
& 《龙腾世纪2 (Dragon Age II)》EFF编辑器 (可以用作存档 ...
UID896954主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分70金钱2029 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间1229 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 70, 距离下一级还需 130 积分
帖子精华0积分70金钱2029 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1152053主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分14金钱273 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间267 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 14, 距离下一级还需 186 积分
帖子精华0积分14金钱273 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID3957487主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分41金钱688 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间136 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 41, 距离下一级还需 159 积分
帖子精华0积分41金钱688 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID752873主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分669金钱3360 荣誉1 人气1 在线时间1128 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 669, 距离下一级还需 331 积分
帖子精华0积分669金钱3360 荣誉1 人气1 评议0
本帖最后由 megaptera 于
20:21 编辑
在龙腾2桌面快捷方式的名字那一栏里的exe后面输入空格和-enabledeveloperconsole 。
runscript zz_isa_debug
UID3957487主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分41金钱688 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间136 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 41, 距离下一级还需 159 积分
帖子精华0积分41金钱688 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
谢谢啊&&虽然已经通关两次 过去好几个月了。。。
UID425554主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分100金钱674 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间143 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 100, 距离下一级还需 100 积分
帖子精华0积分100金钱674 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
& && && && &&&我& &
& && && && && && && &膝盖中了一箭!!!
UID4652449主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分53金钱1088 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间230 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 53, 距离下一级还需 147 积分
帖子精华0积分53金钱1088 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID4652449主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分53金钱1088 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间230 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 53, 距离下一级还需 147 积分
帖子精华0积分53金钱1088 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Ulthwe·狂嚎女妖善良 半精灵 术士
UID764995主题阅读权限70帖子精华11积分10265金钱20471 荣誉142 人气68 在线时间2213 小时评议0
Lv.7游侠白金会员, 积分 10265, 距离下一级还需 4735 积分
帖子精华11积分10265金钱20471 荣誉142 人气68 评议0
UID2579090主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分5金钱120 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间26 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 195 积分
帖子精华0积分5金钱120 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1219429主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分178金钱1970 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间507 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 178, 距离下一级还需 22 积分
帖子精华0积分178金钱1970 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID6788564主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱26 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间4 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱26 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1629519主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分82金钱1542 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间370 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 82, 距离下一级还需 118 积分
帖子精华0积分82金钱1542 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
印象中 无冬也用过类似工具 是否意味着这个也可以修改龙腾1代
UID8185233主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分1金钱21 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
