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在线时间26 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID8457注册时间积分668精华0
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主题帖子 金币4392 元 智豆673 点
在线时间126 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID599458注册时间积分208精华0
, 积分 208, 距离下一级还需 192 积分
主题帖子 金币681 元 智豆290 点
我咋可以的呢~~~~~用的是k大的rom& && &
在线时间26 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID8457注册时间积分668精华0
, 积分 668, 距离下一级还需 32 积分
主题帖子 金币4392 元 智豆673 点
wang 发表于
在线时间126 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID599458注册时间积分208精华0
, 积分 208, 距离下一级还需 192 积分
主题帖子 金币681 元 智豆290 点
梦想的终结 发表于
5.12.16_Kangvip& &&&版本号就是这个 我也不晓得& &框架是卡刷的~~~
在线时间26 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID8457注册时间积分668精华0
, 积分 668, 距离下一级还需 32 积分
主题帖子 金币4392 元 智豆673 点
wang 发表于
<font color="#.12.16_Kangvip& &&&版本号就是这个 我也不晓得& &框架是卡刷的~~~
哦哦 我刷的基于稳定版190的第三方,你刷的哪个帖子的框架,我也试试去
在线时间332 小时最后登录阅读权限30UID7731479注册时间积分1123精华0
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主题帖子 金币1539 元 智豆199 点
本帖最后由 binboy521 于
22:47 编辑
在线时间452 小时最后登录阅读权限30UID359371注册时间积分868精华0
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主题帖子 金币2489 元 智豆25 点
binboy521 发表于
{:244:}好无奈啊 烦躁
在线时间26 小时最后登录阅读权限20UID8457注册时间积分668精华0
, 积分 668, 距离下一级还需 32 积分
主题帖子 金币4392 元 智豆673 点
11:14 上传
在线时间921 小时最后登录阅读权限40UID7794165注册时间积分1919精华0
, 积分 1919, 距离下一级还需 1081 积分
主题帖子 金币5715 元 智豆316 点
梦想的终结 发表于
在线时间0 小时最后登录阅读权限10UID注册时间积分21精华0
, 积分 21, 距离下一级还需 29 积分
主题帖子 金币26 元 智豆1 点
梦想的终结 发表于
高老师的异次元游戏机!那是他失去的青春和你童年的梦想!code challenge - Sort a List With Swaps and Pops - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange
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Consider a randomized list of the integers 1 to N. You want to sort it using only the following actions:
Swap the first and last list elements. (S)
Pop off the first element and append it to the end of the list. (P)
This is always possible because any list can be sorted with enough swaps of adjacent elements. Using S and P you can swap any adjacent elements by calling P until the two elements in question are the first and last items in the list, then calling S to swap them, then calling P again until they are in the original indices (now swapped).
Yet, in terms of the number of S and P operations, this method is unlikely to be optimal for most lists.
Write a program or function that takes in a permutation of the numbers from 1 to N (N > 1). It can be given as a list or string or whatever is convenient. It should output a sequence of S's and P's that would sort the permutation when applied from left to right.
This sequence does not have to be optimally short, but shorter it is the better (see Scoring).
If the input was [2, 1, 3] the output might be SP because
S applied to [2, 1, 3] makes it [3, 1, 2],
and P applied to [3, 1, 2] makes it [1, 2, 3], which is sorted.
This stack snippet can be used to verify that a sequence really sorts the list. The list should have square brackets and be comma separated. The SP sequence is just a string of S's and P's.
&style&*{font-family:monospace}&/style&&script&function swap(list) {var tmp = list[0];list[0] = list[list.length - 1];list[list.length - 1] =}function pop(list) {list.push(list.shift())}function check() {var result = 'Sorted sucessfully.';var details = '';try {var list = eval(document.getElementById('list').value);var seq = document.getElementById('seq').details += 'Sequence: ' + seq + '&br&Steps:&br&' + list + ' &-- original';for(var i = 0; i & seq. i++) {if (seq.charAt(i) == 'S')swap(list);else if (seq.charAt(i) == 'P')pop(list);details += ' (' + i + ')&br&' +}details += ' &-- final (' + i + ')';for(var i = 1; i & list. i++) {if (list[i-1] & list[i]) {result = 'Sorting failed!';}}} catch(e) {result = 'Error: ' +}document.getElementById('result').innerHTML =document.getElementById('details').innerHTML =}&/script&&p&List&br&&input id='list'type='text'size='60'value='[2, 1, 3]'&&/p&&p&SP Sequence&br&&textarea id='seq'rows='1'cols='60'&SP&/textarea&&br&&/p&&button type='button'onclick='check()'&Check&/button&&p id='result'&&/p&&p id='details'&&/p&
Your algorithm must produce correct, but possibly sub-optimal, SP sequences for N = 2 to 256. For any permutation in this range it must run in less than 5 minutes on a .
Your score is the total number of S and P operations your algorithm needs to sort all 30 of the lists provided below. The lowest score wins.
You may not hardcode your program to suit this data. If it seems necessary I may add more test data to determine the winner.
