weboperation 怎样注册按键精灵注册码

15:45:39 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
本帖最后由 桂原莲子 于
15:50 编辑
携手助学(不知道?百度下就知道了,也就知道我是干什么的了)活动太烦人了,每天都有录录次数要求,做了个脚本,用到了大漠,网页操作,就不隐藏了 [code]need_ver = &2.1148&
PutAttachment &c:\苹果&,&*.*&
PutAttachment &.\Plugin& ,&RegDll.dll&
Set dm = createobject(&dm.dmsoft&)
dm.SetDict 0,&c:\苹果\验证.txt&
if dm.Ver() && need_ver then& &
& & set dm = nothing
& & set ws=createobject(&Wscript.Shell&)
& & ws.run &regsvr32 c:\苹果\dm.dll /s&
& & set ws=nothing
& & Delay 1500&&
& & set dm = createobject(&dm.dmsoft&)
& & if dm.Ver() && need_ver then
& && &&&messagebox &插件版本错误,当前使用的版本是:&&dm.ver()&&,插件所在目录是:&&dm.GetBasePath()
& && &&&endscript
& & end if
RunApp &http://mypil./UserPortal/UserPortalIndex.aspx&
Delay 2000
Hwnd1 = Plugin.Window.Find(0, &携手助学 - 360安全浏览器 4.1 RC版&)
Call Plugin.Window.Max(Hwnd1)
Hwnd = Plugin.WebOperation.GethWnd(&携手助学&, 4)
If Hwnd=0 then
& & MsgBox &获取句柄失败!&
& & endscript
初始化 = Plugin.WebOperation.Initialize (Hwnd)
If 初始化 = false then
& & MsgBox &初始化失败!&
& & endscript
sRect=Plugin.WebOperation.GetClientRect (&id:imgCode&)
dim MyArray& &
MyArray = Split(sRect, &|&)& &
L = Clng(MyArray(0)): T = Clng(MyArray(1))& &
R = Clng(MyArray(2)): B = Clng(MyArray(3))& &
Yzm=&&:Fx = L+2 : Fy = T+123 : Sx = Fx + 20 : Sy = B+123
For wx = 1 To 5
& & For str = 0 To 9
& && &&&dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(Fx,Fy,Sx,Sy,str,&ffffff-.9,intX,intY)
& && &&&If intX &= 0 and intY &= 0 Then
& && && && &Yzm=Yzm & str
& && && && &Delay 500& &
& && && && &Exit For
& && &&&End If& && &&&
& & Fx=Fx+10:Sx=Sx+10
Plugin.WebOperation.SetElementText &id:txtUserName&, &fushun-052&
Plugin.WebOperation.SetElementText &id:txtPassword&, &111111&
Plugin.WebOperation.SetElementText &id:txtCheckCode&, Yzm
Plugin.WebOperation.ClickLink &id:btnLogin&
Delay 5000
Call Plugin.Window.CloseEx(Hwnd1)
Delay 5000你的位置:
15:08:21 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
本帖最后由 mork00 于
15:10 编辑
#include &afxdialogex.h&
#include &windows.h&
#include &iostream&
#include &string&
#include &tchar.h&
#include &comutil.h&
#include &atlconv.h&
#import &C:\test_game\dm.dll& rename(&SetWindowText&,&DmSetWindowText&) rename(&FindWindow&,&DmFindWindow&) rename(&FindWindowEx&,&DmFindWindowEx&) rename(&StrStr&,&DmStrStr&)
#import &C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&
using namespace Dm;
int h=500,h1=0;
typedef int(*lpScrollTo)(int, int);
typedef int(*lpGethWnd)(_bstr_t, int);
long hwnd1,hwnd2;
HWND hwnd3;
void Scroll(int argc, int arg)
& & & & HINSTANCE hD
& & & & lpScrollTo ScrollTo;
& & & & //LPCSTR lpStr = (LPCSTR)(&C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&);
& & & & //char* pszGbt=new char[70];
& & & & //(LPWCSTR)(&C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&)
& & & & hDll = LoadLibrary(LPCWSTR(&C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&));
& & & & if (hDll != NULL)
& & & & ScrollTo = (lpScrollTo)GetProcAddress(hDll,&ScrollTo&);
& & & & if (ScrollTo != NULL)
& & & & & & & & ScrollTo(argc,arg);
& & & & FreeLibrary(hDll);
long GethWnd1(_bstr_t ar, int arg)
& & & & HINSTANCE hD
& & & & lpGethWnd GethW
& & & & //LPCSTR lpStr = (LPCSTR)(&C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&);
& & & & //char* pszGbt=new char[70];
& & & & //(LPWCSTR)(&C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&)
& & & & hDll = LoadLibrary(LPCWSTR(&C:\test_game\WebOperation.dll&));
& & & & if (hDll != NULL)
& & & & GethWnd = (lpGethWnd)GetProcAddress(hDll,&GethWnd&);
& & & & if (GethWnd != NULL)
& & & & & & & & return GethWnd(ar,arg);
& & & & FreeLibrary(hDll);
void chushihua1()
& & & & CoInitialize(NULL);
& & & & CLSID
& & & & HRESULT hr=CLSIDFromProgID(OLESTR(&dm.dmsoft&),&clsid);
& & & & hr=CoCreateInstance(clsid,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,__uuidof(Idmsoft),(LPVOID*)&dme);
& & & & _bstr_t dvr=dme-&Ver();
& & & & //CString cstr((char *)dvr);
& & & & //AfxMessageBox(dvr);
void jubing()
& & & & hwnd1=dme-&DmFindWindow((_bstr_t)&&,(_bstr_t)&Q将三国_个人中心_起点中文网 - Microsoft Internet Explorer&);
& & & & hwnd3=::FindWindow((LPCWSTR)NULL,(LPCWSTR)&Q将三国_个人中心_起点中文网 - Microsoft Internet Explorer&);
& & & & if (hwnd1 != 0)
& & & & & & & & dme-&SetWindowState(hwnd1,4);
& & & & //hwnd2=HWND(dme-&DmFindWindowEx(1,&Internet Explorer_Server&,&Q将三国_个人中心_起点中文网 - Microsoft Internet Explorer&));
& & & & hwnd2=GethWnd1((_bstr_t)&/game/game.aspx?appid=510&,1);


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