帖子精华0积分1金钱21 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
& && &&&-16350 (SAVEGAME_STATLIST)
找INDEX为38与39的,一个是属性点,一个是升级点。把它们改到999就 OK了。
UID8832220主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分43金钱521 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间236 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 43, 距离下一级还需 157 积分
帖子精华0积分43金钱521 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
保存时选用&Save as& 的话,文件名怎么命名?随便起一个吗,好像无法读取吧
UID7310758主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1259金钱6725 荣誉0 人气42 在线时间3268 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1259, 距离下一级还需 741 积分
帖子精华0积分1259金钱6725 荣誉0 人气42 评议0
Powered by《龙腾世纪2》全属性技能修改详解
日 作者:lianleming 来源:3DM 评论:0条
先是女盾战~第四个升级是拿不到的,官方的bug,我有办法~用EFF修改器修改~方法如下打开你要修改的存档,注意备份,路径是16003 SAVEGAME_PARTYLIST16204 SAVEGAME_PARTYPOOLMEMBERS下面能看到你队友的名字每个人顺序不一样,你要选择带有gen00fl_aveline的那项点开选择SAVEGAME_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS点开带有gen_im_fla_aveline_03的那一项然后如图修改,都是每个项中的最后一项,朋友们对照,缺什么改什么,这个是完美的
注意,1ITEM_PROPERTY_EFFECTID 每个人可能不一样,改的时候-1那项是不变的,另一些不是-1的你只要按正序依次写好,盾战女的最后一个升级,不是-1,是顺序中的最后一项,按照你的顺序改就好~关于V叔,就比较简单,打开游戏控制台,输入runscript zz_dae_debug选择jump plot选择deep road然后你就跳跃到了deep road接着你就向前杀怪,你会碰到你弟弟/妹妹,和他打完怪物,在旁边门口的箱子里,就是v叔的最终升级~现在完美了
12013这个数字是代码,从下面代码表可以看出我在女盾战的装甲上加了一个属性12013 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 04 - Deflecting Joints - Defense ,其他队友装备也可这样修改好吧~1ITEM_PROPERTY_EFFECTID中-1一般代表是凹槽,而其他的排序的数字一般都是武器或者装甲的额外属性,什么攻击力加**%,所以你看只要是这种都是排序数字,你的装备应该都有几项属性,他们会自己排成数列,你就依次往下输入好了~比如我的227 626228那么我就该把第四项属性设为626229因为他是加防御,如果他是加个凹槽的话,那就一律-1,注意在1ITEM_PROPERTY_EFFECTID,1ITEM_PROPERTY_POWER,1ITEM_PROPERTIES这三项中必须一一对应他们,比如我的他们三个的第一项都描述的是一个属性。POWER这项决定的是数值,properties是名称,EFFECTID是类型,你一定要一一对应!力量& &&&1000&&(Passive): Attribute - Strength 敏捷& &&&1001&&(Passive): Attribute - Dexterity 魔法& &&&1002&&(Passive): Attribute - Magic 狡诈& &&&1003&&(Passive): Attribute - Cunning 灵力& &&&1004&&(Passive): Attribute - Willpower 体质& &&&1005&&(Passive): Attribute - Constitution 全属性+1 1006&&(Passive): Attribute - All 提高增加HP& &1100 (Passive): Property - Health 提高增加MP& &1101 (Passive): Property - Mana 提高精准& && & 1102 (Passive): Property - Attack 提高防御& && & 1103 (Passive): Property - Defense 提高体力& && & 1104 (Passive): Property - Stamina 提高暴击率& &&&1105 (Passive): Property - Critical Chance 提高暴击伤害& & 1106 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Critical战斗HP自动恢复1110 (Passive): Property - Health Regen 战斗MP自动恢复1111 (Passive): Property - Mana Regen 战斗体力自动恢复1121 (Passive): Property - Stamina Regen血魔法HP/MP转换比率 1122 (Passive): Property - Bloodmage Cost 武器攻速1123 (Passive): Property - Attack Speed符文镶嵌槽8000 (Rune): Rune Slot 装备类型重甲& && && &1107 (Passive): Property - Armor (Metal) 皮甲& && && &1108 (Passive): Property - Armor (Leather) 布衣& && && &1109 (Passive): Property - Armor (Cloth) 武器基本类型 攻击方式 与 各种限制双手剑& && & 3000 (Restriction): Style - Two-Handed Weapon Style 双刀流& && & 3001 (Restriction): Style - Dual Wield Style 法杖& && && &3002 (Restriction): Style - Staff 剑盾& && && &3003 (Restriction): Style - Weapon and Shield Style 弓手& && && &3004 (Restriction): Style - Archery Style 装备限制种族人类& && && &3100 (Restriction): Race - Human 矮人& && && &3101 (Restriction): Race - Dwarf 精灵& && && &3102 (Restriction): Race - Elf 昆族& && && &3103 (Restriction): Race - Qunari 属性限制3200 (Restriction): Attribute - Strength [Primary] 3201 (Restriction): Attribute - Dexterity [Primary] 3202 (Restriction): Attribute - Magic [Primary] 3203 (Restriction): Attribute - Cunning [Primary] 3204 (Restriction): Attribute - Willpower [Primary] 3205 (Restriction): Attribute - Constitution [Primary] 3210 (Restriction): Attribute - Strength [Secondary] 3211 (Restriction): Attribute - Dexterity [Secondary] 3212 (Restriction): Attribute - Magic [Secondary] 3213 (Restriction): Attribute - Cunning [Secondary] 3214 (Restriction): Attribute - Willpower [Secondary] 3215 (Restriction): Attribute - Constitution [Secondary] 人物使用限制3300 (Restriction): Player 3400 (Restriction): Follower - Anders 3401 (Restriction): Follower - Aveline 3402 (Restriction): Follower - Bethany 3403 (Restriction): Follower - Carver 3404 (Restriction): Follower - Fenris 3405 (Restriction): Follower - Isabella 3406 (Restriction): Follower - Merril 3407 (Restriction): Follower - Varric 3408 (Restriction): Follower - Sebastian 职业使用限制3500 (Restriction): Class - Warrior 3501 (Restriction): Class - Rogue 3502 (Restriction): Class - Mage 3510 (Restriction): Class - Warrior or Rogue 3600 (Restriction): Spec - Spirithealer 3601 (Restriction): Spec - Bloodmage 3602 (Restriction): Spec - Forcemage 3604 (Restriction): Spec - Shadow 3605 (Restriction): Spec - Duelist 3606 (Restriction): Spec - Assassin 3608 (Restriction): Spec - Templar 3609 (Restriction): Spec - Reaver 3610 (Restriction): Spec - Berserker 等级使用限制3700 (Restriction): Level 3701 (Restriction): Level [-2] 3702 (Restriction): Level [-4] 3703 (Restriction): Level [-6] 3704 (Restriction): Level [-8] 3705 (Restriction): Level [-10] 状态使用限制满HP& && & 3800 (Restriction): Status - Full Health (&&比如血瓶)非满HP& &&&3801 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Health 满体力& && & 3802 (Restriction): Status - Full Mana/Stamina 非满体力& &&&3803 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Mana/Stamina 受伤& && && &3804 (Restriction): Status - Injured (比如医疗包)未受伤& && & 3805 (Restriction): Status - Not Injured 战斗中& && & 3806 (Restriction): Status & Combat非战斗中& &&&3807 (Restriction): Status - Not Combat 非满HP/MP&&3850 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Health OR Not Full Mana/Stamina 非满HP/受伤 3851 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Health OR Injured 物品基本属性(用来限定该物品是什么,及装备在哪个位置)战士单手5000 (Base Item): Weapon - Warrior - One-Handed 战士双手5100 (Base Item): Weapon - Warrior - Two-Handed 盗贼双武5200 (Base Item): Weapon - Rogue - Dual Wield 盗贼弓5300 (Base Item): Weapon - Rogue - Bow 法师杖5400 (Base Item): Weapon - Mage - Staff 重甲5500 (Base Item): Armor - Heavy 中甲5501 (Base Item): Armor - Medium 轻甲5502 (Base Item): Armor - Light 项链5600 (Base Item): Accessory - Amulet 戒指5610 (Base Item): Accessory - Ring 腰带5620 (Base Item): Accessory - Belt 物品等级 (卖商店值多少钱,图标的颜色)7000 (Treasure): Rank 01 (Worthless Junk)& & (垃圾)7001 (Treasure): Rank 02 (Broken Weapons) 7002 (Treasure): Rank 03 (Cheap Gems) 7003 (Treasure): Rank 04 (Statuettes) 7004 (Treasure): Rank 05 (Health Potions) 7005 (Treasure): Rank 06 (Standard Gems) 7006 (Treasure): Rank 07 (Bag of Coins) 7007 (Treasure): Rank 08 (Expensive Gems) 7008 (Treasure): Rank 09 (Unique Items) 7009 (Treasure): Rank 10 (Priceless Gems) (昂贵的宝石)7999 (Treasure): Worthless (forced 1cp) (这个不是最值钱,是只有1铜币)武器伤害类型物理& && & 1113 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Physical 火& && && &1114 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Fire 冰& && && &1115 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Cold 点& && && &1116 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Electrical 自然& && & 1117 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Nature 精神& && & 1118 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Spirit 1119 (Passive): Property - Healing Done 1120 (Passive): Property - Healing Taken 魔法抗性火抗& && &&&1200 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Fire 冰抗& && &&&1201 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Cold 电抗& && &&&1202 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Electricity 自然抗& && &1203 