Homebrewmotor vehiclee sandbox 有人玩过吗

40 of 44 people (91%) found this review helpful10 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Due to life being life, I haven't had as much time to play this title as
I'd like to.
But I've played enough to realize that this game is downright awesome.
Sadly, for some reason, it has remained criminally underrated here on Steam.
It deserves far more attention and DEFINITELY does not deserve the negative ratings it has gotten recently.
Most of the negative reviews I've read stem from two general complaints, both of which are stupid, as I shall now explain...Stupid Complaint # 1 - &This game is tooo Harrd!
How doo I vehicle more?&Explanation: This is a physics and engineering sandbox game,
consisting essentially of two elements: a set of tools with which players and an environment in which they can observe and interact with those machines.
The more robust and detailed these two elements are, the more complex the software will be.
This is inevitable.
If you want the power and freedom to create fantastic, interesting machines, you MUST be willing to learn how to use the advanced tools required to do so.
There are plenty of avenues to learn how to play this game.
If you don't want to learn anything new - fine.
Go play Doom or Flappy Bird or whatever.
But don't blame this game for your laziness.Stupid Complaint # 2: &This game has bugs / incomplete features.
It's like they're charging us for EARLY ACCESS to their unfinished game!
Firstly, learn to read.
Second, use your newfound reading skill to acquire knowledge about products BEFORE you spend money on them.
This strategy will reduce the likelihood that you will purchase something you do not actually want, such as an early access copy of a game that is still under development.
If you review an early access game, you have to review it AS SUCH.
As of the writing of this review, there have been 71 announcements from the developers.
A little research will quickly show that the game is under active development and there is a great relationship between the devs and the community. This is pretty much all that can be asked of an early access title (and it's a hell of a lot more than you'll get from most games currently listed as early access).
If you don't like early access, don't buy it until it's finished.
But don't criticize the game for not being complete when it isn't claiming to be so. Ignoring the negative reviews based on the two stupid reasons I just debunked, you'll see that this game has gotten a lot of positive feedback.
And it clearly deserves it.
There are very quality few games in this genre.
I have scoured every corner of Steam, and I can name every one I found on one hand.
Kerbal Space Program, Space Engineers, From the Depths, and Homebrew Vehicle Sandbox - if you know of a single other title worthy of being on that list, I'd love to hear it.
In the meantime, if you like any one of those games, I suggest buying them all.
Between the four of them, you should have enough to keep you occupied for at least a decade or two.
Due to life being life, I haven't had as much time to play this title as
I'd like to.
But I've played enough to realize that this game is downright awesome.
Sadly, for some reason, it has remained criminally underrated here on Steam.
It deserves far more attention and DEFINITELY does not deserve the negative ratings it has gotten recently.
Most of the negative reviews I've read stem from two general complaints, both of which are stupid, as I shall now explain...
Stupid Complaint # 1 - &This game is tooo Harrd!
How doo I vehicle more?&
Explanation: This is a physics and engineering sandbox game,
consisting essentially of two elements: a set of tools with which players and an environment in which they can observe and interact with those machines.
The more robust and detailed these two elements are, the more complex the software will be.
This is inevitable.
If you want the power and freedom to create fantastic, interesting machines, you MUST be willing to learn how to use the advanced tools required to do so.
There are plenty of avenues to learn how to play this game.
If you don't want to learn anything new - fine.
Go play Doom or Flappy Bird or whatever.
But don't blame this game for your laziness.
Stupid Complaint # 2: &This game has bugs / incomplete features.
It's like they're charging us for EARLY ACCESS to their unfinished game!
Firstly, learn to read.
Second, use your newfound reading skill to acquire knowledge about products BEFORE you spend money on them.
This strategy will reduce the likelihood that you will purchase something you do not actually want, such as an early access copy of a game that is still under development.
If you review an early access game, you have to review it AS SUCH.
As of the writing of this review, there have been 71 announcements from the developers.
A little research will quickly show that the game is under active development and there is a great relationship between the devs and the community. This is pretty much all that can be asked of an early access title (and it's a hell of a lot more than you'll get from most games currently listed as early access).
If you don't like early access, don't buy it until it's finished.
But don't criticize the game for not being complete when it isn't claiming to be so.
Ignoring the negative reviews based on the two stupid reasons I just debunked, you'll see that this game has gotten a lot of positive feedback.
And it clearly deserves it.
There are very quality few games in this genre.
I have scoured every corner of Steam, and I can name every one I found on one hand.
Kerbal Space Program, Space Engineers, From the Depths, and Homebrew Vehicle Sandbox - if you know of a single other title worthy of being on that list, I'd love to hear it.
In the meantime, if you like any one of those games, I suggest buying them all.
Between the four of them, you should have enough to keep you occupied for at least a decade or two.
