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怎么用3ds max制作gta sa mod
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出门在外也不愁SA-MP San Andreas Multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto (GTA SA)
About SA-MP
SA-MP is a free Massively Multiplayer Online game mod for the PC version of Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (tm).
SA-MP 0.3.7 Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 1 May 2015
SA-MP 0.3.7 is released! You can find it on the .
SA-MP 0.3.7 updates
- Over 500 new object IDs added, including stunt objects and land objects.
- Interface font size changing.
- Some new variations of the San Andreas cop skins.
- Server control of the car doors and windows.
- The ability to add sirens for unmarked cop cars.
- A simple static actor system to more easily create actor NPCs for shops.
- Many bug fixes and new scripting features.
Special thanks to Matite and GamerX server for contributing the new the object IDs.
Thanks to everyone who tested the new version while it was in testing.
We hope you enjoy the new version. Please check back for any updates.
SA-MP 0.3z Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 13 Feb 2014
SA-MP 0.3z is released! You can find it on the .
SA-MP 0.3z updates
SA-MP 0.3z is mainly a security update for the SA-MP 0.3 branch. We've managed to include a few features and fixes too.
- An optional lag compensation mode improves sync accuracy.
- New server callbacks allow greater control over the game.
- Network statistics functions will make it easier to admin servers.
- Fixes range check errors in the server browser.
- Fixes problems with mouse control in the game menu.
- Many minor security updates for both the client and server.
Thanks to everyone who helped test 0.3z!
SA-MP 0.3x Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 31 Jan 2013
SA-MP 0.3x is now available! Go to the
to get it.
SA-MP 0.3x features
- A new model preview system makes it easier to find player skins, vehicle types, and object models in-game.
- The draw distance of objects can be set to any distance, which reduces the pop-in on custom areas.
- Improvements to object and material colour changing.
- A better synced animation for players carrying objects.
- Vehicle friendly fire system for servers that use teams.
- Some new hat and hair objects added.
- Many important changes to SA-MP's networking system which reduces network overhead and improves security for server owners.
Thanks to anyone who tested 0.3x during the testing phase!
SA-MP 0.3e Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 8 May 2012
SA-MP 0.3e is released! As usual, the new version is on the .
SA-MP 0.3e features
- Many minor bug fixes including security updates.
- Loads of new objects for mapping, including walls and houses.
- Servers can now change the textures and colours of objects.
- New scripting features for greater control over the game's camera.
- New tools make it easier to edit attached objects.
- New animation and model for being cuffed/arrested.
- Text functions for creating custom signs.
- Servers have the ability to enable the mouse cursor so you can click on images/text.
Thanks to all who tested 0.3e and provided feedback! Please check back again for the next SA-MP update.
SA-MP 0.3d Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 1 Dec 2011
SA-MP 0.3d is released! You can find it on the
SA-MP 0.3d features
- Support for Shoutcast/Icecast audio streams.
- Major performance improvements and smoother game-play.
- Improvements to sync, including vehicle passengering and motorbikes.
- New models, including a replacement mall, hot air balloon, fireman hats.
- You can surf on objects attached to moving objects and objects attached to vehicles.
- Servers can remove static buildings from the map.
- Moving objects can now rotate smoothly.
- Many new scripting functions and callbacks for SA-MP servers.
Thanks to all the players and server owners who helped test this new version.
SA-MP 0.3c Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 29 Dec 2010
A new SA-MP client and server update is available! SA-MP 0.3c can be found on the .
SA-MP 0.3c features
- A redesigned car license plate system
- Particle objects for effects like fire
- Includes new and re-worked models like hats and glasses which can be worn
- Includes new stunting objects and buildings
- Improved vehicle/object surfing
- The vehicle engines and lights can now be controlled by the server
- You can now passenger drive-by with almost any weapon
- Font colour changing in the chat and dialog boxes
- Quite a few server scripting improvements and bug fixes also
Special thanks for this release goes out to GamerX server and the SA-MP Beta Team who contributed artwork.
SA-MP 0.3b Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 21 Aug 2010
A security and bug fix release of SA-MP (0.3b) is now available on the .
This release also includes some new features and improvements to SA-MP. Here is a summary:
Updates for players
- Important client security updates
- Updates and fixes to the SA-MP server browser, including host name lookups for your favorites and samp:// URL handling
- Improved player and animation syncing
- Chat logging and time-stamping
- Files, including screenshots, now save to the GTA San Andreas User Files folder
- No restrictions on screen resolution size
- Several crash fixes and more
Updates for servers
- New vehicle velocity and rotation functions
- Ability to track all player animations
- Players can be scripted to hold objects
- A threaded HTTP client for pawn (beta)
- New object limit of 400 and the ability to change object draw distance
- Many bug fixes and more
As always, we hope you enjoy this update. Please check back again for more.