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Nature 精神抗& && &1204 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Spirit 物理伤害抗性1205 (Passive): Resistance - Damage 法伤抗性& &&&1210 (Passive): Resistance - Magic 冲击抗性& &&&1211 (Passive): Resistance - Force 武器攻击属性伤害物理& && & 2000 (On-Hit): Damage - Physical 物理AOE&&2001 (On-Hit): Damage - Physical&&(AOE) 火& && && &2002 (On-Hit): Damage - Fire 火AOE& & 2003 (On-Hit): Damage - Fire (AOE) 冰& && && &2004 (On-Hit): Damage - Cold 冰AOE& & 2005 (On-Hit): Damage - Cold (AOE) 电& && && &2006 (On-Hit): Damage - Electricity 电AOE& & 2007 (On-Hit): Damage - Electricity (AOE) 自然& && & 2008 (On-Hit): Damage - Nature 自然AOE&&2009 (On-Hit): Damage - Nature (AOE) 精神& && & 2010 (On-Hit): Damage - Spirit 精神AOE&&2011 (On-Hit): Damage - Spirit (AOE) 特殊效果发到几率击退& && & 2100 (On-Hit): Chance to Knockback 眩晕& && & 2101 (On-Hit): Chance to Stun 减速& && & 2102 (On-Hit): Chance to Reduce Speed 魅惑?& &&&2201 (On-Hit): Chance to Charm 人肉炸弹& &2202 (On-Hit): Chance to inflict Walking Bomb 生命吸取& &2204 (On-Hit): Life Leach 能量吸取& &2205 (On-Hit): Energy Leach 沉默& && & 2206 (On-Hit): Dispel 附带毒药属性虚弱毒药& &2300 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Debilitating Poison 鸦毒& && &&&2301 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Crow Venom 死亡之足毒药2302 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Deathroot Toxin 奥法毒剂& & 2303 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Arcane Poison Fel毒药& &&&2304 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Fel-Poison 伤害加成对人& && &&&2400 (On-Hit): Bonus Damage to Humans 对昆族& && &2401 (On-Hit): Bonus Damage to Qunari 对不死与恶魔2402 (On-Hit): Bonus Damage to Demons/Undead 对黑灵& && &2450 [(On-Hit)-[Internal]): Bonus Damage to Darkspawn 装甲专用属性免疫暴击& &&&9000 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Critical Hits (&&!)免疫包抄& &&&9001 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Flanking 免疫眩晕& &&&9002 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Stun 免疫击退& &&&9003 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Knockback 更多经验& &&&9102 (Special): Armor - Increase player XP 增加威胁& &&&9104 (Special): Armor - Decrease Theat 回避陷阱& &&&9106 (Special): Armor - Trap Evasion 提高解除陷阱能力9107 (Special): Armor - Improved Disarm 提高开锁& &&&9108 (Special): Armor - Improved Lockpicking 刺盾& && && &9109 (Special): Armor - Spiked Shield 逃脱& && && &9110 (Special): Armor - Escape 幸运& && && &9111 (Special): Armor - Lucky (干嘛的?)武器专用特殊属性发动终结技! 9100 (Special): Weapon - Increase chance of Deathblow (是一定概率)这是啥?& &&&9101 (Special): Weapon - Increased Gore 增加威胁& &&&9103 (Special): Weapon - Increase Theat 无视对方位置 9105 (Special): Weapon - Attacks Ignore Displacement 9112 (Special): Celestial 9115 (Special): Evolving 无视护甲& &&&9113 (Special): Weapon - Attacks Ignore Armor 非武器特殊属性增加金钱掉落 9114 (Special): Accessory - Increased Gold drop 毁灭符文9200 (Special-[Internal]): Rune of Devastation 无畏符文9201 (Special-[Internal]): Rune of Valiance 上古Lyrium符文9202 (Special-[Internal]): Primeval Lyrium Rune 伤害类型物理& & 10000 (Damage Type): Physical 火& && &10001 (Damage Type): Fire 冰& && & 10002 (Damage Type): Cold 电& && & 10004 (Damage Type): Electricity 自然& &&&10005 (Damage Type): Nature 精神& &&&10006 (Damage Type): Spirit 每击发动特效战士攻势眩晕& &11100 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Warrior - Offensive Stun 战士攻势伤害& &11101 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Warrior - Offensive Damage 法师物理杖伤害 11102 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Physical 法师物火杖伤害 11103 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Fire 法师物冰杖伤害 11104 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Cold 法师物电杖伤害 11105 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Electricity 