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& & (2).买进球员
& && &&&选择其它球队球员时为买进球员;
& & (3).转会设定方法:
& && &&&1.最好确认谈判列表里没有&正在进行的谈判&
& && &&&2.用修改器读取存档,设定好转会.
& && & 3.关键点: 进入游戏,确认谈判内容.如果还要修改谈判,请至少在游戏中过整一周(两个半周!!即两次&下一步&)后再用修改器读取存档,进行转会设定.
& & 补充说明:
& && &&&(1).转会费和薪水实在没能力分析出来(汗&&),所以随意设定了两个值,可自行修改.
& && &&&(2).由于球队人数限制为32人,所以出售球员时,请注意对方球队当前人数,当对方球队满32名球员时,谈判破裂.
& && &&&(3).一次转会人数只能设定5个(包括买入,卖出),毕竟是修改器,不是游戏.
& && &&&(4).如果某个谈判内容设定错误,请进入游戏中停止谈判,修改器只提供清除全部谈判功能.
& & 本意是为了方便修改出相同的&人造人&,就是数据拷贝而已.
& & 如果选择的是青年队的球员,就顺带把模板设定上了(熬夜刷妖人的经历一去不复返)&&
& & 不过有些青年队的同志虽然背着模板,可是教练看不到(汗&&个别现象,求高人解&&)
& & 另外可以查看以前提拔的妖人是那个同志留下的&基因&(^_^).
4.搜索功能: 搜索界面中各项能力分为最大值和最小值.即搜索内容为: 最小值&=某能力&=最大值
& && && && &当设定最大值=最小值 时,搜索内容为: 某能力 = 最大值(或最小值)
& && && && &当最大值和最小值都为0是,不作为搜索对象.
& && && && &能搜索总评超过100的人(貌似电脑养不出超过100的&&)
5.伤病清除: 这个不用解释了&&只针对自己球队而已
6.版本修改: 没什么实际用途&&不过PES2010_EDIT.bin切忌从高版本该为低版本!!否则游戏中进入编辑模式修改时会出现异常&&
& & 某些xd提出把球队名汉化的建议,关于这点做个说明:
& & 由于各个不同的大补里,球队的ID不一定是相同的,特别是外加的球队(如德甲,英冠球队等等),所以由程序实现比较困难.
& & 不过,在多数情况下,各个大补(国内的)都有对应的中文版,只需要用中文版的游戏生成一份PES2010_EDIT.bin,再启动修改器,就能实现球队中文显示.
& & 遇到这个问题的xd,请试试英文版,不过不能保证没问题,因为我没遇到过这种问题,不知道从哪查起&&只能姑且试试英文版了(汗&&实在对不住了&&)
& & 具体操作: 找到修改器目录下的OPTION.ini文件,把Language=1修改为Language=0. (可参照文件中的注释)
大师联赛修改器(汉化) MLTool v0100226
1. 俱乐部,球员显示错乱的问题得到有效解决。目前应该能够对应各个不同版本。但是,大师联赛存档和PES2010_EDIT.bin编辑存档不配套的话,有些球队可能显示错误的球队名称。
2. 修正多数球员国籍不显示的问题。
3. 修正30~39岁球员退役设定无效问题。
& & 由于没有时间深入分析球员退役的设定,采用折中办法:当选择球员退役是,自动将球员设定为45岁,在进入8月第一周时,系统会提示球员退役。(参考截图)
4. 修正P卡数目计算错误问题。
5. 修正强制交换球员后,球员号码显示错误问题。
6. 修正金钱修改--可以设定为任意金钱数目。当然最大100亿
1. 完成界面汉化,支持双语
1. 开放所有球队球员修改功能。
& &原先只能对自己球队队员进行修改,本版本中取消这个限制。修改时请谨慎!