SA-MP 0.3a Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 17 Oct 2009
SA-MP 0.3a is released! As usual, the new update is available on the .This is the first major SA-MP update since SA-MP 0.2 and there are more features and fixes than can be listed on this page.Here is a short summary of some of the new features in SA-MP 0.3a:- Up to 500 players per server and up to 2000 vehicles.- New mouse driven scoreboard, chat and other UIs.- Visible vehicle damage and vehicle repairing.- NPC bots that can drive trains, planes and more.- Completely server controlled game play.- Improved sync including vehicle surfing.- Many new scripting features.- Many bug and crash fixes - SA-MP 0.3a is the most stable version yet!We hope you enjoy the new SA-MP version and please check back for any 0.3 bug fix updates.
SA-MP 0.2X Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 20 Nov 2008
A security-related update of SA-MP 0.2 is now available (SA-MP 0.2X). You can find it on the . It is recommended that all SA-MP players and server owners update. The SA-MP 0.2.2 server list will be discontinued. SA-MP 0.2.2 clients cannot connect to 0.2X servers.This update includes fixes from 0.2.2 R3 client/server as well as the following:- Fixed insecure handling of private messages.- Fixed packet fragmentation/MTU issue.- Various security updates to the netcode and connection logic.- Security updates to the client binaries.- Removed compression from the aiming vectors to improve accuracy.- Added seconds to server logs and also shows raw incoming UDP connections.- OnVehicleMod/OnVehiclePaintjob/OnVehicleRespray includes the origin playerid.- Added OnPlayerUpdate, a callback fired for every player network update. This will help server-side anti-cheat.- Limited filterscripts to 16.The version of SA-MP previously being developed as 0.2.5 will become SA-MP 0.3 to avoid any confusion.
SA-MP 0.2.2 R3 Client Released :: Posted by SA-MP on 20 Jun 2008
To address a recent security problem, we have released the SA-MP 0.2.2 R3 client. It is available on the . This is an optional update, although highly recommended. The SA-MP 0.2.2 R3 client works on all SA-MP 0.2.2 servers.Updates to the SA-MP 0.2.2 server are not required at this time.Apart
from security updates, the 0.2.2 R3 client also fixes some crashes/bugs
from previous versions. The following updates have been made:- Removed all SAC code. This fixes a security vulnerability mentioned earlier.- Fixed problem with clipboard text not copying externally.- Fixed time/fog/lighting flickering when the passing of time is disabled.- Fixed some vehicle audio problems (silent cars/planes/boats/helis).- Fixed texture lag/streaming popups when many models were loaded.- Fixed some car mod shop crashes.- Alternate siren for police vehicles is now synced.- TextDraw code is completely rewritten. It now works in interiors and will disable with the scoreboard.- Crashes caused by DestroyVehicle script are fixed.- Imported some of the 0.2.5 vehicle surfing code.- Added command /fpslimit to adjust the frame rate limiter. Valid /fpslimit values are 20-100.谁有GTA SA的汽车MOD,就是基本全替换的那种_百度知道
谁有GTA SA的汽车MOD,就是基本全替换的那种
来源:|人气:220 ℃|类别:|时间: 22:06:36
钢铁侠技能v3安装:GTA San Andreas User Files 、 gta_sa.exe 说明没用 扔掉它,GTA3所TXD和DFF文件导入GTA3 其余文件安装游戏主目录 够详细吧 OK!怎么操纵自己慢慢琢磨、此版本最大的亮点是加入变身系统,也就是必须变成钢铁侠才能拥有技能。普通的cj没有钢铁侠的技能,而且从高处掉下来会摔倒….变身介绍:小数点+1 MK42小数点+2 MK4小数点+3 战争机器小数点+4 MK2小数点+5 MK6小数点+6 MK17小数点+7 MK38小数点+8 MK25小数点+9 MK40小数点+* 变成CJ/加1 MK5/加2 MK3/加3 爱国者/加4 MK35/加5 MK37/加6 MK22/加7 MK39/加8 MK7/加9 MK3018套铠甲任你选。每一个盔甲都有不同的能力,自己去体验吧。注意:此版本已优化,切换技能时直接选择需要的技能。Y是关闭键介绍主要功能 手炮(单手):大键盘1开启,鼠标右键+w瞄准 鼠标左键发射(MK42,MK4,MK6,MK17,MK40) 手炮(双手):大键盘2开启,同上。 胸击炮(已优化):大键盘3开启 (MK42,MK4,MK17) 单手机枪:大键盘4开启
导弹:输入MI开启,鼠标右键加w瞄准,鼠标中键发射(MK42,MK4,MK6) 飞行按(;)奔跑按键加速,跳跃按键减速,空中F熄火 自由落体 落地冲击 当钢铁侠落到地面时,会产生强大的冲击力,地面裂开,附近的人死亡,车子爆炸。 变成CJ会摔倒另外 战争机器专用技能: 1肩上加特林 必须变成战争机器才可以使用。 大键盘5开启。(操作同上) 2双手机枪+肩上加特林 大键盘6开启(操作同上) 热心网友你可以来这下载钢铁侠MOD。&http://www./player/iron-man-iv-f20834教程你就看视频。在这难描述~视频:&/c15/Pz4oJCQmLSFqJWQgKQ.html如果我的回答能解决您的问题。请选择“送一朵小红花感谢TA”采纳,后面再点一个赞~!以下是我的游戏截图----龙在江湖---Qingcheng、
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