
视频: 【WARFRAME】战争框架活动:被偷走的梦_在线播放_最新视频高清在线观看 _ 爱酷网()<meta name="description" content="【WARFRAME】战争框架活动:被偷走的梦 活动:被偷走的梦剧情文本没有汉化,我只把最后重要的一句汉化了" /><meta property="og:description" content="【WARFRAME】战争框架活动:被偷走的梦 活动:被偷走的梦剧情文本没有汉化,我只把最后重要的一句汉化了" /><meta itemprop="description" content="【WARFRAME】战争框架活动:被偷走的梦 活动:被偷走的梦剧情文本没有汉化,我只把最后重要的一句汉化了" />友情提示&播放源:提示:如果出现 “2002” 错误有可能是浏览器抽风。您可以刷新下,或者更换IE、火狐、谷歌、Safari等浏览器,或者切换当前浏览器的模式(比如兼容模式)。声明:1、本视频来源优酷网,我们只是进行分享,不存储任何视频。若对该视频内容有任何疑问或质疑(例如违规、侵权等),请与优酷网联系【反馈地址】,提供该视频ID号:XODg4NDg1OTc2,或提供链接该视频在优酷网的播放链接地址:/v_show/id_XODg4NDg1OTc2.html,若优酷网做出了删除操作,本网站将在1小时内自动删除;2、如果您的视频允许在优酷网播放,而不允许我站播放,请发送邮件到&&,并注明“不允许站外播放”,我们会在48小时内进行相关处理。猜你喜欢播放:7040播放:29290播放:7605播放:3876播放:968播放:3247播放:1447播放:411播放:467播放:1990播放:1062播放:9230播放:909播放:2913播放:4921播放:5843播放:2559播放:9021播放:4125播放:7082(京ICP备号)建议 --> 浏览器:Firefox(火狐) 像素: 以上您当前的设备:PC&|&屏幕像素:您当前的系统:Windows Vista&|&浏览器:IE8(微软IE)您当前的IP:&&&&&&&&《Warframe》Archwing模式更新宣传片_土豆_高清视频在线观看&>&&>&&>&&>&正文
星际战甲跑酷2.0登场 战争框架U17更新文稿
15:01:47 来源:178 作者:未知 编辑:游走小强 浏览:loading
  nyxp 基础护盾从100提升到125
  nyxp 基础护甲从15提升到50
  Fixed an issue where leaving a Clan while in the Solar Map would leave the Dojo node still available for selection, causing a crash if clicked.
  Fixed the Host’s Squad UI losing functionality if a Mission was cancelled during final countdown to Mission Start.
  Fixed red Revive markers becoming stuck on the minimap after you’ve revived a downed Kubrow.
  Fixed Kubrow not appearing on the minimap.
  Fixed an issue preventing players from seeing Immortal Skins or Helmets when previewing Warframes or Weapons.
  Fixed Lisets flying through each other in the Relay docking station.
  Fixed enemies having difficulty jumping down ledges in Void Defense Missions.
  Fixed the Equilibrium Mod not showing the correct popup notification icons.
  Fixed an issue causing Clan trade taxes for one player to match the other player’s Clan tax after a trade, despite trade tax in a Dojo being set to zero.
  Fixed an issue caused by spamming the tutorial button in the Foundry, Arsenal or Mod Upgrade menu causing the game to freeze.
  Fixed several visual issues on Grineer tilesets.
  Fixed the Clan List not updating when a pending member accepts a Clan invite.
  Fixed a stretched button overlapping over text in the Mod Upgrade menu.
  Fixed an error caused by using the right thumbstick on a controller or gamepad when customizing the Liset.
  Fixed an issue preventing players from being removed from Alliance chat when they’re removed from a Clan.
  Fixed an issue where editing the pause menu can be accessed when editing the Liset’s interior colors, creating additional UI on top of the color picker.
  Fixed the Scindo Prime not properly having bullet parry FX.
  Fixed players being able to bypass the Plate Puzzle in the Law of Retribution Trial by using Decoy / Switch Teleport or Wormhole.
  Fixed players being unable to navigate the ‘Featured’ tab in the Market with a controller. Players can now use LB/RB to navigate these tabs.
  Fixed the Login Bonus’ description being cut off in Italian.
  Fixed the Recent Players list showing all players as having a default icon.
  Fixed Hydroid’s Undertow not being affected by duration or range Mods.
  Fixed opening and closing the World State Panel leaving a progress bar stuck at the top of the Navigation UI.
  Fixed Trial descriptions in the lobby going out of bounds off the screen.
  Fixed the text that appears in the Mod Tutorial showing behind the Chat box, cutting off some of the text in various languages.
  Fixed some Ukrainian characters appearing as * instead of the proper letters.
  Fixed some issues causing Clients to freeze upon loading into a Trial.
  Fixed pressure-plate buttons in Trials not changing to blue when stepped on / activated.