2. 开放基本属性修改:进攻欲望,状态保持,逆足精度,逆足频度,耐受伤性,身高,惯用脚,成长类型,P卡,隐藏技能
3. 增加大师联赛球员比赛属性修改:体力,疲劳,不满,忠诚,薪水,状态
4. 增加快速设置功能,能够批量自动设定球员体力,疲劳,不满,忠诚,薪水,状态及训练点数。
& &自动设定值分别为:
& &自己球队:体力100,疲劳0,忠诚10000,薪水0,状态最佳,训练点全部为6
& & 电脑球队:体力0,疲劳100,忠诚0,薪水,状态最差,训练点全部为0
5. 球员列表支持多选操作。
& & 多选操作时,界面上显示的是最后一个选中球员的数值。
& & 选择多个球员后,界面上某项能力值变化时,会将变化后的值应用到所有选择的球员上。
& & S卡,P卡只要修改任意一个,就会把选定球员都设成一样的S卡,P卡。
& & 训练点数,隐藏技能类似的,只要任意一项发生变化,就会全部设定到选中的球员上。
1. 球员姓名修改如果改成中文 有可能在游戏里面显示为&?&,这个不知道怎么处理,试过N大的修改器,PRO EVO, PES Editor貌似都有这个问题。球员姓名修改后,请自行设定该球员解说名。
2. 批量修改:球员位置不开放批量修改,主要时涉及到边路适应性的变化,比较复杂,不好处理,因此请逐一设定球员位置及边路适应性
3. 关于成长类型:成长类型的&成长类型数值&只分析出了各个数值对应的成长类型,具体有什么作用不清楚,希望大侠指点一二。
4. 关于训练点数:每个赛季结束后需要重新设定
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《实况足球2010》大师联赛修改器:Master League Tool
<a target="_blank" href="/review/"前瞻评测实况足球2010前瞻评测
实况足球2010 (1/18)
《实况足球2010(Pro Evolution Soccer 2010)》
作 者:qiuye102
3.关键点: 进入游戏,确认谈判内容.如果还要修改谈判,请至少在游戏中过整一周(两个半周!!即两次"下一步")后再用修改器读取存档,进行转会设定.
4.搜索功能: 搜索界面中各项能力分为最大值和最小值.即搜索内容为: 最小值<=某能力<=最大值
当设定最大值=最小值 时,搜索内容为: 某能力 = 最大值(或最小值)
能搜索总评超过100的人(貌似电脑养不出超过100的……)5.伤病清除: 这个不用解释了……只针对自己球队而已6.版本修改: 没什么实际用途……不过PES2010_EDIT.bin切忌从高版本该为低版本!!否则游戏中进入编辑模式修改时会出现异常……关于球队名汉化问题:
具体操作: 找到修改器目录下的OPTION.ini文件,把Language=1修改为Language=0. (可参照文件中的注释)球队排名和声望,红黄牌实在搞不定…求高人不吝赐教…时间有限,bug多多,望各位海涵.衷心感谢各位的支持!!有任何问题可以到下面拍砖大师联赛修改器(汉化) MLTool v0100226一、修正内容:1. 俱乐部,球员显示错乱的问题得到有效解决。目前应该能够对应各个不同版本。但是,大师联赛存档和PES2010_EDIT.bin编辑存档不配套的话,有些球队可能显示错误的球队名称。2. 修正多数球员国籍不显示的问题。3. 修正30~39岁球员退役设定无效问题。
由于没有时间深入分析球员退役的设定,采用折中办法:当选择球员退役是,自动将球员设定为45岁,在进入8月第一周时,系统会提示球员退役。(参考截图)4. 修正P卡数目计算错误问题。5. 修正强制交换球员后,球员号码显示错误问题。6. 修正金钱修改--可以设定为任意金钱数目。当然最大100亿二、增加功能:1. 完成界面汉化,支持双语1. 开放所有球队球员修改功能。
原先只能对自己球队队员进行修改,本版本中取消这个限制。修改时请谨慎!2. 开放基本属性修改:进攻欲望,状态保持,逆足精度,逆足频度,耐受伤性,身高,惯用脚,成长类型,P卡,隐藏技能3. 增加大师联赛球员比赛属性修改:体力,疲劳,不满,忠诚,薪水,状态4. 增加快速设置功能,能够批量自动设定球员体力,疲劳,不满,忠诚,薪水,状态及训练点数。
电脑球队:体力0,疲劳100,忠诚0,薪水,状态最差,训练点全部为05. 球员列表支持多选操作。
训练点数,隐藏技能类似的,只要任意一项发生变化,就会全部设定到选中的球员上。补充:1. 球员姓名修改如果改成中文 有可能在游戏里面显示为“?”,这个不知道怎么处理,试过N大的修改器,PRO EVO, PES Editor貌似都有这个问题。球员姓名修改后,请自行设定该球员解说名。2. 批量修改:球员位置不开放批量修改,主要时涉及到边路适应性的变化,比较复杂,不好处理,因此请逐一设定球员位置及边路适应性3. 关于成长类型:成长类型的“成长类型数值”只分析出了各个数值对应的成长类型,具体有什么作用不清楚,希望大侠指点一二。4. 关于训练点数:每个赛季结束后需要重新设定天价转会(自己设定……)
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6 things PES 2016 needs to fix to beat FIFA
By Asim Tanvir
on 12 May 2015
was a colossal improvement on the mess that was PES 2014. Fans loved it, critics lavished praise on it, and for many football game fans&.
