pk4, .crfFar Cry, Quake 3, Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, System Shock 2Supports compression methods store and deflate, encryption is not supported.&
Supported games for full game viewing
Full game viewers allow viewing of all available resources of a game instead of viewing only single archive files.
Alien Swarm&&
Angry Birds&&
BloodRayne 2&&
Counter-Strike: SourceSupports GCF-based and SteamPipe versions.&
Dance Dance RevolutionRequires the game CD in your CD-ROM drive to view all the resources. To prevent this, you can copy the original_data.bin file from the CD into the game directory.&
Dance Evolution/Masters (Xbox 360)Supports sounds and movies.&
DreamfallLoading the resources the first time can take a few minutes.&
Emergency 4&&
Half-LifeSupports Retail and Steam (GCF-based/SteamPipe) versions.Does not directly support viewing textures in the WAD files in the Steam versions of the game.In the SteamPipe version, files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist.&
Half-Life 2Supports GCF-based and SteamPipe versions.&
Half-Life 2: Episode OneSupports GCF-based and SteamPipe versions.In the GCF-based version, the oldest GCFs, such as Source Engine GCFs, are loaded first and updated files in newer GCFs replace older ones. Tested against the english version of the Orange Box.&
Half-Life 2: Episode TwoSupports GCF-based and SteamPipe versions.In the GCF-based version, the oldest GCFs, such as Source Engine GCFs, are loaded first and updated files in newer GCFs replace older ones. Tested against the english version of the Orange Box.&
Half-Life: Blue ShiftSupports Retail and Steam (GCF-based/SteamPipe) versions.Does not directly support viewing textures in the WAD files in the Steam versions of the game.In the SteamPipe version, files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist.&
Half-Life: Counter-StrikeSupports Retail and Steam (GCF-based/SteamPipe) versions.Does not directly support viewing textures in the WAD files in the Steam versions of the game.In the SteamPipe version, files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist.&
Half-Life: Opposing ForceSupports Retail and Steam (GCF-based/SteamPipe) versions.Does not directly support viewing textures in the WAD files in the Steam versions of the game.In the SteamPipe version, files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist.&
Half-Life: SourceSupports GCF-based and SteamPipe versions of the game.Files for the optional "Half-Life High Definition Pack" are also loaded if they exist.&
In The GrooveDetects updates to version R2.&
Nancy Drew #14: Danger By Design&&
Nancy Drew #15: The Creature of Kapu Cave&&
Nancy Drew #16: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek&&
Nancy Drew #17: Legend of the Crystal Skull&&
Nancy Drew #18: The Phantom of Venice&&
Nancy Drew #19: The Haunting of Castle Malloy&&
Nancy Drew #20: Ransom of the Seven Ships&&
Nancy Drew #21: Warnings at Waverly Academy&&
Nancy Drew #22: Trail of the Twister&&
No One Lives ForeverDetects updates to versions from 1.001 to 1.004 as well as the Game Of The Year Edition.&
No One Lives Forever 2Detects updates to version 1.3.&
PortalSupports GCF-based and SteamPipe versions.Based on english version.&
Portal 2Supports also the files that are part of the DLCs "Peer Review" and "Perpetual Testing Initiative".&
Saints Row IVNested sound files (*_media.bnk_pc) are loaded automatically.Nested texture files (*.str2_pc) are not loaded at all because the high number of small files make the loading process very long and navigation in the Explorer very slow.&
Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station&
Saints Row: The Third&
Saints Row: The Third - Initiation Station&
Star Trek OnlineThe sounds in the FSB files cannot be listened to directly.&
Star Trek: Elite Force II&&
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force&&
Summer Athletics&&
System Shock 2Assumes that all compressed resource files are in the game directory, does not look into any configuration file. If no compressed resource files are in the game dir, but instead in a subdirectory "res", then a modded installation is assumed and uncompressed resource files from the file system in the game dir are also loaded after the compressed ones. If compressed resource files also exist in a subdirectory "patch", they will always be loaded as the last step, regardless if modded or not.&