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We welcome news releases, previews, screenshots and video links for existing or upcoming iPhone and iPod Games. We can't promise a
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The Humble Elephantine BundleIt may be an elephant's name, but this Jumbo is all Humble! Pack your Steam trunk with a bundle of awesome games – including American Truck Simulator, Samorost 3, Human: Fall Flat, and more – for just peanuts.[]Note: The Humble Jumbo Bundle 9 launched on Tuesday, August 29 at 11 a.m. Pacific time.
It's totally almost Halloween, right?Spookiness has no season in our hearts! Our undead buddies Frank and Barry have put together a new bundle for your... horror. Grab a bowl of cereal and settle in with the nearest friendly zombie to enjoy a night of spoopy games![]
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24 September, 2014
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Developer Update - Shipunuv! And more changes
13 May, 2016
[]We've got quite a few things to adress, first of all we'd like to thank Natafish and Nailgun for their excessive amounts of help in updating our Wiki with everything in Homebrew14. These guys have done an absolutely amazing job of catagorizing and calculating everything. This couldn't have happened this quickly, without the work of these two fine gentleman. The wiki is as good as complete, it will always be a work-in-progress, as we'll always add in more parts, more tutorials, more changes, ... to the wiki. without further ado, []Also soon to be integrated in-game!We've also been hard at work on a new patch, including a ton of bug fixes, in-game and under-the-hood. First, some new parts! ShipunuvYou know what this means! You can finally weapon-ize your vehicles! We don't have the damage system in just yet though, so for now you can only fire a tracker with this beauty. We've opened up a lot of settings thoughIt will display the X, Y, and Z coordinate of the last bullet you fired.(And you can scale the barrel Length!) Cherokee wing setThis colourful wing-set is perferct for a smaller build-factor. Based on the Piper PA-28 Cherokee. Nene EngineThis little jet engine is powerful enough to send you flying, but small enough to fit in your smaller builds! It's about 1/8th as powerful as the vector thrust engine already in-game, and lacks an afterburner, but it packs a punch.Round BoxThis little box can round your input to any integer! using Round, Floor, or Ceiling.Memory BoxThis handy logic-box takes 3 inputs. 2 modes, and your output value.-Additive mode.-Number Input.-Save Input.-Clear Input.Additive mode simply adds the Number Input to the output, instead of setting the output to the Number Input.when the Save Input wire gets a 1, it will save the number input.When reset gets a 1, the output will revert back to a 0.You can use this to build a counter, store values for later usage, all kinds of crazy things!Bug Fixes / Other ChangesVibration on controllers fixed. Will now turn on/off all your motors instead of just one. New SequencerType called Select : This will make the sequencer act as the select box!Changed Selector from 0-based index to 1-based index. Inputting a 0 will not activate any output.Fixed issue with Combine box not clamping your values on some modes.Added Double Jump mechanic.File -& Exit has been renamed to File -& Exit and Save in builder.Fixed Jet engines only consuming fuel when using afterburner.Added Vehicle Volume Slider under Audio-Settings.Distance Sensor now detects far more (including your own vehicle's colliders) Batteries now output current Voltage left.Simple Gearbox and simple Transmission now output current RPM.Fixed Workshop uploader not setting the view-mode properly (public, private, friends-only) Fuel-Tank no longer has infinite fuel in-game.Fuel-tank has an &infinite fuel& check-mark in-builder. Lights can now Cast ShadowsAdded a method to cleanup empty folders when exiting a project.KG now shows 1 decimal number.Logic-Boxes no longer weigh 5KG but 0.5KGFixed propeller blades weighing 0KG in-game.Added &Override Joystick& option under Keybinds. This makes it able so you can force a certain controller on all vehicles you spawn. This is not a setting that is saved, so you'll need to reapply it if you relaunch Homebrew.Road shader has been changed.Small wing now weighs the appropriate weight. glider tail wings CoG has been fixed.F119 Jet Engine CoG has been fixed.Balloon now adds drag.Added &Help& menu in the builder to open our YouTube tutorial playlists.Noteblocks now have a max value of 5 (you can just give a value of 5 in the Play port!) Electric Engines can now go backwards by giving it a negative inputRe-introduced the Default Vehicles. Added Length types to distance sensor (like the navigator has) That about covers it, if there are any question, or issues, or bugs, be sure to let us know on the steam forums or discord and we'll get right on it! The CopyBugPaste Team.Additional Bugfixes/additionsTransistor now has a &triggerValue& this is the number at which it triggers (default 0.5) Shfit box now has a Reset Input (give it a value bigger then 0.5 and it will change the output back to 0.)Cycle box now has a Reset Input (give it a value bigger then 0.5 and it will change the output back to 0.)SU-wing fuel tank is no longer infinite in size.Bike-seat fuel tank is no longer infinite in size.Navigator now always supplies negative on both modes.Fixed major bug where parts ID wouldn't generate a new one with undo/redo.(should fix floating parts!)Drag box now stacks. X-15 wing flap orrientation fixed.
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