PES is back on top and it needs to stay there.
In 2016, EA will be looking to bounce back strongly, so the PES team simply can&t afford to rest on their laurels. Someone much smarter than me once said: 'if you don&t move forward, sooner or later you begin to move backward', and that certainly applies here. With that in mind, here are six things that could be improved for PES 2016.
1. A realistic Master League mode
For a game that is all about simulating the beautiful game on the pitch, its main offline mode is quite the opposite. Like FIFA&s Career Mode, Master League is supposed to make you feel like a manager in between playing matches, but that couldn&t be further from the case.
Instead you&re greeted with an archaic calendar system that lets weeks pass without allowing you to do anything. There's also an illogical transfer system that consists of smiley faces. It&s living in the past, relying on its quirky charm to mask its shortcomings. We&re not in 2005 anymore and it&s time Master League offered something substantial.
You know, kind of like FIFA where you actually feel like you&re managing a club. Sometimes,
it&s ok to borrow ideas from the competition. After all, FIFA has done the same in the past.
2. Real ball physics
Ok, so the ball physics in PES 2015 aren&t terrible, but the way the ball moves needs looking at. At the moment, there&s little variation - you can almost predict the trajectory of a pass or shot before you&ve let go of the corresponding button. It&s something you&ll notice the more you play PES 2015.
Like I said, it doesn&t ruin the game, but real ball physics and data would certainly help cement PES 2016 as the football connoisseur&s choice. A tricky one to get right without messing things up, but if Konami manage it, it would be a glorious.
3. A proper collision system
As it stands, there isn&t a proper collision system in PES 2015. The way players collide and interact is basic, akin to a couple of action figures coming together. It&s not particularly natural and doesn&t make PES feel like a proper simulation.
As a result, fouls are given when they shouldn&t be, or you get away with grievous bodily harm. It&s usually one or the other, resulting in immense frustration.
If I&m being realistic, I don&t think we&re likely to see a sophisticated collision system in PES 2016. It&s a lot of hard work and something that can&t be implemented properly with just a year&s worth of development time. Just look at FIFA!
When EA introduced their system it came with bugs (and unintended hilarity) galore, only settling down to something decent the next year. Fingers crossed Konami has been working on collision for a couple of years then, eh?
4. Animations, animations, animations!
More animations please, Konami! It&s as simple as that really. There was definitely an increase in PES 2015, but still not enough to satisfy the masses.
Goalkeepers were more reliable between the sticks, but their animations were limited to say the least. Play a few matches and you&ve seen them all. Not only that, some weren&t particularly realistic, with even some of the best shot stoppers in the world diving and saving with the wrong hand.
Keepers aside, the game in general could do with better, smoother animations. Right now, the transition between animations can (in most cases) be pinpointed. For PES 2016, that needs to be ironed out for a superior, fluid gameplay experience.
5. Improved presentation
For the most part, PES 2015 delivered great visuals, which should come as no surprise given that it took advantage of the fantastic FOX Engine. That said, it seems like the PES team are struggling to get the best out of its lighting system, particularly during evening matches. It was a problem in PES 2014 under floodlights, the game failed to show off the impressive player models and stadiums. After another year with the FOX Engine, here&s hoping Konami have figured out how to make the most of it for PES 2016.
And then we have the audio. Commentary, need I say more? Repetitive, boring and lifeless, it&s been a problem in PES for many years. Come on, Konami& Sort it out this year. Please! Oh, and some of the menus could look better, too!
6. Better CPU AI
Again, viewed as a whole, the AI for both teams and players in PES 2015 a combination of good programming and statistics. However, there are areas where the AI can improve.
It would be great if the believability/quality of the AI could trickle down to some of the lesser known teams and players, not just the well-known ones. Also, while team's playing styles are decent, it would be great if the AI crossed the ball now and again. I could probably count the number of times the CPU has crossed the ball against me in open play on one hand. Last time I checked, Bayern Munich players do cross the ball into the box!
Finally, referees& Every foul shouldn't result in a card. That said, weirdly enough, playing against the CPU, you&re rarely fouled. Tweaks to the AI are definitely required for PES 2016!
Is there anything else PES needs to do to beat FIFA this year? Tell
on Twitter.


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