1. Length 3
2. Length 7
[2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1]
3. Length 41
[7, 12, 17, 2, 14, 15, 33, 20, 37, 18, 9, 25, 41, 26, 39, 29, 16, 5, 23, 24, 35, 38, 32, 6, 11, 21, 27, 8, 40, 3, 10, 36, 13, 30, 31, 28, 1, 4, 19, 22, 34]
4. Length 52
[19, 49, 34, 26, 38, 3, 14, 37, 21, 39, 46, 29, 18, 6, 15, 25, 28, 47, 22, 41, 32, 51, 50, 5, 45, 4, 30, 44, 10, 43, 20, 17, 13, 36, 48, 27, 35, 24, 8, 12, 40, 2, 1, 16, 7, 31, 23, 33, 42, 52, 9, 11]
5. Length 65
[12, 53, 4, 5, 17, 32, 58, 54, 18, 43, 21, 26, 51, 45, 9, 2, 35, 28, 40, 61, 57, 27, 62, 39, 24, 59, 36, 25, 20, 33, 63, 56, 64, 47, 38, 7, 13, 34, 16, 30, 49, 22, 37, 3, 48, 11, 52, 1, 29, 42, 50, 23, 6, 8, 60, 65, 46, 10, 41, 31, 44, 15, 14, 19, 55]
6. Length 69
[58, 15, 63, 18, 24, 59, 26, 37, 44, 67, 14, 52, 2, 31, 68, 54, 32, 17, 55, 50, 42, 56, 65, 29, 13, 41, 7, 45, 53, 35, 21, 39, 61, 23, 49, 12, 60, 46, 27, 57, 28, 40, 10, 69, 1, 6, 19, 62, 8, 30, 64, 34, 3, 43, 38, 20, 25, 33, 66, 47, 4, 36, 16, 11, 5, 22, 51, 48, 9]
7. Length 75
[14, 69, 1, 43, 32, 42, 59, 37, 70, 63, 57, 60, 56, 73, 67, 6, 11, 36, 31, 22, 40, 7, 21, 35, 50, 64, 28, 41, 18, 17, 75, 54, 51, 19, 68, 33, 45, 61, 66, 52, 49, 65, 4, 72, 23, 34, 9, 15, 38, 16, 3, 71, 29, 30, 48, 53, 10, 8, 13, 47, 20, 55, 74, 27, 25, 62, 46, 24, 44, 39, 2, 26, 58, 12, 5]
8. Length 80
[3, 65, 44, 14, 19, 6, 11, 29, 79, 35, 42, 16, 68, 7, 62, 30, 38, 46, 15, 9, 75, 5, 52, 32, 22, 70, 64, 13, 21, 47, 10, 4, 55, 40, 45, 56, 77, 27, 23, 72, 17, 71, 53, 20, 18, 25, 73, 59, 36, 34, 37, 57, 1, 69, 24, 58, 33, 76, 2, 12, 49, 61, 78, 67, 66, 63, 50, 80, 28, 48, 26, 51, 41, 60, 31, 54, 39, 8, 74, 43]
9. Length 103
[40, 62, 53, 6, 32, 85, 8, 83, 33, 29, 87, 93, 22, 37, 80, 12, 74, 69, 64, 9, 18, 98, 17, 45, 60, 38, 10, 103, 19, 5, 54, 15, 90, 100, 79, 91, 46, 82, 43, 31, 51, 96, 30, 70, 76, 16, 55, 77, 11, 65, 58, 75, 61, 3, 28, 24, 101, 20, 41, 72, 86, 56, 35, 50, 78, 27, 67, 95, 44, 68, 48, 26, 39, 97, 21, 49, 102, 73, 63, 7, 71, 52, 1, 88, 34, 42, 14, 47, 36, 99, 4, 13, 94, 89, 59, 92, 57, 25, 23, 66, 81, 2, 84]
10. Length 108
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108]
11. Length 109
[48, 89, 25, 64, 8, 69, 81, 98, 107, 61, 106, 63, 59, 50, 83, 24, 86, 68, 100, 104, 56, 88, 46, 62, 94, 4, 47, 33, 19, 1, 77, 102, 9, 30, 44, 26, 16, 80, 67, 75, 70, 96, 108, 45, 79, 51, 12, 38, 73, 37, 65, 31, 60, 22, 28, 3, 43, 71, 105, 91, 93, 101, 13, 97, 29, 72, 82, 87, 27, 5, 17, 10, 34, 84, 53, 15, 78, 41, 85, 6, 14, 57, 76, 7, 23, 99, 32, 95, 49, 2, 21, 109, 74, 39, 11, 103, 18, 90, 35, 40, 58, 20, 55, 52, 36, 54, 42, 92, 66]
12. Length 151
[61, 7, 8, 79, 78, 4, 48, 13, 14, 117, 12, 96, 130, 118, 63, 110, 72, 57, 86, 126, 62, 10, 29, 102, 99, 28, 56, 135, 11, 151, 141, 97, 45, 109, 38, 150, 40, 149, 52, 140, 106, 80, 66, 134, 125, 137, 31, 85, 68, 94, 36, 26, 95, 92, 49, 25, 120, 148, 33, 73, 41, 100, 58, 127, 60, 122, 133, 9, 19, 81, 59, 55, 103, 146, 42, 21, 128, 75, 101, 82, 50, 142, 131, 76, 20, 69, 139, 83, 16, 64, 17, 124, 90, 138, 37, 1, 34, 43, 129, 77, 23, 35, 144, 121, 113, 115, 114, 67, 98, 70, 145, 104, 71, 5, 119, 6, 18, 88, 116, 111, 132, 39, 89, 24, 15, 107, 27, 65, 30, 47, 143, 93, 53, 108, 2, 74, 123, 44, 51, 54, 87, 147, 84, 3, 112, 46, 32, 91, 136, 22, 105]
13. Length 173
[93, 14, 141, 125, 64, 30, 24, 85, 44, 68, 91, 22, 103, 155, 117, 114, 123, 51, 131, 72, 67, 61, 5, 41, 10, 20, 129, 86, 154, 108, 161, 2, 82, 153, 96, 50, 136, 121, 128, 126, 120, 111, 89, 113, 104, 84, 18, 109, 42, 83, 162, 124, 173, 116, 12, 54, 52, 39, 122, 49, 46, 1, 130, 71, 152, 73, 56, 34, 149, 75, 133, 8, 74, 45, 88, 23, 7, 60, 115, 134, 53, 119, 106, 81, 112, 31, 35, 172, 159, 38, 59, 69, 142, 146, 110, 170, 160, 166, 43, 58, 4, 107, 78, 156, 47, 33, 145, 63, 163, 27, 70, 77, 36, 16, 100, 26, 19, 151, 57, 32, 15, 13, 40, 169, 98, 132, 135, 62, 66, 90, 102, 171, 99, 148, 80, 144, 147, 168, 94, 143, 17, 3, 140, 97, 11, 65, 55, 92, 95, 127, 167, 150, 87, 118, 28, 137, 9, 29, 105, 157, 25, 165, 158, 21, 164, 101, 79, 76, 6, 138, 48, 37, 139]
14. Length 177