Team Fortress 2Only the SteamPipe version is supported, older GCF-based versions are not.&
The Longest Journey&&
Tomb Raider: Anniversary&&
Tomb Raider: Legend&&
Tomb Raider: Underworld&&
Zumba Fitness (Xbox 360)Supports audio and video files.&
Zumba Fitness Rush (Xbox 360)&&
Zumba Fitness Core (Xbox 360)&&
Supported image formats
Absolute Magic GFX File.gfxLoad&&
DirectDraw Surface.ddsLoadSupported platforms: Win32, x64Code based on the
Graphics Interchange Format.gifLoad, Save&&
JPEG/JFIF Compliant.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .jifLoad, Save&&
LithTech Texture.dtxLoadSupported image formats: 8-bit indexed and 32-bit true color with compression types uncompressed, DXT1, DXT3 and DXT5&
Portable Network Graphics.pngLoad, Save&&
Star Trek Online WTEX Texture.wtexLoadOnly the format version that uses DXT compression is supported.&
The Longest Journey XMG File.xmgLoad&&
Truevision Targa.tgaLoad&&
Valve Texture File.vtfLoadSupported platforms: Win32, x64Uses
Windows Bitmap.bmp, .dibLoad, Save&&
ZSoft Paintbrush.pcxLoad&&
Supported sound formats
Absolute Magic SFX File.sfxLoad, Export (to Wave)&&
MPEG Layer 3 Audio.mp3Load, Export (to MPEG Layer 3 Audio and Wave)Supported platforms: Win32, x64Uses the , copyright & , .
Ogg Vorbis.oggLoad, Export (to Ogg Vorbis and Wave)Supported platforms: Win32, x64
Wave.wavLoad, Export (to Wave)Supported platforms: Win32, x64Plays PCM and ADPCM files.
Wwise ADPCM.wwise_aLoad, Export (to Wave)Uses an external tool to process the files.The use of external tools requires writing the files to disk for any operation. This may cause delays for large files.Tested with files from World of Tanks and Mass Effect 2.The official file extension for all Wwise formats is WEM (Wwise Encoded Media), but this is not used here to be able to distinguish the Wwise formats easier.Uses
Wwise PCM.wwise_pLoad, Export (to Wave)Some data is written to disk during the conversion. This may cause delays for large files.Tested with files from Elite Dangerous.The official file extension for all Wwise formats is WEM (Wwise Encoded Media), but this is not used here to be able to distinguish the Wwise formats easier.&
Wwise Vorbis.wwise_vLoad, Export (to Ogg Vorbis and Wave)Uses external tools to process the files.The use of external tools requires writing the files to disk for any operation. This may cause delays for large files.The files can be encoded in different variants, depending on the Wwise version used. To find the correct variant, multiple attempts to convert the sound may be required, and this may cause delays for large files.Tested with files from Saints Row: The Third, Mass Effect 2 and Sleeping Dogs.The official file extension for all Wwise formats is WEM (Wwise Encoded Media), but this is not used here to be able to distinguish the Wwise formats easier.Uses
by Jiri Hruska.
Supported file types by the scanner
Graphics Interchange Format.gif&
JPEG 2000.jp2The JPEG 2000 brand ("jp2 ") must be the major brand and one of the compatible brands in the ISO Base Media File.
JPEG/JFIF Compliant.jpg&
Portable Network Graphics.png&
Truevision Targa.tgaSupports TGA 1.0 and 2.0 imagesSupports 16, 24, and 32-bit uncompressed and RLE compressed imagesIndexed images are not supported
Windows Bitmap.bmp&
MPEG Layer 1 Audio.mp1At least 10 frames of MPEG audio data are required in succession to accept MPEG audio data as such. This is to prevent false positives, but also means that small files with less than 10 frames will not be detected.Supports ID3v1, ID3v2, Lyrics3, Lyrics3v2 and APEv2 tags. If any of these tags is found, it is saved along with the audio data.If there is a tag stored before the audio data, like ID3v2, the audio data must follow immediately after the end of the tag. The 10 frame audio data minimum also still applies here.If there is a tag stored after the audio data, like ID3v1, and the audio data does not end exactly at the end of a frame, the tag contents might be truncated.APEv2 tags must be present after the audio data and must have a header.
