amd radeon r5 seriesM200 Series能玩守望先锋吗

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主题 : AMD显卡驱动16.5.3 下载:支持《Dota2》《守望先锋》等
讯 AMD今天发布了Crimson&16.5.3新版热修复驱动,该版本支持《战锤:全面战争》《守望先锋》和《Dota2》(Vulkan API),新增《战锤:全面战争》《守望先锋》的交火支持,还修复了7项已知问题,相关用户可下载安装。修复内容:•&修复《辐射4》可能在交火模式下发生轻微卡顿•&修复Radeon软件安装程序在Radeon设置打开的情况下加载可能会导致的设置丢失•&修复Radeon设置中“附加设置”选项可能间歇性加载失败的问题•&修复四核交火模式下在启用全球AMD交火选项中,在“游戏”标签页从开启切换到关闭后,可能无法再次开启的问题•&修复《全境封锁》在交火模式下某些右键菜单闪烁的情况•&修复Intel Skull Canyon NUC (NUC6i7KYK) 使用AMD XConnect技术时出现的不可见的间歇性稳定性问题•&修复AMD XConnect技术安全拔出后在随机蓝屏时不显示结果支持产品列表:GPU桌面版•&AMD Radeon™ Pro Duo& & & & & & & & & & & &&•&AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R9 Nano Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R9 300 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R7 300 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R9 200 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R7 200 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ HD 8500 - HD 8900 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ HD 7700 - HD 7900 Series GraphicsGPU移动版•&AMD Radeon™ R9 M300 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R9 M200 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R7 M200 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R7 M300 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R5 M200 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ R5 M300 Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ HD 8500M - HD 8900M Series Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ HD 7700M - HD 7900M Series GraphicsAPU桌面版•&AMD A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R4, R5, R6, or R7 Graphics•&AMD Pro A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R5 or R7 Graphics•&AMD Athlon™ Series APUs with Radeon™ R3 Graphics•&AMD Sempron™ Series APUs with Radeon™ R3 Graphics•&AMD Radeon™ HD 8180 - HD 8400 Series GraphicsAPU移动版•&AMD A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, or R8 Graphics•&AMD Pro A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R5, R6, or R7 Graphics•&AMD FX-Series APUs with Radeon™ R7 Graphics•&AMD E-Series APUs with Radeon™ R2 GraphicsAMD显卡驱动16.5.3热修复驱动下载:(233MB) || (322MB)适用于、、系统。关注,锁定之家()
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版权所有 鲁ICP备号AMD Radeon R9/R7/R5 M200 series officially announced |
Graphics cards in this postAMD has officially showcased its first mobile graphics cards from Radeon Rx M200 series.New AMD Radeon R9/R7 and R7 M200 series have been officially introduced at CES 2014. Currently such graphics cards are only available in certain systems, including Alienware, Clevo, Lenovo and MSI.As you can see this is just the beginning of the new mobile series. Right now only three graphics cards are available, including one from each Rx segment. The fastest mobile GPU from AMD is called Radeon R9 M290X. Earlier reports suggested that we might be looking at a pure HD 8970M rebranding, possibly at higher clocks.From performance segment we have R7 M265. It is yet too early to say what GPU exactly do these cards use. Even AMD website has not yet been updated with the specs. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of M200 chips would simply be rebranded HD 8000M series. This is not surprising since NVIDIA will likely do the same with its GeForce 800M series.Here are the first MSI laptops pictured by Computerbase, which are utilizing the M200 series graphics cards. Source:
by WhyCry &&&&
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显示适配器AMD Radeon R5 m200 seriesAMD Radeon(TM)R7 Graphics
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