[68, 117, 61, 159, 110, 148, 3, 20, 169, 145, 136, 1, 120, 109, 21, 58, 52, 97, 65, 168, 34, 134, 111, 176, 13, 156, 172, 53, 55, 124, 177, 88, 92, 23, 72, 26, 104, 121, 133, 73, 39, 140, 25, 71, 119, 158, 146, 128, 18, 94, 113, 45, 60, 96, 30, 5, 116, 153, 90, 115, 67, 80, 112, 154, 9, 17, 10, 33, 81, 38, 95, 118, 35, 160, 151, 150, 76, 77, 14, 147, 173, 135, 162, 114, 27, 100, 167, 74, 69, 165, 108, 79, 91, 48, 105, 125, 129, 75, 93, 11, 12, 64, 24, 170, 142, 98, 44, 37, 43, 78, 16, 28, 166, 155, 138, 164, 122, 163, 107, 130, 86, 56, 2, 161, 63, 126, 131, 144, 82, 106, 103, 32, 132, 54, 41, 171, 70, 85, 19, 143, 137, 87, 84, 66, 99, 102, 15, 49, 123, 175, 89, 51, 141, 62, 50, 36, 152, 47, 42, 8, 7, 46, 29, 22, 149, 139, 4, 40, 83, 6, 59, 57, 174, 31, 127, 101, 157]
15. Length 192
[82, 130, 189, 21, 169, 147, 160, 66, 133, 153, 143, 116, 49, 13, 63, 61, 94, 164, 35, 112, 141, 62, 87, 171, 19, 3, 93, 83, 149, 64, 34, 170, 129, 182, 101, 77, 14, 91, 145, 23, 32, 92, 187, 54, 184, 120, 109, 159, 27, 44, 60, 103, 134, 52, 122, 33, 78, 88, 108, 45, 15, 79, 137, 80, 161, 69, 6, 139, 110, 67, 43, 190, 152, 59, 173, 125, 168, 37, 151, 132, 1, 178, 20, 114, 119, 144, 25, 146, 42, 136, 162, 123, 31, 107, 131, 127, 51, 105, 2, 65, 28, 102, 76, 24, 135, 174, 9, 111, 98, 39, 74, 142, 70, 121, 154, 38, 113, 75, 40, 86, 100, 106, 181, 117, 95, 85, 138, 41, 167, 172, 4, 186, 17, 16, 104, 71, 81, 73, 57, 8, 140, 118, 158, 12, 148, 53, 29, 185, 18, 150, 22, 188, 72, 128, 84, 96, 47, 192, 126, 56, 163, 50, 157, 165, 97, 166, 180, 7, 46, 30, 191, 124, 5, 48, 175, 68, 36, 89, 177, 11, 176, 183, 99, 90, 55, 26, 10, 58, 115, 155, 179, 156]
16. Length 201
[23, 8, 58, 24, 19, 87, 98, 187, 17, 130, 116, 141, 129, 166, 29, 191, 81, 105, 137, 171, 39, 67, 46, 150, 102, 26, 163, 183, 170, 72, 160, 43, 9, 197, 189, 173, 196, 68, 100, 16, 93, 175, 74, 28, 133, 122, 27, 79, 107, 162, 62, 192, 108, 104, 97, 12, 60, 155, 161, 82, 167, 158, 149, 30, 124, 22, 168, 115, 134, 94, 34, 184, 127, 121, 177, 112, 142, 95, 164, 41, 59, 55, 143, 85, 176, 3, 156, 148, 153, 42, 180, 145, 78, 147, 119, 109, 139, 178, 61, 181, 136, 157, 91, 84, 47, 71, 70, 118, 18, 63, 80, 56, 123, 194, 117, 195, 152, 66, 48, 11, 99, 201, 128, 151, 138, 64, 21, 131, 159, 103, 75, 49, 169, 113, 53, 114, 69, 54, 165, 38, 101, 76, 200, 199, 140, 125, 193, 88, 32, 51, 126, 14, 13, 77, 52, 50, 198, 172, 5, 92, 96, 15, 106, 182, 31, 83, 120, 57, 135, 65, 7, 154, 20, 25, 45, 1, 6, 73, 40, 174, 132, 10, 111, 186, 190, 4, 36, 188, 185, 146, 44, 110, 179, 2, 90, 86, 35, 37, 33, 89, 144]
17. Length 201
[97, 146, 168, 5, 56, 147, 189, 92, 154, 13, 185, 109, 45, 126, 17, 10, 53, 98, 88, 41, 163, 99, 157, 35, 125, 34, 173, 171, 138, 104, 149, 172, 60, 183, 36, 65, 32, 180, 87, 167, 59, 84, 188, 11, 69, 57, 174, 61, 66, 7, 8, 111, 91, 58, 128, 94, 141, 139, 31, 78, 156, 70, 16, 162, 26, 33, 106, 175, 103, 21, 164, 110, 159, 80, 200, 82, 123, 144, 44, 148, 4, 55, 179, 184, 186, 124, 63, 107, 54, 112, 137, 165, 121, 25, 132, 196, 90, 89, 71, 160, 95, 117, 197, 37, 108, 39, 115, 12, 52, 119, 120, 79, 29, 49, 93, 22, 122, 161, 76, 38, 72, 169, 85, 178, 77, 105, 190, 100, 9, 86, 177, 194, 2, 136, 114, 51, 68, 19, 47, 195, 113, 193, 67, 96, 182, 170, 50, 83, 143, 166, 3, 192, 24, 127, 140, 176, 134, 158, 116, 199, 1, 135, 118, 145, 14, 15, 155, 48, 42, 73, 46, 102, 191, 28, 201, 181, 75, 133, 153, 6, 131, 130, 81, 20, 198, 64, 142, 150, 27, 101, 18, 30, 40, 23, 129, 43, 62, 187, 152, 151, 74]
18. Length 205
[161, 197, 177, 118, 94, 112, 13, 190, 200, 166, 127, 80, 115, 204, 186, 60, 50, 97, 175, 32, 26, 65, 16, 4, 55, 120, 143, 187, 121, 29, 18, 82, 17, 21, 144, 20, 88, 195, 99, 67, 203, 23, 176, 126, 137, 77, 70, 30, 103, 182, 113, 119, 36, 47, 90, 98, 54, 3, 49, 105, 57, 135, 153, 142, 174, 155, 158, 11, 157, 22, 171, 110, 28, 196, 129, 163, 79, 63, 38, 145, 140, 2, 128, 180, 106, 59, 25, 184, 81, 164, 95, 39, 68, 78, 178, 156, 72, 51, 202, 66, 48, 101, 71, 108, 130, 5, 107, 147, 199, 12, 27, 150, 167, 91, 64, 170, 191, 151, 149, 168, 34, 125, 188, 181, 139, 58, 75, 189, 124, 152, 183, 7, 111, 89, 84, 52, 141, 83, 69, 62, 73, 43, 123, 14, 179, 162, 114, 138, 117, 159, 74, 85, 10, 96, 86, 31, 132, 1, 104, 109, 45, 165, 148, 172, 154, 92, 173, 40, 19, 56, 37, 205, 44, 193, 122, 185, 93, 133, 53, 9, 169, 6, 61, 136, 46, 76, 33, 15, 116, 198, 160, 194, 131, 41, 42, 35, 146, 134, 192, 8, 87, 201, 100, 24, 102]
19. Length 211