MPEG Layer 2 Audio.mp2
MPEG Layer 3 Audio.mp3
MPEG-4 Audio.m4aThis file type is reported for MPEG-4 files having an audio track and no video track.One of the MPEG-4 brands ("mp41", "mp42") must be the major brand and one of the compatible brands in the ISO Base Media File.
Ogg Vorbis.ogg&
Wave.wavSupports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.Detects missing padding in certain situations - if Wave files are back-to-back in an archive or an archive ends immediately after a Wave file.
Windows Media Audio.wmaA resource is reported as Windows Media Audio if an ASF container is present with a WMA audio stream and no video stream.The following format tags are used to detect whether an audio stream is a WMA audio stream (Windows Media Audio codec IDs / format tags):0x161 = Windows Media Audio (v7-v9 Series)0x162 = Windows Media Audio 9 Professional (v9 Series)0x163 = Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless (v9 Series)
Wwise ADPCM.wwise_aSupports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.
Wwise PCM.wwise_pSupports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.
Wwise Vorbis.wwise_vSupports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.
XMA.xmaThe native sound format of the Xbox 360 console.Supports XMA v1 and XMA2 (format tags 0x165 and 0x166).Supports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.
Audio Video Interleave.aviPreserves JUNK chunks used for padding.Supports OpenDML extended AVI (AVIX).
MPEG-4 Video.mp4This file type is reported for MPEG-4 files having a video track.One of the MPEG-4 brands ("mp41", "mp42") must be the major brand and one of the compatible brands in the ISO Base Media File.
Ogg Theora.ogv&
QuickTime.movThe QuickTime brand ("qt
") must be the major brand and one of the compatible brands in the ISO Base Media File.
Windows Media Video.wmvA resource is reported as Windows Media Video if an ASF container is present with a WMV video stream and a WMA audio stream or just a WMV video stream without audio.The following FourCC codes are used to detect whether a video stream is a WMV video stream (Windows Media Video FourCC codes):MPG4 = Microsoft MPEG-4 version 1MP42 = Microsoft MPEG-4 version 2MP43 = Microsoft MPEG-4 version 3MP4S = Microsoft ISO MPEG-4 version 1M4S2 = Microsoft ISO MPEG-4 version 1.1WMV1 = Windows Media Video 7MSS1 = Windows Media Screen 7WMV2 = Windows Media Video 8WMV3 = Windows Media Video 9MSS2 = Windows Media Video 9 ScreenWMVP = Windows Media Video 9.1 ImageWVP2 = Windows Media Video 9.1 Image V2WMVA = Windows Media Video 9 Advanced ProfileWVC1 = Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile
Advanced Systems Format.asf&
FMOD Event File.fevThis file type does not contain any multimedia content but is used together with FSB files.
FMOD Sample Bank (FSB4).fsbSupports little-endian variant, this is used on both PC and Xbox 360.
ISO Base Media File.isomThis is the base format for several other file formats like MPEG-4 or JPEG 2000.This file type is only reported if the derived file format is unknown.Only files containing a "File Type" box are detected. Older versions of this format exist which did not require this box.
MPEG-4 File.mp4This file type is reported for MPEG-4 files with neither an audio nor a video track.One of the MPEG-4 brands ("mp41", "mp42") must be the major brand and one of the compatible brands in the ISO Base Media File.
Ogg File (generic).ogx&
RAR File.rarSupports format version 2.9 (RAR 4.x compatible format)Older versions that do not use an "end of archive" header are also supported.
Resource Interchange File Format.riffSupports little-endian (PC) and big-endian (Xbox 360) variants.
Shockwave Flash File.swf&
Related tools
to view Bink (*.bik) videos that are used by many games.
To convert XMA files (*.xma) to Wave files (*.wav), the
can be used. Not all XMA files can be readily converted and a preliminary transformation may be required.
NSConverter converts
NS1 files to
KML files.
See the readme file for details.
Available packages
Version 1.0
System requirements
Windows XP, Windows Vista or higher
.NET Framework 2.0 SP2 (,


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