法师物自然杖伤害11106 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Nature 法师物心灵杖伤害11107 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Spirit 意义不明6001 (Heraldry): Amell Family 6002 (Heraldry): Antivan Crows 6004 (Heraldry): Chantry 6005 (Heraldry): Dalish Elves 6006 (Heraldry): Dwarven Carta 6008 (Heraldry): Ferelden 6009 (Heraldry): Grey Wardens 6010 (Heraldry): Harimann Family 6011 (Heraldry): Kirkwall 6013 (Heraldry): Merchants Guild 6014 (Heraldry): Orlais 6015 (Heraldry): Qunari 6016 (Heraldry): Red Icon Mercenaries 6017 (Heraldry): Resolutionists 6018 (Heraldry): Starkhaven 6019 (Heraldry): Templars 6020 (Heraldry): Tevinter Slavers 6021 (Heraldry): The Coterie 6022 (Heraldry): The Winters 以下是同伴装备升级所带的属性12000 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 01 - Spirit Essence - Magic Resistance 12001 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 02 - Armor Struts - Armor 12002 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 03 - Underground Sigil --- Rune 12003 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 04 - Lyrium Weave - Attack 12010 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 01 - Underpadding - Attack 12011 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 02 - Flex-Chain --- Rune 12012 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 03 - Impact Plating - Armor 12013 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 04 - Deflecting Joints - Defense 12020 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Bethany 01 - Protective Sigil --- Magic Resist 12030 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Carver 01 - Girded Plating --- Armor 12040 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 01 - Reinforced Straps --- Attack 12041 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 02 - Enchanted Resin --- Rune 12042 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 03 - Lyrium Scales&&--- Rune 12043 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 04 - Tevinter Spirit Runes --- Rune 12050 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 01 - Lambswool Insoles - Critical Strike Chance 12051 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 02 - Rigid Boning --- Defense 12052 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 03 - Boiled Leather Plates --- Rune 12053 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 04 - Supportive Corselet --- Rune 12060 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 01 - Carved Ironwood Buttons- Health 12061 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 02 - Samite Lining --- Rune 12062 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 03 - Silver-threaded Dalish Embroidery - Health Regen 12063 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 04 - Halla Horn Buckles --- Rune 12070 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 01 - Coat Lining --- Attack 12071 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 02 - Inscribed Leather Harness --- Rune 12072 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 03 - Silverite-reinforced Buckles --- Rune 12073 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 04 - Drakeskin Leg Straps --- Rune 12080 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 01 - Reinforced Bracers -- Increased Attack 12081 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 02 - Mail Undertunic --- Crit Strike % 12082 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 03 - Enhanced Articulation --- Rune 12083 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 04 - Protection of the Faith --- Rune 100000 (Item Set): Default
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