[200, 36, 204, 198, 190, 161, 57, 108, 180, 203, 135, 48, 134, 47, 158, 10, 41, 11, 23, 127, 167, 121, 109, 211, 201, 1, 42, 40, 86, 104, 147, 139, 145, 101, 144, 166, 176, 92, 118, 54, 182, 30, 58, 123, 124, 67, 125, 154, 187, 168, 103, 17, 72, 98, 12, 184, 59, 87, 174, 93, 45, 116, 73, 69, 74, 80, 56, 14, 34, 85, 38, 185, 165, 110, 164, 151, 43, 192, 62, 4, 140, 170, 197, 111, 173, 141, 65, 77, 70, 136, 206, 83, 100, 148, 25, 183, 209, 189, 150, 33, 46, 16, 64, 114, 71, 102, 91, 39, 177, 196, 169, 128, 129, 44, 75, 188, 146, 26, 84, 138, 162, 194, 105, 37, 35, 88, 156, 130, 193, 19, 179, 82, 106, 181, 153, 28, 53, 21, 195, 66, 159, 115, 113, 112, 191, 172, 63, 143, 178, 94, 160, 186, 31, 29, 90, 68, 205, 155, 119, 117, 157, 107, 60, 79, 171, 149, 6, 24, 27, 50, 51, 126, 15, 133, 2, 131, 7, 49, 207, 163, 18, 120, 199, 61, 52, 32, 208, 20, 210, 13, 78, 55, 137, 202, 152, 8, 81, 76, 9, 97, 22, 99, 132, 95, 122, 89, 175, 5, 3, 96, 142]
20. Length 226
[204, 79, 88, 98, 197, 32, 40, 117, 153, 167, 29, 74, 170, 115, 127, 210, 22, 109, 65, 47, 41, 132, 110, 158, 192, 99, 96, 224, 190, 143, 33, 225, 195, 19, 70, 73, 54, 161, 75, 179, 181, 207, 26, 221, 66, 130, 152, 131, 30, 35, 155, 69, 68, 38, 129, 95, 116, 214, 7, 186, 62, 27, 212, 125, 216, 86, 148, 164, 141, 4, 140, 222, 16, 46, 12, 215, 78, 219, 211, 134, 118, 171, 121, 52, 123, 56, 220, 15, 25, 100, 137, 163, 51, 91, 10, 83, 55, 187, 182, 201, 149, 160, 8, 14, 218, 77, 3, 184, 114, 43, 122, 135, 142, 104, 120, 198, 45, 108, 85, 189, 151, 175, 136, 165, 226, 97, 124, 200, 60, 172, 20, 67, 1, 174, 87, 102, 119, 188, 223, 199, 103, 89, 49, 213, 57, 9, 101, 112, 36, 176, 194, 92, 145, 180, 168, 111, 94, 178, 39, 166, 193, 17, 2, 154, 58, 156, 217, 13, 80, 202, 206, 169, 107, 177, 144, 205, 139, 93, 34, 64, 106, 150, 146, 126, 185, 208, 63, 203, 105, 18, 191, 53, 183, 209, 6, 23, 84, 5, 61, 59, 162, 128, 37, 50, 28, 159, 173, 196, 24, 31, 72, 138, 82, 48, 133, 147, 42, 113, 81, 90, 71, 21, 11, 157, 76, 44]
21. Length 227
[197, 52, 91, 42, 29, 113, 82, 68, 147, 225, 80, 167, 117, 142, 140, 216, 65, 195, 97, 61, 133, 209, 214, 58, 152, 71, 56, 182, 201, 163, 227, 186, 63, 171, 207, 102, 161, 136, 224, 146, 92, 175, 45, 217, 6, 99, 20, 119, 210, 93, 77, 211, 21, 70, 90, 96, 115, 100, 183, 173, 69, 98, 172, 75, 111, 203, 19, 129, 35, 155, 74, 37, 23, 51, 192, 212, 33, 64, 59, 194, 112, 135, 1, 184, 5, 166, 185, 84, 199, 138, 144, 86, 128, 26, 190, 73, 179, 27, 118, 223, 46, 95, 159, 153, 226, 25, 180, 132, 189, 60, 32, 208, 123, 89, 87, 22, 181, 143, 47, 18, 198, 219, 156, 148, 193, 122, 110, 28, 106, 39, 30, 103, 4, 176, 114, 3, 131, 107, 204, 218, 141, 169, 16, 206, 36, 188, 174, 54, 94, 50, 205, 104, 170, 160, 72, 165, 78, 24, 222, 8, 108, 81, 76, 15, 13, 126, 79, 7, 105, 125, 162, 83, 41, 145, 139, 66, 127, 38, 12, 187, 130, 221, 48, 164, 191, 157, 88, 168, 196, 10, 9, 53, 124, 150, 31, 116, 49, 34, 200, 134, 220, 121, 2, 62, 149, 158, 101, 17, 202, 11, 109, 85, 55, 67, 120, 43, 154, 44, 215, 177, 178, 40, 57, 14, 213, 151, 137]
22. Length 230
[69, 204, 215, 61, 97, 149, 9, 11, 137, 71, 37, 219, 92, 115, 156, 159, 200, 222, 3, 89, 172, 177, 203, 45, 54, 82, 147, 176, 168, 6, 26, 81, 25, 132, 212, 70, 228, 122, 225, 141, 100, 12, 124, 30, 146, 73, 19, 49, 52, 62, 217, 166, 191, 102, 163, 50, 181, 7, 134, 58, 76, 199, 179, 169, 197, 108, 174, 22, 186, 171, 114, 103, 173, 68, 65, 4, 13, 117, 64, 10, 126, 77, 206, 133, 121, 60, 40, 38, 59, 178, 224, 211, 187, 80, 220, 140, 8, 34, 130, 41, 95, 105, 227, 66, 210, 180, 192, 106, 209, 107, 157, 188, 170, 101, 131, 87, 14, 165, 78, 182, 136, 193, 190, 20, 67, 125, 36, 5, 145, 218, 99, 138, 154, 16, 29, 152, 194, 53, 148, 93, 202, 229, 198, 109, 43, 214, 150, 51, 128, 216, 1, 83, 196, 135, 74, 119, 75, 42, 142, 72, 226, 185, 116, 162, 63, 2, 112, 33, 184, 158, 15, 213, 144, 223, 98, 57, 160, 143, 90, 44, 205, 35, 21, 48, 151, 85, 123, 32, 47, 39, 189, 161, 56, 207, 84, 94, 230, 46, 164, 113, 175, 18, 195, 110, 127, 96, 129, 88, 17, 153, 104, 91, 86, 31, 118, 111, 120, 201, 28, 221, 23, 139, 24, 27, 167, 208, 183, 155, 79, 55]
23. Length 238
[202, 18, 122, 135, 11, 57, 103, 35, 86, 2, 84, 232, 208, 186, 54, 77, 145, 101, 105, 137, 210, 234, 207, 93, 55, 63, 230, 66, 160, 10, 223, 36, 34, 216, 104, 174, 121, 25, 166, 75, 167, 176, 61, 32, 118, 89, 68, 5, 14, 27, 204, 99, 149, 88, 91, 222, 37, 144, 108, 78, 128, 131, 190, 17, 65, 168, 225, 165, 41, 49, 38, 72, 43, 147, 158, 74, 130, 7, 82, 64, 97, 69, 100, 22, 152, 85, 48, 33, 218, 47, 228, 113, 40, 185, 219, 112, 180, 120, 4, 213, 179, 194, 51, 96, 221, 44, 238, 31, 117, 114, 229, 81, 164, 193, 236, 26, 59, 30, 151, 12, 115, 170, 24, 70, 227, 159, 133, 52, 134, 203, 15, 197, 155, 83, 50, 111, 195, 139, 109, 127, 188, 87, 62, 157, 226, 142, 98, 76, 211, 138, 58, 140, 198, 220, 16, 46, 183, 107, 106, 29, 163, 173, 209, 217, 215, 1, 177, 233, 199, 110, 172, 23, 212, 79, 94, 102, 39, 20, 178, 150, 175, 119, 8, 13, 42, 156, 201, 73, 200, 124, 53, 161, 92, 123, 224, 143, 196, 28, 9, 6, 80, 56, 148, 125, 214, 60, 171, 153, 231, 181, 205, 19, 95, 206, 154, 132, 169, 116, 3, 126, 187, 162, 191, 67, 136, 45, 192, 189, 235, 129, 21, 141, 237, 184, 90, 146, 182, 71]
