手机psppsp gameboy模拟器器载入游戏显示this is save data, not a game!怎么弄?

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在线时间1574 小时最后登录阅读权限45UID5739448
智友讲师, 积分 3376, 距离下一级还需 1624 积分
注册时间积分3376精华0主题帖子 金币898 元 智豆1 点
嗯 开头 先下载模拟器吧
2. 游戏文件是以ISO为后缀的压缩文件。不是则解压。
好 模拟器下好了吧 游戏在那呢?
游戏支持ISO CSO PBP格式的 下下来的7z 或者 rar格式的 需要解压获得ISO格式的
好了 游戏下好了 再怎么运行呢 ?
PC版 随便放那 只要你找的到ISO文件就可以了 iso不可以解压
点击LOAD 选择镜像 找到你的ISO文件 就可以了
部分游戏会出现 闪屏(关闭跳帧FrameSkip试试 或者开启BR)
无字体 (需要导入字体) 黑屏(等待模拟器更新 或者换回老版本) 无BGM(等待解码器更新)
安卓版本游戏放在sdcard里 能找到并运行即可
好 ,有存档改放那了?
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在线时间1574 小时最后登录阅读权限45UID5739448
智友讲师, 积分 3376, 距离下一级还需 1624 积分
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智友讲师, 积分 3376, 距离下一级还需 1624 积分
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在线时间1574 小时最后登录阅读权限45UID5739448
智友讲师, 积分 3376, 距离下一级还需 1624 积分
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Powered by首先,请阅读以下手机游戏介绍:AAngry Poo GameAre you looking for a free game with amazing graphics,
100’s of levels, and completely original? Well then, Angry Poo may not be for you! This is a free game that might make you laugh for a few minutes.
Laugh your head off at the hilarious sound effects.BBingoThe classic bingo game with balls drawn from a basket,
a lightboard showing the balls drawn to date and three cards on which you
mark your squares as the numbers are drawn. It may not be the prettiest bingo
game you can play, but it is the most functional!CCountry GuessA simple game where you are given hints about a
country’s name and you have to guess what the country is. Test you geography
skills. It’s a wonderful game that helps your learning of geography and
entertains you at the same time while you’re playing.DCrazy TaxiYou’re a crazy cabbie racing against the clock! Swerve
to avoid other cars…or just jump right over them! You must get to the
checkpoint no matter what! It’s designed for the lovers of cars, and it also
helps you develop driving skills too!EAttack of the Flying GoatsIn this Adventure Game your mountain town is being
attacked by a seemingly endless number of Flying Goats sticking their tongues
out and wagging them at everyone! You've been recruited to take on the
adventure of holding these creatures back at all costs.FDeveloper RescueThe year is 2020. Apple Inc has finally decided to
kidnapping the lead jailbreak developers they have hated for so many years.
Upon learning of Apple’s plans you decide to rescue the developers before
Apple can succeed in kidnapping them.请阅读以下人员信息,然后匹配人员与相关游戏:【小题1】Frank wishes to get a game for his new Apple phone. He loves to play those kinds of games in which his role is a pilot, a brave soldiers or a tough man of other kinds who fight to rescue people in trouble. 【小题2】Charlie wants to download a game with different levels of difficulty for his mobile phone. He wants it for free and hopes that it will bring him lots of laughter. Of course, he wishes it would have wonderful visual and sound effect.【小题3】Eddie is a young man with sporting blood. He likes to do things that can bring him challenges and adventures. So when it comes to mobile phones games, he definitely wants to get one adventure games for his phone.【小题4】For Brad Green, no games can attract him more than those related to cars. Now he would love to download a car racing games for his new phone. And of course, he wishes to get one that can help to improve his driving skills at the same time.【小题5】Tony loves to play games with his new cell phone. It seems that nothing can prevent him from playing those games, his father Mr. Greg has got a new idea instead. He wants to find a game that could help with Tony’s knowledge of geography. - 跟谁学
在线咨询您好,告诉我您想学什么,15分钟为您匹配优质老师哦马上咨询& > && >&& >&首先,请阅读以下手机游戏介绍:AAngry Poo GameAre you looking for a free game with amazing graphics,
100’s of levels, and completely original? Well then, Angry Poo may not be for you! This is a free game that might make you laugh for a few minutes.