  Fixed an issue causing players to be trapped inside a room if a host migration occurs when Clients are unable to properly see broken windows on Corpus ship tilesets.
  Fixed the Raksa Kubrow’s Howl sometimes not playing.
  Fixed the Mission countdown timer freezing for Clients if the Host cancels a Mission during the countdown.
  Fixed players being unable to join their Friend’s squad through the Friends list in the Communication menu.
  Fixed an issue preventing Vay Hek or the G3 from spawning in the Phase 2 of the Law of Retribution Trial.
  Fixed an issue preventing apostrophes from appearing in game text.
  Fixed an issue causing the ‘time remaining’ text on timed deals to overlap in certain languages.
  Fixed some credit prices that were not quite properly aligned in Baro Ti’Keer’s wares.
  Fixed an issue preventing Founder statuses other than Grandmaster from displaying on profiles.
  Fixed the Master Volume slider in the options menu not responding to mouse clicks.
  Fixed an issue where the base damage from jump attacks was not properly reflected in the Arsenal.
  Fixed Sentinel dioramas not properly displaying in the Codex.
  Fixed the Charge Rate stat in the Arsenal showing red for a faster charge and green for a slower charge, instead of the other way around.
  Fixed the Charge Rate stat not reflecting a change when equipping Mods that change Fire Rate.
  Fixed the Lotus occasionally broadcasting transmissions about the Infested on non-Infested Survival Missions.
  Fixed Kubrow visually clipping through the top of their stasis dome when being revived from stasis or rushed from incubation.
  Fixed Mirage’s clones from Hall of Mirrors doing full damage to the Juggernaut.
  Fixed the Chat tab overlapping the ‘Purchase’ icon for the Anku when displayed in Spanish or Russian.
  Fixed Valkyr’s Warcry stacking multiple times on Squad members when Eternal War Augment is equipped.
  Fixed an issue causing explosions to do double damage to players and enemies.
  Fixed fire rate Mods not allowing charge weapons like the Ogris or Opticor to fire.
  Fixed an issue causing players to be stuck in iron sights with the Tonkor when firing immediately after a quick melee.
  Fixed some incorrect spacing on Corpus hacking terminals.
  Fixed an issue that would occur when selling items from inventory.
  Fixed the Mod section of the Codex featuring a useless button prompt.
  Fixed an issue preventing players from rotating their character when using a controller or gamepad.
  Fixed an issue preventing facial animations in Transmissions from properly playing.
  Fixed the positioning of the ‘Give Weapon’ context action when interacting with Rescue hostages.
  Fixed players being able to apply DNA Stabilizers to Kubrow at 100% Integrity.
  Fixed an issue preventing arrows from showing up in a Warframe’s hand when previewing a bow weapon.
  Fixed an error that would occur when entering a non-number value into Dojo Research Contribution.
  Fixed some item text descriptions within the Dojo extending outside of bounds.
  Fixed an issue preventing dual wield weapons from being able to hit with each hand.
  Fixed an incorrect increase to proc chance for automatic weapons with multishot Mods installed.
  Fixed an issue preventing some textures from being properly illuminated by light sources.
  Fixed an issue that would occur when attempting to keybind R3 on a controller or gamepad.
  Fixed an issue caused by building the Odonata while the Archwing Quest is still inactive, causing an error when activating the quest in the World State Window.
  Fixed some transmissions not playing in the Tutorial Rescue Missions.
  Fixed quotation marks appearing as asterisks in Sanctuary lore entries localized for other regions.
  Fixed a crash that would occur when a player leaves a squad before a session has finished being created.
  Fixed Warframe heads being cut off on camera when players preview Immortal Skins.
  Fixed some destructible environments sometimes causing visual issues for their surroundings (such as breakable locker doors).
  Fixed stats in the View Mission Progress screen displaying outside of the screen in Archwing Missions.
  Fixed occasional issues in the visual FX of Mirage’s Eclipse.
  Fixed an issue preventing players from exiting the Market when pushing ‘escape’ on a controller / gamepad.
  Fixed an issue preventing blueprints from displaying in the Foundry.
  Fixed Oberon being able to cast other Abilities while moving if he casts Smite, followed immediately by a second Ability.
  Fixed the camera sitting too close to two handed melee weapons in the Codex, preventing you from seeing the majority of the weapon.
  Fixed a barrel on the Infested Corpus Ship tileset that Clients cannot pass through when destroyed, preventing them from obtaining any loot near or behind the barrel.
  Fixed Trinity’s Well of Life Augment not properly using strength Mods to increase the chance to drop Health Orbs.
  Fixed Limbo’s Cataclysm persisting for Clients after the effect has expired for the Host.
  Fixed weapon attachments in the Arsenal not displaying ‘Physique’ under Appearance when viewing Bows.
  Fixed an issue where bow skins will apply their effect to arrows when a unique arrow skin is already equipped.