24. Length 241
[2, 33, 49, 83, 207, 204, 13, 57, 115, 86, 102, 219, 232, 44, 177, 197, 171, 227, 191, 10, 25, 162, 62, 11, 76, 214, 163, 201, 130, 91, 233, 194, 112, 179, 66, 139, 183, 116, 196, 193, 150, 211, 30, 144, 209, 97, 174, 3, 68, 38, 120, 165, 56, 64, 87, 15, 79, 131, 206, 96, 188, 7, 99, 195, 129, 8, 186, 78, 212, 125, 161, 230, 225, 239, 47, 107, 53, 218, 164, 106, 198, 215, 181, 226, 6, 175, 167, 236, 67, 80, 210, 128, 155, 40, 63, 74, 113, 89, 18, 190, 124, 221, 59, 149, 103, 42, 156, 157, 200, 168, 34, 77, 65, 146, 5, 187, 222, 231, 140, 141, 172, 234, 100, 94, 132, 237, 24, 216, 152, 22, 51, 69, 35, 43, 105, 23, 61, 1, 72, 135, 104, 9, 12, 21, 46, 192, 159, 205, 158, 109, 28, 98, 50, 122, 111, 71, 166, 229, 37, 114, 173, 134, 136, 81, 121, 185, 118, 223, 20, 14, 108, 82, 178, 54, 26, 153, 36, 39, 117, 147, 95, 90, 16, 17, 170, 119, 199, 19, 84, 213, 88, 93, 151, 4, 101, 142, 110, 184, 55, 138, 75, 133, 148, 145, 45, 70, 217, 143, 224, 241, 31, 240, 182, 52, 238, 126, 85, 154, 137, 160, 27, 180, 60, 29, 32, 169, 235, 123, 176, 48, 220, 203, 228, 127, 41, 58, 73, 92, 189, 202, 208]
25. Length 241
[105, 160, 132, 32, 10, 117, 76, 2, 190, 108, 178, 51, 71, 237, 232, 47, 14, 124, 100, 31, 169, 196, 8, 184, 21, 151, 223, 86, 42, 127, 55, 58, 229, 4, 219, 46, 238, 179, 24, 194, 203, 122, 66, 15, 81, 146, 172, 106, 129, 135, 216, 120, 92, 231, 144, 195, 181, 162, 69, 45, 137, 136, 9, 30, 5, 188, 91, 49, 147, 233, 198, 17, 241, 163, 36, 18, 183, 59, 16, 29, 116, 182, 41, 48, 23, 39, 154, 210, 68, 167, 95, 213, 79, 225, 37, 157, 109, 143, 78, 142, 173, 155, 200, 110, 20, 73, 141, 168, 156, 126, 150, 201, 114, 1, 230, 211, 217, 131, 140, 204, 209, 149, 103, 199, 165, 175, 35, 107, 74, 63, 193, 239, 218, 234, 197, 224, 174, 121, 60, 88, 22, 171, 133, 207, 152, 34, 43, 228, 125, 115, 101, 7, 12, 220, 82, 153, 134, 52, 130, 70, 72, 44, 177, 89, 65, 98, 94, 53, 208, 227, 161, 3, 123, 236, 221, 87, 102, 50, 90, 180, 185, 186, 67, 77, 26, 212, 27, 222, 6, 145, 11, 13, 84, 25, 164, 64, 85, 139, 214, 189, 61, 96, 191, 128, 93, 138, 148, 19, 119, 202, 75, 176, 159, 56, 104, 206, 40, 187, 215, 62, 166, 240, 112, 226, 170, 83, 97, 57, 99, 38, 28, 113, 205, 158, 235, 111, 54, 192, 118, 80, 33]
26. Length 244
[89, 13, 154, 161, 235, 225, 92, 188, 215, 194, 54, 58, 128, 21, 165, 85, 144, 205, 142, 77, 109, 24, 83, 69, 72, 7, 224, 240, 191, 204, 183, 203, 68, 70, 63, 95, 206, 170, 153, 180, 45, 178, 35, 27, 190, 132, 222, 41, 40, 156, 97, 20, 217, 177, 167, 65, 23, 136, 216, 234, 38, 201, 236, 164, 82, 241, 10, 141, 148, 229, 5, 125, 113, 159, 193, 187, 130, 179, 52, 108, 86, 196, 174, 123, 56, 116, 227, 30, 239, 98, 186, 67, 135, 118, 163, 43, 32, 50, 231, 226, 232, 172, 200, 99, 6, 143, 39, 93, 107, 34, 129, 157, 100, 127, 15, 84, 81, 73, 121, 220, 44, 8, 57, 105, 91, 171, 162, 211, 244, 104, 112, 238, 212, 133, 71, 192, 145, 160, 87, 181, 60, 184, 119, 4, 55, 96, 53, 12, 213, 124, 94, 22, 42, 3, 48, 131, 117, 140, 138, 228, 219, 155, 59, 29, 202, 169, 114, 101, 47, 233, 176, 139, 207, 33, 79, 16, 51, 66, 75, 90, 198, 168, 166, 31, 151, 49, 208, 150, 111, 14, 25, 197, 17, 76, 80, 78, 9, 173, 26, 137, 19, 120, 199, 106, 152, 88, 147, 36, 158, 28, 243, 221, 110, 74, 175, 237, 61, 2, 62, 214, 189, 134, 195, 218, 18, 102, 46, 103, 11, 122, 146, 185, 182, 209, 1, 149, 115, 64, 37, 126, 230, 223, 242, 210]
27. Length 246