Laugh your head off at the hilarious sound effects.BBingoThe classic bingo game with balls drawn from a basket,
a lightboard showing the balls drawn to date and three cards on which you
mark your squares as the numbers are drawn. It may not be the prettiest bingo
game you can play, but it is the most functional!CCountry GuessA simple game where you are given hints about a
country’s name and you have to guess what the country is. Test you geography
skills. It’s a wonderful game that helps your learning of geography and
entertains you at the same time while you’re playing.DCrazy TaxiYou’re a crazy cabbie racing against the clock! Swerve
to avoid other cars…or just jump right over them! You must get to the
checkpoint no matter what! It’s designed for the lovers of cars, and it also
helps you develop driving skills too!EAttack of the Flying GoatsIn this Adventure Game your mountain town is being
attacked by a seemingly endless number of Flying Goats sticking their tongues
out and wagging them at everyone! You've been recruited to take on the
adventure of holding these creatures back at all costs.FDeveloper RescueThe year is 2020. Apple Inc has finally decided to
kidnapping the lead jailbreak developers they have hated for so many years.
Upon learning of Apple’s plans you decide to rescue the developers before
Apple can succeed in kidnapping them.请阅读以下人员信息,然后匹配人员与相关游戏:【小题1】Frank wishes to get a game for his new Apple phone. He loves to play those kinds of games in which his role is a pilot, a brave soldiers or a tough man of other kinds who fight to rescue people in trouble. 【小题2】Charlie wants to download a game with different levels of difficulty for his mobile phone. He wants it for free and hopes that it will bring him lots of laughter. Of course, he wishes it would have wonderful visual and sound effect.【小题3】Eddie is a young man with sporting blood. He likes to do things that can bring him challenges and adventures. So when it comes to mobile phones games, he definitely wants to get one adventure games for his phone.【小题4】For Brad Green, no games can attract him more than those related to cars. Now he would love to download a car racing games for his new phone. And of course, he wishes to get one that can help to improve his driving skills at the same time.【小题5】Tony loves to play games with his new cell phone. It seems that nothing can prevent him from playing those games, his father Mr. Greg has got a new idea instead. He wants to find a game that could help with Tony’s knowledge of geography.首先,请阅读以下手机游戏介绍:AAngry Poo GameAre you looking for a free game with amazing graphics,
100’s of levels, and completely original? Well then, Angry Poo may not be for you! This is a free game that might make you laugh for a few minutes.
Laugh your head off at the hilarious sound effects.BBingoThe classic bingo game with balls drawn from a basket,
a lightboard showing the balls drawn to date and three cards on which you
mark your squares as the numbers are drawn. It may not be the prettiest bingo
game you can play, but it is the most functional!CCountry GuessA simple game where you are given hints about a
country’s name and you have to guess what the country is. Test you geography
skills. It’s a wonderful game that helps your learning of geography and
entertains you at the same time while you’re playing.DCrazy TaxiYou’re a crazy cabbie racing against the clock! Swerve
to avoid other cars…or just jump right over them! You must get to the
checkpoint no matter what! It’s designed for the lovers of cars, and it also
helps you develop driving skills too!EAttack of the Flying GoatsIn this Adventure Game your mountain town is being
attacked by a seemingly endless number of Flying Goats sticking their tongues
out and wagging them at everyone! You've been recruited to take on the
adventure of holding these creatures back at all costs.FDeveloper RescueThe year is 2020. Apple Inc has finally decided to
kidnapping the lead jailbreak developers they have hated for so many years.