  Fixed some Radiation damage weapons not properly applying damage to Nova’s Antimatter Drop absorption.
  Fixed Ash’s Bladestorm locking players into a multi-strike animation against Synthesis targets.
  Fixed the Venka Claws not being visible to Clients when they are the only weapon equipped.
  Fixed Excalibur’s Radial Blind animation repeating if its activation is interrupted by a knockdown, or the use of another Ability Power.
  Fixed the End of Mission screen not displaying correct stats when there are multiple levels of Affinity earned.
  Fixed an issue causing sniper scopes to remain on the screen after the player dies.
  Fixed players navigating on the Relay causing other players to still see where your Warframe was previously standing.
  Fixed an issue causing arrow skins to linger after being previewed.
  Fixed an issue causing the Extract or Battle screen not to appear on Defense Missions after a Host Migration occurs when all enemies have been killed.
  Fixed players not being able to see bleedout times on Squad members when the Show Teammate Names option is turned on.
  Fixed the Biocatalyst in Grineer Sabotage Missions on Earth being improperly labeled as ‘Grineer Toxin’.
  Fixed Host Migration on Mobile Defense Missions causing the Objective and Datamass to disappear.
  Fixed downed Capture targets getting back up after a Host Migration.
  Fixed Saryn’s Miasma making corpses invisible on use.
  Fixed Excalibur’s Exalted Blade’s energy waves not being stopped by Corpus Nullifier shields.
  Fixed Excalibur’s Exalted Blade improperly taking on stances from other equipped melee weapons and vice versa.
  Fixed an error that would occur when choosing a color customization for an item that was previously set to Default.
  Fixed Excalibur Prime’s sword being at an incorrect position in his Codex diorama.
  Fixed Overshields not showing as the proper color in the Squad UI.
  Fixed Simulacrum scans not appearing as +0 when the cap has been reached.
  Fixed diorama audio playing twice when opened.
  Fixed players getting an option to rejoin Missions they’ve disconnected from after the Mission itself has been completed or no longer exists.
  Fixed players not properly being able to use purchased Revives.
  Fixed kills earned by Mesa’s Peacemaker not properly counting as kills for the player.
  Fixed Clients seeing Excavator Power percentages with decimal places.
  Fixed Radiation damage effects on swords and daggers lingering after the proc has expired.
  Fixed the Jackal and Zanuka’s missile attacks being wildly inaccurate or firing directly into the floor.
  Fixed the Clan Log no longer showing entries after constructing the Orokin lab.
  Fixed some potential visibility issues that would occur when entering a Conclave match on the Grineer Settlement tileset.
  Fixed an issue in Excavation Missions where the first Excavator being destroyed before the next one spawns prevents future Excavators from spawning.
  Fixed headshot multipliers not correctly reading as 2.0 in the Conclave Arsenal.
  Fixed players experiencing a loss of functionality when opening the Pause Menu immediately after opening the Conclave Menu in the Liset.
  Fixed several collision issues in the Underwater Sealab Conclave tileset.
  Fixed a visible hole in the Underwater Sealab Conclave tileset.
  Fixed an issue where the Steel Charge Aura had a duplicate stat in the description.
  Fixed various localization issues.
友情提示:支持键盘左右键“← →”翻页
游戏制作:Digital Extremes
游戏发行:Digital Extremes、畅游
星际战甲新手用什么武器最好?萌新开始还处于对武器不太了解的状况,随便选择武器对刚起步的玩家来说举步艰难,那么小编就给各位萌新推荐一把开荒利器!当前位置: /
时间: 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小新 热度: 1461 次&&
n 升级武器和守护武器,每级可以获得100段位经验,总共可以获得3000点。
n 升级战甲和Companion,每级可以获得200段位经验,总共可以获得6000点。
n 首次完成某个任务节点可以获得最多60段位经验(数量不固定)。
n 除了10个事件奖励、3个Founder专属奖励和4件已删除的装备,目前的最高段位是16段&猎鹰&,共707,746点段位经验。
n 5 已删除的商城武器 (其中1件可以通过登录奖励获得,1件可以通过捆绑销售买到)
n 9 警报奖励
n 9 首领和刺客掉落
n 23 Prime (含2件Founder专属)
n 11 from Events
n 8 from Syndicates and Baro Ki'Teer
n 16首领掉落
n 8 Prime (含1台Founder专属)
n 2 任务线
n 3 道场研究
n 4 守护,需在商城中购买蓝图
n 2 守护,道场研究
n 1 守护Prime
n 4 Kubrow
The 10 Archwing Weapons include:
n 2 through Quests
n 5 with parts dropped by Archwing Missions
n 2 Researched through the Dojo, with parts dropped by Archwing Missions
n 1 from Events
The 3 Archwings include:
n 1 through Quests
n 1 with parts dropped by Archwing Missions
n 1 Researched through the Dojo
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