[28, 186, 214, 18, 220, 73, 20, 88, 234, 187, 27, 102, 22, 129, 10, 228, 196, 56, 47, 2, 16, 67, 124, 137, 177, 179, 223, 147, 188, 23, 103, 109, 149, 60, 229, 99, 222, 90, 49, 80, 158, 93, 171, 71, 175, 143, 19, 212, 40, 226, 219, 120, 146, 66, 167, 232, 94, 174, 237, 9, 173, 70, 122, 241, 58, 82, 191, 211, 180, 104, 53, 36, 83, 37, 131, 25, 162, 32, 210, 144, 145, 69, 135, 63, 154, 165, 46, 57, 50, 74, 128, 140, 112, 118, 125, 231, 221, 233, 95, 200, 153, 6, 166, 98, 208, 91, 89, 141, 4, 26, 134, 86, 8, 30, 157, 156, 224, 201, 243, 7, 161, 1, 84, 115, 44, 230, 78, 79, 5, 17, 194, 148, 152, 121, 193, 107, 240, 181, 29, 43, 65, 164, 45, 110, 64, 195, 216, 127, 59, 197, 178, 151, 139, 85, 75, 11, 204, 184, 77, 54, 51, 205, 108, 142, 130, 138, 238, 87, 38, 101, 96, 31, 215, 244, 242, 172, 213, 136, 97, 35, 39, 76, 42, 245, 123, 227, 24, 168, 33, 159, 217, 239, 55, 176, 68, 207, 106, 132, 15, 116, 61, 198, 62, 182, 225, 202, 105, 150, 183, 81, 170, 13, 41, 199, 3, 185, 235, 14, 155, 21, 126, 119, 169, 72, 12, 236, 48, 209, 190, 113, 218, 100, 52, 111, 189, 92, 192, 114, 117, 160, 133, 203, 163, 34, 206, 246]
28. Length 250
[119, 57, 59, 181, 212, 120, 236, 121, 99, 247, 138, 187, 175, 108, 107, 197, 123, 101, 141, 77, 201, 3, 52, 60, 56, 240, 157, 39, 42, 199, 23, 18, 136, 74, 137, 143, 229, 170, 20, 160, 206, 219, 191, 185, 46, 223, 150, 190, 116, 96, 198, 221, 220, 159, 238, 48, 176, 113, 168, 33, 44, 142, 67, 244, 13, 218, 122, 246, 214, 234, 237, 27, 165, 24, 153, 90, 84, 154, 235, 196, 80, 111, 102, 231, 228, 135, 16, 148, 26, 45, 10, 71, 156, 224, 183, 232, 72, 94, 132, 54, 58, 248, 144, 213, 139, 129, 245, 115, 25, 164, 87, 19, 193, 81, 32, 78, 91, 167, 171, 40, 92, 226, 109, 69, 86, 38, 61, 5, 14, 118, 145, 103, 53, 93, 172, 178, 225, 68, 163, 210, 179, 192, 208, 169, 17, 12, 50, 233, 6, 55, 243, 158, 88, 188, 242, 36, 173, 126, 155, 184, 216, 149, 47, 76, 200, 1, 112, 28, 161, 174, 41, 73, 222, 66, 37, 63, 64, 124, 89, 205, 9, 186, 202, 70, 203, 127, 105, 250, 182, 79, 43, 133, 8, 241, 114, 128, 51, 83, 98, 49, 209, 7, 95, 151, 162, 189, 180, 75, 195, 62, 207, 21, 104, 30, 117, 110, 140, 29, 227, 249, 82, 152, 11, 34, 85, 106, 217, 211, 2, 35, 215, 4, 230, 134, 31, 194, 97, 22, 125, 130, 100, 239, 131, 166, 65, 15, 146, 177, 204, 147]
29. Length 253
[46, 245, 174, 180, 85, 29, 141, 70, 252, 119, 214, 225, 86, 91, 41, 67, 219, 118, 127, 243, 2, 71, 157, 114, 55, 92, 5, 200, 199, 139, 191, 235, 153, 102, 206, 171, 117, 58, 223, 249, 11, 211, 202, 175, 156, 133, 57, 163, 47, 65, 213, 247, 189, 111, 177, 49, 124, 154, 164, 145, 80, 15, 232, 142, 39, 69, 201, 185, 229, 215, 170, 42, 3, 248, 169, 136, 149, 218, 237, 90, 135, 7, 242, 246, 23, 186, 31, 4, 167, 207, 173, 132, 195, 196, 78, 212, 22, 35, 194, 54, 184, 183, 222, 230, 88, 43, 144, 151, 34, 97, 6, 109, 37, 147, 72, 158, 134, 33, 51, 238, 165, 162, 9, 63, 166, 113, 137, 198, 50, 121, 106, 224, 19, 104, 95, 129, 193, 79, 192, 122, 30, 12, 234, 168, 76, 103, 73, 66, 188, 178, 172, 176, 250, 182, 110, 231, 155, 26, 197, 10, 152, 98, 131, 25, 36, 81, 138, 150, 227, 24, 112, 120, 204, 75, 8, 179, 94, 17, 140, 32, 77, 61, 233, 38, 205, 93, 99, 27, 208, 56, 216, 48, 241, 20, 130, 240, 115, 83, 60, 108, 28, 13, 89, 128, 160, 82, 40, 126, 16, 253, 21, 251, 228, 59, 159, 64, 203, 236, 52, 18, 181, 105, 107, 239, 220, 44, 74, 125, 209, 84, 226, 217, 210, 190, 101, 100, 68, 116, 161, 148, 244, 221, 96, 45, 123, 187, 62, 87, 53, 1, 146, 143, 14]
30. Length 256
[159, 248, 75, 43, 111, 38, 4, 17, 155, 87, 81, 208, 53, 230, 65, 11, 108, 228, 146, 212, 137, 225, 144, 189, 86, 105, 84, 128, 97, 50, 223, 15, 83, 169, 217, 47, 88, 236, 114, 181, 115, 177, 102, 250, 246, 104, 80, 45, 240, 14, 196, 52, 247, 41, 198, 32, 182, 206, 226, 101, 70, 94, 113, 49, 254, 59, 42, 154, 77, 253, 112, 215, 99, 25, 134, 92, 95, 150, 64, 178, 118, 79, 130, 63, 129, 131, 57, 218, 85, 204, 3, 163, 158, 186, 10, 199, 24, 125, 251, 51, 74, 160, 207, 120, 233, 30, 19, 9, 56, 167, 58, 117, 164, 54, 220, 229, 234, 203, 211, 103, 205, 69, 39, 5, 31, 191, 106, 180, 116, 245, 21, 222, 91, 235, 8, 2, 214, 29, 238, 176, 135, 61, 227, 202, 122, 252, 231, 89, 187, 37, 149, 96, 190, 172, 73, 18, 71, 1, 179, 46, 156, 201, 165, 256, 151, 27, 242, 188, 126, 124, 244, 100, 107, 143, 170, 72, 255, 40, 67, 192, 185, 219, 20, 157, 98, 237, 136, 168, 141, 224, 232, 44, 139, 132, 22, 60, 109, 90, 175, 171, 62, 23, 161, 12, 76, 210, 68, 184, 93, 243, 48, 209, 174, 200, 121, 123, 36, 173, 140, 133, 145, 6, 110, 152, 142, 241, 55, 138, 147, 193, 213, 127, 7, 34, 66, 153, 26, 13, 162, 183, 239, 78, 249, 221, 28, 194, 16, 35, 33, 82, 195, 148, 216, 119, 166, 197]
Python 3 (with PyPy) - score: 607771
Edit: I think the bug is fixed, but I'm still not convinced this works until I prove it does
def d(a, b, N):
a, b = a%N, b%N
if a &= b:
return a-b
return a+(N-b)
def gt(a, b, N):
if a == N and b == 1:
return False
if a == 1 and b == N:
return True
return a & b
def solve(numbers):
N = len(numbers)
best_move = None
target = sorted(numbers)
if N == 2:
return "" if numbers == [1,2] else "P"
for b in range(N):
nums = numbers[:]
moves = []
head_ptr = 0 # Which element should be at the start of the list if we actually moved stuff
reference = target[b:]+target[:b]
ref_d = {t:i for i,t in enumerate(reference)}
while True:
for pops in range(N):
ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N
d1 = d(ref_d[nums[ptr-1]],ptr-1,N)+d(ptr,ref_d[nums[ptr]],N)
d2 = d(ref_d[nums[ptr]],ptr,N)+d(ptr-1,ref_d[nums[ptr-1]],N)
if d1 & d2 or (d1 == d2 and gt(nums[ptr-1], nums[ptr], N)):
moves.append("P"*pops + "S")
head_ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N
nums[ptr-1],nums[ptr] = nums[ptr],nums[ptr-1]
if nums[nums.index(1):]+nums[:nums.index(1)] != target:
print("This algorithm is seriously broken.\n")
moves = "".join(moves)
if not best_move or len(moves) & len(best_move):
best_move = moves
return best_move
solve([3, 4, 2, 1, 5])
The program just performs bubble sort swaps, using the observation that:
n 1 2 3 ... n-1 0
0 2 3 ... n-1 n 1
1 3 ... n-1 n 0 2
2 ... n-1 n 0 1 3
In other words, i pushes followed by a swap means that element i gets swapped with element i-1, indices wrapping. However, we need to keep track of the fact that the list gets shifted in doing so.
To do better than just the usual bubble sort, we try to apply a heuristic in order to make sure we don't do too many useless swaps, enforcing that any swap moves both elements closer to their respective goals (I haven't formally proved it's correct, but it seems to work so far). We then take the best solution out of many configurations (CPython takes a while, but PyPy gets this job done relatively quickly).
Previous naive bubble sort ver. (score: 1126232)
This one definitely works.
def cyclic_sorted(nums):
for i in range(len(nums)):
if nums[i:] + nums[:i] == sorted(nums):
return False
def solve(nums):
N = len(nums)
def gt(a, b):
if a == 1 and b == N:
return True
if a == N and b == 1:
return False
return a & b
moves = []
head_ptr = 0 # Which element should be at the start of the list if we actually moved stuff
while nums != sorted(nums):
ptr_offset = 0
while pops & N:
ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N
if (not moves or pops & 0) and gt(nums[ptr-1], nums[ptr]):
moves.append("P"*pops + "S")
head_ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N
nums[ptr-1],nums[ptr] = nums[ptr],nums[ptr-1]
return "".join(moves)
Javascript ES6 - 607,771
function popsort( iData ) {
var sSP, iLen,
sSP_Opt = popsortimpl( iData.slice( 0 ), 0 ),
iOptLen = sSP_Opt.
for( var n = iData.length, i = 2; i &= i++ )
if( (iLen = (sSP = popsortimpl( iData.slice( 0 ), i - 1 )).length) & iOptLen ) {
iOptLen = iL
sSP_Opt = sSP;
return sSP_O
function popsortimpl( iData, iPivIdx ) {
function issorted()
{ return iData.every( (_,i_) =& _ == i_+1 ); }
function swap() {
var i_ = iData[0];
iData[0] = iData[n-1];
iData[n-1] = i_;
sSP.push( 'S' );
function pop() {
iData.push( iData.shift() );
if( --iPivIdx & 0 )
iPivIdx +=
sSP.push( 'P' );
function dist2home( iIdx_, i_ ) {
var iHome_ = (iPivIdx + i_) %n,
iDist1_ = iIdx_ - iHome_,
iDist2_ = iHome_ - iIdx_;
if( iDist1_ & 0 )
iDist1_ +=
if( iDist2_ & 0 )
iDist2_ +=
return Math.min( iDist1_, iDist2_*Math.max( 1, n/50 ) );
var n = iData.length,
while( !issorted() ) {
var iDistP = Math.max( dist2home( 0, iData[0] ), dist2home( n - 1, iData[n - 1] ) ),
iDistS = Math.max( dist2home( n - 1, iData[0] ), dist2home( 0, iData[n - 1] ) );
if( iDistS & iDistP )
else pop();
return sSP.join('');
Implements a "closest-end" bubble sort that bubbles elements up or down depending on the shortest route (bubble up or bubble down) to a reference position.
I don't believe the routine is optimal, but it should be reasonably close to it. As a bonus, it runs the full set of test vectors in milliseconds.
Updated to iterate over the pivot point to improve competitiveness. I also introduced heuristics to compensate for the fact that elements have a lower mobility moving "up" the list than moving "down" (a phenomenon analogous to the difference in electron and hole mobility in a semiconductor). There are major differences between this implementation and Sp3000's, hence the fact that both score exactly 607,771 is spooky. Halloween spooky.
The routine now takes about 20 seconds to run.