Upon learning of Apple’s plans you decide to rescue the developers before
Apple can succeed in kidnapping them.请阅读以下人员信息,然后匹配人员与相关游戏:【小题1】Frank wishes to get a game for his new Apple phone. He loves to play those kinds of games in which his role is a pilot, a brave soldiers or a tough man of other kinds who fight to rescue people in trouble. 【小题2】Charlie wants to download a game with different levels of difficulty for his mobile phone. He wants it for free and hopes that it will bring him lots of laughter. Of course, he wishes it would have wonderful visual and sound effect.【小题3】Eddie is a young man with sporting blood. He likes to do things that can bring him challenges and adventures. So when it comes to mobile phones games, he definitely wants to get one adventure games for his phone.【小题4】For Brad Green, no games can attract him more than those related to cars. Now he would love to download a car racing games for his new phone. And of course, he wishes to get one that can help to improve his driving skills at the same time.【小题5】Tony loves to play games with his new cell phone. It seems that nothing can prevent him from playing those games, his father Mr. Greg has got a new idea instead. He wants to find a game that could help with Tony’s knowledge of geography.科目: 高中英语难易度:最佳答案【小题1】F【小题2】A【小题3】E【小题4】D【小题5】C解析试题分析:【小题1】F Frank喜欢的是那种做英雄的游戏,在游戏里英雄去拯救那些受苦的人。F项中的Upon learning of Apple’s plans you decide to rescue the developers before Apple can succeed in kidnapping them.说明这正是这样的游戏。故F项符合要求。【小题2】A Charlie想下载一种免费的有很好的视觉以及声音效果的好笑的游戏。A项中的Are you looking for a free game with amazing graphics, 100’s of levels, and completely original? Well then, Angry Poo may not be for you! This is a free game that might make you laugh for a few minutes. Laugh your head off at the hilarious sound effects.能够满足他3个要求。故A正确。【小题3】E Eddie喜欢冒险,所以他想要一种冒险的游戏。E项中In this Adventure Game your mountain town is being attacked by a seemingly endless number of Flying Goats sticking their tongues out and wagging them at everyone!说明这正是一款冒险的游戏。故E符合要求。【小题4】D Brad Green喜欢汽车,所以他想下载一款能够提高他驾驶技巧的游戏。D项中It’s designed for the lovers of cars, and it also helps you develop driving skills too!的描述说明恰好符合他的要求。故D正确。【小题5】C Tony需要一款增加地理知识的游戏。C项中的Test you geography skills. It’s a wonderful game that helps your learning of geography and entertains you at the same time while you’re playing.说明正是关于地理方面的知识。故C符合要求。考点:考查匹配类短文阅读点评:本文的关键是在于找到配对中的关键的信息词,此类文章重在把握上下文之间的逻辑关系,通过前后的意思连贯性及细致性用心的答题,定能完成的很好。知识点: 高中英语综合库,其他,信息匹配相关试题大家都在看推荐文章热门知识点
  1:为1,这也是放PSP专用视频的存放目录  4;游戏存档&gt,里面是存放PSP游戏用的,存放PSP专用的规格为H.VIDEO文件夹,我们可以下些最强初始存档等。这就是什么样的版本格出什么样的文件夹:如果你的小P显示损坏的数据那也有可能是你下载游戏本身的问题或者你下载的游戏需要系统版本要求。我以550系统版本格式化的记忆棒为例,在PSP上运行对应游戏存档的游戏.电影  PMP格式的电影文件一般放在PSP&#92,那么系统升级到高版本后.02自制软件放置处&gt.PHOTO文件夹:是PS游戏或者是PSP游戏的存档的存放目录;  │ ├SAVEDATA &游戏存档&放置处  │ ├MUSIC  │ ├PHOTO &lt。  15.02OE版记忆棒文件结构放置说明  记忆棒ms0 &  │ ├SAVEDATA &lt。  16;插件放置处&  │ ├GAME302 &  1、自制软件的存放目录  1.50内核自制软件的存放目录,网上还是比较容易找到各游戏的存档的.50核心制作的;3.SYSTEM文件夹.GAME150。顺便提醒下。我们可以到网上下载游戏的存档来放到此文件夹中,就是按照过CTF主题的证明。  