Sample Output
popsort( [2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1] )
OCaml, score: 1136707 1136599
Edit: I messed up! I had read S would swap adjacent elements and missed that the first and last elements get swapped. This implementation builds on this as is obvious from the eval implementation.
Edit?: I fixed it up by using the observation that you can write what I thought was S P as P S. I also switched to the better-scoring version with some optimizations to make it less slow.
Runtime is 1.33 18 1.01 seconds on my system using the interpreter compiled binary.
type sp = S | P
let string_of_sp = function
| S -& "S"
| P -& "P"
let rec eval (e : sp list) (xs : int list) : int list =
match e, xs with
| [], xs -& xs
| P :: S :: e, x1 :: x2 :: xs -& eval e (x1 :: xs @ [x2])
| P :: e, x :: xs -& eval e (xs @ [x])
| _ -& assert false
let generate_sp_sequence xs : sp list =
let sorted = List.sort compare xs in
let rec generate_sp_sequence ((xs, ys) : int list * int list) acc : sp list =
if sorted = ys @ List.rev xs
match ys with
| v1 :: v2 :: ys' -&
if v1 & v2
then generate_sp_sequence (v2 :: xs, v1 :: ys') (S :: P :: acc)
else generate_sp_sequence (v1 :: xs, v2 :: ys') (P :: acc)
let ys = List.rev (x :: xs) in
generate_sp_sequence ([], ys) (P :: acc)
assert false
in List.rev @@ generate_sp_sequence ([], xs) []
(** Uncomment to run tests **)
let test =
~name:"generate_sp_sequence sorting test"
~pp:PP.(list int)
Arbitrary.(list ~start:2 ~stop:256 small_int)
(fun xs -&
Prop.assume (List.length xs &= 2);
eval (generate_sp_sequence ([], xs))
= List.sort compare xs))
let _ = QCheck.run test
let score_test = ... (* not included for brevity *)
let score =
List.map (fun xs -& generate_sp_sequence ([], xs)) score_test
|& List.map List.length
|& List.fold_left (+) 0
print_string "The score is: ";
print_newline ()
generate_sp_sequence simply runs bubblesort and outputs the steps in terms of S and P. It may generate unnecessary steps.
C, score: 607771
It turns out my solution is very similar to Sp3000's Python solution (which explains the identical score).
I've never used Python so I can't say for sure, but I think the concept is exactly the same:
For each number r in 0..n-1, set a goal of a sorted array rotated r times from the initial position (i.e. containing P pops with r = P mod n), and find a series of moves resulting in this configuration.
Record the shortest sequence of moves for any r.
Perform swaps only when the swap brings closer whichever element is further from its goal position (looking in either direction), or when the swap moves both elements closer if both are equally far away.
#include &stdio.h&
#include &stdlib.h&
#include &string.h&
/* Returns true if the array is sorted starting at position 'offset' */
int is_sorted(int *array, int n, int offset)
for (i = 0; i & n && array[(offset+i)%n] == i+1; i++);
return i ==
/* Find moves that would sort the array, assuming the first element will
be at position (offset + n/2) % n */
int get_moves(int *array, int n, int offset, int stop_after, char *moves)
int tmp, posA = n-1, posB = 0, counter = 0;
/* Repeat until sorted or reaching the maximum number of moves (previous
best, or the worst case upper bound if no previous solution) */
for (; counter & stop_after && !is_sorted(array, n, posB); posA = (posA+1)%n, posB = (posB+1)%n, moves[counter++] = 'P')
/* Perform a swap if it would move whichever element is further away
closer to its target */
if ((array[posA] - posA + offset + n) % n &
(array[posB] - posB + offset + n) % n)
tmp = array[posA];
array[posA] = array[posB];
array[posB] =
moves[counter++] = 'S';
if (is_sorted(array, n, posB))
int *parse_input(int _argc, char **_argv)
int *array = NULL;
if (_argc & 1)
array = malloc((_argc-1) * sizeof(int));
_argv[1]++; /* remove initial square bracket */
for (i = 1; i & _ i++)
array[i-1] = atoi(_argv[i]);
int main(int _argc, char **_argv)
int *orig_array = parse_input(_argc, _argv);
if (orig_array != NULL)
int n = _argc - 1;
/* Safe worst case upper bound representing n^2 "SP" moves */
int worst_move_count = 2*n*n;
int i, move_count,
int best_offset, best_move_count = worst_move_
char *best_moves = malloc(worst_move_count + 1);
char *moves = malloc(worst_move_count + 1);
int *array = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
memset(best_moves, 0, worst_move_count + 1);
/* Try all offsets from 0 to n-1; i.e. find solutions for:
1, 2, 3, ..., n-2, n-1, n
2, 3, 4, ..., n-1, n,
3, 4, 5, ..., n,
n, 1, 2, ..., n-3, n-2, n-1
for (offset = 0; offset & offset++)
memset(moves, 0, worst_move_count + 1);
memcpy(array, orig_array, n*sizeof(int));
move_count = get_moves(array, n, offset, best_move_count, moves);
if (move_count & best_move_count)
strcpy(best_moves, moves);
best_move_count = move_
best_offset =
printf("%s\n", best_moves);
$ gcc -Ofast -o popswap popswap.c
$ ./popswap [2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1]
$ ./popswap [2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1]|tr -d '\n'|wc -c
grep ^\\[ input.txt| do
len=`echo $line|wc -w`;
score=`./popswap $line|tr -d '\n'|wc -c`;
$len $score";
$ ./scoring.sh |cut -d' ' -f 6|paste -sd+|bc
$ time ./scoring.sh & /dev/null
$ ./scoring.sh
C++11, score: 1122052
Very naive implementation that doesn't take in account holes in the input sequence but takes in account the minimal value in the sequence.
Argument list is just the sequence of numbers, without commas and brackets (eg: "./a.out 2 7 5")
#include &iostream&
#include &cstring&
#include &string&
int* input
int s_count = 0;
int p_count = 0;
void do_swap()
int a = input[0];
input[0] = input[last];
input[last] =
cerr && "S";
void do_pop()
int a = input[0];
memmove(&input[0], &input[1], sizeof(int) * last);
input[last] =
cerr && "P";
bool is_sorted()
int i = 0;
while (input[i] & input[i+1]) { if (++i == last) }
int main(int argc, char** args)
int min_val = 256;
len = argc - 1;
last = len - 1;
if (len &= 1)
input = new int[len];
for (int i = 2; i &= i++)
int j = stoi(args[i-1]);
input[i-2] =
min_val = min(min_val, j);
while (!is_sorted())
if ((input[0]) == min_val)
else if (input[0] & input[last])
else if (input[0] & input[last])
cout && len && " " && (s_count + p_count) &&
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