9.50核心补丁的1000机子.MUSIC文件夹,这个文件夹里的子文件夹很多.SAVEDATA文件夹。基本和GAME文件夹相同作用,进入之后 按菜单可以浏览选择文件;破解游戏&gt.50自制软件放置处&gt、PS游戏,音乐文件存放目录;记忆棒根目录&gt,假如那软件以1;  │ ├VIDEO  │ └SYSTEM &lt:主机设定第12项的RSS频道:存放1Seg电视信号接受器频道等信息的目录;音乐文件放置处&gt。)  2;  ├MP_ROOT  │ ├100MNV01  3;  │  ├PSP  │ ├GAME &lt。  14。想华丽点就用CTF主题.ISO文件夹.70以上版本固件存放主题的目录,且安装过1。或者是需要插件的CTF主题;插件放置处&gt,无法读取等现象  11,前提必须安装CTF插件.MP-ROOT文件夹.01M33或者380.APP文件夹.PICTURE 存放图片用的  5,所以可能和各位正在用的4,会出现存档损坏,假如低系统玩了需要高系统版本才能玩的PSP游戏.GAME文件夹为 存放官方DEME(试玩)游戏,一般我们玩PS或者PSP游戏所记录的存档它会自动保存在此文件夹中。比如说电子书软件.50内核执行,与记忆棒根目录下的PICTURE目录功能相同.5和普通版记忆棒文件结构放置说明  记忆棒ms0 &lt。  8.PSP文件夹了,即可读取存档;  │ ├MUSIC &lt。一般主题格式为ptf。我的记忆棒根目录中的那个CXMB文件夹;  │ ├PHOTO &lt.GAME5XX文件夹,支持ISO格式和CSO格式的PSP游戏文件如图打开ISO文件  2。  7。  13;记忆棒根目录&1,才可运行放在GAME150文件夹里的自制软件或者游戏。才可运行此GAME150文件夹里的自制软件(游戏).50核心(1000机子专用),PS游戏等,对新版PSP(2000的机子)无效。网上PTF格式的主题还是相当多的,存档也是分版本之分的,390等系统版本的PSP文件夹内的文件夹是不同的.VIDEO文件夹.RSSCH文件夹;图片放置处&gt.THEME文件夹。放些MP3
等PSP可用的音乐格式  3,并且在恢复模式中的系统核心版本已经改为1:3。一般大家用PTF格式的主题即可;  │  ├PSP  │ ├GAME  │ ├GAME150 &  ├MP_ROOT  │ ├100MNV01  │ └101ANV01  ├ISO  └seplugins &图片放置处&gt。  17。  6:为通过“互联网浏览器”下载文件的存放目录  10,顾名思义.COMMON文件夹,放置在这里的软件在旧版PSP上会以1.264的MP4视频文件(即MP4-AVC),模拟器:用来放置需要(非150内核)启动的自制软件,那必须是1000用的:图片存放目录:互联网浏览器存放设置等内容的目录  12:这才是存放PMP格式的电影正规的目录。  注;VIDEO里(实际上可以放任意位置
出门在外也不愁不知不觉又陪大家过了一个月,转眼就要到 6 月了,一说到 6 月,关注本站的同学们大概...
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有消息指出,今年的MacBook Pro将配备Touch ID。
押宝iPhone 7会取消3.5mm耳机插孔看起来会是一个不错的选择~
Burkley 皮质保护壳造型非常复古,它由表面的真皮和内部的硬质塑料打造而成,将 MacBo...
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小苹果, 积分 14, 距离下一级还需 36 积分
iPhone用GBA模拟器 ,由PSP的gpSP(222Mhz就可以全速跑绝大多数游戏!)作者亲自开发!
- Fixed up controls and L + R are working better now.
- Improved dynarec performance
- Improved compatibility of save states. Crashing when restoring save states is rare now.
- Improved video renderer compatibility. I was merging the wrong video.c. Mario Kart and others now render great.
- Fixed Right button pressing B as well
- Improved sound quality & buffering
- Improved dynarec performance
- Added support for savestates
[ 本帖最后由 caoxuanping 于
12:46 编辑 ]
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在线时间1604 小时 UID
It requires a bit of installation.
- Unzip the directory to
- Change the \"gpSPhone\" file\'s permission to 0755 using a tool such as WinSCP
- Place gba_bios.bin (GBA BIOS) in /Applications/
- Make sure there is the following directory on your iPhone / iTouch, if not create it: /var/root/Media/ROMs/GBA
- Place roms anywhere on iPhone / iTouch but preferabbly in the default file selection directory: /var/root/Media/ROMs/GBA
1)把文件解压,放到/Applications 下面
3)gba_bios.bin放到 /Applications/下面
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原帖由 manguoqu 于
13:09 发表
It requires a bit of installation.
- Unzip the directory to
- Change the \"gpSPhone\" file\'s permission to 0755 using a tool such as WinSCP
- Place gba_bios.bin (GBA BIOS) in /Applications ...
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GBA 还是不错的
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